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Author Topic: The writings Ista'sinta Ohtartel'selu  (Read 383 times)


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The writings Ista'sinta Ohtartel'selu
« on: July 18, 2005, 09:31:00 am »
Please note this entire tome is writin in an unknown tounge. There for even if somehow stolen this book could not be read... Journal entrys and information are mixed together through out the book. For rp reasions, all picturese are considered hand draw.

*Every page is now Translated to Elven*


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RE: The writings Ista'sinta Ohtartel'selu
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2005, 10:31:00 am »

- Walking through the village of Hlint i encountered a demon of sorts. It is what i belive to be a Fire Mephite. It had vocal skills and some intelagence

-I spoke to a man that said his "adventuring" party was killed by a balor type demon, the demon was discribed to have a scar across its eye (which i thought rather odd) and to taller tehn the scetches of Balors i have in my records here. The demon was said to be in the High forest area, in some ruins they were exploring, i belive it was near the place called "harmony grove". Further exploration is required. The demon was said to look similer to this sketch

- I have reports from a human of a half-fiend that attacked him in the crypts in Hlint. Further questioning is required for confermation of this event.


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RE: The writings Ista'sinta Ohtartel'selu
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2005, 10:42:00 am »

~undercity of Hlint [Open]

-There are strange stones in the undercity of hlint, i should ask furth questions of the populence of the village..
-What is the story of the undercity of hlint, there is a whipping posts and pentgrams...

 After speeking with one Ozymandias Llewellyn that claims the stones are for summening demons, i feal that i must look into this further and speek with other sources. i was also told that they had been been removed but have been rebult by "Drow, Demon warshipers, the works" as he put it...

~Red light caves [Open]

-ive had a look at the strange lights in the red light caves. I first discrovered a strange.. i dont know what, spell gone bad, monster of some sort, i really cant tell, as well as the strange lights in the bottem of the cave... i must ask around the town as to what these things are.

I have spoken to one Ozymandias Llewellyn who claims the lights are points of warship and the strange thing is a telaporter. It was said to go to the underdark as well as the lesser plains. "there are a few ritual points there, one summons minor fiends, the other is a portal to the underdark. Not to mention the other planes." I must gather more information of this...


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RE: The writings Ista'sinta Ohtartel'selu
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2005, 10:43:00 am »

-Very vegetated, lots of trees, druids were very at home here.
I took samples of the plants, as well as 2 canteens of water with me.

- This is a Plane of Law and Order.

- The Guardian of this plane is Maurelle, and from what i have gathered she is the second oldest of the guardians.

- Keaira'tynen is the guardian of this plane

- Bao'Almira is the guardian of this plane

- Aranna was acting guardian in Tikvah'ullas unfortunit absence.
- Tikvah'ulla once again has her place as guardian

-Koralawyn Tymeaundlin was the guardian of this plane for a time before the true guardian was able to take back control.
-Elezandor is the true, and current, guardian of this plane, he is also, by what ive gathered, the oldest of all the guardians.


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RE: The writings Ista'sinta Ohtartel'selu
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2005, 10:03:00 am »
The Last Will and Testament of Ista'sinta Ohtartel'selu

My last will is pritty stright forward, i leave me every beloning to my loving wife, AnnaLee Ohtartel'selu. She is to do as she sees fit with my belongings.


Ista'sinta Ohtartel'selu


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RE: The writings Ista'sinta Ohtartel'selu
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2005, 09:06:00 pm »
Bright Eye, Spring Rain 2, 1387

  Sence i have left my home below the sword rust mountain i have not yet writen in my journal, so i fell now would be a decent time. I have traviled the surface much and learned much. I have ran into many charecters that i thought to slay on sight, but they seam quigh commen here, giants rome the streats and drow are everywere. I was catious at first of the drow, i thought to push them away and see them gone, but after i thought about it more i see that if the drow that took my home from me wanted me life, i would be dead by now, or i will not have a chance to stop them anyway. So i seased to worry of the drow more then anything else. These lesser races are rather well devloped, they have many the strong warrior among them, Marken, a wizard near the town of hlint is the most powerful mage i have ever seen, i can fell the power radetaining from him, i would seek to learn more of this human mage, im shure hs storys are vast. So far i have done little on the surface, though i am now tring my hand in a few crafts, infusing, alcamy and tailoring. Not to mention gem crafting for the infusing of course. Tailoring seams to be going well, gem crafting is a slow process that will take me much time, and much time after that will be needed to get infusing even somewhat learned. I have an idea of an item that would proide infanit substence, a item that would get you full and hidrated at all times so you would not have use of waters and foods. I must thank on this much more though for i know not how i can make it...


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RE: The writings Ista'sinta Ohtartel'selu
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2005, 04:37:00 pm »
Summer End 20th, 1387

Much as transpiered sence i lst wronte in this book. I find my self falling further an further from Aragen, yet i know not way. As it stands now.. i am but a searcher of lost knowldge, and he is the god of knowledge, it seams i folow him as more of a... convence. We both seek the same thing, but i look with differnet means then a stronger follower of the wise one would. Will most of Aragen would avode i fight, i find myself seeking ways to decimate my enemys. My knowledge of spells has grown considerable, the 5th circle is mine an i feel the 6th ahead, though i am yet long from grasping it.

 I am activly partaking in a quest to remove a ork that has come into power. He has united 4 tribes of powerful orcs and will likly over run mistone if he is not stoped. He weilds a magical blade that might have been granted to him but Grand. I belive the blade is sentnt and is granting him much power. The blade is actually a kukri that immits a red glow that i senced comming from its core. When i ket my mind dive into the kukri i saw war, blood, beath and anger. I also so a banner with nearly uncounted numbers of orcs folloing under it. This orc is gratned much power from his kukri. When i tried to remove his fingers witha  knice they healed faster then i could cut. A half gint tried to remove the wrist from the body so as to free up the blade, but when the axe was swong, it mearly bounced away. Everytime this orc was killed, given but a few moments he would be breathing again, rise up, ad be stronger then before. At this point he is far stronger then he was when he first came into the town seeking to kill a dwarf of Vorax. We spoke to a man represnting the great library and he gave to one of our group a skin that was said to tap stright into the weave, when i asked it examinin the item, i was shot down with many the "NO", these fools will one day fall before me for the incalence. I had no intentions of stealing the skin, or using it for wrong, i simply wished it understand it, items of such power are far rarer then some relize these days, if i could master such an item then i could become much more powerful and usful in the fight against blood, with that skin i could remove milara from his place in rilera and push back bloods forces to buy us more time. At least that was my intent, but after such untrust mongest fellows... i see not why i should even wish to fight against blood, more like why should i fight with them, let blood destroy them, whill thy kill each other, i will gain in power, me and the few others that wil see such an opertunity. Then when we are stroner, and when blood and these fools, these foul short lived lesser races will be fare to weak to resist me. We will be meeting again in a few days to continue this quest and try to remove the blade.
 I have been thinking latly of the mater of immortlity... or undead is a better term, where life can be taken from you, but time has no meaining. with such thoughts one often thinks that if they wish to gain power of time then they must look to becomming a lich, or seek corath. Lich is a fine idea, but somthing that i have been thinking of as of late... what of the vampires. They have mastery over the time, they never age or die. But much more research must be put into this. A lich is a grand idea and will offer more power then a vampire would, but why can vampire not be the first step to becoming a Lich. Many would hink that with these thoughts i shoul seek corath. But those fools that follow that mad god, even if he dose grant them unendung life, they are still slaves to a master. The true masters are the ones that can look past the gods, the ones that can find there power on there own. If i find a way to master death, i will nto do it thoug a god, for then i am but a pupit of a master. Ive hrd it said that no mater what you gain, no matter how mch power or land you have, one thing wil alwese take it from you. Death. Now i have been told that this is a reasion to follow corath, yet, when granted such power by another, it can be taen away by that other. I wil_____@... oh i must rest i am far to tired to continure writing, with a few hours of meditation i shell be ready for another week or so.


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RE: The writings Ista'sinta Ohtartel'selu
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2005, 07:06:00 pm »
Summer End 25th, 1387

 ahh.. seams the summer is at last comming to an end.  i have learned much this summer, far more then any other. It has been a good year, and i feall that i will learn much much more before the years end.

  I ventured into Storns crypt for a visit, a Half Drow i found in town and myself. I did quight well but i cant say she did, but she tried hard, and stuck it hard to stand before creaturs that could eat her soul with ease. She fell twive in that crypt, once to the Reverents, and again to the Bodaks and there great magics. We did not go all the way to Storn's chamber room though. I told her that i did not have the proper spells prepared and we would be very hard pressed even if i did, how true this is, she will never know, i likly could have destroyed Storn, but i did not wish to risk her life. though i have gather 5 bodak teeth as well, i shell see if Ayla will be willing to make potions for me.
  i have learned two new spells of the 5th circle this day, spells that will come inmuch use in my travils i hope. I feal very close to abtaining 6th circle.. it is before me and im reaching for it, but its just out of reach. I will train hard, and learn many more spells to help me get to the 6th circle.
  There was a disturbence in hlint recently.. many ghost walking the towns. A small group led by myself went into the crypts to speek to one Jarvis Creed who was aperently causing these disturbences. It turned out that he was a cursed follower of Aragen, it seams he had attempted a Gate spell of some sort... and had not looked into the summening circle close enough, for the circle was not complet and the Balor got free. This was 2 years ago so it has likly long sence moved on,but becouse of his failure in completing the circle and his lack of study into what he was doing, aragen refused to take in his soul, thuse he sits in the crypts of Hlint... waiting. He spoke to me and gave me taskes to complete, i went about them and finished the many riddles with ease, freeing 3 souls that had long sence been traped. I dont see how, but this is going to free him by what he says. I will be heading down to meet with the ghost again in a week and a day, for thatis the times he said he would have the power to come forth again. But for now, i must meditate.


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RE: The writings Ista'sinta Ohtartel'selu
« Reply #8 on: September 18, 2005, 06:04:00 pm »
[Random note]
...i tried to help them, and i just got myself killed. Follish of me to do such a thing... i dont know what i was thinking. This mistake will not happen again. I will not give up parts of my soul to the mother for others. Others that would have givin nothing to me. I feal that i must withdraw from these lands for a time. I shell enter a deep meditiaion and awake again when im ready to travil these plains again, if i ever awake...

*closes the book and casts a spell on it, the book vanishes*

"intell we meet again..."


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RE: The writings Ista'sinta Ohtartel'selu
« Reply #9 on: October 04, 2005, 06:40:00 pm »
Autumn Twilight 4, 1390

*after many many weeks of meditation Mit's mind finds its way back to his body*

Mith: "hum...*cough* long has it been..
*he looks around at the place he made for himself to rest for these long weeks in the sword rust mountains, he looks to his staff planted in the floor befor him*
*the staff lights up illuminting the room with a pale light*
"Resolvo veneficus.... hum.. *cough* Resolvo veneficus"
*his Spellbook appeares on the floor infront of his staff.*
"hum... It has been some time sence my rest began... and i feal strangly changed, i should see how many moons i have been here.. Involito orbis"
*The book rises 3' from the floor on a disk. He then opens the book and scans the bages, mumbles a few words and gasps*
"... It has been 4 months and 15 days sence my meditation began... *coughs*"
*he turns a few pages*
"Invisus apparitor"
*a pen appears in his hand and he begans to write...."


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RE: The writings Ista'sinta Ohtartel'selu
« Reply #10 on: October 11, 2005, 03:48:00 am »
Aurumn Twilight 4, 1390

I have been in meditation for 4 months and 16 dys. I feal changed somehow... i will travil back to Hlint and catch up on the passings of the time.


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RE: The writings Ista'sinta Ohtartel'selu
« Reply #11 on: October 11, 2005, 03:55:00 am »
Summer End 17, 1390

 I have found a ruied temple... in a place ill not name. in this temple i have found a poratal... one of great power. i could not sence where this portal would lead but i chose to investagate. Oh was i baffeled... i found myself speeking to Plains creatures... of good alignment they were, for i still live, but it seams i was on the plain called Celestia, and a place called Lunia. I gathered very little enformation from these creatures, but i feal i should return to gather more information.


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RE: The writings Ista'sinta Ohtartel'selu
« Reply #12 on: October 13, 2005, 01:53:00 am »
[Random Note]
    I am speeking to Reventage about Celestia;

-place all toranites would love to call home
-it embodies law and all that is good and right
-its believed that the soulds of those who follow Toran suffer true death he takes from the soul mother and takes them there, allowing them to live in a world that is for them an utopia
-some souls dedicated to Rofilein also end up there Rev hurd, and she wouldent be suprised if a voraxite or two would find there way there
  At this point she had to depart and i could gather no further information. Imust seek out more knowledge of this place, Ozymandias likly knows much, but what he tells can hardly be trusted. Ive seen a man with wings that is treated with much respect in these parts, i feal i might be able to extract the information from him.


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RE: The writings Ista'sinta Ohtartel'selu
« Reply #13 on: October 17, 2005, 09:04:00 pm »
[Winter Snow 1, 1390]

Ive spent much time this day speeking to a female Elf about love and such relationships. I asked her if she relised that in her life, she will see her lover dye, and her offspring as well, and likly her offsprings offspring. I was confused as to how someone could commit to such a relationship that will lead to what is likly to be a life of pain for her. She had said somthing along the lines of how she loved him, i thought this to be such a fools notion, this love. We then we on to explain it much and both offereing are points of view. I seek no mate or life partner, and even if i did i think the road ahead of me is far to grim for such things. The path i walk will both turn away and destroy any that look my way. I will never have a mate or life partner becouse of what i am, what i do, and what i may one day become. I dont know how i should feal about all this though. I feal somthing of emptyness, yet.. it- I dont know how to explain such things, this is not my feaild nor one i will prsue any further.


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RE: The writings Ista'sinta Ohtartel'selu
« Reply #14 on: November 03, 2005, 11:36:00 pm »
[Autumn Harvest 11, 1391]

Much time as passed, and many things enter my mind. ive discovred many places of pwoer, as well as learned much in myself. My own ablitys have incressed ten fold, and i grow stronger with teh passing of the weeks.
Ive had much interaction with the Coratintes as of late, Buying items, and gathering knowledge. I favor, or favored a female "aspirning Pristess" know to me as Sabel. She is a skilled warrior of of both Iron and Magic, divine magic that may be... but apart of magic none the less. Ive traviled with her much and she grew under my guidence, as well as i grew myself, guiding her. Unfortunitly she has turned from me, for the Migh Prestess, Chanda, has come forth to her. Now here power grows under one that im nto so quick to say, is my better. She has much power... most of which, that ive seen so far, are bassed on here ablitys to summen the demons of her dark lord. But i do not fear a demon, nothing that she can control that is. I respect the power of the divine magics, they have there place beside Arcane, but of which is the better, one may never truly know.
I am tempted... by the power ive seen. The Dark Lord Corath has a well orgnaised and powerful group represtenting him on this Plain, though i dont know how a god of chaos looks at this... orgnisation. But, i dont wish to walk the road of a servent, or any god, good or evil, i will take no side... other then my own. I shell remain neutral, gather information from all groups, and use them to my own purpose....


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RE: The writings Ista'sinta Ohtartel'selu
« Reply #15 on: November 09, 2005, 09:37:00 pm »
[Winter Snow 16, 1391]

oh how confusion has found me...

Many events revolving around Ireth have occered recently. She is a kind soul... almost to kind for her own good. i have doncumanted little of what has happened, so i will scim through it quickly. She recently gave birth to a child near the temple in Hlint, interestingly enough, the Avatars were present, for all the plains. It seams the child was not of her husband, but of the Avatar of the plain of Celestria, Tik(think was her name). The child, whom was nammed Aranna, was to replace her as the next guardian. Ireth has sence been attacked multiple times.
What i find strangest... with all this chaos spinning around me... the greatest chaos is in myself. I have grown quite found of Ireth. Why i do not quight know, i would trust none, call none friend. But this... girl.. she is different, and i dont understand why. i have many comapions i travil with whom all help me in one way or another to reach my own goals, as i am likly helping them reach theres, but from her... there is nothing i seam to wish to gain. My soul seams... at peace when i am near her, that thing in my chest i have long sence thought dead pains me so when she is away. Whill my mind screams that i am failing, with such fealings there can be only pain, exploites and failure, i care for nothing, nothing that could ever be used agaisnt me, i have no weakness but for a blade through my chest. But she has become my weakness... my only weakness, and it trubles me so. maby that emotion i have long push aside twas not so far aside as i have been led to belive.. i know not what to do. She cares for one id call a companion... Kaizer, as well as one i would call an enemy... Remiel. I havent been able to figure out why she must find another lover, and can not just learn to live with herself. But she seams to be leaning ever more on Remiel, that is good for her i must say, he is powerful, and will protect her with all his life, He is a paladin of toran, and will not do her wrong. With him she will be safe, so i know not what this fealing of pain in my chest spawns from... maby i am sick...


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RE: The writings Ista'sinta Ohtartel'selu
« Reply #16 on: November 22, 2005, 07:58:00 pm »
[Winter Snow 19, 1391]

its seams i have subconcusly lost my devotion to Aragen. I still seek knowledge and secrets of the lost,but i kno longer seek them for the works of Aragen... I seek them for myself. So... somewhere along the line i have subconsusly renounced my faith in Aragen. Though.. i find myself looking more to the fellows i travil with... Sabel and the cult. Chanda, Ramaon and whoever else is with them hold hany secrets. I think im ging to try to join them... but i must do it slowly and subily, i will not rush and beg them. In time Chanda will try to convert me, and i will not resest.
on anther topic... Ireth. She is driving me crazy, ive found myself standing before her home, knowing she will awake soon, waiting... When i should be of in search of knowledge... im here, lost to this... girl. Ive spoken to her of my... feelings, when she asked me. Ive told her that i am just very confused and i do not understand these feelings i have. Ive spent my life tring to become harder then diamond, only to become as soft as clay in this girls eyes. Consequncaly, in my jaol to be uncarring.. i have lost much of the understandings of such things as love. She asked me if i loved her, but i do not know, tis not that i know and will not say for fear, but i truly do not understand what it is im feeling. She asked me if id wish to explore these... feelings, but i told her she needed to get her life back in line and undercontrol. Though... i told her that i would be interested in exploring these feelings none the less. I have fallin into a bad place, such a weakness is... unexceptable. I should just leave her be, go on my own way and never be seen by her again... this would be better for her and myself.. in the end. Even if anything did become of us... i could never be what she wants, a "Knight in shinning armor". This is just not my way... and never will be. But oh how i long to hear her voice, feel her presence, look into her beutiful eyes... I destroy myself in thouse eyes, falter from my trainings, my work, my goals....


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RE: The writings Ista'sinta Ohtartel'selu
« Reply #17 on: April 02, 2006, 12:56:45 am »
So much has transpired sence i last wrote in these pages... there is no better place to start then the beginning i guess...


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RE: The writings Ista'sinta Ohtartel'selu
« Reply #18 on: April 02, 2006, 12:57:23 am »
[Spring Blossom 8, 1398]

Ireth is now lost to me, she chose the human male. I fear i made a dire error in my testing of her love in myself, if there was love at all even. My goal had been to test her... if she could not get through my sugestions for her to chose another, and my forseeing of my dark paths, then i feared she would never be able to trust me to the extent that would be needed for us to live. My soul is torn in this matter now... i fear i was far from the right on this decision, i pushed her away and lost her.. i often wondered why she chose him over myself. Now it comes to me... he was there and i was pushing her away. But on the other hand.. she will be better of with him i thank, i can not forsee what i will do in the times to come, but i thank he will be able to lock down and be the man she wants.. the man i can never be. Why is it that i love this girl so dearly yet i cant bring myself to be the simple man she wants? I find her often in my mind, whill studding my spells... meditating... she is there... why can i not remove this from my mind. She made the decision that is for the best for her, that is what i said i wanted. I dident care who she was with as long as she was taken care of, she is with a man that she loves and wishes to stay with the rest of his years yes i find myself longing to be near her, hear her voice, feel her touch... She wishes to bare his childeren. This greatly desterbed me for reasion i again do not understand. After much consideration i have come to the conclusion that with the baring of his childeren she will be forever lost to me. I considered my own childeren with this thought as well, I know not that i would wish childeren of my line in this world. I fear i could not protect them from the things that will, becouse of my own obsesions come to be. Chanda could never know of Ireth... and if i ever bore a child, it would not be able to be known as my own much to my own pain. However much i might love such a child i could not put it at the risk it would be in if it was known as mine....


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RE: The writings Ista'sinta Ohtartel'selu
« Reply #19 on: April 02, 2006, 12:57:54 am »
[Spring Blossom 9, 1398]

It is odd now... i have changed myself a bit... tring to come across as lighter then before, talking more to the people i pass. Yet i have more seeking my head these days then ever before. Kobal, however much he wishes me dead i know not, but i dont thank he would blink at the opertunity to have my head, all becose of the arts i master. He knows nothing of me or my goals and intentions. More recently i have had a run in with Varka, i was blamed once again for the death of a large group. I see not how this was my fault, i did nothing to alirt the killers to there presence.. i attacked a group on my own and killed them all. The rest of the party proptly ran to ingage a different party and they were slautered... Ireth fell here and i was most distressed to see them blame me for this... especially her death, Abi was quick to twist that dagger in my heart as i held Ireth's body, she was quick to make sure i knew it was my fault and that i killed her. I am be far suprised with the acations of Abi latly, of all i have traviled with i expected her trust and understanding above all, yet now she hunts my with a fevor as great as the others. If she wishes me her enemy then the Fiend will have an enemy she can not contend with. She lives to this day only becouse of thouse she calls friends, friends of her's that id rather not hurt nor be seen as a monster in there eyes..