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Author Topic: Vakha's notes  (Read 200 times)


Vakha's notes
« on: July 16, 2005, 03:38:00 am »
*written in what looks like elvish, in a book that is covered in a slick skin. The skin is rough to the touch though, not as it looks*  It has been a month since I left the village. No use staying there, the sharks took their toll. Not one was left. I was too late to heal, to fight, to help. As I watched from the rocks I liked so much, the sharks killed and rampaged on for ever. With the clothes I had on, and the gear I had with me I turned and walked away. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do. I wish my father, even my brothers were there. Maybe then we could have saved some...or they would be dead too. I have been traveling for so long now. I have come across what used to be two different villages. They were both destroyed. One was  One was called Lashae, just a few families there, but Amandil had taken me there more than once. I knew them, now they are with Mother Ocean. The second was larger. Cale'barad. Many lived there. All were gone. Not all of them could have perished. Some must have fled.   Another few weeks have gone by. No luck on finding any others. I travel at night. I am moving at a snails pace. If I am to find others I need to be careful. If I can just find where Amandil went to. He left before the final attacks on the village, why did he do that? Why did he think I could help the village?  *a list appears next*  1. Amandil leaves after seeing the aftermath of the first attacks. where did he go? 2. Mother, is she alright? Father and the boys? I must make my way there, home. But that is so far. 3. I need to find other sea elves. They are here somewhere, just need to find them. Together we can be strong.  So my path is ahead. I will find supplies and start my work. Finding others and let them know Shindaleria hasn't left us.

