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Author Topic: CDQ for Sallaron Tempest  (Read 216 times)


CDQ for Sallaron Tempest
« on: April 04, 2006, 05:01:06 am »
Hi there,

According to my story. Gillen Thurbur ( evil gnome ) appears and sends Sallaron off on an Evil quest.
I would if this would be available to do.
I would like to use DM Aragwen, who I will PM if this accepted.

( This is for my character, as Sallaron was torn between being Evil and Good in younger years. Temptation returns. )


Re: CDQ for Sallaron Tempest
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2006, 06:00:12 am »
You need to have a look at this thread regarding CDQs:

I should explain how to go about things. Any specific questions should go in the the General dicussion thread. I hope this helps.

This part of  the forum should be for the charcter development of your character, and most likely will be referenced up to, and during your CDQ.

