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Author Topic: Therhcha's book of training  (Read 136 times)


Therhcha's book of training
« on: May 25, 2010, 06:22:58 pm »
*Therhcha wipes the sweat of his brow after having trained against a combat dummy in the Vehl arena. Having dodged, sliced and poked at it without end for the good part of an hour now he finally gets tired and drops down by the fire.*

I guess I should try to write something here, trying to keep track of what I am doing.

First of, I have a contract with Lana and Ferrit, collecting white mushrooms and salt respectively.

Furthermore a contract with the Angels Guild for Sand, Aloe and Purple Mushrooms.

Those contracts should keep me equiped and able to pay for my family's stay in Spellgard for a while at least.

Furthermore, I have so far only spoken to one Rofireinite since I left Spellgard. Priest Edron, who gave me a firm idea of what the church fought for, and how their vision would give us a better world. Furthermore he told me the reason why most of the people I had met were against the church at some level. Mostly they believed the law was only there to favor them, and not to favor the greater good. How blind I have been, however I don't feel I am quite ready to join the church yet. Especially not with the poor swordsmanship I am still displaying.. Speaking of..

*After the break Therhcha goes back to training with the dummy practicing the same moves over and over again*


Re: Therhcha's book of training
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2010, 02:26:01 pm »
*Therhcha stands in the forest practising his sword technique by chopping at a dead tree. Trying to recover faster from his blows than usually. Time and time again his balance is thrown off, and time and time again he tries to improve on his technique making sure that he wont be caught off balance again.
After a while he takes out a small axe and chops up the wood further making a small camp fire for himself. Setting up a camp for the day.*

It has been some interesting weeks, I have some new contracts which are sadly coming a lot slower than the order for sand. However my skills seem to improve, and soon I will have reached a point where I am confident enough to join up with the church.
I met another priest, mister Daniel, who helped clear the swamps near Hempstead. He told me a rather concerning story about a dragon living there once. However the contryside around Hempstead seem relatively safe compared to the vile workings of the Cult in Kuhl. However there are still small threats to the order, and if these are allowed to go unchecked, there are no telling what maybe happen to these good lands.
I have also travelled a bit with other people, who seems rather competent, but I question their motives. They seem set on searching for some kind of spider, but the reason for this seems to be extracting the poison. I can't imagine that this would be good for anything except spreading chaos in the world. So I should defiantly keep an eye on this group and make sure that they don't cause harm to anyone.

*Therhcha puts away his book and lies down to catch some sleep before the training continues.*


Re: Therhcha's book of training
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2010, 09:55:49 am »
*Therhcha stops his training at the Vehl arena after a long while of trying to perfect his strikes against the dummy.*

I am really confused by how fast the church of Rofirien has accepted me, or at least parts of it. I really need to find Daniel though, as I am not really sure he thought through the idea of having me at a knight ceremony this soon.
However my training is starting to pay off, I am able to strike several enemies at once with one sweeping strike. Were useful against the kobold who plauge the farmers outside Hempstead. Maybe I should try traveling further into the mountains soon and see if I can challenge the gnoll highwaymen there.
Furthermore I have bought more things from the Angels store, I am in debt to them now though.. Which is probably not a good thing so I better work harder to get that out of the way as soon as possible.
I still lack a trainer for my skills with the sword, but I feel that I have made quite a bit of progress on my own, so maybe it wont be needed afterall.

*Therhcha goes back to training, training untill sunset where he heads off to find somewhere to sleep.*


Re: Therhcha's book of training
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2010, 10:21:12 am »
*Therhcha spends a few days studying in the Rofireinite library in Vehl after having being given a permission to do so from Daniel.*

I have read a lot of lore about the Lord Protector now, and I can only say that it encourages me to follow him even more. Daniels help has of course also contributed. However I am still unsure of what is needed for the Lord Protector to accept me as part of his church.
My training has progressed a bit, I sparred with Mrs Poetr, who was surprisingly competent. But I still feel bad for hurting her after having hear from Daniel that she was ill and possibly carrying a child.
Other than that things are pretty quiet in my life right now...