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Author Topic: Journal of Mercas Narmoc  (Read 192 times)


Journal of Mercas Narmoc
« on: June 30, 2006, 07:31:31 pm »
[SIZE=16]Journal of Mercas Narmocáno[/SIZE][/b][/FONT]
 THE VANISHING MASTER Today, Master Amroth Elanessë vanished I found no note, tracks, or any evidence of the Master leaving the High Forest. After 51 years of apprenticeship, he is gone. Did he leave? Or was he taken? I must assume that he will return. I shall wait.
  The lack of rain this year has caused the animals to become anxious. Even the deer can attack at the watering holes and streams still wet. It has been two years, since the Masters disappearance. I have to either assume the worst or go looking for him in the south. I shall go.  THE SUMMONS Today, I was resting by a brook, I dreamed that I was called, no, summoned by a large dragon the image is vivid. I stood very still watching the dragon. The dragons eyes looked at me from head to toe. He opened his jaw and started to speak? Was it real, or just a dream? I am still unsure, am I the one that has been summoned, or was it just a dream? AMBASSADOR GO HOME Today, in Hlint, I witnessed a Drow ambassador who was apparently searching for Ozymandias. It appeared as if Ozymandias possessed an item for witch the ambassador was sent to negotiate. The whole town turned out to express their dislike of the ambassador and who he represented. I never figured out who that ambassador’s master was.  BLOOD IS MAKING A MOVE Today, in Saudiria, a Grand Dark Mage appeared before myself and a few companions. With authority he announced that it appeared that Blood was preparing to make a major move. He indicated that he did not know what the move was going to be. I did not catch his name before he vanished. As I remember it, my friends, Cymeran, Nepp’akyo, and Drogo were with me. I traveled to Pranzis to report and the rest of the party left to spread the news to Hlint.  HEARTBOW Today, in Hlint,Glenn made me a new mahoganylong bow, he named the bow Ifailmanfeam or "Heartbow" in common. Glennis a master craftsman, the bow is absolutely exquisite. I will look to him to upgrade the bow when I am strong enough to pull a compound.
SAND THE VOYEUR Today, on a trip through the Beghan Mountains we met a unusual man I have never met, nor seen since. He introduced himself as Sand. He was friendly enough, barely, and would not join the party but he followed our group through the mountains and back. Watching…. Watching… I know not what for. When we returned to the Fort, Sand made a statement that I remember still. It haunts me. Why did he say it? Why did he feel the need to? What was the real meaning?
THE DISCOVERY OF BLOOD SCOUTS  Today outside of Pranzis I was with a group of adventurers when we discovered one, then later, several unresponsive black robbed figures carrying staffs with large red spheres attached to the top. It is my theory that the figures were being controlled from a distance and the spheres acted as eyes. One was harassed to the point where it attacked the group and killed several companions   After reflection, I now believe that these figures are scouts for a Blood attack on Pranzis. I shall stay close to the city to lend aid should it come to that.  THE DEFENCE OF PRANZIS  Blood has gathered his forces for a move on Pranzis. Many of us have answered the call and await the coming battle. I prayed to Ilsare for the strength and skill to see my companions through the coming battle.  I have just learned that I am to be assigned to the scouts under Pyrnn. We will discover the enemy positions and report back so that Pranzis can deploy warriors for the coming battle.   The enemy has been engaged. My loyal friend Cymeran has saved me again.  I now stand ready to defend the city. The scouts have been redeployed to the merchant quarter to defend against a flanking breech there.  Again the scouts have engaged the enemy! We have pushed them back over the wall albeit with much loss of life. The wall is weak and they will try again but our force has diminished greatly. I fear for us all.  The slaughter… I now huddle with the other survivors, in defense of the royal castle. I can not, nor will not, nor must not, think of the fall of the gates and the loss.  BEWARE THE LITCH Today, the litch Arceteron, later named by Daeron, appeared in Hlint. He was searching for an individual. As he sniffed the air, he said, “the trail is dead”, “but he was here”. Thomas attacked him and he retaliated by killing at least a dozen adventurers. I did not figure out who the litch looked for. Someone mentioned that the litch held Daeron captive at one time. Perhaps that is why Daeron knew his name….  UNDEAD LECTURE Today, in Fort Llast I attended an undead lecture given by Master Quantum Windword with my new friend Serissa. The lecture covered skeletons, zombies, zombie loards, ghouls, ghasts, bodaks, mummies, vampires,cursed and more. I actually contributed to the discussion by talking about my Protection from Evil spell that makes one immune tofear. I asked about the Litch Arceteron and found out that Master Quantum has been trying to banash him. I may assist in the effort.
WEDDING Today, outside of Blackford Castle, I had the distinct pleasure of serving as a groomsman in Rain and Sonya's wedding. I escorted the beautiful Nyyana to the wedding who served as a bridesmaid. Nyyana has a charm and wit that makes me happy. She seems to know all of my friends better than I do and I do like her cute smiles. I was so embarrased having never danced before. She seemed not to care. Having so little experience with women I am at a total loss.
XANTRIL MEANS DEATH  Today, I was on Dregar mining fire opals with Aralin and Elrend when they invited me to join them on a trip to Xantril. I agreed and at Arabel we were met by Kobal, Voon, Varka, Jacchri who were obviously masters and clearly out of my league. I am determined to learn as much as possible from these professionals as long as they will have me.
Here we stand, at the precipice, looking down to where the Blood Well once stood. Apparently while I was in Pranzis defending the city, others in this very group tossed a dragon’s skull into the well and caused it to explode. The hole was enormous!
Here I sit, in an old fort near Demon Mountain Ruins. I am barely able to make notes in my journal I am shaking so much. I have dropped the book thrice and I am still coughing up blood that has now stained the pages and cover. I have been raised from the dead from our two clerics more times than I remember. Those fire giants with the Hellball spell…. The imagery replayed in my mind still threatens me with incontinence. The spell combines acid, fire, electrical and sonic attacks to everyone within the blast radius. The very earth tears apart and huge rents appear threatening to swallow us whole. I want never to leave this safe fort but I shall make myself, keep the back strait, stiff upper lip and all that. I must not let these master champions see my weakness. My fear makes me unworthy of their company. I will travel with these elves, men and dwarves till we see the end of this journey. I will survive! I must..
RAIN THE DELIRIOUS I was leading a party today and due to my own impatience the rest of the party was ambushed and I was too far ahead to help before Rain fell. When we returned to Krandor, Rain looked at me with obvious loathing; it is too hard for my heart to take. I quickly talked to Sonya about her education as a jeweler before moving back into my room in Pranzis. I regret having earned Rain’s antipathy the Guild doesn’t need this stress so I shall study here in Pranzis for a few months learning the jewelers, alchemists and enchanters trades.
Ferrit came to see me on Dregar. We traveled to Roldem together for a day of gathering mushrooms and mineral. We had such a good time. As the day ended, Rain came up in the conversation. I explained to Ferrit the situation from my perspective and she told me that Rain is fearful that Sonya is going to leave him and that I might be a cause! What madness, to think that I would ever come before Rain and Sonya! Rain’s antipathy must have blossomed, now I am even more determined to keep the controversy from the newly formed Guild. I will only return to Midstone only to gather knuckles.
Today, Rain sought me out in Pranzis. I felt anxious not wanting an unpleasant confrontation. It was apparent from the start thathis anger had waned. He requested that I return to my home on Midstone. Apparently Sonya did leave, but to what purpose or cause Rain did not know. He is exploring Dregar looking for her. I pray she is ok and will return soon. I am not certain when I will return to Midstone my studies on Dregar and Roldem have gone well but I do miss the Guild.

