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Author Topic: Sielman Graybane  (Read 66 times)


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    Sielman Graybane
    « on: August 28, 2006, 05:48:58 am »
    so begins the journeys of Sielman Graybane after stalking the wildlands around Hlint for many years he emerges form the wild finally and heads back into civilisation. It seems that there are a few problems going on in Hlint after speaking with Flora the tax lady she confides in you that she has lost the tax records of Hlint to an abomination called the Rat Man. After considering the dangers Sielman accepts to help Flora in recovering these records, for a reward and enters the undercity of Hlint.
    Upon descending into the dark, damp depths of the undercity and battling with the swarms of rats below the surface, Sielman reluctantly decides that he will require assistance in this task for the rats are too numberous and his skill with the bow and rapiers is not enough to match them as yet.
    After resurfacing and heading back into the central area of Hlint, Sielman comes across two rather mysterious characters having a quiet chat, approaching them Sielman explains his need for help and both Alleina and Pendar agree to help them. Both of his new companions confess to be of strong faith and are quite competent clerics, which helps put to rest any uncertainty in Sielmans mind about the quest and is quite sure this filthy Rat Man will soon feel the cold steel of his blade.
    So Sielman and his two companions together descend back down under the cold earth in the undercity of Hlint, where it becomes apparent the true strength of his new found companions. Alleina and Pendar call upon their faith and bolster themselves and Sielman magically before heading into the onslought of rats. Now quite prepared the three set out and literally wade through the creatures, piercing many of the beasts with an arrow. After battling through many chambers the trio descended deeper into the undercity, sure they would find this abomination soon enough. Sure enough slinking about in the depths of that cursed place they found the Rat Man, and a great many rats with him. With a flurry of arrows the trio begin to fell the beasts from a distance while the rats race to taste the flesh of their assailers. After felling his minions Sielman came face to face with the Rat Man in hand to hand combat. With his twin rapiers swinging in a flurry of attacks Sielman launches at the beast, with Alleina and Pendar looking on in support. After many a lucky dodge the Rat Man falls to the keen edge of Sielmans rapier and from his filthy corpse he finds what he was searching for, the Hlint tax records. Wounded from the battle his companions, Alleina and Pendar, call upon their faith to heal and bolster Sielmans strength for the journey to the surface.
    The trio find that there journey down didnt go unnoticed, having to fight their way back through the rats, spiders and even mummies to the surface. When the three of them once again could feel the refreshing breeze of fresh air upon their faces, Sielman seeks out Flora, after promising his new friends to keep their identities to the tax lady secret for fear of Flora trying to recoupe any unpaid monies, and returns the tax records. Sielman feeling stronger a graet deal more skilled from his quest says his farewells to his friends and seeks out a quiet tree to lay down and rest his body and ponder the events that have just unfolded.