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Author Topic: Forko's papers  (Read 110 times)


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    Forko's papers
    « on: September 12, 2005, 10:05:00 am »
    I've nothing left here in Lar, My clan is dead....nothing to live for except to do as Vorax wishes. Yesterday was a terrible day. I should put my mind at rest, I should get away from these memories. All I have left is to seek a noble death, to hnnour the memory of my clan, and it's kinsmen. The violent outbursts that have plagued me since escaping my clan's fate are getting worse, the long-beards used to talk of the clan bloodlust like it were a disease. They said once it started, it does not stop until it gets you killed. I don't believe it, but my anger has kept me fighting.
    The struggle against Blood has become far worse in recent times, Through this I can achieve my glorious death, and the memory of our clan shall live on for generations to come.

    I'm sat in the corner of the Wild Surge Inn, Hlint. So many races down here. I can't stand the thought of sharing a town with dark elves. On my way to the town, I met a warrior by the name of Tyrin, he seems to know  a lot about this area, he's given me some advice of who to stay away from. I appreciate to know theres some good left in this world.
    I also met an elf by the name of Monshira, I didn't really take kindly to his sneaking up on me, but he did say he didn't intend to. I shrugged it off and he asked my name, I asked him for his name first. He told me about where he was from, the Dark Forest, I knew some one that was going to go there, some one at an inn, never seen them since. Monshira went on to tell me about the creatures there, Maybe I won't ever go there. Giant spiders, thats 4 swings with each arm before I can remove all of it's legs.
    Jet was another warrior who caught my eye, his red armor, I recognised it, but was too drunk to remember where. We spoke for a while. Nothing particularly interesting.

    I'm now at Fort Vlensk, big journey compared to from Lar to Hlint, Seen a lot of creatures I havn't before, and took pleasure in slaying the evil beasts. One of them was a strange cube. Earlier in Hlint, I bumped into Tyrin again, he was having a dispute with a dark elf, I interupted asked him if there was a problem, he was a trickster, cocky, I threatened him by shouting and waving my axe in his face, I admit I had been drinking, so what, it was a dark elf. He took off pretty quickly, using a darkness spell to run, the coward.

    I went back up to Lar today, just to see if anything had changed, nothing, except there was an elven lass drinking there that night, yellow robe, stood out from most of the others there. She looked at me and came over, She greeted me and asked me why I looked so grim, I said it's in my name. She smiled and laughed and asked my name. We spoke for a while and I found out she had just moved into 151 Lar, not a bad spot. Told me how she likes how quiet it is up here. I just shrugged and nodded, she knows nothing. She asked me about my family, I then clenched my ale glass so hard, it smashed. I stood up, went over to the bar maid, asked for another. Then I told her of my clans death. As much as it infuriated me, being asked that, I knew she didn't mean to upset me.
    She asked me if I had ever been to Hlint, I told her of my travels there just a few days before, she asked if I knew a man named Tyrin suprisingly, She warned me away from him, I asked her name, 'A'arna' she answered, I said nothing at the time but was wondering why both Tyrin and A'arna were telling me to stay away from one another. I nodded and told her I better get going. I did and left for Hlint. I enjoyed meeting A'arna, but I'd sooner believe a human with a blade than an elf with magic, so I'll trust Tyrin for now.
    When I got to Hlint a message boy gives me two letters, asking if I was Forko, he told me he recognised my armor from the other dwarf that gave him the letter to post in the first place. I hastily opened the letter, it was inviting me to the Dragon Isles, with Monshira, Kaizer and Elrinia Thell, I had met them all before briefly in Hlint. Telling them if they needed me just to ask, as they did. I told the message boy to tell them I accept and will meet them at Fort Vlensk.
    I slid the other letter into my leather case inside my armor, ignoring what the message boy said about recognising me.

    Later that night, I met the group in Fort Vlensk, there were a few others there aswell, A ranger, and a paladin, didn't get their names, we were already fighting Treants as we got off of the boat. The next couple of days were incredible stress reliving, so much killing. I had time to practice my skill aswell, to aid the fight against Blood's forces should they come. Strange creatures I wouldn't dream of, strange creations trickster's would have made, A giant bear with an owls head? Bah. Kaizer turned out to be an extremely skilled warrior, not seen some one wield a sword quite as he does before. We were fighting and then somehow Monshira got split up from us, we had no idea where he had gone, he's hard enough to see anyway. We assumed he would catch up to us, on the way back we found him laying beneath a couple of werebears. Elrinia just smiled at him and ran in to take down the beasts with her husband at her side. She did some weird stuff and then suddenly Monshira was on he feet. Really can't stand tricksters.
    We set off back towards the ship and this small dragon flew down, Monshira told me it was called a Drake, I nodded and ran to hit it with my axe. It fell pretty quick after it lost it's wing. It did try casting a few spells on the ground, so kaizer stabbed it while I swung a few more times, you know, make sure it's dead. Don't want any spells going off in my face. We got back to the boat, but no one was there...We waited for a while before the ship's captain turned up. We sailed back, I hate sailing. If I fell off I'd sink before I'd give up my armor and axes. I then remembered the other letter I had been given, I looked around to make sure every one was doing something else and took it out and read it. I could not my believe my brother was alive, and waiting for me in Lar.

    Before I could make the trip to Lar, Kaiser and Elrinia Thell insisted that I join them for an expedition to the Berhargen mountains, since we were already in Fort Velensk. Another Dwarf, by the name of Berimus Thalinor joined our group earlier that day. To make the trip more interesting, Berimus and myself drank several jugs of strong ale before setting off. After a fight with several golems, Berimus and I were seperated from the group and drunkenly decided that we could find the Thells and other party members by climbing the nearest peak.
    We became lost, and after stumbling into a group of Yetis were forced to take shelter for the night in a nearby cave. What we found there was worrying. It seemed to be an outpost for some underdark dwellers, though deserted at the time. Some of the rooms contained devious holding cells, with enough space for one person and offer no chance of escape without outside help. After triggering a trap while exploring that almost killed us both, we decided to take our chances in the mountains. It was some time before we reached the comforts of the Caring Hope tavern.

    I parted ways with Berimus the next day then headed for Hlint before making the journey to Lar and my brother. In hlint I met the strangest creature, a patheticly weak looking goblin called Tuk, he seemed to possess druidic powers. I was going to cleave his skull, but he told me he knew of the dwarf with the same armour as I. I questioned him and found out he knew my brother and was his friend. Ive decided to let Tuk follow me around until I reach Gammli; his pet bear, Blix, is most useful.

    Everything is packed and ready, it is time to behold my kin.


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      RE: Forko's papers
      « Reply #1 on: September 13, 2005, 06:08:00 am »
      //The contents are the only documents Forko Grimsmasher carries. Folded and stored within a leather case beneath Forko's thick plate armour, what little goes in tends not to come out, unless some exceptional circumstance called for it. Forko protects the case with his life but like his past ordeals, he rarely talks about it, or what it may contain.

      //The oldest of the documents Forko carries is written in an old dwarven dialect and the top left quarter of the page is destroyed by fire, because that would be awkward to post (and read) here is what remains in common:

      ----------------------------------- are overrun, Barrus Grimsmasher requests aid from all
      ---------------------------------- mmediatly. We fear the worst may yet to come as the
      ----------------------------------- help from outside sources. The great gates cannot be
      ---------------------------------. The western pass will soon fall, Gammli cannot hold alone.
      There is no need to involve the humans. This isn't thier war, I lament that it is our. I dont need to tell you what will happen if you fail to act, the foe can be beaten but we can't do it alone. I regret using young Forko to deliver this message, considering the circumstances, but i cannot spare a man from the defence of my Halls.

      //a recently folded paper, the ink is not very old.
      [translated from dwarven]
      Greetings Forko Grimsmasher,
      I am overjoyed to hear you are alive! I had thought I was the last of the clan. I was knocked out by some spell while the last of my men were overrun, I awoke to see the ogres breakthrough the gates and flood the undercity. I thought you must have died like the rest when you carried that message, now that I hear you are alive, I dare to think others might be. Did any others go with you? I couldnt see any other escape take place after yours. When I met a traveller in the Flaming Twins who knew of you, I was overjoyed. I am staying at the Flaming Twins, meet me there as soon as you can.
      See you soon little brother,
      Gammli Grimsmasher

      // the latest addition to forko's documents and is intended to be sent as a reply to Gammli's letter as soon as possible, the ink is barely dry and the folded paper has caused some smudging. The text is translated from Dwarven, written in Forko's crude style.

      I am sorry for not coming sooner, and I fear i must further delay. Tell the innkeep that I will pay all debts in double if you are running out of money, He is a freind of mine and will understand. When I recieved your letter I thrice praised Vorax for sparing you, of all others, and guiding your path back so that it might cross mine once again. It has been many long years, and I am loath to disapoint you again when I say that I know of no other survivors. The only kin to escape the halls were myself and those who were out before the Western pass fell. Still, the survival of one more Grimsmasher is a blessing by Vorax. I write to you from the deck of a ship bound for Port Velensk, this will be given to the best horseman I can find and will hopefully reach you a few days ahead of myself. My adventures in the dragon isles (which delayed me greatly) with my freinds Monshira and the Thell family are now complete and I am bringing back the spoils of such a glorious quest. To think that I almost fell to the claws of the foul beasts on that isle several times, without knowing another Grimsmasher lived yet is almost enough to make me spill my ale. It is not yet time for the brothers Grimsmasher to join thier kin in the Halls of Vorax, there is much glory for us to find in this world.
      See you soon my brother.


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        Re: Forko's papers
        « Reply #2 on: December 21, 2006, 06:31:48 am »
        Since my brother's death, it has been as if a cloud had gathered about my eyes. I have never known such rage, such bitter sadness before - I fear the bloodlust the elders spoke of ruled over my thoughts. All dead, I am now the last of my clan, all our history blown away like dust. My memory has started to fail me, when I seek memories of my kin, my own past, they fly from me like shadows from light.
        For some reason I feel compelled to add to what little I have recorded of my experiences. This is the first I have commited to paper since I lost Gammli, and I am dissapointed by how little I can recall of what has past since then...
        I remember a fight with a giant, I was careless in my attacks and the foe was too great for me. I remember being hit on the head and sudden blackness. I was awoken, I know not how long I had slept, by a sudden pain. This little goblin was trying to carve meat from my leg, thinking I was carrion; I beat the goblin within an inch of his life before he spoke, pleading for his life. Normally I would have snapped his neck but the extent of my own wounds became apparent, I knew I had little time left myself and felt a strange sympathy for the pathetic creature. Out of gratitude, I suppose nobody showed him mercy before, the goblin swore himself to me. What a strange fate for me, a goblin, my natural foe, swears an oath to me, perhaps the only thing I still value is an honest oath. His kind are natural tricksters, yet in our travels since he has not betrayed me, though he is full of suprises. He introduced himself as Tuk and revealed his true strength to me when we hunted for food, the little goblin has the power to shapeshift at will and assumed the form of a wolf. Under this disguise he has travelled with me since.
        In Port Hampshire we encountered by chance a group of dwarves, preparing to honourably save Point Harbour from the Bugbear Chieften's forces. This was the first time I had met any of my bearded kin since Gammli's death, and i relished the hospitality of our kind. I passed off Tuk as 'my hunting dog' while with the dwarves, I cannot force someone to break an honest oath, and my kin would butcher him. The adventure went well and many foul bugbears fell before our axes, the town was secured. It is good to do such noble deeds, I hope I can acomplish more on my path to my death and securing the mighty end that my clan deserves in history.


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          Re: Forko's papers
          « Reply #3 on: July 10, 2007, 07:34:10 pm »
          //the next page shows considerably less wear than the previous, older entries and is written in Forko's crude but legible common lettering

          I shall make a short chronical of recent events concerning the Scamp's Mug tavern, for the benefit of the truth.
          I normally stop there for a drink when I'm in Port Hemptstead, however lately I've been in no end of trouble for it:
          The first incident was because of a fly served in a dirty mug of ale, you can't blame me for getting a little angry.
          I did not return to the place until I was hired, against my better nature to assist in a theft for a share of the spoils (a crate of ale), though I knew it not at the time, by a mysterious, shadowy figure. Lets say I lived to regret this decision but I will not name the thief.
          Salles the Innkeep had his revenge though, served up some kind of strange, magical brew to myself, Sallazzo and a man calling himself "Charles".
          The drink brought on a bizarre hallucination, I dreamt of a dragon, a boy chased by undead - that I killed. I thought I had awoken to see the patrons of the tavern slaughtered by my hand, yet it was another trick of the potion.
          By Vorax, Salles had his revenge, I remembered the bad times, long ago.