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Author Topic: *Notes up in every inn, tavern, temple, building, lamppost...*  (Read 245 times)


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*Notes up in every inn, tavern, temple, building, lamppost...*
« on: September 11, 2004, 08:17:00 am »
Friends, many of you know who I am. And others may know of me. My name is Ta'karsh Blacklung. I write this today because my mind grows weary with the inactivity we have all become accustomed to. I say no more.
  I have taken it upon myself to begin a War Council, a group of individuals who will come together not to defend against Blood or spread the word about him and his evils, but take the war to him to knock him back and let him know that we will stand for his existence no longer. Too long have we sat upon our hands and let the tide of evil wash over us. Too long have we gone without unity and allowed evil to spread unchallenged. I say no more.
  I ask all those that love freedom. That love your friends. And family. That have a place in this world they call home to join me in this movement.
  We will have no central place. Our domain will be where ever we are needed. We will wear no uniforms or place ourselves under a banner. Our uniform will be the blood of our enemies and our banner will be the screams of the evil as they turn from the battlefield.
  Our goal will be a simple one. Destroy the Bloodpools, defeat Blood, and turn back the tide of the spreading war. We will do this through action and involvement.
  What can you do to help? I seek warriors, crafters, rogues, wizards, clerics, and everyone that cares for their freedom and peace of mind. I will act as Warlord but will be seeking out generals for any large conflicts we have. We will need interrogators, recon specialists, explorers, warriors, healers, every role imaginable, so do not think you are not needed. You are. I will not lead by words, no, I will fight with you. Side by side and together we will drive Blood back to whatever hell spawned him!
  People. Friends. Do not let this continue. Do not let this evil go unchecked any longer. Join me. We will fight. Some of us will die. But we will not go gently or easily. And if we are lucky. If we stay vigilant. We will come out victorious. As one. Will you sit by and watch as your friends and family are ravaged? Your homes destroyed? The world brought under a cloud of evil? I say no more! Will you join me in this struggle? Will you fight for our futures? This isn't about good and evil, those terms are for the scholars and philosophers to argue over. No, this is about survival. Ours or theirs. We are on a vast precipice looking down into eternity, only together will we have the strength to step away from that final step into oblivion and push back the dangers around us. Help me be the rock which our foes will dash themselves upon helpless to break us. Join me and help push back that evil forever!
  --Ta'karsh Blacklung
    //What is this exactly? Well... kinda amorphous, kinda whatever I/we make it. It's basically me being tired of taking crap from the bad guys and gonna spoon feed it to them for a while. Like until Ta'k dies and doesn't have the strength or will to come back. Heh. This isn't for one group, or a niche of people, it's for everyone. Well.. ok, no. Not everyone, no duergar or drow allowed. Ta'ks stubborn as he is old, and has a long running dislike of those races. Too much to forgive right now. Anyway... almost anyone, any level, any class, any personality... they are all welcome. As long as they agree to fight evil and if the War Council calls, to come and serve with me. I will designate roles, positions, etc. I'll be hiring people to outfit people with basic gear, like iron and such as much as my bankroll can. I will occasionally send people on tasks, like exploration of enemy territory, stragetic strikes on important enemy structures/compounds, resource gathering for outfitting, recon, etc. This isn't a GM thing, its a player to player thing. And will only work as long as players, and that's YOU are interested and willing to serve with me on this grand quest to smash Blood from the face of the world. You can participate as much or as little as you wish, do as much or as little as you wish, but the first and primary rule is, do not give into the enemy. With that one rule, you are welcome to join us. I want to eventually have an actual General and have approached someone about that, Ta'ks not a General. He's to direct for it. But he makes an excellent Warlord. So I will do exactly that. Let others tell me that so and so is weak and needs support. I'll send that support or be that support. I know a lot of people never feel like they are a part of the plot running in the background. Well, I can't say that you'll be any more of a part, but if we assert ourselves, the bad guys will have to take notice of us. So this is about joining me in action and activity instead of discussion and words. No, this isn't a guild. A guild has a guildhall and this and that, we're just a group of individuals that all want the same thing. To survive the coming storm. And to do that, to unify as one body with one mind and one goal. I guess that's it. This is kinda a test I guess. Not sure what I want is even possible, it all turns on player interaction really. How willing you are to help me fight and help us survive. Remember, you don't have to be good to do good. Hope to see you in game and hearing you tell me "I SAY NO MORE!".

