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Author Topic: Tiden Di'Ren - Self Reflections and Meditations  (Read 190 times)


Tiden Di'Ren - Self Reflections and Meditations
« on: February 01, 2006, 07:58:43 am »
[SIZE=16]*The notes before you are written in an elegant and fluid elven hand and contained in a leather bound book dyed a deep blue*  Having lived in and around Hlint for just over a year on the continent of Mistone I have come to understand the land walkers far more than I could have imagined. Yet there still remains many elements of their culture which confuse me. Since my banishment from the seas I have strived to communicate in the common tongue as much as possible so as to integrate myself into life above the ocean waves. It seems many of my bretherin do not make such an effort and I have been told I speak well in the common tongue. For this I am glad but I will continue to learn this tongue with equal vigour. I decided early on the seas were no longer a welcome home to me, yet I often think back to my childhood fondly and I have spent many a day sitting at the docks in Lelion, my feet gently bathed in the comforting waters. [/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]*A series of marks on the paper follow as if the author is unsure how to continue* [/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]In any case I must continue to make friends and continue to learn of this culture as the sea is now long behind me and I aim to forge my own future above land. Since I arrived in Hlint I have met with new people every day. I have saw creatures that are unheard of in my homelands, huge creatures such as gients giants and orges both shocked and intruiged me when I first saw them, since then I have almost come to accept them as normal in my attempts to 'fit in' with the breathless. I have also saw the openess of expression within Hlint, people of different races walk around freely and many different religions are practised throughout the lands. It seems my affinity with the lady Mist is not so despised here as it was in my restrictive homelands, and for this I am glad. [/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]In my time here I have made new aquiantences and ventured out with them on adventures. Some months ago myself, and a small group I met in Hlint ventured out to the Dragonn Isles where I saw monsterous trees and other unnatural creatures. I stood in awe of Ranéwin as she cut down swathes of the monsterous creatures, as I stood behind pitifully throwing small was then I vowed to train to become stronger. It seems I am no longer strong enough above land to face all that is coming....and it is coming, I can sense great evil stirring. The earth itself is almost unnerved by some dark presence. Perhaps it is this Blood I hear of? Perhaps it will be worse. All I know is I must be ready to face whatever comes my way when the time comes.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]*The author seems disturbed by the topic and quickly scribbles the first part of the next sentence* I have alsomet a halfling by the name of Acacea. She is a little excitable, and constantly seeks to insult everyone around her, but I am in no doubt of her good nature. All of what she does seems to be in good jest and her comedy is a welcome distraction from the dark stirrings and the recent deman demonattacks...although I do confess to not understanding all she says, maybe she is insulting me?[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]On the topic of demons I have also met a man which upon first glance I assumed such a creature.It turns out he is what is known as a Ty-fling...Tifling? Tiefling! In any case the man in question, Zweck, seems a strange sort although I confess to being intruiged. He is readily accepted by most of the towns folk, despite some obvious reservations from some. Yet he is allowed to remain. It is sad to think how one such as Zweck would be treated in my home lands and I am glad Hlint at least seems somewhat more accepting.[/SIZE][/i]
  [SIZE=16]I will continue to learn new things about this world everyday, as well as improving my abilities. *The author seems excited as if he has just remembered something* Ah! I have finally learnt to channel pure lightening and call it from the air! Such a feat is not an easy task and I am pleased to be able to finally truely revel in the storm. I feel so much more connected to the air and the earth! I am sure I will continue to grow in power as my connection with the world deepens. [/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]I feel humble before the might of nature, yet powerful as I stand by her side...[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=24]Tiden Di'Ren[/SIZE][/i]
  [SIZE=16]*the entry ends here. It is dated Autumn Harvest, 7, 1395*[/SIZE]


RE: Tiden Di'Ren - Self Reflections and Meditations
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2006, 06:25:34 pm »
*As always the page is written in an elegant elven hand*
  It has been a somewhat eventful couple of weeks to say the least! At the start of last week myself, Alynderil and Ranéwin were approached by a dwarf who looked quite ill. He then explained how he had been killed by ogres high on the Greypeak mountains. Ultimately we ended up conducting an expedition to that vile place...which I shall never again set foot in!
  The mountains are riddled with ogres and dangerous cliff faces are around every corner which one must traverse should they wish to climb these mountains. It seems Sea Elves are not designed for such things and I repeatedly fell from great heights in my attempts to climb.
  This would not have been so bad had the dwarf actually been helped...but this was not to be. I was struck by a blast of icy magic cast by an ogre mage and taken down in one hit. The same blast killed the dwarf for a second time! Maybe that will teach him for wondering off alone! In any event the dwarf has since gone missing, leaving us to pick up the pieces and me to find my own way back to my grave, around which I am sure sit many ogres waiting to tear me limb from limb.
  If it were not for a kindly soul A'arna Mareth'yll I would still be there now it seems...
  That dwarf has some expaining to do should I find him!
  *the note ends abruptly here, it is not dated*
  Tiden Di'Ren


RE: Tiden Di'Ren - Self Reflections and Meditations
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2006, 06:40:25 pm »
*A second entry is made below the previous one*
  Once again my usually quiet and pleasant existance has been turned upside down by another wayward adventurer seeking their grave. This time it was an elf by the name of Erendur, who had somehow managed to make his was to Barbarian Isle where he was promptly ripped to shreads by a polar bear. Also roped into this wayward adventure (by myself unfortunately) was a man by the name of Jin Lun Lee. The three of us journeyed to Leilon port inthe hopes of travelling to the isle to reclaim the poor elf's soul, yet it soon became apparent our funds were lacking and so I offered to give my ticket to Jinto allow himtotravel with Erendur while I stayed behind.
  Now all was going well, until the same polar bear rended Jin and a sickly Erendur limb from limb once more! It now fell down to me to do something...
  I ran from Leilon to Hlint in search of help and was told that both of my travelling companions would heal of their own accord in time. Well, this did not sit well with me!
  After some quick goblin hunting to accrue the required funds, I raced back to Leilon. When I arrived it seemed Erendur had indeed returned to full strength and it was now the helper who needed help! It was time to act. Myself and Jin journeyed to the isle...
  It is a bitterly cold place, and not somewhere I will be returning to in any great hurry. We journeyed for some miles until we found Jin's grave, gaurded by the same polar bear that had already caused so much death. The creature had to be stopped...and so I stopped it, calling the storms from the sky the beast was slain and Jin recovered fully.
  Note to self: Perhaps I shouldn't offer to help those who have died carelessly as a result of their own ignorance in the future? Though I probably will...
  *the text ends here, it, like the first shows no date*
  Tiden Di'Ren


RE: Tiden Di'Ren - Self Reflections and Meditations
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2006, 04:28:09 pm »
*The text is written elegently, yet it looks rushed as though the author is excited*
  Shapeshifting, my thoughts.
  In the past few weeks my entire sense of purpose and direction has been questioned. It seems I may no longer be destined to tread the path of a Druid. Increasingly I have thoughts of shape shifting, and I have heard of those who freely change their shape to battle, perhaps I too shall be among them one day?
  I did not always feel this way...once I had a clear direction, I would continue to develop my powers as a druid, casting natural magics to aid my companions...but lately my thoughts have turned to a different way of life.
  It has been one week since the earth gifted me with my new abilities, and every day since then I have used them, both for personal benefits and for the benfits of others. I am now able to transform myself into a bird! I can fly great distances and reach places my fellow adventurers can not. This is not without its limits though, shifting into such a form requires huge strength of will and saps my energy steadily.
  This is not the only form I have access to. With meditation I can now shift to a cheetah, and move accross the lands with extreme speed! *the author is clearly emmensely excited* I have even used my new abilities for more mischievous reasons...
  One evening last week, I concentrated all my effort and shifted to a small cat. Much to Erendur's ammusement I walked near Zweck and the others on the benches. I was immediately the centre of attention as the small kitten with the tiefling offering me food as I intinctively purred. However amusing this was it raised serious questions about my future as a druid. I did act instictively, as though I actually became a cat both externally as well as in my thoughts. Afterwards my thoughts were muddy and I felt it hard to concentrate fora few moments.
  There is clearly more to this whole event that I need to think about. Perhaps I shall seek out a fellow druid I once met, who first asked me about the cheetah shape, and whether I could assume such a form. She clearly knows more about this than I...
  I must meditate on these events, I hope that I will soon rediscover that clarity which I have now lost...
  Tiden Di'Ren
  *the note ends here, it is not dated*


RE: Tiden Di'Ren - Self Reflections and Meditations
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2006, 06:20:50 pm »
*The following note is written in a fluid elven hand*
  The Purpose of Shapeshifting
  After a difficult morning slouched around in Hlint I decided the only way to truely understand this new ability and its place within my life,is to try it...and try it I have!
  It seems these forms I have been granted do indeed possess some benefits during battles. Earlier this evening I ventured forth into the crypts of Hlint where myself, a mage named Habril and a bard by the name of Adderinn battled countless undead. Intruiged by my new forms and eager to experiment more with the entire concept of shifting I changed shape to fight as a cheetah. This proved very effective, I struck twice as fast and just as hard as in my regular form and the experience was very exhilerating, almost primal in fact...
  Later the same evening I journeyed to the Broken forest with Koppig or 'pig' and Adderinn where we faced whordes of shadows and other undead creatures. Again using my animal forms I was able to fight very effectively, much to my suprise. I will continue to find other uses for my new ability, and I am still eager to learn of those who can shift forms many times...
  I must consider all this more, but for the time being I am sure that this gift is most welcome.
  Tiden Di'Ren
  *the note ends here, it shows no date*


RE: Tiden Di'Ren - Self Reflections and Meditations
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2006, 11:22:34 am »
*the following note is written in a fluid elven hand as as always*  Badgers Galore! Tonight has certainly been a strange one and what started as a casual search for a famous brew master soon developed into a comedy and adventure simultaneously. After joining a large party which included Zweck and Zarquil as well as a fellow druid who I met by the name of Drake Pheonix, we journeyed just past the western outskirts of Blackford castle near Leilon. Here in a small camp sat the brewmaster.  For several hours we enjoyed his free samples of various concoctions...some of which were very strong and I spent much of one hour on my back looking up at the night sky. Then came the tasting of the Badger bear...and so it began.  Those who drunk the strange mixture, which thankfuly I was not among, were immediately transformed into badgers and had little ability to protect themselves. The brewmaster told us of a druid in the Wolfswood who could cure those afflicted with this curious transformation. It was decided we would journey out to this place in search of a cure for our companions, Pig, Drake and Adderinn who travelled with us as badgers.  From Leilon we set sail. For the entire trip I spoke with the badgers using the animal language gifted to all druids, I attempted to ease their suffering and angst. One can only imagine being unable to be heard when all around you humans make their plans.  After several nights we reached point harbour, a truly magnificent place. We quickly travelled from there north towards the wolfwood. Here we faced snakes and evil rangers...not to mention the ogres we battled. Having had experience fighting in shifted form I decided I would be more useful as an animal and quickly shifted into a cheetah. This form is incredibly powerful and allows me to hit much swifter and more often than in my elven body, it is amazing how my abilities can change depending on the form I take!  After several hours we reached the druids home. It seems she was not too impressed with our presence and immediately told all who were not a badger to leave the house. Outside we waited for hours all the time hearing strange sounds from inside the small hut. After what seemed like an age, our companions emerged cured of their affliction!   This was a very strange evening to be sure, and one which I nor my companions expected...Having met Drake I didn't have time to ask him more about shapeshifting as was my intention, I will seek him out in the future to see what light he can shed on the matter...  Tiden Di'Ren *the note ends here*


RE: Tiden Di'Ren - Self Reflections and Meditations
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2006, 06:53:47 pm »
*the following is written using a fluid hand and contained with the other notes in a blue bound book*  Discovering the Shifter  In recent weeks I have been asking around Hlint and also asking those who I have adventured with for their knowledge of those known as Shifters. I am still not entirely sure such people exist though today I recieved some encouraging news. After shifting from my cheetah form, which I have now grown quite accustomed to, a passer by, Trenton referred to me as shifter. I was tremendously excited to even hear the word let alone be called such a being and I immediately asked him what he knew of them. He explained that he knew little but that I should speak with a woman called Brisbane...  Following my talk with Trenton I spoke with Ash for quite some time the other day. She also mentioned Brisbane and said she was a powerful druid who may be able to tell me more about shapeshifting...  Also recently I have used far less of my magic, instead relying on shifted forms to fight claw to claw. It is exhilerating to be in the heat of the battle, fueled by a primal rage. Perhaps the lady Mist would be impressed with the chaos required to shift ones form? My life has indeed had more turbulance of late and I believe it is directly linked with my new found abilities...  I will continue to learn what I can and focus all my energies into my shape shifting...  Tiden Di'Ren  *the note ends here*


RE: Tiden Di'Ren - Self Reflections and Meditations
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2006, 12:02:08 pm »
*the following is written in a fluid hand, though the author seems more excited than previously*  Brisbane, First glimpses of the way of a Shifter Today was the day I met with Brisbane, a very powerful druid who I had been told may have some insight into the ways of Shapeshifting. She is indeed a powerful woman and helped cut aside swathes of Lizardfolk in the marshes using both powerful magics and her claws in cheetah form.  Afterwards the rest of our party dispanded and it was then I was able to speak at length with the druid. We talked for several hours, and when I asked of shapeshifting she told me of others she knew of who had travelled the path that I plan to. She spoke of a man called Arestes but said he had long since disapeared from these lands and she no longer knew where he was...perhaps I shall meet him? Perhaps not...  Brisbane also gave me some valuable instruction... She told me that I must meditate in an attempt to become one with my soul and truely understand my inner essence. I was also told to meditate on the notion that this body which I currently inhabit is nothing more than a mere form. Perhaps even that it can be shrugged off and exchanged at will..given enough thought...  I was advised to watch all life forms in my attempts to empathise with them to such a degree I am able to assume their forms. This is clearly a massive undertaking and indeed a difficult one, but I shall persevere...  Tiden Di'Ren  *the note ends here*


RE: Tiden Di'Ren - Self Reflections and Meditations
« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2006, 05:15:08 pm »
*the author seems highly disturbed and the writing is almost a scrawl in parts*  Shapeshifting: Problems and Pitfalls  Today I have learnt a valuable lesson, shapeshifting should never be taken lightly, for it can, in untrained hands cause serious problems. Early this morning I decided I would test my new abilities in a new manner...while in a deep meditation I visualised a bearded human man, then myself. Slowly I merged the two images in my mind until only the bearded man remained. When I came out of my meditation, it seems I was infact able to transform my face into that of a human male. My hair is now a light brown and so is my beard. The excitement of this moment soon passed...  The problems came when trying to change back to my original form. The meditation and shift had been quiet tiresome and when I tried to reverse the procedure I failed. Not only once but three times I have failed to assume my natural form.   So here I am, walking the streets of Hlint a stranger among what used to be my friends and allies. I must devote much more of my training towards Shapeshifting if I am to reverse the damage I have done...
  Tiden Di'Ren
  *the note ends here*


RE: Tiden Di'Ren - Self Reflections and Meditations
« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2006, 03:14:39 pm »
*the author seems quite down and depressed as he writes*  Its been two weeks now I've been stuck with this human face. *the author seems almost disgusted at the notion* All of my attempts to reverse this transformation have failed...only last week I was able to change back for a few hours only to find this bearded human staring back at me the next day.  It seems many do not recognise me in my current state, as of yet only Vilanos has correctly identified me. He seemed quite sympathetic and vowed to find out any ways to help he could.  For now I must continue my meditations in an attempt to rid myself of this self inflicted curse...
  Tiden Di'Ren
  *the note ends here*


RE: Tiden Di'Ren - Self Reflections and Meditations
« Reply #10 on: February 23, 2006, 10:32:09 am »
*the author seems highly excitable, his previous sullen demenour long gone. As always the note is written in a fluid hand*  Success and Improved Shifting! I finally did it! I rid myself of this terrible human cage which I somehow trapped myself in. Where once was a unkept brown beard and naive human eyes now sits a proud elven face complete with my long blue hair.  This breakthrough occured soon after venturing into the marshes with a large groupd including Freldo among others...that bard is a very strange one. Seems he has a fear of bears too...well I think my shapeshifting has gone some way to cure his phobia!   In any case while we trecked through the swamps I suddenly felt a surge of power, as if I had gained in my abilities somehow though not in any overt way. I have not gained any more shapes in which to clothe myself, but I can now assume my bear forms more often. Along with this came the realisation I had become a more effective shape shifter and I was certain I would now be able to reverse my earlier mistake.  Ironic really how little time it took once I had the required power. A simple matter of intense visualisation and meditation and my face has been restored. It seems as with many things in life, practise makes perfect. Shapeshifting is no different, and so I will continue to practise as often as possible...  Tiden Di'Ren *the note ends here*


RE: Tiden Di'Ren - Self Reflections and Meditations
« Reply #11 on: March 03, 2006, 11:04:02 am »
*the author seems somewhat concerned as he writes*  Over-Ambitious Adventurers, flying and the 'Changers'
  In recent weeks and months it seems almost as if some sort of illness of irrationality has gripped the people of Hlint. It seems there is no end to the queue of plucky young adventurers just looking for the first opportunity to have their head forcably removed by something large and evil. On several occasions I have had adventurers asking me to journey with them to places I, or any of the more experienced folk around here would dare go. When I warn them of the dangers they face it seems they have little concern or regard for their safety or anyone elses for that matter.
  *the author seems to calm a little*
  Yesterday was another rather slow day so I took to amusing myself with flying! The experience still holds the same amount of awe for me that it did the very first time I did it. The act of spreading ones wings and raising effortlessly is tremendously empowering and liberating.
  On another note, I have heard there may be a group of 'changers' in the high forest somewhere. Apparently they were cast out by the traditional druids (a group which I feel I am becoming far less akin to) and now live near their groves in informal groups. I will look into this further and explore the forest some more...
  Tiden Di'Ren
  *the note ends here, it bares no date*


RE: Tiden Di'Ren - Self Reflections and Meditations
« Reply #12 on: March 22, 2006, 08:42:34 am »
It has been many weeks perhaps even months since I last wrote in this journal. In that time I have slept in the sands of the bay of Carocsa for many nights. There I sat im private reflection about my future as a shapeshifter, and in particular how I could reconsile such abilities with my affinity for the great lady Mist.

Until recently I could not comprehend any connection between shapeshifting and my love for the storms and the winds. I felt I would be turning my back on all I have done druidic training, my life under the seas (however traumatic it may have been). Now that fear is no longer with me...

Yesterday I travelled back to Leilon. Since the very first time I visited the city, it has felt like a home to be here, far more so than Hlint ever could. As I sat at the docks, my bare feet dangling in the cool waters, I noticed the door to the temple of Mist was shut tight.

Immediately I stood to investigate. When I reached the door a sign greated me, it instructed me to use the boat to reach the lady Mist's new temple.

I had no need for the boat. I decided the swim would do me good. In a second I was in the waters. I needed no incentive other than the sea. I could have swam for miles if I had no clear destination. But that was not my purpose. I headed directly towards the raging tempest in the distance, clearly that was the lady's new temple.

When I reached the shore, the winds tore at my hair, blowing it back from my face. The wet strands slapped against my back with the weight of the water. For the first time since I arrived in Mistone I felt the power of the storm surging through my veins.

As I entered the temple, the thunderous sound of the seas and the lightening above assured me I was in the right place. I wondered through the temple proper and out towards the statue near the cliff face. At the very corner of the island the winds were the strongest and as I sat there in meditation I could almost hear the lady's voice echo through every fiber of my being...

I called out for answers, yet no voice was heard. A momentary lapse in the raging winds was Mist's response. In those few seconds I was filled with clarity.

Mist embodies chaos. What is more chaotic than change? As I change my very body thus I come to embody chaos, in a pure form. Not through channeling the storms as I once thought, but now through channeling energies into manifest forms.

I must continue to meditate on these events. But for now, my faith in Mist is renewed and rages like the winds inside of me....

Tiden Di'Ren