Character Development > Development Journals and Discussion

Tipsy Oak - Magic and Archery

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Journal Post 6:

My training is going well and I have started making my own arrows.  The hickory trees by Dunatac are of good quality and their roots seek well into the lake.  They will make strong arrows.  Something about making my own arrows I think draws me closer to enchanting them I feel.  It makes a better connection for me.  I'm sure one day I will be able to enchant any arrow, but for my training I think it helps form the connection to the arrow when it's one of my own.

I have been trying to cast my magic weapon spell on a bundle of arrows as Vycon instructed but with no sure success so far.  I can't get the spell to release on the arrows but only my bow.  I am still trying though.  The drill has helped me think about my fathers and their fathers.  To wonder how things were in the past.  Is my blood like theirs and do I share the same blood they carried in their bodies 1000's of years ago?  I will endeavor to call upon their help and to become more aware of my elven blood and the special pathway it creates back to my lineage and the magic that came before me.

My other drills are going well and I think the meditations and concentrations are good for my soul.  My aim is improving.  I've met some other travelers.  I have told them about my path and training.  Some respect it and others have mocked it.  This is fine, and I believe letting others know about my goal helps me to pursue it even harder.  One day I will get there by Folian's grace.

Post No. 7:

My journeys found me talking to a Ysh.  I would consider her attractive if it wasn't for her mouth....she can't stop moving it.  We did talk and found we have the path to Arcane Archer in common.  She claims to have a mentor by the name of Kalbaren who is an Arcane Archer.  This Kalbaren apparently instructed her to make her own bow as part of her training.  This is a fine idea and I already like this fellow and I hope to meet him as well.  This is good news for me because I have already started making hickory arrows and I soon plan to make an oak bow and oak arrows.  Kalbaren's idea of making your own bow fits into my own ideas, so I feel like I'm on track in that regard.  I have posted earlier that making my own arrows helps me form a connection to my arrows, so when I attempt to enchant them with magic, my hopes is that it will be easier to form the bond.  I will seek this Kalbaren out.

In the meantime, I continue to meditate on my bow and arrows and concentrate on my magic and the elven heritage in my blood.  I have been training and performing the drills.  I feel I'm making progress.  The magic in me seems to be wanting to go from me to the arrows, but I'm not quite there yet.  However, I can feel it wanting to.  It is frustrating but also exciting.  I know I'm growing and getting closer, but just not there yet.  I will pray to Folian for guidance and stamina.

Journal Post 8:

Well I lay in Bernuth after a defeat at the hand of some Cyrstal Lord that guards the caves outside Ulgrid.  I am starting to think those Shadonite girls are not good for me.  "Oh have another, let me!"  They are a distraction and the tactics of the battle are lost.  I will pray to Folian for guidance on the matter.

Meanwhile, my training continues.  I have made more progress in my wood work and I believe I can start to work with oak now.  Ysh said she knows of a good string of oaks near the Ire mountains.  I will have to go and see if she was joking or not.

My drills and meditations upon magic and my arrows is going well.  I need to see Vycon soon to see what he has instore for me.  I feel a break through is coming on my path to the Arcane Archer very soon.  I notice when I knock my arrows now it's not just wood, string, feather and arrow head; I can feel the magic in me trying to reach the arrows.  It's wierd and hard to explain, but it all just seems different now.  I can sense that what used to be simple archery is about to become something wonderful and powerful.  It will be good to become stronger so I can help my hunting parties more and be more valuable.

My magic has grown a bit stronger...thanks to you Mom for giving me the bug.  I've learned some new spells and also found some scrolls that I'm studying.  I hoping that my increase magic power will aid me in my path to the Arcane Archer.

Things are changing daily for me.  My woodland home seems far away now.  My drills and the hunts I've been on are shaping me and shaping my plans for my future.  I pray Folian guides me well and keeps me on the path he best wishes for me.

Journal Post 9:

He spiced up the gruel this time with some wild mushrooms and hot peppers.  My stomach is still unsettled, but it went down well.  Vycon is happy with my progress and has counseled me well on my set backs and failures.  Through the failures will come knowledge and persistence and a better direction ahead.  We swapped stories of our failures and drank some wine he pulled down from a shelf. 

He seemed in good spirits and motioned me to his backyard as he grabbed his bow that was hanging on the wall.  I took my bow and followed him to where his yard met the wood line.  He had some old stacks of hay there and a target made of soft wood that laid against it.  He motioned me to shoot some and watched my form, giving me some instruction here and there.  We worked a bit on my breathing patterns and concentration.  He also worked on my release time, telling me to trust my instincts and not hold the knock as long.  It was good work but I was waiting for some magic to happen, and got a bit impatient.  He saw my frustration and drew his bow and launched an arrow that incinerated the target in fire.  Now he had my attention.

He explained that this was an advanced tool of the Arcane Archer to be able to Imbue the arrow.  I listened carefully as he explained how Imbuing takes effort and can exhaust some of the power of the Arcane Archer.  How it's similar to a fireball spell, but even more powerful due to the nature of the skill of the Arcane Archer.  It takes much practice but in the end its just a further extension of the basic building blocks.  Once I gain the ability of combining the magic within me and transferring it to my arrows, that my powers will grow.  I was very excited about the Imbuing and he went through in detail how he mentally conceptualized the ability.  He said I can start adding this Imbuing thought process to my more basic drills and that it won't come at first, but it was good for me to push my self toward that goal and will help me see the basic training from a different angle.  It is good to know where my training is leading.  I feel invigorated and excited.  I will strive even harder now in my training and pray I grasp this power soon. 

Journal Post 10:

I made my first oak long bow!  I am very proud of myself and this is a great accomplishment for me.  I have also made many oak arrows and my wood crafting is growing nicely.  This was a large part of my training in becoming and Arcane Archer.  I wanted to make my own arrows and bow to grow closer to my skill of archery in the hopes that enchanting and imbuing my arrows would be a more natural process.  I feel more connected to my bow and arrows now and the channeling of my magic into my arrows is getting closer now due to my unique attachment to the arrows and bow I have crafted.  I also remember the words Ysh spoke to me that her Master, Kalbaren, had instructed her to make a bow as part of her Arcane Archer training.  So, I feel this is a milestone.

I saw Ysh the other day and we went collecting hickory branches for her.  We had some good talks about our paths to Arcane Archer.  She was talking about how she is intrigued by calling upon the magic within her to gain access to the Arcane Archer abilities and I was discussing how our heritage as Elf is so important and needs to be focused and meditated on.

My drills and training continue and I am growing closer to enchanting my arrows.  I can feel it and I pray to Folian each day about it.


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