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Author Topic: Musings of a Drow (Max)  (Read 257 times)


Musings of a Drow (Max)
« on: February 03, 2005, 04:06:00 pm »
*Someone finds a scrap of paper obviously torn from a book with text written in a spidery script behind the merchant hall in Hlint. The Mailman who happens to be nearby recognizes the script as very like Elven but different. Showing it to Postmaster Vale who happens by, he immediately recognises it as in fact Drow writing. With the recent problems with Drow they immediately draw it to Garents attention who straight away sends for an interpreter. The interpreter reads the writing to those gathered.*

‘torn away’ appropriate that the calculations that contribute to the overall conjunction we
‘torn away’ establish is inhibitive to the position of the third factor. Moving the third factor we can justify the integer that we are trying to achieve. Advances can be made without actually transposing any of the other factors. It may be necessary though to find a way to eliminate such additional factors that cause instability in the overall equation. How that affects the overall balance of external elements on the key factors is unknown at this stage and will require further investigation through observation. If it can be defined with a rational condition then a hypothesis can be put forward for further expansion.

Perhaps the Lady can suggest some plan for intersection she seems to be good at surmising alternative incidents. I should not be surprised that a Drow lady could be so astute at determining patterns but must be careful otherwise it will be me spitted on the end of her sword instead of the human. That human is proving a dangerous nuisance, she will have to have an accident soon I think. A shame really, physically she is strong and not unattractive and could prove amusing under the right circumstances.

I shall have to make sure that when scouting out the temples to find out what they
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