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Author Topic: 'PIECES of FATE:  (Read 230 times)


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    'PIECES of FATE:
    « on: February 06, 2005, 03:47:00 pm »
    Dawn: the village of Saaman:

     'Arise Sisters, it is time we leave this place.' Breaking their lotus positions, the ring of six robed figures rise to their feet, graceful in their unison. The room is simple, it's wooden walls groaning as winds rage against them. The bed in the corner is unused. Four in shimmering robes  take their respective staff from against the door, and the party is soon moving through the narrow hall, and down stairs.

     'I trust your night was peaceful? the portly frame of the Inn keeper's wife moves toward the guests after returning the cover to the pot she had been stirring. 'The storm was rather rough.'.

    'Yes, child. We did not suffer to badly though, your room was quite calm.' the forward most figure replies with a soft yet calming tone. The woman brushes he hands over her apron. 'Will your group be staying for breakfast? It's Oats and bread. As she nears the woman grins, her friendly eyes twinkle in the growing light that streams through the windows. 'I apologize if you had been put to tasks, however we must decline.'

    'Uhmm, excuse me, could we at least take some bread?' All hoods turn slightly towards the source of the question. In her borrowed robe Naga  shrinks back a bit. Idiot! She thinks to herself.  Can you not control your big mouth? At this her stomach growls as if in protest. Not for the first time since leaving Blackford Castle she wishes she had not forgotten to accept Quin's offer of fish fillets last evening. There is a soft murmur among the party, before their leader chuckles softy.

     'It IS a long journey. Yes, if it would not trouble we would ask for some of your bread. This should cover your troubles. 'The excitement in the woman's face is undisguised as she takes the offered weighty pouch.

    Lead by a single ox drawn cart, the party makes their way South along  forest lined dirt roads. The Head Mistress of the Lucindite Wicca' sect guides the cart. Gently  urging their sickly beast forward as the wheels of it's charge, thick with clay groan loudly.  Their journey continues for some hours, the sun ever growing in temperature. By mid day, drenched with sweat, and feeling dizzy  Naga can not bring herself to remove her now heavy robe as none before her have either. 'Are these even people? They must feel somethin'? she mutters in what she hopes is a whisper.

    Having flown most of the day, the slight green pixie now exhausted had chosen to ride her friend, seated upon her right shoulder the pixie known as RoXanne chimes in laughter. 'Keep it up sweetie and you can walk.' Naga wheezes in response.  Not a word is exchanged between the woman as they walk, making her flinch with each small  bite she takes from her dry bread roll which sounds like thunder in her ears. Ahead of her the three Prisma' Wicca' from Sister covens move silently beneath their robes. Wicca of Aragen: Phiena, Wicca' of Katia: Jucieo, Wicca' of Mist: Makuni, and for some reason a White Wicca' of  Shindaleria? From what she had managed to glimpse this woman was about her own age had said very little, and was spoken to even less then Naga herself  by her more senior Sisters.

     Turning left off the road they journey into the outer edge of the region know as the Dire Woods. It's sickly looking trees with rattling foliage not for the first time bring doubt and unease to Naga's already troubled mind; 'Maybe I COULD learn to live with these voices in my head after all?

     Not fully understanding her strange ability to touch the surface thoughts of those people she comes in physical and emotional contact with, a mind 'Sifft' as she learned in a dream. Naga had to admit that she should have been far more selective when choosing to use it. As far as she knew it was an irreversible ability of her people. Now however, the level of voices within her  mind could become difficult, indeed painful to separate from her own thoughts. 18 days ago, learning of the new moon, the period of each month were a Wicca's ability is weakest Naga had gone to the Lucindite Head Mistress to request aid in removing the Sifft. Days later she had been called back to the Elder's home....

     'I have consulted with as many Masters of the mental mystic arts, and have discovered a possible solution child. I say 'possible' because it has not been done to remove one's biological ability before. I am warned and thus warn you, It could drive you to madness... even death.'

    The memory caused again a shudder through her that startled RoXanne enough that she took flight. 'It's ok, just a bit chilly that's all.' she says softly to the pixie whose face shows more then a trace of doubt.

    'There, it is ahead!' shouts Sister Jucieo, 'the Mesire ruins.' It was the first time she heard any emotional tones from the Katian Priestess, they sounded like rainfall? Soothing, while upsetting? Two Sisters moved to aid their Lucindite counter part as she climbed from the cart. For the first time Naga noticed an agedness to the woman's movements, a frailty that now concerned her. 'Mistress, are you ok? What is wrong she cries as she hastens to join her mentor and friend.

     Selka' dear calm yourself. Such turmoil will not help me. I am old, you know this It is simply the dampness taunting my lazy body. 'Selka'  Only she still addressed Naga by the name given  her when she entered the Lucindite Wicca' Order, selka deagol... diamond of the seas. Despite her self a tear rolled down her cheek, something felt suddenly very wrong?  But when she tried to voice it the Head Mistress raised a hand and slowly shook her head, strands of silver hair spilling from beneath her shimmering hood.

     The slight White Wicca' of  Shindaleria having gathered up the staves and scrolls from the cart makes her way toward the group. As she watchs her hand each Sister a crystal capped staff Naga realizes, 'I still do not know her name?' Having given the final staff the hooded figure turns, ' I am called Sidonia Sister Deagol.' At first Naga takes no notice, then realizes with a start...

     'She did NOT speak?!'

     She ponders this as they move through the trees toward a battered over grown grotto, it's stone walls, some laying on the ground in pieces littering the area of the forest floor. The tetrad of women spread out, and soon the sound of battle spells is heard. A large arachnid crashes through the brush, catching Naga by suprise. She stumbles back as her heel strikes a root, and is barely missed by the flash of spell that shatters the creature into frozen bits.

     'Are you alright?' Sister Sidonia asks reaching down to help her to her feet. Try to stay back from the tree line, dark creatures abound here. 'S... sure no problem. Should we not try and help?' Naga asks while dusting off her dirt covered backside. We would merely hinder our Sisters, they are clearing the area surrounding us and placing enchantments to keep us all safe. You will be helpless once the ritual begins.' With that said Naga feels again a feeling of dread. 'Great, thanks for the insight.' She sighs moving to follow Sidonia to were the Head Mistress is clearing growth from a alter stone.

    'There, that SHOULD do nicely.' The Elder says as the two near her. 'What?' Naga pipes as the woman leans upon her staff. 'This place holds many dark forces, older secrets then most can recall. But, it is a convergence point between plains were the Weave will be not only strongest, but close enough with to require less strain on our part to reach the desired out come. But it must be cleansed, or more harm then good could result.'

     Both of the younger women frown. 'All this, just to remove my mind sifft? I really do not understand any of this?'  Naga sighs. Gesturing to the area about them she spots the other three Sisters as they emerge from behind the sickly trees.

    'The easiest explanation is, we are going to REMAKE your mind, with the permission and guidance of your ancestors, we hope.' Sidonia offers. 'The mind is a delicate structure, linking the identity to the soul. Changing it physically is the area we know the least about... understand that we are Guessing here.'  

     Listening the Head Mistress sighs, 'True enough. The sun is fading, let us prepare ourselves, requesting cooperation between our deities for the sake of our Sister Deagol, and indeed ourselves.'

     Four hours pass to quickly, soon torches and illumination spells provide the only light beneath the partial disk that is the new moon. Naga having taken her position lays across the stone alter staring at the clouds as they move slowly across it's face. Her body numb from a herbal brew's effect, she barely hears the words spoken over her by the Elder Lucindite.

     She catches a glimpse of RoXanne's glow as her frantic friend flits tensely back and forth between the trees. After a while she notices a melodic chant cresing her mind, it's words she does not understand. Yet, their familiarity puzzles Naga? With effort she turns toward the perceived source. 'Sidonia?'

     The mysterious young Wicca' of  Shindaleria is  enduring, and mercurial, dressed in a gossamer tunic, her skin a white blue tint ..... 'Dargonesti?!'  This thought echos as the darkness over comes Naga.....


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      RE: 'PIECES of FATE:
      « Reply #1 on: February 07, 2005, 11:06:00 am »
      PIECES of FATE: Part II  'Today was tomorrow yesterday'  

        'She is gone' Sidonia says softly remaining in a knelt down position to the right of the alter. The woman known only as the Head Mistress places both her hands upon Naga's face using he thumbs to gently close the motionless girls eye lids.

       'We must act quickly then, staves into position.'

        To each corner of  the alter upon which Naga now lay moved the four Prisma' Wicca'.  First Sister Makuni of the Mistian Order stepped forward. Planting her sapphire topped staff firmly into the ground as she takes a kneeling posture saying 'Glacius: Water birth, and child may  Mist guide through every trial.' Sister  Jucieo moves next repeating this action with her onyx topped staff chanting; 'Varidius: Fruit of soil, stone, and sand. Katia lend us nature's hand.' Phiena clears her throat, making her way to the third position Fire Opal staff in hand. Ignius: fire renewal, guide by light. Aragen show the path to right. Finally the Head Mistress steps to her right raising her own  cyan staff and striking the final mark. 'Spiritus: Soul and spirit, minds true eyes, Lucinda disclose truth in face of lies.' As the final stone aligns, arching pulses of energy race to join above the alter while cascading down over Naga's still form before flaring once and racing skyward.

        'Do you still have a link with Selka'?! Is she all right?!' The head Mistress shouts to Sidonia while wincing into the building force of wind, leaves, twigs and small dust clouds assailing her eyes. She can see the young sea elf's lips moving, but can hear nothing.

       From her own kneeling position Sidonia spots the Elder woman struggling to be heard,  because of her peoples improved hearing tries to signal back an answer, before shouting that she did indeed still sense Selka'. What she does not mention is the fear and confusion she was receiving.


        Naga slowly moves to sit up, opening her eyes slowly after rubbing them with the backs of her hands. It is dark, the air thick with the scent of earth and moisture. 'Were are we RoXi'?' When no sign of her pixie friend appears she fumbles to her feet. 'Illumination!' She says. Slowly a blue orb of light builds in her palm before spreading across her body. Looking about she mutters to herself; 'Great, a cave. Bet it's full of NASTY surprises too.' Naga's hand moves toward were her rapier should be, and is startled to find it absent. 'Mother of all!'

       Quickly she scours the cave floor, and after a heated rant gives up. It is some time later that she rounds a turn. Her boot sends something clattering across the ground. As the shadows give way  Naga squeals. Before her lies the skeletal remains of four human bodies clad in tattered Barbarian gear. 'Well, this is unpleasantly familiar.' She shivers before examining her find more closely discovering a sealed canteen, and a tarnished short sword. The grisly task finished Naga turns several times before selecting a direction that to her just seems right. Unnoticed eyes of pulsing red appear, then vanish into shadows.

       She discovers a exit, just as her light spell ebbs out. Ducking her head Naga squeezes to the outside, what she sees stuns her; green skies, a dirt road lined with large trees their ample beaus rattling in a warm gentle breeze. 'Ok, this IS seriously freakin' me out!' Shaking her head Naga moves slowly down Memory lane.

        Soon she comes upon what she both sought, and feared. The large twin gates to Eastern Hlint. Seem heavier then usual as Naga works to push them open with her shoulder. Once inside the sky  darkens,  she drops her sword and canteen to clatter upon a charred path. Before her, the husks of the shops and craft house whistle, the strangely well off windmill groans, its bare wheel turning slowly. It was like this every were Naga went, destruction. Within the bank she discovers skeletal remains of every type heaped in a corner, that they were dry with age brought some small comfort. Still it was with a greater haste that she made for Krandor. Every were there is no sign of life. Ft.Last, lay in ruin, and the sight of the blacken and broken walls of Blackford make Naga heart sick. What ever had done this? Did the Drow truly have THIS kind of power? Could they do this much in but a single days time?!

        As she ponders, a voice just beyond hearing gains her attention. 'Mirr'?!' Blindly she rushes to the home of her friends, stepping over the remains of it's shattered door. 'Quin?! Mirren?! You here?!' A breeze brushes by her a displacement of shimmering air moves out the doorway.  Naga is certain she hears a voice say 'Boo'. She follows the distortion onto the dried river bed and as she watches the familiar form of Mirren Darksol appears, barely visible before her.

       Excited and a bit angry Naga races to embrace her ever nearly visible friend, only to pass through, stumbling to the cracked river bed. 'Naga where did you go? I can't find Quin... Naga, help me.' Mirren distorts, her words slurring. Struggling to her feet, knees and elbows bleeding Naga looks up. 'Of course I will, Mirr' please stop the invisibility spell, it's NOT helpin' my mood. What has happened here?'

        The figure seems to reach out to take hold of Naga's hand's only to again pass through. Mirren's ghostly features distort in to a panicked, wild look. Slowly, she sinks down into the mud her arms flailing in panic. 'What is happening to me?!' She cries, now within the ground up to her waist. Throwing herself down Naga tries repeatedly to get a grip on  her friend only to pass helplessly through. Tears stream from her eyes as with a final scream her friends fear filled features disappear from sight.

        As she watches a darkness forms in it place and a wet blackness spreads across the mud, it branches off in lines that writhe and coil outwards. Naga scurries back on her heels and palms. 'Corath's cursed breath!' she wheezes as laughter fills the air, seemingly  from all directions.  


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        RE: 'PIECES of FATE:
        « Reply #2 on: February 07, 2005, 03:00:00 pm »
        Chapter III:

         'All that we see, or seem is but a dream within a dream' - Edgar Allan Poe

          As dark clouds pulse and churn in spirals over head, the laughter is replaced by the thunderous sound of a female voice.

         'It is ironic iss it not, that one calling herself Naga would be the one too free me? Girl, do you even know what a  naga iss? 'I doubt it, your head iss sso wonderfully vacuous.' The voice chuckles mockingly, not awaiting an answer.  

         Before Naga the coils of darkness have become pillars, then shapes as of human bone. She stands transfixed as pulsing red energy shrouds the nine forms now slowly taking on features.

         Soon Celgar Magnus, Katrien Hommel, Plenarius Ashaley, Brisbane Woodmaiden , Matilda Landsend, Morrst Deadtree, Torin, Oran'thalis and Peter Cross seem to  stand before her. Unlike Mirren before however, at a distance a twisted rage is clearly apparent.

         'Their eyes...?! '

         As she watchs, dark worm like masses churning within lidless sockets slowly make their way down the pale bloodless cheeks of their hosts. An urge to vomit clenches her abdomen.

         Instead, having looked away Naga flees racing between the shattered ruins, back towards the woods.

         'I have lost it... no more Will-o-Whiskey for this girl, no way.  Mother, why? Have I not redeemed myself yet? Have a shred of mercy  please!'

         Naga's body spasms within the pyramid of energy . The Head Mistress can only watch torn in her desire to protect her charge, and knowing that in leaving her position she would bring certain death to the one she would aid.

         At their posts the other Prisma' Wiccas now stand, both hands white about their staves. Then it happens; Sister Phiena falters, her right hand clutching her chest. The Wicca' of Aragen drops to one knee, left arm out stretched shakily keeping the onyx staff in place. Above the forest's groaning trees a funnel cloud whirls, bathed in pulses of energy that hiss and steam.

          'I mustn't loose focus... mustn't....'  Mutters Sidonia, though taking a quick glance shows to clearly that either way, their situation was worsening. In the gale force wind Sister Phiena struggles then tumbles, rolling until being slammed into a tree. Thunderous laughter echoes above the chaos. 'This day I WILL be free!' All eyes tearing against the wind turn skyward, except Sidonia's.

         The connection broken, Naga's body drops to the alter. Pressing low to the ground the sea elf crawls towards the abandoned position once held by  her fallen comrade. 'Selka' stay with me... she groans' exhaling as eyes of fiery rage flash through her mind. '

          Quin Cromwell glances back to were his love lays resting and chuckles at the leaves mingled with her blond hair. He sits upon the bank of Lake Rillon, fishing pole longing to be disturbed. The heated mixture of pain and fear  rips through him with out  a  warning. Quin clutches his skull, his pole left to float down the stream. 'Selka' stay with me... we near finishing....' an unfamiliar voice says behind his eyes, and then a scream?!


          The breath comes hard as Naga throws herself through the door of the Hall of the Weave and turns, freezing the door shut behind her.

          'Need to think, what nonsense is this?!'

          Before the thought gets much further a voice echoes through the raved chamber, cautiously moving between wreckage she peers over a fallen bookcase. An ethereal figure stands, back toward her, yet the sound of cup and saucer leaves little doubt.  'Master Llewellyn?!'  Naga cries out. Frustrated with herself Naga slaps her forehead.

        'Think, don't say, there IS a difference!

          The figure turns slowly, silently towards her. 'Naga my dear, no need to hide. We were just enjoying a respite, join us please.'

          Before having risen fully from behind refuge , she stops. The figure's hue shifts between a blue and red. In his hand the Elder Elven bard holds a pike on which is the head of Connor Garvill, it's face locked in terror.

         'I just LOVE getting into people's heads, don't you?' The now red specter hisses, coiling a black tongue around Garvill's lifeless ear. Turning on her heels the young Wizard sprints for the distant doorway.  

         For the first time, Naga notices faces staring down from battered shelves; Eloril Tir'enEd, Michaelis Draego, Myrena D'Antoree, Veldar Valgorian, JonZer Hexblade, Stryker, Rin Assombri, Jinkle Blackthorne, Tomi Shadowfoot, Talen Kar, Mike Weadon, Brand Hecate, Galerovel Revin, and Xiatha Quinn. Each friend's eye sockets pouring forth black serpentine forms that pool upon the polished stone floor. Naga struggles to not loose her footing, her boot crushing some of the oily creatures underfoot.

         'This way.' a familiar voice urges as a blue glow becomes visible ahead from behind a stack of tomes. Using her hands to keep upright Naga swings around a heavy bookcase to find before her one of remaining giant books still laid open at the wall.

         'In you GO!' rings Ozy's voice as pushed from behind, Naga falls toward the pages laid before her outstretched arms.

         Around her she suddenly finds herself within a featureless room of neither here, or there. Before her as through a pain of glass Ozy's pale features seeming at great distance are visible, still standing within the Weave Hall study.

         'Did you not know child? Your hisstory.' In horror Naga can only watch as the Bard's hands reaching out, slowly close the book.


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          RE: 'PIECES of FATE:
          « Reply #3 on: February 09, 2005, 03:03:00 am »
          'An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared then a wild beast;
          a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind.' - Budda

           Chapter IV:                                                                            

            'Plane of the lost;  

            'What is this? SHE is revealed, I must act quickly as this one MUST not evade us again!'

            Receiving the leave of the Soul Mother the Harvester flashes out of the ante' chamber. It is the briefest of moments before the entity charged with disposition of life's final judgment lowers the parchment she had been studying with a sigh.

           'How that one hates a blemish to it's records.'

          Returning her attention to the most recent arrivals the ethereal woman mutters;

          'With  such a displacement, to NOT capture her WOULD fester in the Harvester beyond it's baring.'  


            Sedoina freezes in reaching for the Onyx staff as all connection with the  woman called Selka' blinks out from view of her mind's eye. With a gasp she returns her attention to were RoXanne struggles to draw the staff closer, against her own size and the unnatural winds that threaten to pluck the wings free of her shoulders .

          'Mother Maji, I have LOST her?!' the young Wicca' of the Order of  Shindaleria both voices, and transmits as finally her hand grasps the staff.

           Overhead, amid the pulsing vortex of clouds and energy, the dark shadow with eyes of crimson rage grows nearer.

          The Head Mistress moves a step back holding a Cyan capped staff in place with one hand while trying to keep the unconscious Naga from being blown clear of the alter, and it's diminishing field of energy. 'I believe we have finished here?!'

          She returns to the Dargonesti woman in like manor.

          'You MUST find her child, guide her home. Without both soul and mind a body is but as good as a corpse!'

          In their respective corners Sisters Makuni and Phiena kneel entreating their deities aid.
          While resolutely holding staves in place, their shimmering hoods are thrown back as robes snap in the force of the wind.


          Adisesha's excitement built. Soon she would  escape, and those that put her to death would pay! Especially that accursed Tailor. Commissioned by her killer the fool fashioned armor using not only the skin of Phfthar, her Malar panther, but also she herself! Once more as it had countless times before, the thought pushed her to the point of bestial fury; that SHE, one of the greatest  Sorceresses of her day should suffer such a fate for but the vanity of a Mage.

          'Illumination!' Naga shouts though no sound reaches her ears. Not taking notice her eyes lock onto the ball of  blue energy building in her hand. Slowly a hue of purplish darkness seems to bleed into the light source until finally the light is gone.

          'Blast!' She utters in what she KNOWS is a loud tone... this time taking notice of the silence. In this void, were all perception dies the taste of bile arising in her throat  Naga launches a Fireball. Ahead of her it moves until it to is lost from sight.

          'Ok, let's NOT panic.... though it WOULD certainly be warranted for the day I'm having...'

          Shaking free of this chain of thought she launches a second blast, this time chasing after it. Though lasting for some time all too soon it to ebbs out. Then something changes, dim ahead a spot of  blue blinks. 'Blue IS good, right.' She either voices or thinks, she is no longer sure?

          Instead she mentally runs herself through her first year lessons on understanding spirit energy, and chi. 'This way.'  Startled at the interruption the young Wizard glances ahead to were the blue glow has become humanoid in shape. Elinmire Thel'dinarae, staff  held forward advances looking as if using an Ethereal armor spell. Like the light spell before, the darkness fights to swallow his light. 'It is useless to talk here, we MUST hurry or it will be too late. This way.'

          Questions churn, but she sees little choice but to follow the friend she calls Teacher. The spectral guide remains close, yet far enough that for all her effort, Naga can not get close enough to touch him. A sad look upon his face Elinmire turns while continuing to back away.

          'This is my limit I'm afraid. Repeat yourself and another will find you.'

          Wondering at the vanishing figure's words Naga stops. 'Repeat myself?  HEY, who is looking for me?' She Pounds a silent fist into her hand, then shakes it for the pain before launching forth a fireball.  Naga then watchs after it until what she feels a safe distance is reached then races after it through the void.  


          Trees blackened and brittle snap, their roots breaking free of soil as the crushing force splays outward. The four women within the Mesire ruins tears welling in their eyes groan against the pounding winds. Sister Jucieo, blood running from her nose for having been hit by a branch that whirled through the air, lets out a yelp as one of the energy blasts issued from the dark form shatters the staff within her grasp.

          'Katia aid us!' She cries out, clutching at her tattered Prisma' robe. 'I do hope Sister Deagol is safe, but there is little I fear we can now do for her.' If she is heard it does not show. Together Sedoina and The Head Mistress, each with one hand upon Naga and the other clutching their staff stand fast while assault after assault thunders across a globe of invulnerability that Sister Makuni struggles to maintain around them.

           'I have found her once again, Shindaleria IS with us!' Shouts Sedonia.

          To her left the Head Mistress, her silver mane tossed in all directions nods. 'All the more reason to keep this foul creature at bay.  Jucieo, even a prayer is more productive then surrender! Unless you mean to tell me Katia's aid is denied us?!' Slowly, painfully Sister Jucieo forces herself to her feet, both laughing and spitting out blood.

          'Maji, are YOU admitting that Lucinda NEEDs aid?' The three Elders look to each other a moment. Then Jucieo, Sister of the Order of Katia steps back from the foot of the alter, raising hands above her head shouts; 'It is good these trees days have passed, or I could not bare to do this. Do NOT leave the protection shield for ANY reason!' Her mantra is barely audible as she backs through the barrier, but there is no need to hear it. To those assembled they are no secret.


          The dark spirit form of Adisesha, fueled by hatred and her desperate desire to escape the Plane of  Souls laughs. It pulses as it lowers through the swirling clouds, it's serpentine shadow seeming to grow, blotting any view of the moon and stars from the night sky.

          'It is but one human? Ssurrender to me her body and you all may live. I have no quarrel with you, but thiss one ISs marked, sshe ISs already MINE!' She bellows before continuing her attacks.

          'It IS nearer now.' With that realization the Harvester of Souls pulses, picking up speed.  


          Through the darkness Naga watches the blue spectral RaVen Astarius stride until she can discern no trace. The Elven Ranger had followed the appearance of Volrath D'Andareth. Though the concept of time was impossible, she knew one thing; this was taking TOO long for her liking. Besides which her head hurt along with indeed most of her body. Placing her hands upon her knees she was about to sit on what she now accepted as down to rest.

          'Ohoho, now be not the time for resting Naga, now be a time for action!'

          The slightest of whimpers escapes her lips as she glance toward the voice of Oholibama Dwarven Mage. 'Mother of all, another one so soon?'

          With stern expression, the latest specter with a grunt mutters from behind her eyes, 'There be no cause for rudeness.' Forcing herself slowly erect,  Naga can barely manage to produce another fireball, however having taken no notice of her strain the Dwarven figure with a roar like laugh races off after it.  'If I get outta' here I am gunna' sleep a week.' She thinks as she drags her feet forward to follow.

           the area outside their straining protection could have passed for the darkest vision of any of the nine hells. All around trees were in flames while the local beasts, snakes, and arachnids raced to safety.  Sister Jucieo, having channeled everything into one enormous Hell ball now lay in a charred heap outside the barrier. Inside the remaining Wicca' watched silently as the first of the fiery eyes once again took shape followed by the gathering blackness that gave it's body form. Oily worms poured down like rain to bounce and spark off their cover Sidonia watched as some slithered off across the charred ground outside to find cover.

           'So it was for nothing.' Sister Makuni sighs weakly her shaking hands outstretched. Sweat pours through matted dark hair that clings to her forehead. 'Listened to that Bard we should have Majehka Thel'dinarae. I do so hope this girl of yours IS ultimately worth it.' The Head Mistress sighs, her own doubts building. She motions for Sidonia to take hold of her staff  before moving to stand next to her friend. Leaning close enough to be heard she whispers;

          'Maki, dear friend. You should rest. I shall continue in your place. Then as a favor to a friend I ask that you forgive me. The child was in so much pain. I could not deny what seemed a simple enough request. I ask you how could I, or indeed any one of us have perceived such an attack would take place?'


          Outside the barrier the Naga Sorceress  Adisesha, having  once more assembled her spirit energy form feels a terror seize her. 'They have found me, I have wassted too much time and foolisshly left myself expossed to long! A cursse upon those pessts, if today I fall they sshall join me!'