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Author Topic: Trials of the Jasmine  (Read 70 times)


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    Trials of the Jasmine
    « on: March 02, 2006, 10:03:09 am »
    I have entered the portal, and could never have imagined what I would find on the other side. A great dragon was waiting for me and gave me information on the ills that have befallen the land. I am unsure if this is a part of my destiny or not, but my father would always tell me that destiny is like an entangled ball of string: all paths intermingle with others.

    When I awoke from this dream-like state, I discovered I was in the village town of Hlint. The portal has taken me many leagues from my home.

    I also noticed that the soft silken clothes of my homeland had been changed to a rough fabric that seems more of a style fitting the barbarian lands. My first goal was to find better fighting apparel that would not restrict my freedom of movement. The oracle had been clear: my fate was strongly tied to pain, but pain that was found during battle, not that found at the end of a poorly mended pile of rags.

    I found a clothier in the town and managed to find an alternate outfit that was closer to the masterwork robes of my homeland, and decided to begin my quest. I recalled that one of the first lessons I had learned as a warrior was that in order to cleanse evil, the first task was to make sure that the insignificant vermin be dealt with.

    I ventured into the sewers and encountered plenty of vermin to contend with. Their filth was almost too much to bear, and I hesitated all too often to use my hands to destroy the plight of rats that had effected this town's underbelly.

    Again, the oracle had been clear on this matter; I must suffer my own fate and pain before aligning myself with others. And suffer I did. I became overwhelmed on many occasions, yet would always find myself attracted to a bindstone of Ilasare. My family had always worshiped the chaotic nature of Mist, as we lived on the shore of a massive sea. Ilasare had also been kind to us, however, so I felt comfortable binding my soul to her temple for the time being.

    And so, I continued on my quest, destroying the small rodents of Hlint. I longed for the feel of cold steel in my hands. I wished for the strong fibers of the samurai armor I had trained with in my youth. My path was bound to the strength of my own limbs, however, and I knew I must wait for a sign from the gods to continue my training with the beautiful artwork of weaponry my people were so well known for.

    As I contemplated my next move, I meditated, my mind moving into the comfortable numbing waves of oblivion.


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      Re: Trials of the Jasmine
      « Reply #1 on: March 02, 2006, 06:33:15 pm »
      I was able to pass my initial trails in this land by accomplishing minor tasks, and continued to cleanse the undercity. When I finally made it to a large room in the underground, I saw a number of larger rats and a rat who walked upright. I decided to use some of my early training, and stayed to the shadows, slowly drawing the vermin out one at a time.

      When finally all that was left was a small rodent and the walking one, I revealed myself by kicking the abomination in the head. It struggled back, teeth bared while the small rat attempted to bite me from behind. I spun in a counter attack and smote the beast, while spinning on my heel and smashing the standing rat in the knee. It fell to the muddy floor as I delivered the coup de grace, mercifully ending its unnatural life.

      I found a book on its remains that looked to be some kind of financial figures for the town of Hlint. I was determined to deliver this to the proper authorities, and exited the filth of the sewers. I walked toward the town hall, and discovered a nervous looking sort standing out in front of the building. When I asked about the book, I was graciously hugged and given a substantial reward. My people are not used to such displays of affection, so I quickly left.

      To continue my travels, I decided to travel to the local crypts and was not disappointed by the appearance of the dastardly undead. My fists made short work of them, but their numbers were too great. I need to work on my ability to fight such large groups of monsters, or I'm afraid I will be unable to pass my next test.

