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Author Topic: New Beginnings: A New Journey told by Aeryn Tahlaer  (Read 1052 times)


New Beginnings: A New Journey told by Aeryn Tahlaer
« on: February 23, 2007, 01:23:01 pm »
World Tree, Winter Snow 21, 1412
Old sights through new eyes. Everyone should expierence this at one time or another in their lives. I look at the sky differently now. Yes, it is still the same dark and dreary cloud that encircles our little world, but it seems different somehow. As if there is a change in the air. A little glimmer of hope that shall pierce through the gloom that surrounds us all. Perhaps it is my change of profession that has me so...happy....perhaps it is something else entirely. I do not know for sure, but I am glad I see things through new eyes.
I hope to write much more than I once did, to tell my story of the heros of this land. To tell their stories collectively, as well as individually. My focus is no longer of blade and magic, though I truly do still seek in my heart the bladesong, but it is about the people around me I wish to focus on now. I wish to journal their hopes and dreams. Their lives, loves and Aeridin forbid, their deaths. Perhaps that is the best thing about my shift in my profession, that I truly see the people around me in a different light.
First, I must talk about one special and dear to me...Talia. She has gone truly out of her way to show she cares for me and I hope I can do the same for her. She has encouraged me in times where when I doubted myself, saying just the right thing to keep my focus and determination. I hope to do the same for her when she may need the same. She has my heart.
Finally, I must write about my first adventures as a bard. They have been eventful to say the least. Tala has helped me with many quests around Hlint and Fort Llast. Marrick the Quick, a farmer once and now a skilled bladesman, also helped me collect of the goblin scouts ears that I needed to collect. That next day, a large group of adventurers, took a trip to the Haven mines to collect ore and gems. In the process, the chief of the ogres was slain and I presented the head to the local magistrate. Many friends skills were on display in those mines, too many to name here, but I am sure I will tell of their adventures in the future. As for now, I wish to see if there is adventure to be had...I wish to see old sights through new eyes.


Dead Eye, Winter Night 4, 1413
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2007, 08:31:32 am »
It is fun to watch people. I never noticed it before. So many unique personalities, attitudes and values each individual has to cover up hurt, grief and loss. I have told myself to stop talking so much and just listen to the stories of others. I have succeed partially in this endeavor, though I do admit it takes some work on my part. I like to talk, but it seems others are more apt to open up more if you will just listen. When I do speak, I wish to speak words of encouragement, wisdom and hope. I believe it is what we need during these dark times.
 Again I travelled about seeing old sights that I once had seen through a narrow vision. A brief trip to the goblin caves found that the goblins of the Red Light Tribe, had found yet another leader. Talia, Tath, Gillandar, and myself travelled deep into the cave to find the new cheiftain. I found myself watching things from the view point of others and learned a lot from them. Talia was there protecting, encouraging and healing. It was fun to watch her hands touch broken flesh and to see the wound close to mend. She said little as I found myself fighting up front fighting, just a bit, but I could tell she was concerned for my well being.
 Tath berated Gillandar for running ahead into harms way, which I must admit was a little brash for the young fighter. I believe Gillandar to be a paladin, one that is youthful and full of vigor, but he must learn restraint to survive. The youth did not finish the trip with us. I do not know if it was Tath's words or another matter that took him from his travels with us, but I hope he did not take words too hard.
 Tath is a strange one. Not only are there visible differences in his looks and speech, but he seems to have a darkside. As he would kill goblins, he seemed to enjoy ripping their bodies apart with his bare hands and using parts of the broken goblins as weapons. Talia was disturbed by these actions and I must say I was a little more than concerned. Tath seems friendly enough, but what if in his trance like blood lust (for I do not know what else to call it) he hurts someone else. Perhaps others know more about him, as I only have observed him closely this one time. I shall try to find out more about the one called Tath.
 Strange events were occurring throughout our trip, as the cave was a busy place. We ran into many dwarves looking to mine, as dwarves do, but seemed rather reluctant to join us. Goblins seemed embolded to attack us and many stronger goblins seemed to come great distances through the cavarens to attack us. Talia was almost killed as a group of goblins appeared as she awoke from a meditation. It disturbed me so much, I kept asking for all of us to leave, but mining and conversations seemed to continue. I do not know why we did not leave sooner. It was a strange time in that place. None like I had ever seen before.
 Finally, I gave the head of the goblin chief, to a dwarf named Glim Silveryaxe. He was rewarded for the efforts of all that transversed that cavaren. He had hoped that I would also benefit, but I did not. I hope I made a friend in the process. The dwarves seem to be very secretive as of late and any little thing that can be done to help the relation of the races continue in good standing should be attempted. Perhaps something is stirring that will make these times even darker than they already are.


Bright Eye, Spring Dawning 9, 1413
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2007, 08:02:46 pm »
It has been many days since I have last travelled with friends. I seems to be more and more on the outside looking in, waiting for them to come back from Dregar or other places they have travelled. Oh how I wish to travel with them. Perhaps I will take a few years and travel to Port Hampstead or Fort Vehl and see if I can find work in a local taveren. I do miss seeing the sights of all that is Mistone, Dregar and beyond. Perhaps I shall even meet my friends there. I do not know...but I believe I will see things eyes once again.


Bright Eye, Summer Home 2, 1413
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2007, 01:10:09 pm »
I have not written in sometime, so it may take me sometime to update my journal. Many things have changed over the course of the past few months and I fear that I may have forgotten much of details that I would have remembered if I had written them down earlier. I shall have to do a better job of documenting my travels and my friends.
 It did not take as long to find my friends as I had once thought. I found them in Fort Vehl, a place that has seemed to change somewhat in appearance, but is still the same on the surface. We travelled through the Gloom Woods and the outskirtss of the fort to find that many bandits and deaders have made their home here. I have made four successful trips with many friends into the Gloom Woods and yet the bandits and deaders seem to continually seem to take up residence after being removed. The first such trip was the most noteable, as I observed a man named Pyyran, that used a rapier quite successfully in battle. It was as close to the bladesong as I have ever seen. I hope to discuss this further with him, as I saw no evidence that he combines magic with his blade.
 Later I listened as he and Shiff discussed the name of the two-handed sword that Shiff uses in battle, Vicious is what I believed they came up with for the wicked looking blade. I somewhat jokingly asked about my own swords name and Pyyran asked to see the blade which I showed him. He said to name it Hummingbird, which I have come to call my sword. Although I meant it only as a joke, I realized a truth about the meaning behind such a name...I must return to my work of restoring the bladesong forms to the lands of Mistone. I have learned much as a bard: the art of my singing to aid my friends, how the magic no longer seems to be a chore to learn from a book, and the delight of learning about new things of this world. But I much return to the work of my blade soon.
 Finally, I must write about Talia. Recently we travelled to the frigid Barbarian Isle, with a large group of adventurers led by Praylor Falcus. The strange magic that seems to steal people away in plain sight was plaguing Talia and she feared she would put many in danger if it continued, so I accompanied her back to Leringard. I am gald I did. We spent the most amazing time together. We swam to a small island an sat a talked until the sunrose. We walked to the water fall of the cliffs and swam in a shallow pool. We spoke of wishing to buy a house outside of Castle Blackford, only to find that all the houses have been taken. And then I watched her joyfully look through the temple of her goddess, as she explored the temple there. We spent the night wrapped in each others arms. I do care for her deeply. Perhaps someday we shall become even close as a man and woman can be.


Dead Eye, Autumn Harvest 15, 1413
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2007, 05:00:09 pm »
It has been a few days since I last wrote in my journal, but I have much to update and life has been grand indeed. I am writing this journal entry from my new home. Talia, my dearest love, surprised me after a few weeks of being gone from adventure with the news that she had purchased us a room within Krandor. I was truly overcome with emotion as she showed me the place that her and I now call home. I must repay her for all she seems to be doing for me. I hope to have a "little surprise" for her in the near future, although I must adventure more soon or find work in a local tavern to raise the trues. I hope I can make her as happy as I feel right at this moment.
 My bladesong work seems to be in slow tedious phases. I recently fell to a horde of zombies that seemed much stronger than the normal sorts in the Gloomwood Forests. Talia quickly raised me from the clutches of the Soul Mother, something that seems to concern me when she does. She seems to weaken ever so slightly from each raise of my lifeless form. Perhaps I cannot bare to see her weakened so and should meet the fate of death no matter the consequence, though I doubt that I would fare much better with Talia's wrath at my doing so. But, I will continue to fight with Hummingbird, where I can and continue to try and restore the bladesong to the elves of Mistone.
 One strange event of note, found me witnessing an exchange between two people I have known well in the past. The one they call Tath and Celgar seemed to be in a dispute about some trues that were spent by Celgar on a fine that Tath had occurred, killing some dogs that the town of Hlint had acquired. The exchange went on for mean hours, with what I observed, no trues exchanging hands. I wonder if I should trust the one called Tath as he seems to have little honor for someone who would do something so generously. As for Celgar, I remember him once as a man that sided with those of little honor and enjoyed pestering those around Hlint that did not join in their point of views on life. I truly like the new person that Celgar has become. I hope to see more of this type of generosity from others throughout the lands of Mistone.
 Finally, something that has pricked the back of my mind as of late. My walk of faith. I have not been much of a faithful follower of Aeridin throughout my life. I have followed him mainly due to my elven heritage. But, I feel as though I miss much of the joy of the faithful. I wish to seek a true follower of the Lifegiver and learn the tenants of my god. I fear I have spilled blood of many and will be required to serve some sort of pennance to forgive me of my sin. It weighs me down, as I feel the guilt of taking the life of another. Perhaps my god will show me the mercy I do not deserve.


World Tree, Winter Night, 1414
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2007, 03:54:59 pm »
I have finally asked her. As a circle is complete, I too now feel that I am complete. And though my best laid plans seemed to fail at each turn, I believe that the moment and timing were such as none that I could script. She is my life now. She is what I shall live for, her happiness is all that I want for my life. I hope that I can find someway to bring her the same joy that she brings me as I watch her walk, smile, and enjoy life. She is my life...
 I have asked Talia to be my wife and she has accepted.
 I love love...*knowing she will read his journal*


Bright Eye, Spring Blossom 9, 1414
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2007, 04:19:17 pm »
I love the season of spring. To see the world come alive again. The colors of the blossoms of the blooming flowers. The color of the trees as the first leaves bud and spring forth from the branches. Although there are fewer signs of new life, since the clouds cover the world still, I do believe you can find traces of it here and there. I do love to see the world and try to bring "spring" to those who do not see it much anymore.
 I have not written to some of my travels of late, but many have taken me on adventure to see the world of Layonara. Zergon, a great wizard...a darkelf. The first of his kind that I truly trust with my life. He lives life to the fullest. I doubt he has a fearful bone in his body as he aids his friends. I recently found out that he has seen the Soul Mother eight times. I hope he never tastes of her kiss again. I pray to Aeridin that it would be so...
 Canius Hearthgard, another wizard has aided me greatly, also. He seems to travel alot with Zergon and both work well with one another. Canius is quick of wit and mind, telling his views on life as only a halfling could. He is strong of character and one I also trust.
 A recent travel, brought me into contact with new friends, some trust-worthy and honorable, and others that I will wait and see. Mylindra, a paladin or cleric or Toran I believe, was amazing to watch in battle. Sometimes she fought without weapon or armor, something I found fool-hearty, but she seemed to know her limits as her spells took care of her and struck hard at our enemies.
 Benjamin Poeter, Daniel Poeter's younger brother, a strange sort. He seems only interested in trues, although I believe there is more to him than meets the eye. He is a lost soul that is in search of something. He is quick of wit, though I believe it is to hide a side of him he does not wish others to see. He seems to have a distrust of those who follow a god, sometimes showing contempt towards them. Perhaps I shall pray to Aeridin that he finds the peace within his soul, from that which can only come from a higher being.
 Finally, I miss Talia. I have not seen her in near a month. My fault I guess, as I travel from library to library...tavern to tavern...adventure to adventure, wishing to see and learn all from life that I can. But, what is my life without her by myside. I pray to Aeridin that she is safe and that she will not become part of the Great Cycle. I also pray that we shall see each other soon. I wish to see the new spring through her eyes.


Winged Trade, Spring Blossom 20, 1414
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2007, 09:38:39 am »
I have done something not easily forgiven. I did this offense to my friends and more importantly my faith. Wrecklessly, I threw my life away. I knew I was going to die...I did not care. I ran at the Gnoll shaman, with rage and anger in his eyes, and I stared back as if to say...please. I am glad, after the deed was complete, that Aeridin did not speak to the Soul Mother to take a strand of my soul away...forever.
 As a follower of Aeridin, could I truly have these feelings? Life is a gift from the Lifegiver. Many believe that if you follow a god, that you must supernaturally become something you are not...a god yourself. I am still mortal...I am still just a man...I am still just an elf...I am no god, nor would I want to be. I still have feelings and emotions of a mere mortal.
 I feel I must walk about the world of Layonara and find a little of the joy I once had, just a few days ago. Adventure through the eyes of my friends has always been my greatest joy. I pray that Aeridin will forgive my sin. I will not worthlessly throw my life away again....I hope, as a mere mortal can only hope...


World Tree, Summer Home 7, 1414
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2007, 11:58:02 am »
The sights through my friends eyes has brought me hope, peace and joy. The good deeds done by them, to see their actions put to the test, to see them rid the lands of those that would cause harm to those that cannot defend themselves, has brought me to the hope that perhaps these dark times will end. I am not so ignorant of the fact that things might not get worse before they get better, but I do have the hope that they shall.
 It started in Port Hempstead, when I happened upon Krys, a monk of Vorax; Rose, a paladin is seems; Lord Praylor, a paladin of Toran; Lady Clarissa, also a paladin of Toran; and Omer, a master of the weave. They were headed to Dregar, by way of Hurm, to collect resources for there various crafts and skills. I was invited, and although I thought for a moment to stay behind, I accepted their offer. I am glad I did.
 After travelling to Hurm, we found a few pirates that were terrorizing local travelers, and the group helped put an end to their deeds. We then moved on to a village to gather a few supplies and on to an area where many ogre were held up in a cave that held gold and minerals. An elf, a druid by profession, found us there and joined our group. The group seemed to know him and called him by the name of Wil. It was amazing to watch the group in action, as I felt small in comparison to the talent that they possessed. I offer the healing of Aeridin and my songs to their aid, although I feel that they could have done the job without my presence. It gave me hope for the lands of Layonara, that such heros are there to defend those in need.
 We then quickly moved on to a forest the held vampires and malar, where the fighting was quite fierce, but once again we over came the evil that tainted the lands. I was glad to see such powerful undead laid to rest and I thanked Aeridin for the safety of my friends. A short stop in a fort in the desert, found that Rose must stay for the evening as well as Krys stayed behind. I believe that the two are becoming quite a lovely couple, although I am unsure if this is truly the case or not. The rest of the group traveled to a giant cave of the Giant Oasis tribe, where we defeated many giants as I believe we were heading to find Silver for Omer. That is when things took a strange turn...
 A wolf suddenly appeared in the door way and seemed to want to lead us somewhere. Wil seemed to sense that it was in wanting our aid and so we followed him out and back to an area full of bugbear warriors that were quite hard to handle. We tracked the wolf to a well hidden grove were we found Dreugar had tainted a shrine to Folian, destroying some of the shrines stones. We debated whether or not to aid in the cleasing, some wishing to get help, and others wishing to do something right then. I believed that Aeridin would wish us to aid his ally and threw in my lot to help cleanse the shrine. The battle was the most fierce of our travels and I even found myself slain during the battle, as I stood close to the front to aid those that might need the healing I could offer them.
 I pray we have the gods favor in the days to come. I know that I have faith in those that will lead the charge, as I have seen a glimpse of their abilities. I have hope that the light of Aeridin shall return to the surface of the world. I have hope once again.


Dream Dance, Summer Run 12, 1414
« Reply #9 on: March 30, 2007, 03:02:51 pm »
*for the first time in the neatly written in book, a page seems to be marked with many blots, as if someone started to write and then did not.  What follows is not the beautiful scripit that flows throughout the rest of the journal, but slightly shaken with many blots where his pen stops as if thinking*
 Life seems to have taken on that the tones of a mournful dirge than that of a beautiful sonnett.  Why, oh why, does my soul roll like the hills?  I do not know myself anymore.  I seem to want to find death and times.  What is wrong with me?  I find myself having little purpose anymore and wish only to see death.
 I made a promise to Aeridin, the Lifegiver, and have already broken it.  I had promised not be be wreckless with my life and yet I wished to taste death once again, this time with the ulitimate first kiss from the Soul Mother.  To make matters worse, I cannot get out of my head the way, many of my friends put themselves in danger on my account.  Curse me!  Curse me to the nine hells!  Why am I so selfish?  Why can I not find the love of life I once had, each and everyday.  What is wrong with my soul?
 Death seems to find me more and more often.  A short trip to Dregar found most of the party I travelled with dead at the hands of monsterous trolls that did not die easily.  I could see our doom before it even happened.  The partys seemed to be at odds with one another, with no real leader to keep control of everyone running about at random.  I heard screams from behind us as one fell and the sounds of battle behind, I returned to find Rose running a dodging a troll, its nasty claws cutting her flesh.  I ran to her and healed her as Celith Xillow returned and tried to take down the beasts, but it was too late and we met our doom.
 I returned with Rose to seek our graves and raise a female elven ranger, whom I do not believe I have met.  I made us invisible and we ran through the woods to the Ore Hills just in time from my spell to disapate.  I had only one invisible left and with the ogres near, we decided to have me return to as safe spot, rest and return to them so that I would have enough invisible spells for all.  As I got to safet, I rested and quickly looked for the spell components I would need to cast my spells and to my dismay had only two components left for my invisiblity spell.  My mind was in a panick as I remembered a store at a little village not far.  I cast a quickness spell and dashed off as quick as I could.  As I ran I grabbed my coin purse and found it empty...I knew then that the gods were against me.  I ran to the pawn broker, and carrying little I gave him the quickest thing I could...Hummingbird, my blade.  She took it with a grin, giving me a mere forty coins for the blade...what a fool am I.
 I cast my quickness spell and bought the components needed, made myself invisible and returned to the spot where I had left Rose and the elven ranger.  It seems that they had been attacked, but both had defended themselves from the attack.  The ranger had left Rose alone, something I found quite disturbing and Rose was quite afraid.  I chuckled to myself, knowing that had the ranger told me she was leaving, I would not have had to sell Hummingbird...a fool I am.  We made our way back to safety and back to Mistone alive.
 My life is a mournful dirge.  I have had thoughts of trying to make my way back to the lands of my parents and my people...Voltrex.  It seems as if there is something between Talia and myself that is different.  Perhaps she sees this mournful state I am in and cares not for it.  Perhaps, I have moved to quickly in my pledge of bonding myself to her.  I do not know, but I do see that she have found solace in traveling with friends, even if I am not by her side.  Perhaps me going to Votrex would be for the best...but I cannot do that to her or the many friends that aided me that fateful night into the mountians.  I will travel the many libraries of Mistone and learn what I can about life...and perhaps something that will bring me new meaning to life.
 *he closes the journal, looks at it carefully and instead of putting it by his bedside table he tucks it into his pack and headoff to the Blackford Castle Library*


Bright Eye, Summer Run 23, 1414
« Reply #10 on: March 31, 2007, 08:01:40 am »
*in once again the beautiful flowing script of one well versed in the skill of writing he writes*
 Every adventurer transverses through mountians.  They travel up and down the jagged peaks and valleys.  Every muscle strains with effort to climb up from those low points. Fingers are cut and torn bloodied from the sharp rocks.  Bones are broken, joints are wrentched, and many adventurer give up and die on the way to the top of that mountian they climb.  But for those who continue on they see, or perhaps hear...the sunrise on the otherside of the mountian.
 I spent many weeks in the Blackford Castle Library studying about my people, searching for the bladesong and the ways of Aeridin.  As I browsed the books on the shelf, I came to one I have passed over many times.  A little book called The Harmony of Life.  As I sat there reading the pages, my eyes began to well with tears at the words that I read as I realized the true meaning of my exsistance.  It spoke to every aspect of my realationship with Aeridin as a healer, as my new found Bardic skills have grown, and as for the warrior in me to find the bladesong.  I stayed and read the book, over and over again, trying to understand how I could not have known about life in this way before.  
 I then began to watch people and events in a new light, not watching with my eyes, but with my ears.  Trying to catch the melody of each ones soul.  Listening the each persons notes, rythem and song.  I could hear the Harmony of Life all around has taken on new meaning.  Everything I do, everything I am and everyone around me, I shall listen to the melody that they play within the Great Symphony.  And I too shall listen more closely to the melody that I play.  No more mournful dirge, for I believe that the dark notes that are cast from such a song can drown out the most beautiful of songs with its dark tones.  
 I walked on to Foilian's Vale and the shrine to Aeridin.  I have been here for weeks, my ears listening to every song around me.  It is one of peace, love and hope.  I have listened to my own melody of late and I am trying to listen to the song that is Talia and I.  Is it one of harmony or one of discord, I am unsure.  Many things in what has become our intertwining of melodies are discordant...our gods relations being the most evident of late.  But the beautiful music that I can remember from some of our encounters are some of the most beautiful music ever composed.  This song has not yet an end I hope...
 I plan on leaving soon.  I hope every path I walk from this day forth, I will no longer use my eyes to judge life by, but my ears as I listen for the Harmony...
 *smiling a smile of true contentment, he places the journal back in his pack and leaves Aeridins shrine to find and listens to his friends melodies*


Bright Eye, Winter Deep 23, 1415
« Reply #11 on: April 13, 2007, 01:11:03 pm »
*digging through his pack as he again rearranges his items, he notices buried deep at the bottom, a little leather bond journal.  He sighs and takes it back out, along with a pen and begins to write...*
 I have not wrtten in many months for whatever reason and I feel as though I have let the stories of those heros that I travel with down.  The melody that I follow seems to be a movement of rapid tempo of late and I have found little time for the recording of the great deeds that I have seen.  And as my memory is not what it used to be, I have forgotten much of the detalis of those events, so I shall have to write about the subject I hate most to write  What a sad storyteller I am.
 I have returned of late to listening for the melody that surrounds us all.  The song of the spells I cast have seemed to grow much in power, as I have learned to listen for the sounds of the weave around us and bend those sounds into power which aids my friends.  The most I seem to be using is that of the healing songs, which I believe Aeridin is pleased with.  Many have mistaken me lately for a man of the cloth, something I find satisifying and honored as I find the melody quite comforting in such.  I am sure to point out to all that that think such, that it is not my calling to be such a man, although I love to aid where I can.
 The songs that I sing are somewhat helpful though I know that I can perform the music much better, if I will continue to work at it.  I love to sing and see how it inspires my friends in battle, comforting them in times of trouble, and trying to make their lives altogether a little brighter during these cloud filled days.  I feel I am close to to breaking through to a new level of inspiration and will continue to work on the songs that I sing towards those ends.  I have even begun to wonder about taking up an instrument to aid the songs I sing, perhaps the lyre or the harp would fit me well, but that is for another days thought, as adventure seems all that I crave at times.
 The bladesong is my somber melody of late.  I seems, since the day of my foolishness, that the bladesong has lost its focus in my life.  A few trips to the Vehl crypts have shown me that I offer little in the way of swordplay.  I feel though that I must continue to find movement that is the song of my people.  Perhaps replacing Hummingbird will once again inspire me to practice the dance of the bladesong, although I believe I will have to pick my times to practice it as most of those that threaten the common folk in the area are too strong for me to practice my blade.  Or perhaps I shall find the School of the Cresendo on Alindor to see if the library there speaks of the bladesong or any of the masters there are of the elven heritiage that I might speak to them of such things.  Perhaps we will see where the melody leads...
 As to the relationships in my life, Talia has been a comfort of late.  Although I do not see her for weeks and even months on end, we have found each other from time to time and shared many wonderful moment.  Her melody  is truly intertwined with my own as she makes my heart sing when she is around.  Perhaps I shall see her soon again and we can make up for the time we have been apart from one another.  I truly could give up the adventurous spirit within me, to be by her side each and everyday.  As for others, Rose has been a dear friend.  I find her intriguing and a wonderful person to be around.  We travelled to the Crypts of Vehl together a few days back and it was beautiful to watch her put the dead to rest.  I do not yet know how her song is connected to me, but I know her to be a true friend indeed.
 As you can see dear journal, the movement of my Life's Harmony has been dull indeed.  The slow moving tempo of the music that is around me needs to be stirred a bit into a swifter pace, so that life may find the sunshine once more.  I shall listen once again to the Harmony around me...
 *tucks the journal back in his pack and sets off for the nearest tavern to find adventure*


Dream Dance, Spring Blossom 19, 1415
« Reply #12 on: April 18, 2007, 06:29:35 pm »
I am the king of fools.  I feel that it is time for me, Aeryn Tahlaer, to leave this life, as one of the Dragon Called, to the home of my parents...Voltrex.  I have made a mess of too many lives and broken one heart that I shall never be able to mend.  My song is over in this melody.  And truth be told, I shall never sing again.  I have no heart for it anymore, the grief I feel for what I have done shall keep the song from my lips.  I have sung my last.
 I hope that I am thought of by those who know me as a true friend, one that was willing to lay down his life for his friends, for given the chance I truly would have.  Those friends are many to mention, but I shall try and mention those I found most dear; Krys, Steele, Jaleel, Praylor, Canius, Daniel, Elohanna, Kinai, Shiff, Dalila, and Ben.  You were truly there for me and saw me through many of my darkest times.  There are so many that were kind enough to allow me to travel with them and see so much of the lands of Mistone, Alindor, and Dregar eventhough I could offer little in the ways of combat, the weave, or the healing it took to be truly useful to the group.  You all have been great friends, know that I pray to the Lifegiver each and everyday that you are safe and happy.  But three I must mention outside of these that had special pieces of my heart.
 First, to Rose...I only knew you a short time.  I never told you how I felt, for I could not, as my heart belonged to another.  You were a true friend and I fell in love with that.  It was nothing you said...did...or related to me in anyway, but it was all that in my eyes that I saw in you.  I am truly sorry to tell you this now and in this way, but know that my heart truly belonged to one and I am sorry for any trouble I have caused you in this.
 Second, to Dorena...the one that I could not love, but did.  I have not seen you in many years and do not know if you even still travel the lands.  I truly do not know if you even really ever knew who I was, for I never spoke to you after the business with the doppleganger.  Perhaps it was that Dorena I fell in love with.  I thank you for all the mentoring in battle you taught me.  I thank you for all the quests you helped me complete.  I thank you for showing me all the sights I mentioned above for my first time.  Know that my love turned into to that of a love for a sister in the end.  You were as close to bloodkin as I will ever have.
 Last, to my love...Talia.  It pains me more than you ever will know to write this.  You truly have my heart.  You truly have all my love.  You truly are the best friend I have ever had.  I wish my confused mind would allow me to stay with you...but alas, it will not.  Know everyday that I live, I will think of you.  I will never marry.  I will never love another.  I will not sing for every song that I sing will be one of sorrow and misery.  I have hurt the one I truly love.  If I were not a servant of the Lifegiver, I would end my misery.  I know you do not believe me, but I love you.  You will be with me in my heart forever.
 It is time to go to Voltrex...the land of my parents and my people.  Know I will miss you all dearly.
 **tears stream from his eyes...but with determination he closes the book and and lays it on the benches outside of Port Hempstead...and closes the song of his life**


Night's Eye, Spring Rain 10, 1416
« Reply #13 on: May 08, 2007, 03:48:43 pm »
My heart truly hurt and I needed time away.  I felt that the best thing for me to do was to leave, to truly remain gone, and live out my days on the continent of Voltrex.  But I could not do such.  I felt the draw of her love.  I felt that what I did was uncorrectable.  The last time I saw her she said she did not understand why I was doing what I did.  I am unsure that I even truly understand myself, but it seemed the right thing to do at the time.  And it seemed right to return and approach her of why I left.  We never spoke of why.  We never seemed to talk much the days before I left.  But now we have.
 I told her why.  I told her what my feelings were during those past few months.  I told her I still loved her...for I truly do.  We are one day at a time now.  We will take our times together more slowly now.  I will not expect as much, for I feel I have hurt her deeply.  She has changed much...her dress, her views on life, her approaches to battle.  She told me the Soul Mother visited her often.  I cry at the thought of doing that to her.  If it were in my power to rip the strands from my soul to attach to her own, I would do so without a second thought.  She did not deserve my childish behavior to steal the life from her precious body.  I pray that Aeridin will protect her life in the coming days.
 I have not seen her since I sent the bird to her, to talk to her, and tell her I wished that I had never did what I had done.  I know she needs time to think through it all.  I know that even though she said she wanted it to be like it was, she needs time to truly think it through.  I pray that she is safe and will return to me safely.  If she returns to me to tell me that she cannot forgive me for what I have done to her, I will understand.
 I miss her deeply though.  I hope she is able to work through this pain that I have caused her.  I have returned for her and her alone.  I could not leave things the way they were.  My heart was truly worse off without her.  Aeridin...keep my love safe.


The Final Song
« Reply #14 on: June 05, 2007, 02:50:00 pm »
On a little island outside of Leringard, where the beauty of wildflowers grow sits a man dressed in all black.  He has been there for many hours, his gaze going from a piece of paper that is wet with tears of the past and of the present, to the open expanse of the sea.  He sits silently watching the tide roll in, as if recalling the past when times were better.  His now black hood covers his beautiful face where nothing is seen, but the tears that flow from his eyes.  But at the high sun, the silence is broken by the sound of a beautiful song, sung in the language of the elves.
 The young elven man sings of the time when the dragon called his name, when many friends adventured throughout the lands of Layonara.  His voice is beautiful and bold as he recalls every moment of his life and each person he was blessed to call friends.  His song then changes at that the mention of one name, the name of a female, as it goes into the mood of love and happiness.  He seems to remember each detail of every moment with her, the good and the bad, but as though his mind is touched at the very thought of the name.  The song goes on for hours, each and every word used by the tounge of his people showing the true love and beauty he felt during this time of his life.
 But as all songs must, the song ends with a single note of dispare.  As if awoken from a dream, Aeryn Tahlaer, the bladesinger, sings his last note.  He looks around and sees the setting sun on the horizon of the sea.  He looks to the sea and sees that the tide now moves, much like his life, back to where it came.  He sighs deeply, folds the letter and slides it into his shirt over his heart.  Looking into his pack and finding what he was looking for, he stands and says softly, "It is time."  He steps into the ice cold waters and walks out chest deep.  He takes the skinning knife, he produced from his pack and  takes his trembling hands pointing the sharp tip to his heart.  With a grunt of pain he plunges the dagger deep within his chest.  As the numb, cold feeling washes over his body and darkness begins to wash over his eyes he says with his last breath, "Farewell, know that you are always loved."

