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Author Topic: Lino Bildert's Journal  (Read 79 times)


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    Lino Bildert's Journal
    « on: February 26, 2007, 09:44:12 pm »
    It was a night like any other, when I glanced over and spotted a drow talking to some folk. The creature seemed vile but that only attracted me more, especially when it said it had a job that required ... Let us say swift skills...
      At some time I felt the ground near me rumbling, only to look over and see a GIANT in red armor running towards the drow. I assumed it would get very interesting, and wondered if that giant was going to attack the drow. It's not everyday you see that in Hlint, I tell you...

     I  waited along time before approaching, I observed and learned... The drow had a macabre look,  his dark robes seemed to move but in reality it had spiders walking all over.  He had the air of a wizard, arrogant and intelligent. The giant for my surprise was a female, Hell it looked really MEAN.

     After some time I approached and offered my services, after some suspiscious looks and annoying comments, there we headed for the forest. The drow had interest in a crypt with locked doors and traps. And I was just the one to do the job.. We negotiated quickly and after some boring moments of waiting headed for the crypt.

    Just before we ge to the area where the crypt was situaded we stopped and the drow casted defensive spells in all of us. Magic really annoys me sometimes, but I guess it's a necessary evil.

    The outside of the crypt was riddled with zombie lords and mummys, and seeing the giant do her work was rather amazing. As she slaughtered every single one of them at incredible speed the drow rejoiced and watched her, almost as if wanting to display it for me.. Maybe as a threaten or warning, I'm not sure. I know he was proud of that giant...

    We headed on for the crypt and the slaughter cotinued. I was assigned to fetch all the loot and separate the Bodak's Tooths and keys for the drow wizard. We had a difficult time looking for the keys but we managed to find one. Once we got to the locked door, I couldn't open it. It was warded magically and only the right key could do it. And it was not the key we found..
    The drow was so angry i had to contain my laughter or he would certainly kill me. We decided to look around and explore a bit more, maybe there was another key. We came to  a locked door but damn, if it wasn't for the drow's charm that increased my agility i wouldn't be able to open it.

    I guess I need to pratice even more.

    After some more undead bashing, courtesy of Bakee the giant I finally found the key, ofuscated by some dust. We could finally open the first door but when we did, a swarm of undead rushed to us and bakee held them strongly in their place, fighting fiercely. The wizard helped as he could, casting very powerful spells and i throwed my darts, but they simply shrugged off any of my attacks.

    Pressing on, I took care of another lock, and we got to the main room.. There was an undead lord of some sort and he meant business.. Several traps swarmed the room but Bakee didn't even give me time to disarm them, engaging furiously in combat.. I tried to disarm on of the traps and failed miserably, setting it up on me.. It got me slowed, so I was practically helpless.. At this very moment, the undead lord decided to attack me! Took him a couple of spells and I was down bleeding.
    The funny thing there is that the drow tried to heal me.
    Don't ask me why, I had aready served my purpose and he didn't need me anymore.

    Unfortunatly I bled to death and the only thing that saved me was the binding stone of Hlint. Well I rushed back from the city to the crypts alone, sneaking by some of the meanes undead you can think of and I got just in time to see Bakee bashing the door down and leaving the room.
    Now we were on the corridor and the negotiation was on, I failed, he failed. He had to keep me alive and i had to open all doors and don't get in line of fire we parted ways after the payment was done and the drow kept an very interesting ring...
    I knew, before I even talked to them that I was certain to die that night, but i somehow kept going.
    I have become interested in the shadow arts even more now after this night on that crypt but I really need to take on some fighting skills, if I am to survive these jobs I accept.