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Author Topic: A new beginning, notes for the future  (Read 194 times)


A new beginning, notes for the future
« on: August 04, 2006, 07:21:08 pm »
During one of the silent nights, that often rule over Raven´s Watch, a ship slowly came into the docks. After a few moments a hooded figure stepped on the frozen land of the Barbarian Island. He was dressed in richly decorated robes and looked tired from the long journey, the sailors spoke that they have never had such a windless trip. The hooded man looked to the ship and slowly motioned towards one of the sailors, ordering him to bring his horse from the decks below. The seasoned sailor gloomed back disgusted, yet he was forced to head after the horse having caught the grim look on his captain´s face. The hooded figure nodded to the captain and slowly, perhaos without much skill, climbed on his horse. He then whistled and once again looked towards the ship. Suddenly a rather large panther ran from below the deck and jumped ashore making it´s way through the sailors towards the hooded firgure.  The hooded figure slowly rode out of Raven´s Watch andmade his waytowards a large house located in the middle of frozen wastes of the Barbarian Island. On the way he looked rather satisfied and happy, especially if one consideres the lands he travelled.  After a few eventless hours the man was finally home. He opened the large doors and entered adark and silent hall. He looked around for a few moments, nodded to himself and contiunued to walk through his entire house, stepping into each room and looking it over. After a few minutes he finally came to the library, sighed, and slowly went back into the hall. He walked towards the fireplace and smiled, he saw the ashes that remained from the fire that warmed him many months ago, just before he took this rather long trip. He then threw in a few pieces of wood and lit the fire again, afterwards seating himself comfortably in the chair nearby and picking up the book from the small table, once again, from where he had left it so many weeks ago.   Taking a feather he bagan to write, seemingly not being bothered one bit by the fact that it was many hours passed midnight.
  I once again return to find only silence greeting me, I have not heard from the people I know for months if not more. Even though I do not enjoy this my head still argues my heart by telling me that it is exactly how my life should be. I have always listened to my head, having only disobbeyed it once, silencing the voice of wisdom inside and listening to the feelings I never knew existed. Now as months pass without a single word from the person that caused thismy senses are slowly coming back, I have yet to understand whether this was a large mistake or the happiest days of my life, only time shall put everything on the corret shelf. Yet I can not seem to shakethe thought that I would like these days to return.
  Yet I can not focus on these thoughts, certainly not now as too many things require my urgent attention. Now that Blood is out of the way many opportunities have openedfor bothmyself and my superiors, I feel that the day when I will no longer be in someone´s command is near. It is now time to gather all of my allies and find new ones, all who will stand near me shall feel the benefits ofthenew era that is about to come.
  After finishing the last words Rufus begins to scribble countless letters, rushing each word as though he wants to race the rising sun.
  ///This is me coming back to Layonara, so hi all :)
  I would appreciate if you would send some comments as PMs about the writing, what is bad, good, what can be improved etc. More post should come and I am hoping to improve with each one.
  Thank you for reading!


RE: A new beginning, notes for the future
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2006, 02:38:53 am »
*the following notes are just loose thoughts, being written as they enter the head, there is no strict structure and it seems this scribling was used to figure out the situation and the next course of action*

How could this happen.....things were going perfectly....for the better....always for the better....I was almost at the dream almost has crumbled....will I survive....or rather....will my death be painless? Something has to be done....but what...I have angered the most powerful man Layonara....I've seen him command the Black Sun....summon the Soul Mother in person....he decides if somebody should raise to god I am against him? This is insane....perhaps he will forgive me....I have brought him so much.....that pool...that immense power...and...and...that phylactery....what am I saying....he shall never forgive...and why would he....he shall gain nothing...and they never forgive....ever....I have seen what happens to those who betray...I can still see how the Avatar ripped the skin off from Cibus' impaled body....will I be next? I know where I made my mistake....I am too good to people...but what does that change...nothing...I am still guilty in their eyes....this is the end...I never thought it will end like this...I have never lost before and now....why did I want to help her...It seems that I have nothing to loose now...things simply can not get any worse...but what if I...of course...hah!....I shall not go down this easy...I never loose...and even if I will die they shall know what it means to simply discard me as useless...I am not going down without a fight!!!!

