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Author Topic: Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent  (Read 1922 times)


Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« on: February 18, 2006, 12:16:41 pm »
Dear Mother and Father,

I Know you are worried about me.  I am sorry I left but I couldn't deal with life in the Keep.  I needed to be out and be free from the formalites of our ....

*She stares at the letter*
*tears dot the page*

*She tosses it into the fire*


Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2006, 11:12:25 am »
Dear Mother and Father,

    I hope all is well.  I have been traveling a lot lately, keeping my mind occupied.  But I still find it hard not to let my emotions take control.  I know I wanted a life of adventure and was unhappy in our small keep by the sea, but I may have gotten myself in a little over my head.  Father, my magic is a little wild, I should have studied harder. And mother, the pup you gave me as a small girl seems to have taken on some qualities that not everyone here seems to appreciate.  I may have to turn him loose.

*stares at the letter*
*thinks to herself:  there is no way this will ever be delivered, why do I write them?*

*wads up the letter and tosses it into the fire*


Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2006, 05:37:03 pm »
Dear Mother and Father,

The last couple of days have seen great strides for me. And some hard times.  

I have been learning to create rings and have had some great successes.  Thanks to a gentleman named Barion who brought me copper ingots I was able to craft over 25 beautiful rings! Father they even hold a little magical power.  I was also able to finally find a room.  Zweck, and ecentric friend of mine found a room in a town called Krandor, and he offered to let me share it with him.  Mother don't get worried, I have my own bed with some nice partitions around it...

The hard time came when a friend of mine, Freida, was being harassed by an uncouth individual.  I stood up for her, as she is only 3 feet tall, but the brute would not stop.  My anger got the best of me and I nearly ran him through.  I am not proud of this...  I will try to keep my temper in check from now on...

*ink blots the page*

*tosses the letter in the trash can in her room*


Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2006, 05:32:45 pm »
Hello Mother and Father,

I hope you are doing well.  I am truely sorry that these letters will never reach you, but I must write anyway, just to clear my head.  

I am thinking of turning MerlinDog loose.  No one seems to understand him.  Well I take that back some see him for what he really is, a mutt, just a very protective mutt.  Some do not believe that a Hell Hound can be bread with a normal dog and not have that Hell Hound attitude... I thanks you Mother though for providing me with a protector in these tough times.

My room is comming along nicely.  I have purchased some plants to remind me of the gardens at home.  I don't know what Zweck thinks of them.  Everyone seems to think that Zweck and I are together since we share a room...  If they only understood.

*looks at the letter*
*balls it up and throws it away*


Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2006, 10:24:14 am »
Dear Mother and Father,

I hope you are doing well.  My time here is both a blessing and a curse.  At home I knew my role, but here I have yet to find a path.  My jewelry making is comming along well, but it is not satisfying my inner passions.  I need a direction, a guild, a god, a purpose...

*wads up the letter which is dotted in tears and throws it away*


Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2006, 04:28:23 pm »
Dear Mother and Father,

I have been doing well.  I have found a way to make a bit of coin so I can buy better equipment, tis a harsh world sometimes here.   I am getting better at the jewlery trade, Mother, and am attempting to sell gems, rings, and dust from the gems.  Hopefully people will be interested...

And, Father, I have been studying my magic more often.  I seem to be growing in strength.  I know I didn't like studying the arts as a child but I have seen their blessings here.  The is a temple that interestes me.  They worship a goddess named Lucinda.  I am seeking out someone from their temple to speak with.  I just do not know if I am temple material...

*sighs...  I wish I could send these*
*balls up the paper and tosses it on the floor*


Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2006, 01:11:09 pm »
Dear Mother and Father,

I have found a member of the Temple of Lucinda.  Her name is Sabrissia.  I have known her for a while as she is betrothed to Barion Firesteed.  She took me to the Temple and we had a discussion about Lucinda. The temple was beautiful, as was Lucinda's message about the weave.  I spoke with Ash about Lucinda as well to see what others that do not worship her think.  She approves of Lucindas teachings.  This helped alot, as she is one of my best friends. I just don't know if I have the faith in myself to dedicate myself to a goddess.

Lyons was there as well.  I finally got to explain to him about MerlinDog.  I don't know if he understood until Sabrissia's familiar Karen spoke to him about how a familier will do nothing that it's master does not want it to do.  I think he understood then how a creature could be harnessed by its master, just as I have kept MerlinDog under control.  Again Mother thank you for giving him to me as a youth, he is a great protector in my troubled times.

*wads up the letter and tosses it in the fire*


Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2006, 04:50:25 pm »
Dear Mother and Father,

Father I went to the most amazing place...  I saw a race of people called the T'oleflor.  They were one of the first to use the and protect the weave Father.  I wish you could have seen them in their glory!  Small and winged they were but each was different.  Very powerful and magical looking.  There was a great meeting where one of our own was called to be the protector of the Silver Vein, some sort of tree connected to the world.  It was most amazing.  In meeting them I feel my call to the weave growing greater.

I have also begun to loose some of my wild ways.  I know I was never much for authority and structure at home but I am feeling like it will be necessary for me in this land.  I am doing more now to help others than I ever have in the past.  I know I will never be a "law abiding" citizen but hopefully I can find a happy medium...


*wads the letter up*
*sighs and thinks, I wish Father could have seen the T'oleflor*


Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« Reply #8 on: March 22, 2006, 03:09:51 pm »
Dear Mother and Father,

I hope everything is going well for you across the seas.  I hope you will forgive me for never writing (though I do) the birds will  just not fly that far.  I do hope someday that we can see each other again.

I have not seen my roomate in over a month, I hope nothing has happened to Zweck.  He was having delusions before he disappeared about having twenty some different kinds of demon blood in him...  Maybe they called him back, I don't know.  I have searched everywhere for him.  Ash can't seem to find him either, and her being a Ranger, that makes me sense that something dire has happened.

I am trying to find a teacher in the jewelry trade.  I have gotten fairly good and have produced some nice things but would like to take my abilities to a higher level.  Hopefully someone will reply to a note I tacked up and teach me a bit of their knowledge.  It my sound strange to you both that now I seek knowledge where before I hid from lessons.

I am still watching the followers of Lucinda, and I find they are a very caring and helpful lot.  Something I seem to be developing into on my own.  Maybe I should persue her teachings a little more seriously.

*looks down at the note*
*a tear spots her cheek*
*tosses the letter in the fire and watches it burn*


Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« Reply #9 on: March 27, 2006, 05:23:47 pm »
Dear Mother and Father,

Things have been going well.  I have had a couple of great things happen.  One of my missing friends has returned, Zweck.  He didn't really say where he'd been except "some isles".  And Ash has moved in with us. I just hope the Paladin who lets us live there doesn't mind too much.  We've moved into a little bit bigger room.  Justain did say when he let us live there that he hated to see homeless people, so I was following his advise when I asked Ash in from the cold... I hope he understands.

I have really been doing well with my jewelry making, I have even begun to work bronze.  Now my problem seems to be aquiring better gems for the bronze as I cannot retrieve them myself.  I think I will begin concentrating on enchanting and alchemy so I can make these rings even better.  Bet you'd never have thought I would be this driven, aye Father?

Well good bye for now...

*doesn't sign the letter*
*throws it in the nearest plant pot*


Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« Reply #10 on: April 06, 2006, 05:43:01 pm »
Dear Mother and Father,

Everything is going well here hopefully all is going well for you at home.  I man named Kilkenny responded to my add for a mentor in Jewelry making, I just need to seek him out now.  

I am also going to try to become a member of the Lucindite Temple but I think I should concentrate on one or the other first. Father I know you would probably think the temple should come first and Mother, I know you would think the schooling.  It is something I will need to decide.  

Oh and Mother I have also met a kind young man, who is also very intellegent.  I seem to loose track of time while talking to him.  You always said thats why you married Father.  We have had nothing more than conversations but we shall see where it leeds...

Goodnight Mother and Father.

*tosses the letter in the fire*


Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« Reply #11 on: April 15, 2006, 09:15:37 am »
Dear Mother and Father,

I went on a most amazing adventure last night to a place called Firesteep.  The mountains and valleys were beautiful.  I even got to fly!  A man named Plen had to scoop me up and fly me up a cliff that I could not climb.  He is the only person here that I have seen with wings!  There were many tough battles but everyone got out safely I think, even the silly bard Freldo.

I am going to begin to work on enchanting and alchemy as my jewelery making seems to be very effective now and I cannot advance much further without seeking out Kilkenny.  I did have one most discouraging set back.  Ash brought me a fire opal that she said she almost died getting.  I got through the two toughest parts, cutting it and polishing it, only to destroy it setting it in the ring.  I don't know what I'll tell her when I see her.  I am almost ashamed that a gift like that went to waste.

I have begun saving for a home.  I may have to find one of the more wealthy people here and see if they might loan me the money, which I can pay back through renting the extra rooms out.

*throws to letter in the pond*


Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« Reply #12 on: April 26, 2006, 06:02:44 pm »
Dear Mother and Father,

I have been doing well

*stares at the paper*

Actually maybe I have not.  I seem to be going in circles.  I cannot find a direction or a cause.  I have offered to tutor someone in gem crafting but how will that help when I have not even bothered to seek out one who offered to help me?  I have started to speak with others about the weave who ask about my religion, but I have been to the temple once...  I am truely confused about my path here, but I seek help from no one.  The independence is still ingrained in me, to much so.  I go on adventures with others and barely speak but I speak well with a person alone.  I do not know, I do not know my path...

*the letter trails off*
*she angrily tears it up*


RE: Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« Reply #13 on: May 05, 2006, 04:41:54 pm »
Dear Mother and Father,

Yesterday was not a good day.  I have lost a friend.  Ash has told me that she was going to Xandril and would not return for some time.  She has had a strange and complictated relationship with a bard named Freldo and his lady friend Rhynn, both of whom I really like.  Ash mistakenly asked Rhynn about virginity (I have have no idea why) and Rhynn was deeply hurt and said something about her old master abusing her.  

A woman named Ireth came along and Ash and I overheard her asking Rhynn if she could tell Ash in strong terms to leave her alone, threatening terms.  Ash became upset and asked why Ireth hated her so much and Ireth mocked her love of nature.  Ash left saying she was going to Xandril and would not be back for along time.  

I know not what to do, should I seek out Ash in this place called Xandril, should I confront this Ireth woman?  I do not know.

I only know I have lost a true friend...

*stares at the paper in disbelief*
*uses combust on the letter reducing it to ash and starting a curtain on fire in the process*


Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« Reply #14 on: May 07, 2006, 10:14:31 am »
Dear Mother and Father,

A great thing has happened!  Ash has returned. I was in the Leilon Arms drowning my sorrows with whiskey (never again) when she walked in.  A balor and Bloods army chased her out of Xandril. For once Bloods army did something good...  I was so worried that she would not come back.

I have begun to spend more time in a place called Dregar.  The creatures are much more powerful but the rewards are greater as well.  The gems are much more suited to my abilities in jewelry making.  I need to concentrate on my enchanting so I can start to make rings to help with abilities such as strength and intellegence.  Yes father I should have paid more attention in class...


*folds up the letter and tosses it in the trash*


Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« Reply #15 on: May 09, 2006, 10:58:09 pm »
Dear Mother and Father,

I have had again, a great, and terrible day.

I met a man several months ago and he interested me right away.  A kind man, and a knowledgable man.  He made me realize that maybe I already have a cause, the simple cause of looking out for my friends.  Simple but noble.  Maybe I do not need a church or a guild, simply I must follow my heart and protect my friends.  I have much to think about.  I have long conversations with him and loose track of time (Mother you may be right).  But there is still the other who I can loose time with as well, how does one choose...  I am at a loss.

The terrible part...  I met the soul mother today for the first time.  She took a bit of my life away.  I think I was being rash, leeding where I shouldn't have been and paid the price.  I shall not be so foolish again and put myself, and a man I admire in so much danger.

*folds the letter, puts in in an envelope and tosses it in the fire*


Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« Reply #16 on: May 13, 2006, 01:23:28 am »
Dear Mother,

He is here, the one...

*begins to cry, not knowing if it is love, fear or fear of love*
*throws the tear stained parchment in the fireplace*


RE: Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« Reply #17 on: May 15, 2006, 10:55:18 pm »
Dear Mother,

I know I should be writing to Father as well but the things I speak of are for a womans heart I think.

I was given a flower today, a beautiful blue flower.  I shall press it in the book that Exodas has given me, to keep it safe. This man makes me think like no other.  He has helped me realise my calling in life, to protect and care for others.  That I do not need a temple or guild to be complete.  But he seems unsure of himself sometimes.  He has led a life of purpose, a life of dedictation to a cause, and I have a fear that I am making him rethink his ideals.

I do not wish him to rethink his ideals and change, for the man I am falling in love with...

*stares at the word love*
*sets the letter down, blows out the candle, and thinks of him as she drifts off to sleep*


RE: Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« Reply #18 on: May 16, 2006, 10:58:42 pm »
*curls up in bed clentching the book with the flower he gave her safely pressed inside it and drifts off to sleep thinking of him*


RE: Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« Reply #19 on: May 18, 2006, 09:28:38 pm »
Dear Mother and Father,

I have been trying to raise money for orphans in Roldem that were victims of the war against Blood.  Since I really have no money to spend I have been convincing others at the end of adventures to donate the loot.  It seems to be working, just last night I got a group to donate almost 2500 coins.  I also sold a powerful magical set of gloves and am donating a portion of the profit to them, if I can only find the buyer...

Father, tis time to tell you...  I think I have fallen in love.  He is a kind and gentle man, a follower of Toran.  Father don't scold me, he is not like the hedge knights that practiced outside of our small keep on the training grounds.  He is not arrogant and brash... though I did have to call him foolish yesterday for charging into a cavern with ogres all over to find me.  A sign of love maybe, Father?  I just don't want him hurt, tis why I called him foolish. I hope he didn't take offense. I just mean to protect him.

I spoke with Ash yesterday about him.  It was a conversation I was dreading, as she does not like Paladins much.  It went well.  I told her what I have written to you Father, that he is not arrogant and brash.  That he joined the church for revenge rather than status.  Revenge against those who killed his parents. She seems to take it better than I had even hoped...

*trails off as she falls asleep clutching her book with the flower pressed inside*


