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Author Topic: Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent  (Read 1925 times)


RE: Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« Reply #80 on: October 12, 2006, 10:31:46 pm »
*enters the house dressed in black and picks up a quill as the children sleep*

I colored my robes, my armor, everything black.  Little did I know that it was a good day for black.

Mercas is gone.  The man had a little piece of my heart, though I don't know if he ever knew it. I knew it. Tis sad, the soul mother has a piece of me now in him.

*gets up an pours a glass of wine and tries to wright about normal life*

Laet is moving into the house.  She seems a well enough woman.  She got along great with the children, even offered to watch them a bit when I was out.  It will give Sarah a break.

*the quill trails off the page*
*she puts a log on the fire hoping for peace from her anger and curls up next to the pile of sleeping children*


RE: Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« Reply #81 on: October 17, 2006, 04:44:33 pm »
*comes in the front door aching from the beating received at the hands of a skeleton knight, and pulls out her journal*

I have sold his pelts, it pained my heart. Then I got drunk and ran headlong into Storans...  I almost slew them all, *sighs*, but not that brute.  On my way back to my grave Praylor and Ifion were comming out... seems they went to fetch me.  Noble gentlemen they are.  I sat and talked with Ifion, he seems to always, always ease my mind.  It must be hard for him...

I have decided that I need to throw myself into my crafting.  Mylindra has become and excellent enchantress, and with my rings I think we can do wonders.  Plus it will keep my mind occupied, too many things running through it, like bloody wild horses.

*puts the journal down and snuggles up beside the children*


RE: Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« Reply #82 on: October 21, 2006, 12:25:13 pm »
*comes in covered in soot from the tinkerers furnace and picks up her quill*

Good news!  Ash is back, she came by to see the children, they were so excited to see her.  She looked well, same old Ash, sarcastic as ever.  It was nice to see her though.  I hope she sticks around for a while.

I have been making rods for Mylindra to enchant.  She has been enchanting rings for me as well.  Hopefully with our skills together we can start to make some coins.  Maybe someday we can make enough to open a small store.  We need a miner though.  Perhaps I will look for a young promising smith and give him the opportunity.

It has been good to keep my mind off of Creighton with my crafting.  Perhaps soon I will even add some color back to my clothes.  I have accepted that he is gone.  Gone where? I still don't know but gone all the same.

*closes the book, checks on the children and gets in the bathtub, soaking off the grim*


RE: Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« Reply #83 on: October 22, 2006, 09:29:25 am »
*comes in with a smile on her face*

I helped to deliver a baby today.  Sakura went into labor laughing at Ozy making fun of "the princess".  I was in the crypts helping Omer get knuckles when Hawklen ran in and said Sakura needed me.  I ran out into chaos, people milling around her everywhere.  Thankfully a halfling named Maple was there.  She is a midwife and knew just what to do.  Malor, Maple and I led her to her home in Haven.

Oh... "the princess" trailed along after us and began to bother Sakura with stupid comments.  I stopped her and told her to leave.  She wouldn't, so I did something I had promised myself I would not do again... I threatened to kill her.  Oh well, probably something she's heard before.  I have yet to find a redeeming quality in that one. She has no proof of her "royalty" and seems to value coins above all else.  She may be, nay, is false.

Anyway...  Sakura gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.  Her hair even matched Sakuras. Amazing!  I should go find Barion.  Sakura said he was off mining, but which mine?  I'll go by Sakuras and see if she's up and ask.

*pulls on her armor and starts out the door after fixing Chaynce breakfast and kissing him on the forhead*


RE: Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« Reply #84 on: October 24, 2006, 10:43:29 pm »
*enters the house and warms herself by the fire*

I had a memorable trip today.  Mylindra and I went to the Black Ice Isles for saphires.  Never been so cold in my life.  Dora found us just before we attacked the drake, probably was a good thing she appeared... we might not have survived the drake and the sapphire mine without her.  Alexandrites shall be a problem no more, I saw ten or twenty veins there.

Mylindra is becoming quite the enchantress.  I hope it shall be profitable for both of us.  The guilds seem to rule when it comes to trade.  Perhaps some will decide to support us independent crafters...  Though I think I may have an offer to join a guild soon.  I am torn on whether to accept it should it be offered.  I shan't leave Mylindra to struggle as I have, alone.

Perhaps I start my own guild?  Who am I kidding, I don't have much respect for authority... and I am to be in charge?


I am still looking though, for a young smith.  Someone to provide bronze, silver, and gold.  And Omer, he has proven quite capable, bringing fifty enchanting oils for Mylindra in only a week or so.  Perhaps I have a base to work with.  I don't know...

*the quill trails off as she looks at Chaynce in his bed*

He grows so big.  He looks more and more like Creighton all the time.  I wonder where he is... and where he is...

*wipes away a tear and gets up to fix herself some dinner*


RE: Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« Reply #85 on: October 30, 2006, 09:30:23 pm »
*comes in the door stamping water out of her boots and picks up her quill after kissing Chaynce*

Where to start? *the quill trails off the page*

I received a bird he is alive!  My emotions run the gamut from overwhelming joy to dispair.  I have to explain to Chaynce what a father is.  A wise man said that maybe it was Creightons job, perhaps he is right.

My heart is overjoyed and broken at the same time, how can that be?  I had moved on with my life, became the independent woman that I once was to have all of the pain of loosing him come back again.  And, and I have hurt another in the process.

It shall be a glorious day when he comes in the door, but I will have to tell him.  Tell him that I sought comfort in anothers arms.  I did nothing to shame my marriage, but a piece of my heart belongs to another now, and I cannot undo that.

*looks at the pile of sapphires on the table*

Perhaps I should just get back to work.

*closes the journal and begins to cry*


RE: Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« Reply #86 on: November 04, 2006, 10:48:48 am »
*comes in after a long night of sweeping out the new house and kisses Chaynce for them both*

It has happened.  I own a home, or rather a dream.  Thanks to the generosity of Maylor and Honora, who lent me some of the coins, my name is on the brass name plate on the door of 137 Leilon.  Mylindra seemed so happy to have a room and piled her stuff in the lone chest in her room, looking much less burdened. *smiles*  A young Toranite (do they follow me around?) named Dalen has a room as well.

We have ideas...  I have tired of bowing to the guilds as they snatch up property across the lands and monopolizing trade. I do not mislike them individually. I have many, many dear friends that are in guilds, but it is not for me.  The house we purchased is set up beautifully for what I want to do and that is give the base born man a chance at a room, and the ability to mingle with other crafters and learn and teach.

The rooms shall be spartan, as I need to be able to keep the costs low and the rent low.  But... there are so many that spend their nights under trees, their packs ladden with their trade goods that I think they will welcome a simple room with a couple of chests to hold their goods.

I, I must be careful not to let this corrupt me.  I, we, shall not become like a guild.  Though I do have a room with a pool again. *smiles*

I need to hire a couple or five dwarves to help move my bed and chests to the new house.  I hope Exodus will not be too disappointed that I am moving but *smiles* I think he might have a lady friend anyhow...  He might need the room.  I shall keep a few things there, a simpler bed, a few chests.  Perhaps Xain will even come home soon.

Creighton has still not come back.  I must leave a note as to where I went...  If he comes home.

*looks about the house and thinks about where in the world to start*


RE: Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« Reply #87 on: November 06, 2006, 10:47:04 pm »
//this is her thoughts as she is far from home and sick with the plague//

*she rolls over on the little isle, feverish and sick, she crawls to the bank and drinks some water from the lake*

I,I was married here, and I shall die here.  No, no, I must get up...

Chaynce.  But I cannot go to him.

*looks at the short swim she has done so many times before and colapses*

They won't find me...

*passes out again*


RE: Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« Reply #88 on: November 08, 2006, 06:56:06 pm »
*enters quietly late in the eve, Exo is asleep cuddling Chaynce*
*she smiles and doesnt wake them and pulls out her journal*

He saved me. I was near death, I don't remember much, just him carrying me across the lake.  I remember a brightly colored bird that talked and a pidgeon that clucked alot.  Perhaps I was having hallucinations. I awoke outside Blackford Castle with a healer near me.  She had to heal us both... he contracted the plague by touching me.  A kind and gentle man.  I owe him my life.

*she closes her book exausted and falls into a deep sleep*


RE: Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« Reply #89 on: November 12, 2006, 10:25:12 pm »
*slumps down in the chair after a hard nights work*

Tis time to move Chaynce I think. Exo will be so disappointed, Chaynce was just getting good at dwarvish, but I cant keep traveling continent to continent to get home every night.  Or should I keep him here with Exo, away from my new inn and the noise and hustle and bustle.  It may be better for him here.  I shall have to think on that.  

I wish my husband would come home. Has he any idea? I, I wanted one thing... a home, twas all I asked for.  I did it myself, like everything I have in this world.  I earned it through friendships and hard work.  And where is he?  And if he comes back what do I say to him?  He sends letters but never arrives.  His son is three and he has never seen him.

*the pen trails off as she thinks about bitterness and how to try and let it go...*

The Independent is open, the first room rented, to a young man named Guddwick.  Mylindra and I worked ourselves to the bone today, the bloody furniture is heavy.  We have the furnishings paid for now we just need to work off dear Honoras loan. The falcons keep arriving, people inquiring on rooms.  Shall be no time at all and it shall be full.

*smiles a bit as she nods off in her chair quill dropping from her hand*



RE: Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« Reply #90 on: November 15, 2006, 04:51:55 pm »
*takes up a quill late in the evening*

He has returned! Draden found him stumbling to Hlint and took him to the temple in Llast.  I met him there... he looks so much worse for wear.  He went to find my parents, and the task proved daunting.  I dont' know what possesed him...


We spoke alot last night, I think he was as afraid of me as I was of him.  I, I told him of the other that holds a piece of my heart, I cannot hide things from him.  I, I think he understood.

He was worried that I would cast him out.  Far from it I welcome him back into my heart where the black was.

*Heres Chaynce stir and sets the quill down to check on him*


RE: Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« Reply #91 on: November 16, 2006, 04:59:14 pm »
*opens the book and inserts a letter that Creighton brought her from her parents*
My Beloved Daughter,
I know not how to begin...time has passed so much since you disappeared, and the hearts of your father and I grew heavy.
We blame ourselves, Tyrian.  We focused so much on our responsibilites to the Council and the village that we often overlooked our first, most important responsibility...
*a dried teardrop blots the ink a bit here*
How wonderful then, despite all that was happening, it was when this bold young man came to us and told us that not only were you alive and well, but about to make us grandparents!  Even your ever-stoic father teared up at this happy news!
You should know, your father and I approve greatly of your husband---I will not use this parchment to tell you of all that transpired in his finding of us---later messages (from the falcons, since we know now where to find you!)---and more importantly, HE will tell you those things---but rest assured, he is a noble soul with a brave heart (even your skeptical father admitted that Creighton was no mere hedge knight---I have to admit, the two of them carried on some conversations!).  We could not have wished for better for you.
Know that Creighton suffered much for us, and that we will not forget; know also that his thoughts were always, ALWAYS of and the child you bear.  Because of...*the line trails a bit here, as if the writer paused to think of what she would write*...circumstances kept him from you for so long, we feared greatly for him...his heart seemed that it would break....we wondered how long even his courage could hold...
...but hold it did.  And for that, among other things, we and the people of our village give him our thanks.
From what he has told us of you; your skills with gems, your magical ability, and your caring, gentle heart, you have grown into a remarkable woman.  Creighton promises that if the fates allow, he will do all in his power to reunite us.
Last of all, my child, know this:  Your father and I love you with all of our hearts--we so look forward to the day we may see you again... see with our own eyes, our daughter...
...our pride...
...our love.
*another dried tear or two smudges the ink*
May the Gods bring this man and this message back to you safely.
With all my love,

*closes the book pressing the rose he gave her between the pages*


RE: Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« Reply #92 on: November 21, 2006, 05:04:50 pm »
*awakes early in the morn and pulls her journal down*

It has been... interesting, having him back.  Sometimes I just do not know what to say.  We have, had, been apart so long that I got used to being on my own again.  I love him with all my heart, but is everything the same?  I, I have awkward feeling sometimes, like I just don't know what to say.  I hope it shall pass.  It is just strange sometimes talking to people, and I realize that they don't even know who he is sometimes.

We had a nice pick nic yesterday.  We went to Lake Palden, the scene of my marriage and near death.  Twas a nise day, nice as it can be now with all the clouds.  We ate by the wagons, and even caught a few fish to fry in the fire.  Chaynce loved it.  He and Creighton grow closer everyday.  I have not told Chaynce that Creighton is his father.  A wise man told me that it was Creightons job...

*leaves before sun rises to tend the inn before the guests wake, so she can return to cook the boys breakfast*


RE: Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« Reply #93 on: November 22, 2006, 02:26:47 pm »
*awakens to this letter on the table*

*the letter is written in bold, sure strokes...the writer was calm and is found under a single purple rose on the kitchen table*

My love,

I apologize for not being here...I could not sleep; my heart is...laden.

I know that in my long absence, your independence asserted itself strongly; it would have had to. You were always the wiser one, stronger of it only makes sense you would have bolstered your inner strength while I was gone.

Last night, when you seemed angered that I tried to help you there in the Lizard caves, it became apparent that now, you have difficulty with my trying to be a husband to you.

I understand this, and I am not angry for it; indeed, I am still so very proud of the woman you are...yet it causes me to feel a pain...

Neither of us needs the other to SURVIVE, find enough food and coin to manage to keep breathing day by day. We have both always been capable of this.

But to least for ME...for their to be fragance to the air that I breathe; warmth from the sun in my sky; a spring in my step and a song in my heart....I NEED you for that, love; only you can provide those things for me.

I wish...I hope that you still feel this for me...that you just need to get used to my being around again...that you will see that I have grown...and in doing so, have grown to love you more and to be that man, husband, and father that I should be.

However, I am mature enough now, and have learned enough to tell you that I want only that you be happy; my own feelings are not important. I don't wish you to try to force yourself to live in a memory of what is no longer there...

...if there are no NEW memories for us, then I do not wish to be a burden to you.

I hope that this is not the case; I truly and Chaynce are the only things that matter...the only things that EVER mattered...but I will not be a trouble to either of you if that is all I can be.

Again, I am not angry...nor am I saying that these feelings are necessarily the truth...I just tell you my heart, and why I am concerned.

I want our future to begin, if there is to be one; to put all doubt and fear to rest, one way or another.

I wish only your happiness, my dearest Tyrian. Think of yourself in this, not of deserve to have what you want from matter what.

I love you more than I can possibly express....enough to love you forever, and devote all my days to you and Chaynce...

...or to leave you be, if that should be your wish.

I will be in the mines and the smelter's today...I work to be able to provide for you and our son.

I love you,

*she folds the letter and puts it beside the one he brought from her mother and takes out her journal and begins to cry*

How, how does he expect me to act? He leaves for three years and seems to think by walking back in the door everything is as it was? How could he not have seen that things would change, be different. I still love him, but am I in love with who he was, who he is now?  Who is he now?  Who am I?  Gods I am confused.

I worked and worked to get my inn going and on the eve of it opening he returns, taking my time and efforts from paying off my loan and getting renters in the rooms.  I had become independent and strong again, just to have everything change in an instant. I am suddenly not taking care of my responisbilities that I worked so hard for.  I cannot let that happen.  

Suddenly my priorities it seems must be our family.  Our family, my family was Chaynce and I for three years.  How do you just insert a person back into your life after you have given them up for dead and mourned for them?  I, I try not to become angry, am I angry because he left, or, or am I angry he came back?  How selfish this sounds...

And how is he so sure he still loves me?  Does he know how I have changed?  Three years is a long time for a mother alone supporting and caring for a child.  Or is it what I was that he still loves?  Again who am I?  Who has he become?

I shall find him.  We must speak, I shall have no more uncomfortable silences, and if he doesn't like what I have to say well... May the fates be good.

*she places the journal back, wiping away tears*


RE: Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« Reply #94 on: November 27, 2006, 11:22:22 am »
*picks up her journal*

He has told me his story.  We have, well, worked things out I believe.  I shall write of this later as I am not in a very good mood...

Ash is dead.

*straps on her armor, gathers healing potions, kisses her son, and prepares for a killing spree*


RE: Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« Reply #95 on: November 27, 2006, 10:43:12 pm »
*comes in bloodied, battered, and half insane*

I have had a bit of vengance.

I hold Ash's will.  I have accomplished part of it...  Wren has Glenn's bow.  I need to find a woman named Nyyana and Jin.  Nepp...


*the journal clatters to the floor as she falls sleep for the first time in days, sitting in the chair*


RE: Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« Reply #96 on: November 30, 2006, 08:01:39 pm »
*comes in after a long day and kisses her husband and son*

Another part is done...  I found the woman named Nyyana and gave her the bows and mahogany...

*falls asleep in the chair as Chaynce and Creighton play dwarven battle games in the house crashing into furniture and knocking over tables*


RE: Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« Reply #97 on: December 05, 2006, 04:49:55 pm »
*picks up her journal*


I found the woman named Nyyanna, she has both of the bows.  I still need to find Jin though and give him this... *stares in her hand and laughs*

The Inn is paid off as well.  I finally caught up with Honora to give her the Trues.  There are only two rooms left available, so it has been a success I believe, at least so far.

I need to speak with Exodus.  Tis time to move Chaynce out of that town and home here in Leilon.  Plenty of halflings for him to play with here!

*closes the journal and opens her accounts ledger*


RE: Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« Reply #98 on: December 05, 2006, 10:40:42 pm »
*smiles as she come through the door to the inn early in the morn*
*lights a small candle and begins to write*

Twas a most wonderful conversation.  Creighton is going to bring Chaynce home.  He shall, they shall, like that.  I hope Exodus takes the news well... he's no longer the dwarven nanny. After he made me fire Sarah and all... There are so many halfling here for him to play with.

*laughs quietly*

We traveled the road to Spellguard... and he stayed where he should the whole time. I was surprised and impressed with his disciple.  They was a time or two when I had to run in and cast yet he stayed back.  Drogo is teaching ye something isn't he Creighton?

*yawns as the sun comes up through the hazy sky*
*puts her quill down and falls asleep thinking about where to put his bed*



RE: Tyrian Baldu'muur... Letters Never Sent
« Reply #99 on: December 09, 2006, 04:50:25 pm »
*takes up her journal and hears a crash downstairs, sighs and gets up to see what Chaynce has broken now...  Returns after sweeping up potting soil and tossing the broken palm out the back door into the alley*

He grows by the day.  Chaynce seems to have a great time with the halflings.  He's almost as tall as they are!  Creighton and him have been taking trips to the docks to watch the boats come and go, tis good to see them getting along so well.  I just wish Creighton would stop letting him drag rotten fish home...  Yesterday it was a three foot long bloated eel, and Chaynce wanted me to cook it for dinner.  Thank the gods I had some trout to cook.  I just told him it was the eel.

There are only two rooms left for rent in the Inn.  Hopefully we shall have them rented soon.  A couple more halflings stopped by to look at the rooms.  I don't know if I can take anymore of them...  They're just so hyper all the time, it's like having lots of four year olds tearing up the house, and Chaynce does that well enough on his own.

Creighton is progressing with his bow, hasn't shot me in the back yet in battle.  Truth is I was kind of worried about him standing behind me with a bow.  Drogo has been teaching him tactics and such, seems to be paying off.  Though I think he needs a bit of help with the rangery parts, he wandered off and got lost on Dregar a week or so ago...

*hears another crash, puts the quill down and picks up the broom and dustpan and heads down the stairs, hearing "Sorry Mamma" and giggling coming from the hall*

