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Author Topic: Ulyssa - A Spirit and Sword  (Read 127 times)


Ulyssa - A Spirit and Sword
« on: April 07, 2010, 03:32:10 pm »
Ulyssa begins to stir in her sleep...
  “Geeze this bed is hard.” She thinks.
  Ulyssa turns over once, then twice, then a third time as her brow furrows with closed eyes.
  “I can’t even feel my arms.” She thinks.
  “Not again, I must have slept on top of them and now I have lost all feeling.”
  She tries to wiggle her fingers to get the circulation back in them, but to no avail. She can’t even tell if her fingers are wiggling. Then she notices a draft of some sort. A cold draft on her chest and the front of her body. Still her eyes closed. She attempts to feel her chest, but can not feel anything. She finally succumbs, and realizes she must open her eyes and deal with her uncomfortable situation.
  As she sits up in bed, she slowly opens her eyes to see her entire front of her body covered in blood. She starts and begins to panic at the sight, trying to back away from the herendous sight. She tries to plant a hand next to her hip to push away, but it only slides off the side of the bed with a clink. As she looks down, she notices her arms are not there. At least not in the flesh. With horror, she realizes her arms are both finely hewn weapons of iron, double edged swords with the finest of edges. Her entire body has been slashed and cut to pieces as she roll around in bed on top of them.
  Ulyssa lets out a curdeling yell, and then shoots straight up in bed fully awake. She looks down at her hands with relief to see they are there as always in the flesh. She feels the front of her body, and is relieved to see it covered in sweat, not blood.
  Ulyssa sighs in relief and glances over at her greatsword standing on it’s tip in it’s sheath next to her bed where she put it the night before. She rubs her arms and begins to get an early start on the day.


Re: Ulyssa - A Spirit and Sword
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2010, 10:40:58 pm »
After a long day of sword play Ulyssa secures a room at the Scamp. She washes her wounds and sharpens her blade. She thinks upon the day...
  “Today was a good day. I traveled with Annwyl and Daniel and many others into the to Silkwood caves. I can’t believe how many spiders are down there. Thank the gods for the blessings of the faithful or I would surely be dead.”
  “As much as I focus on my practice with the blade, I can not get The Dream out of my mind. It has recurred every night since it began. It has made me more conscious of my pains. I can’t remember how long it has been since my pains have been such a factor in my everyday life. I wonder if these dreams could mean something. Perhaps my unconscious is telling me something...something.”
  “Bah! But what. Something about my pursuits, my fears, my desires? Perhaps it is something within me that I can not articulate. Something about my destiny?”
  “All I know is this sword, this iron. It seems more a part of me than my own foot. It will always be at my side. Even as I rest, it rests. As I awake, it awakes. As I sing, it sings. It is so subtle that I doubt others notice anything, but I can hear it.”

