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Author Topic: Vic'Rynqualyn's Journal of Observations and Events  (Read 313 times)


Vic'Rynqualyn's Journal of Observations and Events
« on: August 24, 2004, 09:23:00 am »
Log #1.
    Reflecting on the moments of my outcasting I realize that it was not a curse, or a wrong doing, but a hidden blessing. This new world surface world, with it's many naive beings, and it total sense of security is quite intriguing. I meet a distans cousin of mine upon my arrival and to my surprise the conversation went as follows.
  Elven Cousin: "Are you friend or for?"
  Myself: "I am not here to kill you, however friend or foe has yet to be decided."
  Elven Cousin: "Then you are not an enemy?"
  Myself: "Apparently not."
  Elven Cousin: "Perhaps we should head back to town to continue talking?"
  Myself: "No, I do not think so."
  He then spoke something of having a strage respect for me even though we are two races at war. Shocked, is not a word strong enough to describe my surprise when he spoke this. I of course needed to reflect on this and ended the conversation as follows.
  Myself: "I do not share the same respect for you My Darthiir Cousin, and now must take leave, for I no longer wish to speak with you."
  Of course I immediatly went to reflect upon this conversation. The caution in my cousins voice was neither that of one with fear or hatred towards me. It is common knowledge that not all drow follow the ways of the underdark, which is what some may call "evil", but it certainly does not mean that all drow who come to the surface are "good". I then thought from this experiance that perhaps the anger that has plagued the elven civilizations has finally disappated but surely enough there are 10 Darthiir that still hold anger for every 1 that does not.
  Another observation I have made is that the humans, dwarves, Darthiir, halflings, and even half breeds travel together in what one may call packs, or as I have heard them called "Adventuring Parties". I now know that there is no way I will be able to compete with these surfacers if I do not have my own group of "Adventurers". For this I will require others such as myself to travel with.
  For the most part though, it seems that much of the anger with 200 years prior would have gotten me killed on sight has disappated, and I am glad for it. It will make acquiring power far easier.
                          End Log.

