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Author Topic: Virtue Kessen - dry, factual stuff!  (Read 88 times)


Virtue Kessen - dry, factual stuff!
« on: April 30, 2007, 08:10:30 pm »
// OOC stuff of (maybe) import!


Performing low level quests. Pipe Clogger. Fort Vehl crypts. Silkwood Cave. Kobold's medicine stick. Astork's goblin ears. Mage Dalton and the Essence. Ltnt Jursen.


First IC encounter with undead in Vehl Crypts. Hears of other undead in Krandor and Storan's Crypt. Told not to go there until he is more experienced. (4/24)


Meets other Corathites - Cora Blake, Eyafores, Dalbaeth. Doesn't think much of them ... falling into the stereotypical Corathite mold. (4/25)


First IC pilgrimage to temple. Strange things are afoot. Unexplained intrusions. Eorendil's mini quest. (4/26)


IC interaction with Alandric, son of Pale Master Ramanon ... discussion of path of PM. Discussion of practical alliance - buffs for protection. (4/29)


Meets Dread Priestess Chanda. Witnesses powerful summons. Gelugon, Glabrezu, Doom Knight. (4/30)


First trip to Arindor's Demise with Chanda and Alandric. Almost gets killed (repeatedly) by vampires. Vows to return to plumb it's depths ... and secrets. (5/1)


Visits the Leringard house owned by Marcus Perrin, Chanda and Cassandra Demonbane and peruses the library which contains Ramanon's writings as well as various scrolls written by other members of the Cult of Corath. (5/4)


Mistaken for a paladin for the third time ... maybe not relevant but funny and indicative of his public perception. (5/6)


Starts making small donations to the temple of Rofirein - again for RP purposes - maintenance of public perception. (5/7)


Purchases ticket in the Great Raffle to support rebuilding of Stone - another (expensive) public relations exercise. (5/9)


As he gets more powerful (8th lvl) is starting to attract more attention in the ranks of the Corathite Church. Talks to Chanda re place a Pale Master might hold at the temple. (5/11)


Goes through some of the mid-level quests. Oil of Vukas. Red Light Cavern Leader. Bugbears at Bear Island. A few trips to the Silkwood caves and the Redlight caverns gathering ore. (5/12 - 5/16)


Concentrating on crafting, now around levels 4-5 in tinkering, food crafting, smelting and wood crafting. Speaks to Alandric IC about the reformation of the Arm of the Ram guild to finance Corathite misdeeds and his own advancement. Speaks to Ferrit as he purchases an oak bow (for Kit's quest) and makes gentle enquiries about how one might join the Angels Guild. (5/17)


First SS loss fighting Greater Earth Elementals in the Wolfswood. Starts to have thoughts that the organised church of Corath on Mistone may not be his ideal partners when he starts to walk the path of the PM. Sees the rituals of subjugation and pandering that goes on as illogical and unnecessary for his own advancement. (5/21)


Devises plan of alleged multiple deity worship to counter people casting Divine Relation on him and asking the hard questions. Works out a less offensive deity than Corath that comes up as unfriendly or enemy to other casters and claims he occasionally offers up devotions to them to cover specific events in his day (eg, Mist - travel, Deliar - trade, Vorax - fighting, etc) (5/24)


Travels with Ron and Katrina. Maintains jovial facade, only slipping briefly when she caught him with a fireball. (5/25)


Travels Dregar with Alandric. Completes Captain Rord's quest wit hthe assistance of Jacrum, Hilda and Kuguar. Decides he really doesn't like Dwarves ... even less than he likes everyone else. (6/1-3)


Meets Mirrim Cade ... charms her with his courtly manners. :-) Travels the Forest of Fog with Shamur, Alandric and Kalin. (6/6)


Various journeys - more and more time on Dregar and Alindor (as opposed to Mistone) ... starts concocting plans IC and OOC to further the will of Corath and cement his position in church ranks. (6/8 - 6/13)


Organises poster campaign implicating good churches in the ills, sufferings and tribulations of the 'common' man. Costs 20,000 true but good experiment. (6/17)


Dezza's Quest: When the Hunters become the Hunted. Reaches 10th level, booked in for CDQ for Palemaster levels. (6/22)


Loses 2nd soul strand to bugbears whilst travelling with Leisa. Grrrrr. Travels with Sabrissia Ice and learns of her old teacher, now a lich and a few little secrets about rivalries that exist within the ranks of the Church of Lucinda. Interesting. (6/23)



Re: Virtue Kessen - dry, factual stuff!
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2007, 08:27:50 pm »

Bit of a break, level hump, heh. Various inconsequential (to development of personality) adventures here and there. Meets Shamur, Katrina, Pendar and Muireann. Cements relationship/ruse with Sasha, purchases her a gift upon successful initiation as a KoTW. (6/25-7/10)


Develop rough and ready means of reacting to provocation. Intelligence check. Greater than 10, he reacts like the noble, virtuous fella he pretends to be, less than 10, his true reaction slips out. Notable 'less than 10' reactions, explodes at Seth Kenton when his honour is brought into question and similar reaction to Katrina when she teases him a little. Challenges her to a duel. Doesn't attack her outright as many others present. (7/11-7/19)


Gets raised after a battle goes wrong by Pendar the Aragenite and has the subsequent 'Hold on, you said you were a Rofireinite!, why did I lose 5k xp?' discussion. Explains he had just offered prayers to Vorax ... seems to get away with this. (7/31)


Second propaganda poster campaign, this one more specifically anti-Rofirein, taking advantage of the recent events there. (8/4)


Publically abuses the generally well regarded Eghaas due to a low int check roll. (8/7)


Travels with Godim, ostensibly to learn from a 'master mage', in reality maybe his first target for Corath conversion after learning of his casual agnosticism. (8/9)


Virtue's CDQ to take Palemaster levels. Bargains with the pirate-lich Ghant Vodoun to release him from his prison (into Virtue's newly re-forged sword) in return for 'limited' command over those undead who share the lich's realm. (8/16)


Splits with the Corathite Church. To his way of thinking, a relationship with a God or Goddess is one of mutual benefit, -not- one of subjugation of self. Is now considering which deity to 'offer' his services/worship in return for for Their services. (8/26)



Re: Virtue Kessen - dry, factual stuff!
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2007, 05:14:02 pm »
Copy of PM to various PCs.


I have spoken to L about a new guild, one in which those who play AEST might actually get to be involved.

It's agenda.

There exist 4 types of geovernment.

1. Rational authority - resting on a belief in that those who establish the set of rules and expected behaviour are in that position because they are best suited for such a role due to skills and talents of governing and management they possess.

2. Traditional or Hereditary authority - relying on the belief in the sanctity of immemorial traditions and the legitimacy of the status of those exercising authority under them (Kings, Queens, Hight Priests, etc)

3. Charismatic Authority - resting on devotion to the specific and exceptional exemplary character (or heroism in a Layo setting) of an individual person and the 'rules' as ordained by him/her.

4. Illegitimate Authority - where the leadership is established by a principle of might is right. Darwinian principles at work. Militocracies, etc.

Originally I thought this guild would not contest Hereditary rulers, although this would indeed make the most sense, replacing an inefficient type 2 rule (which no character in Layo can possess) with a type 1 rule (to which any character can aspire) and would more likely appeal to those they would seek to govern, ie. the masses.

This guild really would really target each and every one of these types that currently exist.

It's publicly stated reason for 'being' is to establish type 1 government everywhere. Logical, qualified, skilled leadership for the advancement of the greater community. The greater public would hopefully see this guild as a bureaucratic machine that produces just laws, a fair distribution of wealth, all benefits of a model advanced, pseudo-democratic civilised society.

They would, in essence, have a template of government that they would seek to fit to any realm they were able. They would seek to replace existing type 1 rulers with their own 'superior' model and also remove types 2, 3 & 4 as illogical forms of government.

Why would anyone give them a chance? His hoped-for pattern of guild activity would be to take over governing of, say, a small town, see it prosper and managed effectively for all. After a little while other towns would see how well cousin Johnny is doing over in Town XYZ and next mayoral (or whatever) elections, this guild would have an opening.

Guild leader is my character, Virtue Kessen. Already signed on as a definite is Sasha Tomyris (Dezza). Ideally, we'd need another 4-5 members before going public with a member recruitment drive. I want this to be driven mainly by AEST members. With a mission such as it has, it'd probably suit lawful characters a heck of a lot more that chaotic ones.

Have you any interest for any of your characters?


Re: Virtue Kessen - dry, factual stuff!
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2007, 06:12:58 pm »
Response to some of SW's queries.

Quote from: Script Wrecked

My understanding of a "guild".

I thought that a guild was (traditionally) more along the lines of a tradesmans' or even merchants' collective organisation, similar to a union in the former case, and council of business in the second.

What you are describing sounds like a political party, and also, in parts, a political science thinktank.

Is this the right gist?

100%. I think the traditional use/context of the term 'guild' applies to a few of the more well known Layo 'guilds' such as Angels or Raven however it is not limited to that context. You are, however, quite right. Organisation, political party, union, (whatever) would be a more appropriate term.


1) It's publicly stated reason for 'being' is to establish type 1 government everywhere.

Why? Is this the biggest problem people are facing?

You're a peasant.
What are your biggest concerns?
I'd say first and foremost - food in your family's bellies, a roof over their head, protection from external harm.
Apart from what you can do yourself to bring about these things, where/who else affects these things for you? Your rulers.


2) Logical, qualified, skilled leadership for the advancement of the greater community.

How has the guild got this?

They have me as the guild leader!
What's an 'average' peasant's intelligence? 9-12.
What's Virtues? 16 unbuffed (18 buffed). What's Vlanins? 16 unbuffed (19 with jewellery?). Who is more qualified than us??


3) A bureaucratic machine that produces just laws, a fair distribution of wealth.

Who has produced these? The characters?

The laws are already in place, we are the enforcers/facilitators.

4) They would, in essence, have a template of government that they would seek to fit to any realm they were able.

Who produced the template?

They, the guild, would.


5) They would seek to replace existing type 1 rulers with their own 'superior' model and also remove types 2, 3 & 4 as illogical forms of government.

"Replace?" How? By who? With who?

How? Persuasion. Force. Popular vote.
By who? Us.
With who? Us or our appointed position holders.


On a higher level, this sounds like it is talking about replacing every single government in Layonara (c.f. the Communist Party manifesto ).

Reach for the stars SW!


6) His hoped-for pattern of guild activity would be to take over governing of, say, a small town, see it prosper and managed effectively for all.

In game, how would this be actualized?

Hopefully by a GM run GCDQ.


Skipping over the "take over governing" part (see (5)), to what level is the management of a small town RP'ed/done in-game?

GMs get interested in doing things for players when the players are willing to 'put in'. I'd say this would be as little or as much as you/we find enjoyable.


*) Also, characters might have bureacratic skills, but the players probably don't.

How would this be resolved?

Don't sell yourself short! Vlanin's intelligence is 19, SW's surely is around 11-12 in RL??? hehehe, anyway, I'll take up the slack you create with my towering RL intellect.
