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Author Topic: Walking in Toran's Light-Jacob's Journal  (Read 723 times)


Walking in Toran's Light-Jacob's Journal
« on: March 03, 2009, 03:17:00 pm »
**Jacob sits at the end of his small bed.  The other side of the narrow room is taken up by  his armor and long sword.  Jacob reaches underneath his bed and pulls out a blue bound book, gilded in silver with a golden Ankh on the front.  After a moment of thought he dips his quill and begins writing**

Hello!  My name is Jacob Nathaniel Stormhaven.  (Yes, of the Huangjin Stormhavens, how nice of you to notice.)  I have decided to chronicle my time here on Mistone, and the impending invasion by troops of what is being called a green dragon cult by some and the dragon stealers by others....

I have been on Mistone some little time now.  I contninually train, to better myself, so that I can better help others on the field of battle.  I am learning when and how to fight on the flanks of a melee, as well as when to stand aside and employ the blessings granted by Toran.  

My sister Daniella is an able teacher and with her help I have greatly improved.  I was delighted when, after I had been here a short time, Daniella and I were joined by Samuel.  He is strong in the faith, if a bit unyielding. He is a paladin I suppose.  I enjoy watching he and Daniella have their "discussions"  both are as stubborn as stones, each knowing they are right.  Though we do not get to spend a whole lot of time together, we make the most of what we do have,  with training sessions, helping those unable to help themselves, or occasionally just get caught up with each other and what is going on with our daily lives.

Daniella has taken another under her wing as well, Ava.  Ava is an initiate in the Paladin orders, as she too has just come from Huangjin.  *grins as he writes*  What can I say about Ava?  She is beautiful, charming, and steadfast in her Faith.  I do look forward to spending more time with Ava, learning more about her, and getting to know her better.  Apparently my wish to know Ava better has been painted upon my face. A few of those we traveled with have made mention of how I look upon her.  To top things off, Daniella pulled me aside and told me not to distract Ava from her work!  She gave me permission to "see" Ava. (which I think is mighty big of her) But cautioned that we must not distract each other from the work Toran has set aside for us... *the next is written very small*  She even said that I should remember that Ava will not be able to perform her duties while "with child"!  *the bigger writing resumes* What was she thinking??  I must meet with her "Friend"  Chaynce and see if I can get a feeling of how things stand with them...  
I might have been offended by Daniella's little speech, but I really believe she was trying to prevent Ava and I from being hurt. She mentioned that she did  not want to see me suffer a loss like she did.  I almost asked her what she meant, but the pain in her voice and expression forbid me.

I walked with Ava to Fort Wayfare, where she gave the dwarf his grim delivery and though we each had separte duties to attend to, we talked briefly.  She suggested that we meet at a more convenient time at an Inn, so that we could get to know one another in less dangerous environs than we are used to.  I agreed immeadiately.   All that remains is to set a date for our Date.  *grins*  
Ah, well,  I have more healing draughts to make,  we live in a dangerous world and War is coming...


Re: Walking in Toran's Light-Jacob's Journal
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2009, 04:01:28 pm »
**Jacob leans back in his chair, taking a long drink from his mug of Tower Malt liquor.  He sets it down with a thunk and looks around Kelin's Inn, a satisfied smile on his face.  After a moment he pulls his journal out and blows the ever present bone dust off of the cover.  He pushes the mug a little to the side, placing the journal on the table.  After a moment he begins to write*

I continue to grow stronger in my Walk with Toran.  He grants me stronger blessings, and more of them as well.  I am able to channel more of his Divine presence as well.  Today, in the crypts near here, I held forth my Ankh, and called upon Toran's power.  One skeleton simply fell apart and the other fled, unable to bear the Light of my Ankh.
My ability to make healing draughts and unctions is also improving.  I think I have even found a way to use the teeth of a fearsome Bodak in much the same way skelton bones are  used, to create even more potent healing potions and unctions.  
Praise be to Toran, I thank him for his continued favor.  

Toran has continues to bless me in other ways as well.  I have met a friend,  Marec Pravor, one who studies to perfect  his mind and body, turning them into weapons themselves. He also is a follower of the Great Leader.  We sometimes travel together, show by our example, and through His blessings the goodness and power of Toran.   Recently Marec and I brought the Light of Toran into the Crypts of Storan.  We had just conquered the first room when Ava happened to walk into the crypts on one of her patrols of the area.
 I swear, Toran's Light never shines so brightly as it does through her beautiful eyes.  She agreed to help us fight the walking rolls of cloth, and after Marec meditated briefly we made our assault.  With the blessings provided by Toran, Marec's powerful fists and feet, and Ava's graceful sword strikes the mummies had no chance.  After a brief fight the floor was littered with their tattered remains.  
Back on the road to Ft. Llast Marec bade us farewell.   Ava and I looked at each other briefly and at almost the same time we laughed.  For almost the first time we were alone, without a chaperone of any sort, and not in the middle of a battle.  No sooner had each of this expressed this thought, than right on cue, Daniella rode up on her powerfull charger.  
Being my usual self, I told  her she was right on cue, that Ava and I had almost been alone.  She asked if that meant she was supposed to leave.  I think I may have  hurt her feelings a tad.  I sometimes forget that she does not always get my  humour.  I told her of course I did  not want  her to leave.  We bantered for a bit, but she said that she really did have to go.  She trotted off, and as she left she cast a backward glance our direction.  It was too far away for me to read  her expression.  I hope she is okay.   I also hope she can accept the fact that Ava and I can have a relationship and still maintain our duties.  Because we can and do.  Ava said so!  *grins to himself as he writes that down*
We finally had our "date"  shortly after that trip to Storan's, in fact.  The night went too quickly.  When I was not getting lost in  her eyes, I was being impressed by her intellect, her knowledge of Toran, and her dedication to him.  
She seemed to enjoy our first "real" kiss as much as I.  *smiles again*
I look forward to much time spent together, as we both grow in the ways of Toran.  
Thank you Toran for your blessings and the Light you bring to my Life.


Re: Walking in Toran's Light-Jacob's Journal
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2009, 03:30:04 pm »
*Jacob sits on a bench gazing  unseeing into the water in front of him, breathing in the salt air.  His eyes still have a far away look as he digs through his pack and pulls out his journal.*

So many things have happened that it seems I have little time to chronicle my experiences as often as intended.

It seems the dragon cult prefers stealth to outright invasion,  while this is good for the population as a whole,(at least in the short term)  I am worried about what it is they are looking for.   I have heard rumours that they are looking for a powerful item, or the details to a powerful ritual or something like that.  It seems that a group found some of the cult in Storan's crypt sneaking about.  Under interrogaiton he admitted to looking for a blood pool there.  So, a group went out to see if they could find it for themselves.  To make a long rumor short, it seems that if they help Storan end his unliving curse he will help them get to this blood pool.  I have not heard if the group has made any further progress, however...

Speaking of the undead..  I have found a new foe that I despise more than I thought possible.  It's name is Te'Thalus. It is an ages old Lich that the temple in Llast thought it had destroyed.  Unfortunately they were wrong.  The foul thing has returned with some sort of skeletal dragon as a pet.  *shivers as he writes*   As if that isn't enough  he also called up some disgusting monstrosity that I overheard called a bone golem..  
I was cleansing the crypts in Krandor when I freed a man that said he had been lured there by Te'thalus.  A few days later I returned to the crypts and happened to meet a group heading down into the crypts to investigate.  
To make another long story short..  Te'Thalus has taken over Krandor crypts.  He easily forced us from the crypts, causing me to Fall in the process. (though I find it somewhat frightening to say that Storold seemed to prefer talking to him rather than attacking him.)  A short time after that Daniella, Ava and I heard cries for help while investigating on our own.  We made it down to Te'thalus' lair, but not in time to save the poor girl.  Te'Thalus seemed to enjoy taunting us before using his blasted portal to leave.  Of course as he left he commanded his flthy gollum to attack.  
Once again I was forced to flee with my companions...  
I am not about to join the Shining Hand or anything, but I AM throwing a party when we finally destroy that particular piece of undead filth.


Re: Walking in Toran's Light-Jacob's Journal
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2009, 03:43:37 pm »
*Jake sits at the edge of the cliff his legs dangling off the side, he smiles and pulls out his journal*

Toran be Praised.  The Great Leader is certainly leading me along the path of happiness.  My skills continue to improve, and I am better able to help my companions as well as those that I minister to in the small villages and hamlets off the beaten path.  The healing draughts that I create are becoming more powerful, and the less powerful ones are extremely easy to create.  I was also recently able to turn the walknig bandages in Storan's.  

I feel the touch of Toran in all aspects of my life.  Daniella was recently able to procure a house, which she invited me to invest in it with her.  We are joined by Chaynce, Samuel, the Rofie Ben and best of all, my beloved Ava.  

Samuel is his usual cheerful self and tends to glare at Ava and myself, when he thinks we are drifting from our duties by being with each other.  So needless to say Ava and I will not be sharing a room until after we are married.  
Thats right, you heard it here!  I asked Ava to marry me and she said yes!  I am so thankful to Toran for his blessings.  Ava has contacted the citadel and we are waiting on word to hear when we may begin planning our ceremony.
Now I need to take her to meet Mum and Dad.  I know she and Mum will hit it off from the start.  I cannot wait to begin sharing my life more fully with her.
All things come in the time Toran deems best.
May His Light continue to shine upon us.


Re: Walking in Toran's Light-Jacob's Journal
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2009, 03:22:32 pm »
*Jacob sits in his now-favorite spot, his legs dangling over the cliff, listening to the waves crash far below.  He stares over the water his usually sparkling eyes dimmed by a look of worry.  Finally he  heaves his journal onto his lap and begins writing*

Well, it is a good thing Toran walks always with us, for sometimes he leads us down dark paths.  Ava confessed to me she has kissed Raz.  She swears it was only the one time, and that such a thing will never happen again..
She was so distraught over it, my heart was softened and I could not have been angry if I tried.    
Raz collects kisses like some small child collecting flowers, enjoying each for its fleeting beauty.  (or so it seems to me, from what I have seen)  I believe he meant no harm or impropriety.  Elves are just different, thats all.  Ava felt so guilty though... Why does it seem those called to Paladinhood are hardest on themselves?  Samuel and Daniella are the same way... At least I think I finally convinced her that she was forgiven.  I told her that she would feel better after seeking Toran's forgiveness as well.

We need to be married soon, I suppose a trip to Huangjin is in order.
Thank you Toran for all you have blessed me with, and for the wisdom you have provided.  

*Jacob stands and stretches seeming somewhat relieved.  He packs away his journal and whistles as he walks down the path to Stormhaven Manor*


Re: Walking in Toran's Light-Jacob's Journal
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2009, 03:33:41 pm »
**Jacob sits on his bed in his old room at his parent's house.  His legs are curled under him, his journal spread across his lap**

Well Journal, we finally made time to take the portal to Huangjin to meet each other's parents.  For our parents' sakes, we are staying in our old  homes this evening. **Grins slightly as he writes.**   Mom and Ava hit it off, as I knew they would.   They spent much of the time talking about the wedding and Mum said it would be nice having another woman around once in awhile.  Dad seemed to approve as well, how could he not?  She is a fellow paladin after all.   I wish Daniella and Sam could have been here, but the way things are on Mistone it would have been very difficult to get us all in the same place at the same time.

Ava seemed rather nervous tonight, but I can understand why.  I felt the same way meeting her parents earlier.  They seem very nice, and I think I made a good impression.  It is funny that Ava and I grew up not too far apart and had to go to another land to meet.  **chuckles*   Sometimes Toran leads us down unexpected paths.  I think her brothers approved as well.  I hope I did not talk too much.  I was just excited to be meeting those I will soon be calling family.  
First Light will come early and then I am headed to the Stauss home for breakfast, after which Ava and I should head back home to Stormhaven Manor.  I have enjoyed this trip and my new almost family.
Thank You again Toran for your many blessings.

**Jake closes the journal blows out his candle and sleeps soundly*


Re: Walking in Toran's Light-Jacob's Journal
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2009, 03:33:27 pm »
*Jacob sits at the table, a look of shock and happiness still on his face.  He hauls out his journal and begins writing, humming all the while*

Praise Toran for his myriad of blessings!
 Ava and I were able to co-ordinate our activities and meet here in Kelin's Inn.   Though she seemed a bit nervous at first, Ava finally told me her wonderful news.  We are about to be parents!  Toran continues to bless me beyond my expectations.  I am still,  I dunno, In shock I guess.  I just told Daniella the other day that although Ava and I had no specific plans for children, I was sure they were far in the future for us.  
*Jacob chuckles, but then a slightly worried look crosses his face*
Oh my.  Daniella will not be pleased with me.  She has made a point several times to tell me how much pregnancy would impede Ava in her duties to the Church.  I will do what I can to help Ava in any way possible, including helping her with her duties in that regard.  
Daniella also said she was worried that a Stormhaven child could be in danger from the many enemies of Toran.  *Jake frowns*  I will trust in Toran, and do all in my power to ensure that my child remains safe. I will pray and seek Toran's guidance.
I am prepared for Sam to be uspet as well.  However, Ava and I will both prove to him that you can dedicated to your family and Toran at the same time.  Who knows, maybe the babe will soften him up a bit.  *grins*

Well, duty calls. Praise Toran, may His Light guide my Way.


Re: Walking in Toran's Light-Jacob's Journal
« Reply #7 on: June 17, 2009, 03:13:44 pm »
**Jake pulls his journal off of the bookshelf and then flops down in his chair.  The melodic sound of Ava singing a lullabye can be heard softly throughout the room.  With a smile, Jake opens his journal and begins writing**

My goodness.  Ava and I have been quite busy and I have neglected you, poor thing.  
Ava's pregnency seemed to fly by.  She patoled very little, mostly she attended to small duties in the temple and cut and polished gemstones as well.  In this manner she continued serving Toran and was able to keep herself and her baby safe at the same time...

Praise Toran, he has given us a beautiful son.  Alec Nathaniel Stormhaven.  Ava wanted to name him Alec in honor of her brother, who died while serving Toran.  I thought it a fitting tribute and agreed.  Our son is such a blessing!

It was not too long ago when I returned home from gathering the skeleton bones necessary for creating healing draughts. I heard a dreadful scream coming from our bedroom.  I rushed in to find Ava in the midst of giving birth to our son.   Daniella was there as well, rushing around to help as she could.  The sight of Ava caused most of the training I received to fly out of my head, but with Toran's blessing Alec was born with no undue incidence.

After he was born I showed him to Ava and they visited for a bit before she drifted off to sleep.  Then I offered to let Daniella hold him.  I have seen Daniella face down giants 5 times our size, an untold manner of undead and even a powerfull Lich.  None of them caused her to flinch and look as frightened as that new born babe did.  I honestly believe she was afraid she would accidetnly break him or something.   I did not want to be one of those pushy parents that makes you hold their kid, so I let the matter go, and snuggled Alec up against his mother so he could sleep better.  

Then I went in the other room so Daniella and I would not disturb Ava and Alec.  Chaynce showed  up then and we gave him the good news.  I am afraid I must have been more tired than I thought, because I blinked and the next moment Chaynce was holding Alec and Ava was going to lie down again.
Chaynce looked very comfortable with Alec, and continued joking with Daniella about Alec being a good start to his followers.  *Jake shakes his head as he writes*   Chaynce is odd, but once you realize he is only joking, it is not so bad.  I think when he jokes that way it is his way of acknowledging Toran.

When it came time for Chaynce and Daniella to retire Daniella imparted Toran's blessing to Alec. It was very touching.  Then Chaynce told me what a fine baby Alec was and he congratulated me on fatherhood.  He said it in a completely understandable manner of speaking.  Just when I was feeling touched he placed "Chaynce's Blessing" on Alec.  It was a mages spell to ward off evil.  I was too touched by his previous action to be annoyed, and the next thing I knew Dani was pushing him up the stairs to their apartments.

I have been spending time with Ava and Alec, but soon it will be time to begin my duties again.  I know Ava is looking forward to being able to get back to patrolling as well.  I know we can remain devoted to Toran and raise Alec as well.  
Toran, Thank you for your blessings and your guidance.