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Author Topic: Wanark Thangahaz'a  (Read 82 times)

Pen N Popper

Wanark Thangahaz'a
« on: November 17, 2006, 10:22:49 am »
Original submission here
  • Is very vocal in his frequent blessings and praises to Vorax.
  • Believes it is his calling in life to protect and honor members of Vorax' clergy on Vorax' behalf.
  • Tithes nearly all the coins he gets.  A few exceptions are made for NPC quests (helm armor II).  He relies exclusively on the generosity of his brethren.  (From an OOC perspective, he will pay for items and RP that the coins are a donation to the other dwarf for his temple.)
  • Seeks donations of accoutrements of war to deliver on his pilgrimages to Ulgrids.
  • Fiercely loyal to dwarves, preferring their company over other races.
  • Believes all dwarves are kinsmen and that there is a bond of nature there that demands respect and honor.
 Dealing with magic and mages
  • As per the description of Vorax, Wanark is very untrustful of magic and its use in battle.  He considers such trickery to be beneath honorable combat.
  • As the situation allows, Wanark will dispel or otherwise make it clear that he is not to be buffed by mages.
  • Divine blessings from friendly deity clerics is accepted.
  • He views mages as weak, thinking that they have to compensate for this weakness by resorting to the weave.  Rather than spurn them, he instead acts slightly protective of them since they are unskilled in battle.
  • He will offer to teach weapons skills to them.
 Teaching others honorable combat
  • Has scheduled player event for reading from A Book of Five Rings.  
  • Does public readings to practice his presentation skills.
  • Level 8 cook (malted grains, beginning to get sage and corn for bread)  
 Events of signifigance
  • Received first waraxe from fellow dwarf.  Had it blessed and then used in honorable combat with goblins outside Hlint.
  • Made pilgrimage to Ulgrids (player calendar event).  Brought an ox full of donated weapons and armor.  Donated all his bank coins (~4000gp).  Had a new iron waraxe presented to him by Hargranar prior to the start of the journey.  Once in the temple, Wanark took his paladin oath while kneeling before Hargranar.  A friendly GM then placed a holy visual effect on the axe.  A truly superb outing on par with a CDQ.  Prior to this oath taking, Wanark referred to himself as a "neophyte on the path to service to Vorax."  He now refers to himself as a "paladin initiate of Vorax."
  • Travelled with Berdin, a dwarf Vorax cleric, one time.  We fell just into the battle fens on walk to Fort Velensk.  Wanark took this very seriously as he views it as his job to protect the clergy from such dangers.  He had opportunity a few RL days later to return to the fens with several high level dwarves.  They cleared the swamps.  Wanark knelt at Berdin's stone (the player hadn't been back on since he fell) and gave praise for the retribution delivered that day.
  • Gave a reading from A Book of Five Rings to a group of three dwarves and three others.  The event seemed to flow well and it was fun enough that I'd wish to continue them.
 Future directions
  • With levels, I'd like to have Wanark take on individual students to teach.  It would be a combination of religious indoctrination about Vorax, reading on battle tactics, and sharing of dwarven lore from the handbook.  On the miraculous chance I can get him to 20th level, this will be the basis for his WL status.
  • Level progression  
    • Paladin:  @ 9th take power attack, @ 12th take divine shield, @ 15th take divine might
    • -or- Dwarven Defender:  @ 9th take dodge, @ 11th take first level of dwarven defender not possible due to DEX too low
    • Work towards more dwarf-specific bonding player events
     Game notes
    • Levels:  130 playing hours, currently 8th level @ 200k xp
    • XP:  3k quest, 34k NPC quests & points of interest, 163k bashing & cnr
    • Quests: one (single session of goblins outside hlint)

    Pen N Popper

    RE: Wanark Thangahaz'a
    « Reply #1 on: December 05, 2006, 04:48:42 pm »

      • Continues to be vocal in blessings.
      • Two pilgrimages to Ulgrids where he zeroed his bank account for donations, as well as brought an oxen full of armor, weapons, and some baked bread.
      • Continues to be over-protective (often unnecessarily so) of Vorax clergy and travelling companions.

        • First issue of dwarven newsletter, The Axe & Hammer
        • Travels and deals almost exclusively with dwarves.
        • Finds the "beardless races" to be confusing, disrespectful, and lazy.  (eg. Interrupting conversations, walking through groups of people talking, speaking in overly familiar terms to more elderly people, sitting for over long periods of time on the Hlint benches, etc.)
         Dealins with magic and mages

          • Hasn't been pressed yet into too much RP conflict on this topic.
           Teaching others honorable combat

            • Continues to have RL weekly player event of reading from "A Book of Five Rings."

              • Baking wheat bread with 50/50 chance
               Events of signifigance

                • Travelled into Haven mine with two other 8th level dwarves:  Made it to bottom and back up.
                • Travelled after oil in grey peaks with wo other 8th level dwarves:  Made it to oil and back.
                • Numerous dwarf-only trips with result being that Wanark is a strong believer of the might of the dwarves when they are united and fighting shoulder-to-shoulder.  
                 Game notes

                  • Levels:  170 playing hours, currently 8th level @ 276k xp
                  • XP since last post:  4k NPC quests & points of interest, 72k bashing & cnr
                  • Quests: none
                   The Axe & Hammer
                  [INDENT]   ~~ The Axe & Hammer ~~    Chronicle of Dwarves
                            ~~           Vol I  Num I              Mai 1409     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    Kinsmen, it is time for me to repay the generosity and support you have shown me during my training in Hlint. Know that my axe will always be unholstered in your defense. Also know that I will strive to prepare myself and our folk for times of need. As such, this letter is the first of many that I will send out over the coming seasons to better unite us and our combined strength.    In it, I will make note of our names, trades, and needs. I will retell tales of lore, both present and past, so that we may know the proud heritage we share. I will also note causes in need of our aid. Though I am devout to Vorax, words and deeds of all honorable dwarves will be spoken on these pages.    May our axes and hammers strike together, the sound shaking the will of any that stand against us.    ~ Wanark of the Silveraxes, Paladin Initiate of Vorax     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    ~~ Battle at Bloody Gate ~~    The usurper king of Bloody Gate, Gunderforn, has been slain by a dwarven champion Varka Cleaveson. The former king, King Rory, thought lost when Milara came to Alindor, has been placed back on the throne once more. He has now been reaffirmed as King of the United Clans of Bloody Gate. Together with the Crusher and Cleaver clans Bloody Gate is now a refuge for dwarves and those who worship Vorax. The King has also nominated Varka to be a new Warlord of the United Clans to help bring order to the troubled areas around the town.    Kinsman Varka has expressed his concern that the town will need considerable assistance to shore up its new found gains. Look to coming issues of The Axe & Hammer for details on organizing our efforts.      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    ~~ Our Daily Work ~~    Many of you have travelled far from home and clan on your paths to learning the honorable arts of war. One cannot survive alone, but together our combined tradeskills can supply our expanding needs. Many of you work the anvils for armor and weapons, some the enchanging and alchemy tables. Still others enchant jewelry with blessings, mix potions of strength, or fletch arrows.    If you are willing to aid your fellow kinsmen with their needs, get me word and I will note such on our roster.     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    ~~ Your Tithes ~~    Our temples are far away through dangerous lands. Do not let this stop your support from reaching the clergy. Calls for pilgrimages will be answered by your kinsmen. Let us not forget those back home.     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    Hargranar Craggenhilt  Kobal Bluntaxe  Varka Cleaveson    Argos Axeblade  Borgnar Ernstine  Dalan Stoneaxe  Exodus StoneCutter  Faldak Rosloviggen  Fragnath Windsmith  Gard Ironjaw  Gilshem Ironstone  Grimnor Forgehammer  Grohin Silveraxe  Leonard Mountainheart  Nossyla Steele  Thorgist Frostgrip  Thrain Ironwind    Signed,  Wanark Than

    Pen N Popper

    RE: Wanark Thangahaz'a
    « Reply #2 on: December 08, 2006, 09:05:53 pm »
    ~~ The Axe & Hammer ~~   Chronicle of Dwarves           ~~      Vol I  Num II       Jular 1409   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  Kinsmen, spread the word of this chronicle so that we might know one another.  If you know or meet a beard that is not named below, show them this letter and get their name and clan to me.  May our axes and hammers strike together, the sound shaking the will of any that stand against us.  ~ Wanark of the Silveraxes, Paladin Initiate of Vorax   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~ Vorax's Legacy of the Righteous Axe ~~  "Lead them, lead them to glory." -- General Ulgrith Greybeard, the First.  Originally the entire Order of the Bloody Axe were members of what was then called the Righteous Axe, these members are a mix of paladin and warriors, the perfect combination of war and spirit.  It was in the year -200 during the siege of Threkendal that this group numbering around 1500 strong stood at the pass of Trendis Morn and held of an Elvish force nearly 20 times its size to give the women and children of Threkendal time to escape. For three days and three nights this small force battled, much blood was spilled, elf and dwarf alike. A charnel pit of bodies and gore lined the pass and still they fought. On the fourth day, numbering less than a hundred, grim with determination, sure in the knowledge that this was their last but they at least had given their families time to escape, they prepared to face their death.  On they fought, turning back tide after tide of attackers until finally, there were just a dozen lone dwarves. And then five. More fell till there was just two. Two dwarves back to back and one of them wounded, axes ready and eyes weary, as they prepared to meet Vorax the Elvish signal for retreat was signalled. Confused the near victors crossed to their tents and waited for further orders.  A single elf approached the two dwarves carrying a white flag of parley.  "We are returning home, greybeards, I will tell my superiors that the pass could not be taken. I will not see the last of you slain when you have fought so bravely to protect what is yours. I mourn for the loss of your kin, but I will not condone the murder of two dwarves, even during this War."  With that said the elf cross back across the lines of bodies and took his remaining forces, few as they were, back to the Elvish lands.  Home they went, one supporting the other, to the land they nearly died defending. During the night one of these two dwarves died of his wounds. Leaving just one. The last of the Righteous Axe. To this day, as a commemoration of that battle and the valour and indescribable courage, there is always just a single member of the Legacy of the Righteous Axe, he is the leader of the entire Order of the Bloody Axe and thus a member of the High Council of Vorax.  There is also always a single chair that is placed beside the man, to honour the second survivor of the battle, that later died of wounds received there.   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~ Our Daily Work ~~  If you are willing to aid your fellow kinsmen with their needs, get me word and I will note such on our roster.  Weapon Smiths: Hargranar, Grimnor Armor Smiths: Hargranar, Grimnor Enchanting: Grohin Alchemy: Grimnor Enchanting: Grimnor Woodworking: Tailoring: Grimnor Tinkers: Grimnor Scribes: Brewers:   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~ Your Tithes ~~  As I prepare for another pilgrimage to the temple of Vorax in Ulgrids, I cannot help but notice the lightness of my oxen's packs. You smiths and jewelers, cooks and tailors, warriors and priests, have you nothing to send into the mountains? I trained in my youth with a copper waraxe, scarred and over used, but with a history fueled by my imagination.  Consider joining your kinsmen on these pilgrimages to Ulgrids. If your destination is elsewhere, such as Lar, then know that your kin will lend their axes to your journey there as well.   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  I would ask that you grant us the knowledge of your affiliation and rank, so that the young may honor the veterans, so that the skilled may train the youth.  "Leaders are made, they are not born. They are made by hard effort, which is the price which all of us must pay to achieve any goal that is worthwhile."   Hargranar Craggenhilt     Battle Priest of Vorax Kobal Bluntaxe Varka Cleaveson  Argos Axeblade Borgnar Ernstine Dalan Stoneaxe Erk Exodus StoneCutter Faldak Rosloviggen Fenrir Thornaxe     Defender of Vorax Fragnath Windsmith     Defender in training Gard Ironjaw Gilshem Ironstone Grimnor Forgehammer     Battle Priest of Vorax Grohin Silveraxe     Battle Priest of Vorax Han Ironhammer Ketilbjorn Svadi Leonard Mountainheart Nossyla Steele     Hammer of Dorand Thorgist Frostgrip     Battle Priest of Vorax Thrain Ironwind     Axe of Vorax  

    Pen N Popper

    RE: Wanark Thangahaz'a
    « Reply #3 on: December 13, 2006, 04:26:31 pm »
    ~~ The Axe & Hammer ~~  Chronicle of Dwarves  ~~  Vol I Num III  Seplar 1409  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  Kinsmen, spread the word of this chronicle so that we might know one another. If you know or meet a beard that is not named below, show them this letter and get their name and clan to me.  May our axes and hammers strike together, the sound shaking the will of any that stand against us.  ~ Wanark of the Silveraxes, Paladin Initiate of Vorax  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~ The Arming of Bloody Gate ~~  Hear the strike of hammer on anvil, axe cleaving helm, and bearded mouth roaring their clan's warcry: We are needed!  Kinsman Varka Cleaveson has spoken Bloody Gate's need. He has undertaken the oath to armor an army of 250 dwarven warriors with platinum fullplate armor. Send word back to your clan and let us show what we are capable of when we work in unison.  Be wary of spreading such news outside of our own kinsmen, though. There are forces at work on Rilara that would seek the opportunity to strike at Bloody Gate before it is prepared to defend its new gains. This task is for dwarves and dwarves alone.  More gear may be needed before we are finished, but now we must call upon the armor smiths to hammer, the miners to strike deep, and the warriors to guard all in their endeavors.  I have taken it upon myself to find a workshop we may use close to forges. My search centers on Point Harbor for while it is close to Bloody Gate, it is far enough away not to attract overmuch attention to us. If you have contacts there, get word to me.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~ Our Daily Work ~~  If you are willing to aid your fellow kinsmen with their needs, get me word and I will note such on our roster.  Weapon Smiths: Kobal, Hargranar, Grimnor Armor Smiths: Kobal, Hargranar, Grimnor Enchanting: Grohin Alchemy: Grimnor, Durgen Enchanting: Grimnor Woodworking: Kobal Tailoring: Kobal, Grimnor, Durgen Tinkers: Kobal, Grimnor Scribes: Brewers: Kobal  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~ Your Tithes ~~  Consider joining your kinsmen on these pilgrimages to Ulgrids. If your destination is elsewhere, such as Lar, then know that your kin will lend their axes to your journey there as well.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  I would ask that you grant us the knowledge of your affiliation and rank, so that the young may honor the veterans, so that the skilled may train the youth.  "Leaders are made, they are not born. They are made by hard effort, which is the price which all of us must pay to achieve any goal that is worthwhile."   Kobal Bluntaxe  Regent of the Crescent Moon & Shield Varka Cleaveson  Warlord of the United Clans Hargranar Craggenhilt  Battle Priest of Vorax  Argos Axeblade Borgnar Ernstine Dalan Stoneaxe Durgen Stormbrow Erk Exodus StoneCutter Faldak Rosloviggen Fenrir Thornaxe  Defender of Vorax Fragnath Windsmith  Defender in training Gard Ironjaw Gimli Stonecutter  Axe of Vorax Gilshem Ironstone Grimnor Forgehammer  Battle Priest of Vorax Grohin Silveraxe  Battle Priest of Vorax Han Ironhammer Ketilbjorn Svadi Leonard Mountainheart Nossyla Steele  Hammer of Dorand Thorgist Frostgrip  Battle Priest of Vorax Thrain Ironwind  Axe of Vorax  

    Pen N Popper

    RE: Wanark Thangahaz'a
    « Reply #4 on: December 16, 2006, 06:47:00 am »
    ~~ The Axe & Hammer ~~  Chronicle of Dwarves  ~~  Vol I Num IV  Novlar 1409  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  I am much encouraged by the unity amongst the beards I see. Daily I see the strength increase as we learn to better fight shoulder to shoulder. Loads of ore hefted upon the backs of the miners signal the trueness of our dedication.  To further encourage us to action, there will be a tally of our progress each letter. Get word to me of your efforts so that we all may give praise and assistance where it is warranted.  ~ Wanark of the Silveraxes, Paladin Initiate of Vorax  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~ The Arming of Bloody Gate ~~  Armors:  Platinum Fullplate: 10/250  Platinum Helm: 20 Shields:  Iron Tower: Weapons:  Iron Battleaxe:  Iron Waraxe:  Kinsman Varka has single handedly mined and smelted 116 ingots of platinum. I know, from my couple travels to the mines with Kinsmen Fenrir and Grohin, that this is no small feat. Kinsman Fenrir has shaped his ore into helms and hammered out Varka's ore into armors.  Even if you are not able to travel past the dangers to mine platinum, travel instead to pull the iron ores from the depths of Haven. Do not let a kinsman pass you in the street without a greeting and sign of recognition. Travel together so that your axes and hammers may strike with doubled force. Learn from one another to gain in skill and strength.  I have taken it upon myself to find a workshop we may use close to forges. My search centers on Point Harbor for while it is close to Bloody Gate, it is far enough away not to attract overmuch attention to us.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~ Our Daily Work ~~  If you are willing to aid your fellow kinsmen with their needs, get me word and I will note such on our roster.  Weapon Smiths: Kobal, Hargranar, Grimnor, Gilshem, Argos Armor Smiths: Kobal, Hargranar, Grimnor, Gilshem Enchanting: Grohin Alchemy: Kobal, Varka, Grimnor, Durgen Gems: Hargranar Infusing: Hargranar Enchanting: Hargranar, Grimnor, Gilshem Woodworking: Kobal Tailoring: Kobal, Grimnor, Durgen, Gilshem, Argos Tinkers: Kobal, Grimnor, Gilshem Scribes: Brewers: Kobal  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~ Your Tithes ~~  Consider joining your kinsmen on these pilgrimages to Ulgrids. If your destination is elsewhere, such as Lar, then know that your kin will lend their axes to your journey there as well.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  Kinsmen, spread the word of this chronicle so that we might know one another. If you know or meet a beard that is not named below, show them this letter and get their name and clan to me.  May our axes and hammers strike together, the sound shaking the will of any that stand against us.   Kobal Bluntaxe  Regent of the Crescent Moon & Shield Varka Cleaveson  Warlord of the United Clans Hargranar Craggenhilt  Battle Priest of Vorax  Argos Axeblade  Axe Bearer of Dorand Borgnar Ernstine Dalan Stoneaxe Durgen Stormbrow Erk Exodus StoneCutter Faldak Rosloviggen Fenrir Thornaxe  Defender of Vorax Fragnath Windsmith  Defender in training Gard Ironjaw Gimli Stonecutter  Axe of Vorax Gilshem Ironstone Grhunt Littelham Grimnor Forgehammer  Battle Priest of Vorax Grohin Silveraxe  Battle Priest of Vorax Han Ironhammer Ketilbjorn Svadi Leonard Mountainheart Nossyla Steele  Hammer of Dorand Thorgist Frostgrip  Battle Priest of Vorax Thrain Ironwind  Axe of Vorax  

    Pen N Popper

    RE: Wanark Thangahaz'a
    « Reply #5 on: December 18, 2006, 10:25:20 am »
    ~~ The Axe & Hammer ~~  Chronicle of Dwarves  ~~  Vol I Num V  Decilar 1409  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  As you may have heard, a treaty was struck with Milara on the continent of Alindor (also known as Rilara). The beast has agreed to confine himself to the Iriand mountains outside Bloody Gate for a period of no less than seven years. In return, the lands will get a chance to grow and recover. With the abscence of the cruelty of Milara, a new threat naturally moves to fill the void: Unrest, lawlessness, famine. The town of our kinsmen, Bloody Gate, must remain unfortified and may not gather forces during this time. This is of grave concern, of course.  Look to kinsmen Varka for leadership on this matter, as well as the other beards of the clans that lead us. Suffice to say that our work now is even more important. We must redouble our efforts to gather the equipment, for when it will be needed may be sudden and bloody should the treaty be broken.   We must also begin travelling in small groups to Bloody Gate. Guide and protect the pilgrims that travel the forested paths to pay their respects and give allegiance to King Rory. Our own intermingled presence will not violate the treaty, but our obvious strength may deter brigands and others of nefarious nature.  Finally, we must increase our training in the arts of war and honorable battle. We must learn to fight shoulder to shoulder, to form walls of armor and shield, to strike in unison with axe and hammer. Do not let words of a treaty diminish your focus.  ~ Wanark of the Silveraxes, Paladin Initiate of Vorax  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~ The Arming of Bloody Gate ~~  Armors:  Platinum Fullplate: 10/250  Platinum Helm: 20 Shields:  Iron: 0  Bronze: 0  Copper: 0 Weapons:  Iron: 0  Bronze: 0  Copper: 0  As the earlier letter noted, I have arranged for safe storage of our work. To facilitate the gathering, make use of the chest to deposit your armor and weapons destined for Bloody Gate. Get me word when you make a delivery so that I may move it to a secure location.  Many kinsmen have inquired how they may assist even if they are not smiths. I suggest the following: Offer your blade to guard the miners. Partner with a smith and shape molds, axe handles, and the like for them. Mix healing draughts and distribute these to your kinsmen, for much of the mining is dangerous. If you are a miner, seek out your kinsmen before you venture into danger. Let them aid and protect you.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~ Our Daily Work ~~  If you are willing to aid your fellow kinsmen with their needs, get me word and I will note such on our roster.  Weapon Smiths: Kobal, Hargranar, Grimnor, Gilshem, Argos Armor Smiths: Kobal, Hargranar, Grimnor, Gilshem Enchanting: Grohin Alchemy: Kobal, Varka, Grimnor, Durgen, Beli Gems: Hargranar Infusing: Hargranar Enchanting: Hargranar, Grimnor, Gilshem Woodworking: Kobal Tailoring: Kobal, Grimnor, Durgen, Gilshem, Argos, Beli Tinkers: Kobal, Grimnor, Gilshem Scribes: Brewers: Kobal  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~ Your Tithes ~~  I will begin organizing another pilgrimage to Ulgrids. There will also be trips to Bloody Gate to make sure our kinsmen there know they have support when the need arises.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  Kinsmen, spread the word of this chronicle so that we might know one another. If you know or meet a beard that is not named below, show them this letter and get their name and clan to me.  May our axes and hammers strike together, the sound shaking the will of any that stand against us.   Kobal Bluntaxe  Regent of the Crescent Moon & Shield Varka Cleaveson  Warlord of the United Clans Hargranar Craggenhilt  Battle Priest of Vorax  Argos Axeblade  Axe Bearer of Dorand Beli Tenker  Initiate Brother of Battle Borgnar Ernstine Dalan Stoneaxe Durgen Stormbrow Erk Exodus StoneCutter Faldak Rosloviggen Fenrir Thornaxe  Defender of Vorax Fragnath Windsmith  Defender in training Gard Ironjaw Gimli Stonecutter  Axe of Vorax Gilshem Ironstone Grhunt Littelham Grimnor Forgehammer  Battle Priest of Vorax Grohin Silveraxe  Battle Priest of Vorax Han Ironhammer Ketilbjorn Svadi Leonard Mountainheart Nossyla Steele  Hammer of Dorand Thorgist Frostgrip  Battle Priest of Vorax Thrain Ironwind  Axe of Vorax  

    Pen N Popper

    RE: Wanark Thangahaz'a
    « Reply #6 on: December 30, 2006, 01:14:18 pm »
    ~~ The Axe & Hammer ~~  Chronicle of Dwarves  ~~  Vol II Num I  Jular 1410  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  With family duties back in Ulgrids, I send this letter out without hearing any updates. I hope upon my return from the mountains to Hlint, to find you all in good health and spirits!  Get word to me of your efforts at gathering acoutrements of war so that we all may give praise and assistance where it is warranted.  I hope too that if events of note occur, word of them will reach me so I may share the happenings with all of our kinsmen. Let us be united both on the field of battle and in the sharing of lore.  ~ Wanark of the Silveraxes, Paladin Initiate of Vorax  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~ The Arming of Bloody Gate ~~  Armors:  Platinum Fullplate: 20/250  Platinum Helm: 23  Iron Armor:  Iron Helm: 1  Bronze Armor:  Bronze Helm: 2  Copper Armor: 4  Copper Helm:  Shields:  Iron Tower:  Bronze Shield: 12  Copper Shield: 4 Weapons:  Iron Battleaxe:  Iron Waraxe:  Bronze Weapon:  Copper Weapon: 9 Ranged:  Heavy Oak Crossbow: 6  Kinsmen Varka and Fenrir have been working the platinum. Dalan has provided the heavy oak crossbows, a good addition to the arsenal. Thorgist and others have been working the bronze and copper. Keep up the good work!  Even if you are not able to travel past the dangers to mine platinum, travel instead to pull the iron ores from the depths of Haven. Do not let a kinsman pass you in the street without a greeting and sign of recognition. Travel together so that your axes and hammers may strike with doubled force. Learn from one another to gain in skill and strength.  Continue to make your deliveries to our temporary storage and then get word to me. I will insure that it makes it to a secure location.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~ A Tale of Honor ~~  by  Hargranar Craggenhilt  Most tales about Bloody Gate aint good to tell again loike. Many vile things 'appened. Bu' there is a small breach in the voileness and trickery tha' went on loike.   There's a small lad tha' lives in Bloody Gate. Oi'll spare ye his name fer nauw. During teh toime when Varka started his questin' to regain Bloody Gate... Oi had me eyes upon teh shroine there. Old, abandoned loike. Teh spirit o' Vorax gone fer long... When teh foulness began, and Milara's allies took o'er teh Bloody Gate, teh High Priest was vanguished loike... Hence why it was abandoned, and Teh foul ruler dinnae allow praisin' o' Vorax either.  At tha' toime oi met a small lad. Who knew teh former priest loike...was his friend. And oi had a warm talk with teh lad...his praisin's we're high o' Vorax. And his spirit immense. Oi gave 'im me symbol o' Vorax. And had him promiss teh keep teh shroine clean and ready whoile oi was gone loike. Oi dinnae know wha' oi did to teh lad at teh toime bu'.. It was clear tha' he meant teh keep his promiss.  Years later. When Battles fer teh Gate had been fought. Old kings found. We we're ready teh head back. Oi was teh remain in teh city. Reclaim teh shroine loike fer...well, banishin' o' evil oi'd say. Whoile teh odders snuck inteh teh keep to attack from within. Me and an army from ootsoide...another tale loike...  Nauw teh kid....teh kid oi found quickly, never far from teh shroine. His head bruised, bones broken. Bu' his spirit still high as he greeted me again, after years loike. Teh invaders, teh traitors had beaten and abused teh lad. Fer him trying to keep teh shroine. Bu' each noight, when teh moon was high and teh guards changed... He went to teh shroine, never missin' a day. And he kept it clean, ready fer praisin' our Father.  Teh kid had...has somethin' in him which even a loifetoime o' suppression could nay withheld loike. Oi mean we...go through pain an' sufferin' bu nay teh loikes o' teh people o' teh Gate.  So oi do say oi learned somethin' from tha' lad. Faith, immense faith tha' a kinsman held true.. True teh wha' oi promised loike. Teh lad has faith. More then enough oi dare say. Aye, an' through immense violence. He still kept his faith. They could take his loife even. Never his faith.  Ye can visit him when ye go teh Bloody Gate.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~ Our Daily Work ~~  If you are willing to aid your fellow kinsmen with their needs, get me word and I will note such on our roster.  Weapon Smiths: Kobal, Hargranar, Grimnor, Gilshem, Argos Armor Smiths: Kobal, Hargranar, Grimnor, Gilshem Enchanting: Grohin Alchemy: Kobal, Varka, Grimnor, Durgen Gems: Hargranar Infusing: Hargranar Enchanting: Hargranar, Grimnor, Gilshem Woodworking: Kobal Tailoring: Kobal, Grimnor, Durgen, Gilshem, Argos Tinkers: Kobal, Grimnor, Gilshem Scribes: Brewers: Kobal  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~ Your Tithes ~~  Consider joining your kinsmen on these pilgrimages to Ulgrids. If your destination is elsewhere, such as Lar, then know that your kin will lend their axes to your journey there as well.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  Kinsmen, spread the word of this chronicle so that we might know one another. If you know or meet a beard that is not named below, show them this letter and get their name and clan to me.  May our axes and hammers strike together, the sound shaking the will of any that stand against us.   Kobal Bluntaxe  Regent of the Crescent Moon & Shield Varka Cleaveson  Warlord of the United Clans Hargranar Craggenhilt  Battle Priest of Vorax  Argos Axeblade  Axe Bearer of Dorand Beli Tenker  Initiate Brother of Battle Borgnar Ernstine Dalan Stoneaxe Durgen Stormbrow Erk Exodus StoneCutter Faldak Rosloviggen Farald Frostbeard Fenrir Thornaxe  Defender of Vorax Fragnath Windsmith  Defender in training Gard Ironjaw Gimli Stonecutter  Axe of Vorax Gilshem Ironstone Grhunt Littelham Grimnor Forgehammer  Battle Priest of Vorax Grohin Silveraxe  Battle Priest of Vorax Han Ironhammer Ketilbjorn Svadi Leonard Mountainheart Nossyla Steele  Hammer of Dorand Thorgist Frostgrip  Battle Priest of Vorax Thrain Ironwind  Axe of Vorax  

    Pen N Popper

    RE: Wanark Thangahaz'a
    « Reply #7 on: January 05, 2007, 10:45:58 am »
    ~~ The Axe & Hammer ~~  Chronicle of Dwarves  ~~  Vol II Num II  Oclar 1410  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  This letter brings you good tidings from your kinsmen! Our combined efforts on behalf of the dwarves in Bloody Gate are proceeding well, with more and more beards lending their skills to the task at hand.  General Deepsnur has also taken note of some of our kinsmen and named Hargranar a captain and Grohin a full Battlepriest reporting to Hargranar. Be sure to buy them an ale when next you cross paths with them. We can all look forward to more formal military organization in the coming months.  There have been some beards not seen in Hlint for many tendays. Coming newsletters will make note of their names so that we may keep our eyes out for them. We hope they continue to wage war and have not fallen.  ~ Wanark of the Silveraxes, Paladin Initiate of Vorax  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~ The Arming of Bloody Gate ~~  Armors:  Platinum Fullplate: 45/250  Platinum Helm: 24  Iron Armor:  Iron Helm: 1  Bronze Armor:  Bronze Helm: 2  Copper Armor: 4  Copper Helm:  Shields:  Iron Tower:  Iron Small: 30  Bronze Shield: 12  Copper Shield: 4 Weapons:  Iron Battleaxe:  Iron Waraxe:  Bronze Weapon:  Copper Weapon: 9 Ranged:  Heavy Oak Crossbow: 7  Kinsmen Varka, Kobal, and Fenrir have been hammering out platinum armors. Since the last count, they have added an additional 25 to our chests. Kurgaz has joined our ranks and is working iron shields and weapons.  Even if you are not able to travel past the dangers to mine platinum, travel instead to pull the iron ores from the depths of Haven. Do not let a kinsman pass you in the street without a greeting and sign of recognition. Travel together so that your axes and hammers may strike with doubled force. Learn from one another to gain in skill and strength.  Continue to make your deliveries to our temporary storage and then get word to me. I will insure that it makes it to a secure location.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~ Our Daily Work ~~  If you are willing to aid your fellow kinsmen with their needs, get me word and I will note such on our roster.  Weapon Smiths: Kobal, Hargranar, Grimnor, Gilshem, Argos Armor Smiths: Kobal, Hargranar, Grimnor, Gilshem, Kurgaz Enchanting: Grohin Alchemy: Kobal, Varka, Grimnor, Durgen Gems: Hargranar Infusing: Hargranar Enchanting: Hargranar, Grimnor, Gilshem Woodworking: Kobal, Dalan Tailoring: Kobal, Grimnor, Durgen, Gilshem, Argos Tinkers: Kobal, Grimnor, Gilshem Scribes: Brewers: Kobal  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~ Your Tithes ~~  Consider joining your kinsmen on these pilgrimages to Ulgrids. If your destination is elsewhere, such as Lar, then know that your kin will lend their axes to your journey there as well.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  Kinsmen, spread the word of this chronicle so that we might know one another. If you know or meet a beard that is not named below, show them this letter and get their name and clan to me.  May our axes and hammers strike together, the sound shaking the will of any that stand against us.   Kobal Bluntaxe  Regent of the Crescent Moon & Shield Varka Cleaveson  Warlord of the United Clans Hargranar Craggenhilt  Battle Priest of Vorax  Argos Axeblade  Axe Bearer of Dorand Beli Tenker  Initiate Brother of Battle Berdin Stonebrow Borgnar Ernstine Dalan Stoneaxe Durgen Stormbrow Dwar Whurmeck Erk Exodus StoneCutter Faldak Rosloviggen Farald Frostbeard Fenrir Thornaxe  Defender of Vorax Fragnath Windsmith  Defender in training Gard Ironjaw Gimli Stonecutter  Axe of Vorax Gilshem Ironstone Gravas Hrendhamer Grhunt Littelham Grimnor Forgehammer  Battle Priest of Vorax Grohin Silveraxe  Battle Priest of Vorax Han Ironhammer Ketilbjorn Svadi Kurgaz Ulfson Leonard Mountainheart Nossyla Steele  Hammer of Dorand Thorgist Frostgrip  Battle Priest of Vorax Thrain Ironwind  Axe of Vorax  

