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Author Topic: Serenity Les ' Wishers journal of a pixie familar  (Read 64 times)


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    Serenity Les ' Wishers journal of a pixie familar
    « on: December 26, 2006, 04:58:35 am »
    undated entry :

    Solarina my misstriss knows not that i know of her past , the past she so desperatly wants to find and seeks , but will destroy her should she find it. Somehow ive been able to hide it from her these long past few weeks. Truely I am thankfull she lost her memorys , for she could be in truely a more dire striaghts right now then she already is. She is a soul flirting with ruination of the self. I fear this road she treads will get us both killed.

    I met a paladin today. I tryed to get him into a plan i hatched while my mistriss was passed out from those vision inducing drugs that shes taking in a useless attempt to get her memorys back. I asked him to say to another , if solarina walked on by , to say that Vladic is dead and make up some reason for his demise. Oh these paladins are so self rightous !! he refused to do it even though , As i said , it would save her from this wreckless path she treads. He said its her destiny she follows and whats ment to be will pass. I say destiny is what ye make o it , and nothing is written in stone.

    I shall try to recuit someone , maybe even bribe the town crier with some sorta bribe to say Vladic is dead. Anything to stop this madness and wreckless path. If solarina truely knew her past she would be far worse off then now , i only pray to the gods above that i can keep this secret yet.

    I met a rather mean lady by the name of rhynn. She wants me dead it seems for no other reason then i am a pixie. I havent seen such hate in a human before , even Vladic the assasin didnt hold such vile hatred , at least Vladic kills for a reason , money. She wanted me dead for sport and pleasure , though I must say where the sport in killing lil ole me ? I am but a small nearly defenseless pixie. She fired the arrow on me in town. Is she so senseless as to make an attack on my misstriss ?? If i die , my mistriss loss'es life energy from my demise. Lucky for both the arrow missed horribly. Funny thing is even though this human lady hates my misstriss , Solarina feels sorry for her and forgives her the ill will sent her way and would surely die if need be to save this ones life. She belives that this rhynn has a destiny awaiting her that is of utmost importance. Yet solarina also belives that rhynns very soul is at stake by her own darkness she allows to take shape and hold within her heart and soul and minds eye. Humans are such a finiky lot i tell ya !!

    I wish these humans didnt have such hate for me . I have every right to exist as they. These so called heroes , are pretty dark sometimes , I know not how they keep there soul from being over taken by the vert darkness they pledge to fight.

    days like these i miss the sidhe , the halls of the fay , the endless games and merryment and companionship of my kin. Yet i cannot abandon Solarina , she is a friend true and we share a strong bond that none can break. Yet my soul is tortured by keeping this information from her , because before this i have never kept anything from her. I keep trying to tell myself I am doing the right thing ?

    ....... Serenity Les Wishaire


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      Re: Serenity Les ' Wishers journal of a pixie familar
      « Reply #1 on: January 06, 2007, 07:04:54 am »
      i was discovered hiding the truth and i was released from service , stung and hurt i head home to the fay i came from. perhaps one day we will reunite , i hope.