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Author Topic: War: The Art and the Way  (Read 136 times)


War: The Art and the Way
« on: November 02, 2006, 11:44:19 pm »
Herein lie the stories and reflections of the elven monk, Krysthalien Dawnstar.


Sharing the Path
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2007, 06:09:48 pm »
Krys gazes into the embers of the evening’s fire at his camp near a tower overlooking the river Thalos.  Smiling to himself, he recalls his most recent conversation with Angelique, just before they parted ways a few days earlier at Fort Hope.

Angelique Nightshine: i need to ask you something soon too... its important
Krysthalien: sure...ask away
Angelique Nightshine: ... its hard
Krysthalien: not ehn a 'urry angel
Angelique Nightshine: Ok
Krysthalien: *smiles looking to her inquisitively* eh gots all th' tehm in th' worl'
Angelique Nightshine: When you meditate, and fight and so alot of stuff do you feel.... strange?
Krysthalien: **ponders the question* wha' ye meanin b’ "strang'"?
Angelique Nightshine: you know i went to the monastery...they have many rooms, fire air.. water and earth
Krysthalien: **nods following along with interest* yer intrist'd in the path o' fire ye were tellin meh
Angelique Nightshine: Yes, but its more then that
Angelique Nightshine: When i was in the room of fire.... i felt strange, i havn't said because i was afraid i might seem odd.  At first i was fine, but after a while...
 Krysthalien: **shakes his head* tha' don' seem odd **listens with interest*
Angelique Nightshine: I felt different... like i was in a different place, i felt like i could do anything
Angelique Nightshine: Since then, i have been meditating near a fire, and i get the same feelings.... but i dont know what it is
Krysthalien: **ponders* ye gots somethin worth explorin, Angel
Angelique Nightshine: Is it me... am i just being silly?
Krysthalien: nah.....**shakes his head* eh kin relate t' tha
Angelique Nightshine: You can?  You feel the same thing?
Krysthalien: concept's call'd no-mind *smiles a bit and nods* well....sounds lek wha eh feel when ehm 'n "no-mind"
Angelique Nightshine: No mind ...yes it was exactly like it sounds....
Krysthalien: ye see......folks seem t' think their thoughts belong t' them *smiles* bu' actual-ly...thoughts er jes' there
Angelique Nightshine: Oh my
Krysthalien: not alot dif-rent than th' rain an' th' winds.....jes there **gestures about him*
So this no-mind's pure git be-yond those thoughts 'n feelins ye experience
Angelique Nightshine: Oh!
Krysthalien: complete'ly focus'd in th' feelin's.....those er jes ther' an ye focus be-yond 'em  ... pure action....yer one w' what'e'er yer doin a'the time *smiles*
Angelique Nightshine: *giggles* You know exactly what it is!
Krysthalien: *grins* well....jes sharin wit' ye wha' eh've exper-ienc'd
Angelique Nightshine: Well..
Krysthalien: think on tha', Angel...meditate on't.  Bu' ye'll never understand 't 'till ye actually live it *smiles*
Angelique Nightshine: when i was looking at the fire, all i could see was the fire... nothing else around me, it was amazing...Oh my, i will have to  try and find out more, now that i know i am not going mad *giggles*
Krysthalien: aye **nods* one wit' th' ki generatin th'’ ye ain' mad ain' mad by a long sho'
Angelique Nightshine: ki? oh my that sounds complicated...
Krysthalien: well now....yer using ki pritty well tellin by th' way ye fight **nods to her with a look of approval*
Angelique Nightshine: Oooh.. !  Ki is what i get from meditation?  I am sorry.... i feel very silly
Krysthalien: ye see....Ki's under-lyin e'erythin' we're experiencin **gestures about smiling, then pauses with her question* ki's a vital force pervadin the whole o' existence.  An’ no questin's silly angel....we're both learnin 'ere
Angelique Nightshine: So everything around me is a force, thats called Ki?
Krysthalien: **nods* either ki i’self ‘r e-ffects generat'd by it
Angelique Nightshine: and my Ki is most powerful by fire... that would explain my feelings.  Does that sound right?
Krysthalien: now......folks who use th' weave'll tell ye different stuff....bu' there's nothin contradict'ry 'tween the weave an ki *chuckles* Look a't lek this's a sort o' door fer ye t' better understan' yerself
Angelique Nightshine: Oh my
Krysthalien: we're all made ye hev some sorta 'finnity w' fire; some'un else may be water....m'self *smiles* well.....battle i'self is my door.....
Angelique Nightshine: then its possible that anything can be a door to someones Ki
Krysthalien: aye!  a door t' mastery o' ki tha' is
Angelique Nightshine: Ooh, so you feel like me in battle... which is why you fight with such grace!  
Krysthalien: **nods* th' lessens eh learn thru battl' bring m' th' bes' insights in’te ki’ thru learnin 'bou ki eh've been learnin more o' m'self and the nature o' thin's
Angelique Nightshine: Oh my, you have really put my mind at rest... you dont know how helpful are!  So everyone has a Ki?  And everything?
Krysthalien: *chuckles* glad eh kin 'elp ye angel
Angelique Nightshine: Thank you!
Krysthalien: ki pervade's everythin’.  Bu’ ye can't hev's jes ther''s lek tryin t'say th'air about ye belon's te ye
Angelique Nightshine: It doesn't... it just ... is
[Krysthalien: **smiles and nods* an ye'll find tha' so much o' reality is jus' jes +is+.  So part o’ th' path's learnin to be like tha... learnin jes t’ +be+ *smiles*
Angelique Nightshine: *hugs him tightly*
Krysthalien: **hugs her* An lemme know yer thought's en all luv talkin te ye angel
Angelique Nightshine: I just have to learn to just be, to simply exist... and then all will fit into place
Krysthalien: aye, angel
Angelique Nightshine: I will let you know all i think, but at the moment my head is buzzing! *giggles*
Krysthalien: an' 't seems fire's a door leadin te tha' path.....fer ye a' leas' *laughs with her*  lookin ferwar' t' earin yer thoughts
Angelique Nightshine: I will  have to visit the monastery again... i felt wonderful there *smiles* But now I will get some sleep.. *giggles*
Krysthalien: *smiles* ye shou' do tha' res' well m'frien'
Angelique Nightshine: You too! and i cant thank you enough  *bows her head* Take care
Krysthalien: *bows to her* see ye soon
Angelique Nightshine: *waves*
Krysthalien: *waves*

//Thanks to Spider for permission to post our dialogue in Krys' journal.  :)


Reflections in the Wake of Betrayal.
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2007, 05:51:06 pm »
Reflections in the Wake of Betrayal.

Betrayal of Love and Trust. Having tasted its bitter sting the young warrior sought solitude in a hidden Alindorian forest grove, there to reflect on life


Re: War: The Art and the Way
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2007, 06:47:10 pm »
Reflections in the Wake of Betrayal.
Betrayal of Love and Trust. Having tasted its bitter sting the young warrior sought solitude in a hidden Alindorian forest grove, there to reflect on lifes lessons and begin healing his broken heart.

Walking along a cliff near a waterfall, the soothing sound of water cascading over stone filling the air around him, Krys smiled sadly to himself as he spotted a bush of wild roses. Slowly he approached them with a soft smile of fond reminiscence. Not only did he see them, noting even the most acute detail about them as he savored their fragrant sweet aroma - he saw Her as well within the perfectly formed petals of a particular blossom. He caught himself instinctively reaching towards the delicate gem of nature, stopping his hand mid-movement as if reaching out towards some faint apparition of his Love standing within arms reach yet infinitely beyond his touch. For a long moment Krys stood there thus, a single tear falling from his eye as he thought of the One he had lost through the recent ordeal. In the short time they were together She had become by far his closest friend. Lovingly and in complete self surrender She Herself had helped guide him in choosing the path that had brought him here where once they had been together but now were apart - a path both of them had thought was for the best of all...

Friendship. Krys uttered quietly to himself to himself in his native tongue as he turned away from this vision of his Truly Beloved, looking first to the flower covered walls of the temple nearby, then to the falls. A cruel irony. The choice had been made largely upon what he had perceived as a close friendship. The Other had been a close traveling companion ever since Krys had returned from the Ulgrids Hold in the Behls. They had laughed and cried together; they had saved each others


Reflections in the Wake of Betrayal.
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2007, 07:06:21 pm »
Betrayal of Love and Trust. Having tasted its bitter sting the young warrior sought solitude in a hidden Alindorian forest grove, there to reflect on lifes lessons and begin healing his broken heart.

Walking along a cliff near a waterfall, the soothing sound of water cascading over stone filling the air around him, Krys smiled sadly to himself as he spotted a bush of wild roses. Slowly he approached them with a soft smile of fond reminiscence. Not only did he see them, noting even the most acute detail about them as he savored their fragrant sweet aroma - he saw Her as well within the perfectly formed petals of a particular blossom. He caught himself instinctively reaching towards the delicate gem of nature, stopping his hand mid-movement as if reaching out towards some faint apparition of his Love standing within arms reach yet infinitely beyond his touch. For a long moment Krys stood there thus, a single tear falling from his eye as he thought of the One he had lost through the recent ordeal. In the short time they were together She had become by far his closest friend. Lovingly and in complete self surrender She Herself had helped guide him in choosing the path that had brought him here where once they had been together but now were apart - a path both of them had thought was for the best of all.

Friendship - Krys uttered the word quietly to himself to himself in his native tongue as he turned away from this vision of his Truly Beloved, looking first to the flower covered walls of the temple nearby, then to the falls. A cruel irony. The choice had been made largely upon what he had perceived as a close friendship. The Other had been a close traveling companion ever since Krys had returned from the Ulgrids Hold in the Behls. They had laughed and cried together; they had saved each others lives at different times; they were so much alike, many had told Krys. His True Love had seen this as well, and had perceived the joy in Krys voice when he had spoken of this Other.

So much alike in appearance yet so seemingly different where it all truly mattered, within the heart, the gateway to the soul.

Krys remembered the warm fulfilling joy of waking up that brisk morn on the Rondoran island, him holding her gently in his arms as she still slept, cuddled close to him with a contented smile upon her lips. Smiling peacefully, Krys gently hugged her, then tenderly, lightly kissed her forehead. Holding her there thus, Krys looked out their tent to the inspiring vista of a nearby range of mountains. In those moments of love, Krys hopes were equally exalted. Droplets of dew covered the grass around their tent, sparkling resplendently in the dawns first light like a field of glittering diamonds, each sparkling with the promise of gifts and fruits of love which he would shower upon his beloved over the course of their lives together.

Smiling affectionately to his sleeping beauty, Krys ever so lightly ran his fingers over her raven black hair, admiring her with a look of complete devotion. In those moments he thought he had caught a fleeting glimpse of their future together. In joy and celebration of this he wanted to tell the world of their love.

And that he did. Yet when another of his most trusted friends responded to his jubilant tidings guardedly by replying - Oh, that little rogue - her words had given him pause. At the time he felt like gently yet sternly rebuking this notion his comrade had voiced. Yet painful experience subsequently attested to the wisdom in her words.

It had set in like an early fall snow storm. Coldness. Distance. Aloofness to his expressions of love which she had previously seemed to savor so much. No longer joking with him but rather looking to others with that playful smile he had come to cherish. This had confused Krys. Made him feel awkward, as if he himself were some imposition upon her life. Never before had he felt so unwanted, so unloved, so betrayed. He had given it one last try when a group with which he had been journeying met another with whom she had been trekking. Smiling warmly to her despite all that had transpired of late between them, he quietly walked over to stand at her side. Saying nothing to him, she walked away.

Then and there he decided to do the same with respect to her, with respect to them.

And in the back of his mind lingered a question. To what extent was this the work of that mad priest of the God of Lies and Evil Trickery? The one who had supposedly favored Krys so much - for whatever reason, itself most likely a pretense for some twisted purpose. Had Krys lost her that eve when he left her there with the Shadonite whose council she had sought? Far too many twisted convictions and dark secrets had been uttered for Krys to endure his presence any longer. Had Krys lost her then, in suddenly departing from them, or had she already been lost?

When the Heart rules the Mind - Krys voice trailed off as he gazed deeply into the turbulent waters at the base of the falls. Though he knew the rest of the proverb he could not bring himself to give it voice even as he struggled with the premises underlying its wisdom. Elihara had taught him soundly that True Wisdom was a thing of the Heart. Yet Krys felt he had acted with anything but wisdom. How had he become so blind? Krys embraced the swirling pain and confusion as he would have done so in comforting a distraught child, resolving to lovingly understand it on its own time and on its own terms. And even then a new theme presented itself, one that he would likely ponder throughout the rest of his days: The Nature of Love as an Instrument of the Heart Grounded in Wisdom.

Elihara. Krys smiled serenely with the thought of his Spiritual Mother and Teacher, which brought him further comfort and peace. Even though presently she was far removed from him, somewhere in the Homeland beyond his reach, she was always with Krys in so many ways - just as even now, the wisdom she had so lovingly instilled in him was mending the wounds his heart had suffered of late.

His mind turned to his most recent journey in the company of trusted friends, where grief had driven him to the point of losing his focus at the cost of his own life. Although he found solace in the notion that his own death had saved others from a similar or worse fate, for Krys there was never any margin for error, and even now he was struggling to forgive himself for what he perceived as a deplorably stupid mistake. Always he had found his most lucid moments in the heart of Battle; there, in the most difficult of fights Krys found deepest tranquility and peace of mind. So what happened in that cave was clear testimony to the inner trials he had faced of late.

His Teacher now present, he gently and wholeheartedly opened his mind to the memories of this recent failure, gaining insights from them before quietly surrendering to what had happened and just letting go. Thus she would have lovingly admonished him to do.

Krys found himself sitting in the grass where he had embraced his True Love and confessed his feelings for Her and hopes for the two of them. He smiled serenely, gently accepting the thought that they would never be together again. Closing his eyes he savored the sweet memory of their moments together there. And then just as he had with the pain, confusion, and self-condemnation he had brought here with him, he let go of those memories.

Surrender. Winning by Losing.- Krys nodded and smiled to himself as he quietly spoke the insight aloud, - aye, each of these has a place in life


Reflections in the Wake of Betrayal.
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2007, 07:17:05 pm »
Betrayal of Love and Trust. Having tasted its bitter sting the young warrior sought solitude in a hidden Alindorian forest grove, there to reflect on lifes lessons and begin healing his broken heart.
Walking along a cliff near a waterfall, the soothing sound of water cascading over stone filling the air around him, Krys smiled sadly to himself as he spotted a bush of wild roses. Slowly he approached them with a soft smile of fond reminiscence. Not only did he see them, noting even the most acute detail about them as he savored their fragrant sweet aroma - he saw Her as well within the perfectly formed petals of a particular blossom. He caught himself instinctively reaching towards the delicate gem of nature, stopping his hand mid-movement as if reaching out towards some faint apparition of his Love standing within arms reach yet infinitely beyond his touch. For a long moment Krys stood there thus, a single tear falling from his eye as he thought of the One he had lost through the recent ordeal. In the short time they were together She had become by far his closest friend. Lovingly and in complete self surrender She Herself had helped guide him in choosing the path that had brought him here where once they had been together but now were apart - a path both of them had thought was for the best of all.
Friendship - Krys uttered the word quietly to himself to himself in his native tongue as he turned away from this vision of his Truly Beloved, looking first to the flower covered walls of the temple nearby, then to the falls. A cruel irony. The choice had been made largely upon what he had perceived as a close friendship. The Other had been a close traveling companion ever since Krys had returned from the Ulgrids Hold in the Behls. They had laughed and cried together; they had saved each others lives at different times; they were so much alike, many had told Krys. His True Love had seen this as well, and had perceived the joy in Krys voice when he had spoken of this Other.
So much alike in appearance yet so seemingly different where it all truly mattered, within the heart, the gateway to the soul.
Krys remembered the warm fulfilling joy of waking up that brisk morn on the Rondoran island, him holding her gently in his arms as she still slept, cuddled close to him with a contented smile upon her lips. Smiling peacefully, Krys gently hugged her, then tenderly, lightly kissed her forehead. Holding her there thus, Krys looked out their tent to the inspiring vista of a nearby range of mountains. In those moments of love, Krys hopes were equally exalted. Droplets of dew covered the grass around their tent, sparkling resplendently in the dawns first light like a field of glittering diamonds, each shining with the promise of gifts and fruits of love which he would shower upon his beloved over the course of their lives together.
Smiling affectionately to his sleeping beauty, Krys ever so lightly ran his fingers over her raven black hair, admiring her with a look of complete devotion. In those moments he thought he had caught a fleeting glimpse of their future together. In joy and celebration of this he wanted to tell the world of their love.
And that he did. Yet when another of his most trusted friends responded to his jubilant tidings guardedly by replying - Oh, that little rogue - her words had given him pause. At the time he felt like gently yet sternly rebuking this notion his comrade had voiced. Yet painful experience subsequently attested to the wisdom in her words.
It had set in like an early fall snow storm. Coldness. Distance. Aloofness to his expressions of love which she had previously seemed to savor so much. No longer joking with him but rather looking to others with that playful smile he had come to cherish. This had confused Krys. Made him feel awkward, as if he himself were some imposition upon her life. Never before had he felt so unwanted, so unloved, so betrayed. He had given it one last try when a group with which he had been journeying met another with whom she had been trekking. Smiling warmly to her despite all that had transpired of late between them, he quietly walked over to stand at her side. Saying nothing to him, she walked away.
Then and there he decided to do the same with respect to her, with respect to them.
And in the back of his mind lingered a question. To what extent was this the work of that mad priest of the God of Lies and Evil Trickery? The one who had supposedly favored Krys so much - for whatever reason, itself most likely a pretense for some twisted purpose. Had Krys lost her that eve when he left her there with the Shadonite whose council she had sought? Far too many twisted convictions and dark secrets had been uttered for Krys to endure his presence any longer. Had Krys lost her then, in suddenly departing from them, or had she already been lost?
When the Heart rules the Mind - Krys voice trailed off as he gazed deeply into the turbulent waters at the base of the falls. Though he knew the rest of the proverb he could not bring himself to give it voice even as he struggled with the premises underlying its wisdom. Elihara had taught him soundly that True Wisdom was a thing of the Heart. Yet Krys felt he had acted with anything but wisdom. How had he become so blind? Krys embraced the swirling pain and confusion as he would have done so in comforting a distraught child, resolving to lovingly understand it on its own time and on its own terms. And even then a new theme presented itself, one that he would likely ponder throughout the rest of his days: The Nature of Love as an Instrument of the Heart Grounded in Wisdom.
Elihara. Krys smiled serenely with the thought of his Spiritual Mother and Teacher, which brought him further comfort and peace. Even though presently she was far removed from him, somewhere in the Homeland beyond his reach, she was always with Krys in so many ways - just as even now, the wisdom she had so lovingly instilled in him was mending the wounds his heart had suffered of late.
His mind turned to his most recent journey in the company of trusted friends, where grief had driven him to the point of losing his focus at the cost of his own life. Although he found solace in the notion that his own death had saved others from a similar or worse fate, for Krys there was never any margin for error, and even now he was struggling to forgive himself for what he perceived as a deplorably stupid mistake. Always he had found his most lucid moments in the heart of Battle; there, in the most difficult of fights Krys found deepest tranquility and peace of mind. So what happened in that cave was clear testimony to the inner trials he had faced of late.
His Teacher now present, he gently and wholeheartedly opened his mind to the memories of this recent failure, gaining insights from them before quietly surrendering to what had happened and just letting go. Thus she would have lovingly admonished him to do.
Krys found himself sitting in the grass where he had embraced his True Love and confessed his feelings for Her and hopes for the two of them. He smiled serenely, gently accepting the thought that they would never be together again. Closing his eyes he savored the sweet memory of their moments together there. And then just as he had with the pain, confusion, and self-condemnation he had brought here with him, he let go of those memories.
Surrender. Winning by Losing.- Krys nodded and smiled to himself as he quietly spoke the insight aloud, - aye, each of these has a place in lifes journey along the Path.
Taking a deep breath, the young warrior rose and donned his cloak, and then took his bow from its sling. Duty called. One last look at this Place of Fond Memory. Then a single nod before swiftly departing down a nearby trail, not looking back. Nor likely would he ever return to linger at that place.


Eternally Vigilant
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2007, 06:57:37 pm »
Eternally Vigilant
 The mysteries of religion. Signs, symbols, words in view of all - conveying secret meanings to those few among the devout astute enough to perceive and patient enough to ponder them.
 Eternally Vigilant. Krys had been pondering the words of the name for the past weeks, not only with respect to what they conveyed about his Lord, but also as to how he should live his own life.
 Eternally Vigilant. Pain staking and unfaltering attentiveness whenever he was on guard duty. Mindfulness of thoughts and emotions in each passing moment - skillfully choosing which, if any, to heed while letting the others pass into oblivion. Always looking for ways to improve - always in training, never allowing a moment of complacency or laxity.
 Eternally Vigilant. Focused mindfulness in each and every moment. Skillful action based thereupon.
 Pondering thus, Krys harkens back to an earlier time. His First Lesson with his Teacher, Elihara. Golden light streaming through the leaves of the sylvan canopy above a private garden; the soothing sound of waters trickling forth from nearby fountains; a cool refreshing vernal breeze caressing the young elf as he looked expectantly to his Teacher.
 As part of this First Lesson, Krys had spent the past three hours in Insight Meditation, with his own breath as the sole focus of his consciousness. Now he was eager to get onto something exciting! He had seen Elihara sparring with the other warriors assigned to her, teaching them various strikes, throws, and locks. At last he would begin to learn these things!
 Elihara. The epitome of elven grace and beauty. Hundreds of years old yet not showing a trace of it. Gentle, kind, patient, loving - powerful. And one who was well on her way to Mastery in all its aspects. And just as her masters had become the Path for her, now she would do the same for her youngest ward, this beautiful child sitting before her looking up to her with such expectancy and trust.
 Eyes of deepest azure filled with centuries of wisdom - reflecting a mind, heart, and soul all equally open to each moment


Eternally Vigilant
« Reply #7 on: March 25, 2007, 09:08:42 pm »
Eternally Vigilant
 The mysteries of religion. Signs, symbols, words in view of all - conveying secret meanings to those few among the devout astute enough to perceive and patient enough to ponder them.
 Eternally Vigilant. Krys had been pondering the words of the name for the past weeks, not only with respect to what they conveyed about his Lord, but also as to how he should live his own life.
 Eternally Vigilant. Pain staking and unfaltering attentiveness whenever he was on guard duty. Mindfulness of thoughts and emotions in each passing moment - skillfully choosing which, if any, to heed while letting the others pass into oblivion. Always looking for ways to improve - always in training, never allowing a moment of complacency or laxity.
 Eternally Vigilant. Focused mindfulness in each and every moment. Skillful action based thereupon.
 Pondering thus, Krys harkens back to an earlier time. His First Lesson with his Teacher, Elihara. Golden light streaming through the leaves of the sylvan canopy above a private garden; the soothing sound of waters trickling forth from nearby fountains; a cool refreshing vernal breeze caressing the young elf as he looked expectantly to his Teacher.
 As part of this First Lesson, Krys had spent the past three hours in Insight Meditation, with his own breath as the sole focus of his consciousness. Now he was eager to get onto something exciting! He had seen Elihara sparring with the other warriors assigned to her, teaching them various strikes, throws, and locks. At last he would begin to learn these things!
 Elihara. The epitome of elven grace and beauty. Hundreds of years old yet not showing a trace of it. Gentle, kind, patient, loving - powerful. And one who was well on her way to Mastery in all its aspects. And just as her masters had become the Path for her, now she would do the same for her youngest ward, this beautiful child sitting before her looking up to her with such expectancy and trust.
 Eyes of deepest azure filled with centuries of wisdom - reflecting a mind, heart, and soul all equally open to each moment


Re: War: The Art and the Way
« Reply #8 on: March 25, 2007, 09:10:00 pm »
Eternally Vigilant
 The mysteries of religion. Signs, symbols, words in view of all - conveying secret meanings to those few among the devout astute enough to perceive and patient enough to ponder them.
 Eternally Vigilant. Krys had been pondering the words of the name for the past weeks, not only with respect to what they conveyed about his Lord, but also as to how he should live his own life.
 Eternally Vigilant. Pain staking and unfaltering attentiveness whenever he was on guard duty. Mindfulness of thoughts and emotions in each passing moment - skillfully choosing which, if any, to heed while letting the others pass into oblivion. Always looking for ways to improve - always in training, never allowing a moment of complacency or laxity.
 Eternally Vigilant. Focused mindfulness in each and every moment. Skillful action based thereupon.
 Pondering thus, Krys harkens back to an earlier time. His First Lesson with his Teacher, Elihara. Golden light streaming through the leaves of the sylvan canopy above a private garden; the soothing sound of waters trickling forth from nearby fountains; a cool refreshing vernal breeze caressing the young elf as he looked expectantly to his Teacher.
 As part of this First Lesson, Krys had spent the past three hours in Insight Meditation, with his own breath as the sole focus of his consciousness. Now he was eager to get onto something exciting! He had seen Elihara sparring with the other warriors assigned to her, teaching them various strikes, throws, and locks. At last he would begin to learn these things!
 Elihara. The epitome of elven grace and beauty. Hundreds of years old yet not showing a trace of it. Gentle, kind, patient, loving - powerful. And one who was well on her way to Mastery in all its aspects. And just as her masters had become the Path for her, now she would do the same for her youngest ward, this beautiful child sitting before her looking up to her with such expectancy and trust.
 Eyes of deepest azure filled with centuries of wisdom - reflecting a mind, heart, and soul all equally open to each moment


Re: War: The Art and the Way
« Reply #9 on: March 25, 2007, 09:16:46 pm »
Eternally Vigilant
 The mysteries of religion. Signs, symbols, words in view of all - conveying secret meanings to those few among the devout astute enough to perceive and patient enough to ponder them.
 Eternally Vigilant. Krys had been pondering the words of the name for the past weeks, not only with respect to what they conveyed about his Lord, but also as to how he should live his own life.
 Eternally Vigilant. Pain staking and unfaltering attentiveness whenever he was on guard duty. Mindfulness of thoughts and emotions in each passing moment - skillfully choosing which, if any, to heed while letting the others pass into oblivion. Always looking for ways to improve - always in training, never allowing a moment of complacency or laxity.
 Eternally Vigilant. Focused mindfulness in each and every moment. Skillful action based thereupon.
 Pondering thus, Krys harkens back to an earlier time. His First Lesson with his Teacher, Elihara. Golden light streaming through the leaves of the sylvan canopy above a private garden; the soothing sound of waters trickling forth from nearby fountains; a cool refreshing vernal breeze caressing the young elf as he looked expectantly to his Teacher.
 As part of this First Lesson, Krys had spent the past three hours in Insight Meditation, with his own breath as the sole focus of his consciousness. Now he was eager to get onto something exciting! He had seen Elihara sparring with the other warriors assigned to her, teaching them various strikes, throws, and locks. At last he would begin to learn these things!
 Elihara. The epitome of elven grace and beauty. Hundreds of years old yet not showing a trace of it. Gentle, kind, patient, loving - powerful. And one who was well on her way to Mastery in all its aspects. And just as her masters had become the Path for her, now she would do the same for her youngest ward, this beautiful child sitting before her looking up to her with such expectancy and trust.
 Eyes of deepest azure filled with centuries of wisdom - reflecting a mind, heart, and soul all equally open to each moment


Eternally Vigilant
« Reply #10 on: March 25, 2007, 09:21:28 pm »
Eternally Vigilant
 The mysteries of religion. Signs, symbols, words in view of all - conveying secret meanings to those few among the devout astute enough to perceive and patient enough to ponder them.
 Eternally Vigilant. Krys had been pondering the words of the name for the past weeks, not only with respect to what they conveyed about his Lord, but also as to how he should live his own life.
 Eternally Vigilant. Pain staking and unfaltering attentiveness whenever he was on guard duty. Mindfulness of thoughts and emotions in each passing moment - skillfully choosing which, if any, to heed while letting the others pass into oblivion. Always looking for ways to improve - always in training, never allowing a moment of complacency or laxity.
 Eternally Vigilant. Focused mindfulness in each and every moment. Skillful action based thereupon.
 Pondering thus, Krys harkens back to an earlier time. His First Lesson with his Teacher, Elihara. Golden light streaming through the leaves of the sylvan canopy above a private garden; the soothing sound of waters trickling forth from nearby fountains; a cool refreshing vernal breeze caressing the young elf as he looked expectantly to his Teacher.
 As part of this First Lesson, Krys had spent the past three hours in Insight Meditation, with his own breath as the sole focus of his consciousness. Now he was eager to get onto something exciting! He had seen Elihara sparring with the other warriors assigned to her, teaching them various strikes, throws, and locks. At last he would begin to learn these things!
 Elihara. The epitome of elven grace and beauty. Hundreds of years old yet not showing a trace of it. Gentle, kind, patient, loving - powerful. And one who was well on her way to Mastery in all its aspects. And just as her masters had become the Path for her, now she would do the same for her youngest ward, this beautiful child sitting before her looking up to her with such expectancy and trust.
 Eyes of deepest azure filled with centuries of wisdom, reflecting a mind, heart, and soul all equally open to each moments joys and pains. True equanimity. Zephyrs gently whirling about her brought locks of her long golden hair into her face; smiling lovingly to Krys she brushes them aside and begins to speak quietly to him:
 You must be deadly serious in training. When I say that, I do not mean that you should be reasonably diligent or moderately in earnest. I mean that your opponent must always be present in your mind, whether you sit or stand or walk or raise your arms.
 Eternally Vigilant. The seeds had been planted so long ago. Hearing the Teachings of Vorax during his stay amongst the Ulgrids was a reaffirmation of who and what Krys truly was: a warrior aspirant treading the Path of Return.
 The young warrior smiles serenely as he surveys the crowds gathering about the Crimson Eagles Monument in Port Hempstead. Something important must be drawing so many here. Before rising to join the others he looks to his journal and meticulously writes in his native tongue:
 Legion of Light. Holy triumvirate of allied faiths. Speak with Clarissa regarding this.
 Rebuilding of Stone. Speak with some one in the Hold about what can be done.
 Reflections on Honor. What is it? What is it not? I had best articulate this before offering any assistance to that mysterious fellow, Zoraje.
 Krys ponders on these notes for a moment before carefully packing away his journal, rising and going to join the others gathered.
 //Eliharas quote is from Gichin Funakoshi, his First Rule for the Study of Karate-Do




Ideals Worth Striving Towards
« Reply #12 on: March 26, 2007, 01:08:31 am »
Krys meets with Clarissa at Corax Island to discuss certain ideas.