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Author Topic: A soldier's book - Xandrian Mor  (Read 272 times)

Black Cat

A soldier's book - 24th of June 2006
« Reply #20 on: June 24, 2006, 02:18:54 pm »
Well, the time has come to write here again.

The blade as been forged and enchanted with the  help of Xora, Allurial and *the name of Dorand Avatar  has been erased*, and all other Dragoncalled who helped. Here I must particularly thanks Brisbane who saved me from certain death but died helping me. I'll be ever in her debt.

I have finally received my new rings too.

For some weeks now, my life has been rather quiet. Lot of crafting and adventuring, but nothing really worthy of note.

A new triumvir has been chosen but she turned out to be a puppet of Selian. She has ordered the end of the treaty between Mistone and Roldem. We are trying to counter her plot as best we could. Now we are trying to save the Broken Forest, and thus dealing a blow to Selian might. I hope it will soon be restored.

The King is dead, my heart is sad even though I never had the occasion to meet him. Now we, of the Academy must be ready to do whatever is in our power to keep order in Pranzis and be ready to defend and support the new King. I have the feeling that his death wasn't really natural as it has been proclamed. I met with Ael who told me some disturbing news. Two families in Pranzis are fighting and maybe employing Drows mercenaries in the process. That cannot be good.

The final battle is nearing and will soon be upon us. I've been called to the defense of Lorindar and I will do my best to defend it. I heard that others will go defend the Silver Veign and the Great Oak, while the most powerful of us, Dragoncalled, will try and attack Bloodstone directly. The fate of the world will be decided this day and in the following weeks.

Now I must go to Lorindar to answer the call and get ready to fight in defense of the town and Dregar. I hope this night will see the end of Blood.

Black Cat

A soldier's book - 25th of June 2006
« Reply #21 on: June 25, 2006, 03:02:46 am »
Today, tears fill my eyes. Both of joy and pain.

Joy at the news that Blood as been finally vanquished.

Pain because so many died.
Pain because I failed to defend Pranzis and she is now in the hands of Blood's general Boegar.
Pain because a time of trouble and despair as began now that the dust settles and the extent of the destruction and chaos can be assessed.
Pain because so many will die.

But hope remains
Hope to retake the great city of Dregar
Hope to see order and peace restored to all lands and seas of Layonara.
Hope to the sun shines and the stars glitters in the sky again, untroubled by ashes and dusts.

Hope... that is all that remain to us Dragoncalled.

Dragons have been spotted again, soaring in the skies through the clouds of ashes.

Black Cat

A soldier's book - 27th of June 2006
« Reply #22 on: June 27, 2006, 12:03:23 pm »
I talked with several people and especially with my comrade Kurgaz about what we should do after the fall of Pranzis.

I think that the first priority is to consolidate what we still hold and caters for the needs of the people. And I have the feeling that maybe Broegar might be reasoned with. At least I believe that a direct assault now will only bring more suffering and no gains at all.

If we were to attack Broegar, it will require long preparation and planning.

From what I know, Broegar has not been a Blood's general for long. Maybe he isn't behind redemption. During and after the battle, I think he showed honour and mercy. No killing of citizen, beside the casualties resulting of the assault, has been reported. The cities is in shamble but many buildings are still intact. Broegar was a conqueror like many other, even though he was acting under the power of Bloodstone. But Sinthar is no more and I'm wondering what is Broegar position now.

Kurgaz does not believe that Broegar could be allowed to rule in Pranzis, him being an ex-general of Blood.

I for one need to learn more about him and his way of thinking before taking any decision. But I will not act alone or rashly. I will not take any action without the consent of the other Officers and if war is inevitable, I will fight side by side with them to do what is in my power to liberate Pranzis.

But we must first look after those who survived the onslaught and we must work towards restoring some kind of order on Dregar and to a certain extent to Mistone too.

Karana is fearing that, with the change of weather, the Barbarians of Krashin will attack Leilon and Miston to look for foods and maybe better land to settle. Many people are starving and others are looking to unlawfull means in order to acquire supplies and a means of leaving. That should be taken care of too.

I've been approched by Matilda, the Paladin who lead the defense of Pranzis. She seems to have some ideas about how to retake Pranzis, though some of them seems a bit far fetched - Halflings riding Griffons.

Black Cat

A soldier's book - 18th of July 2006
« Reply #23 on: July 18, 2006, 01:05:10 pm »
Not much happened lately, been sailing a bit with my parents. Had to take a bit of rest after the events of the last months.

When I came back, I joined a party in North Point where we met with a Pranzis' Guard, badly wounded who sent us on a chase for a box sent by The King's Daughter to people in Saudiria.
We went into the rift, chasing some drows. We finally recovered a key and found the box in the bank in Dalanthar. We brought it to a Captain in Saudiria and then attacked by a drow party. We repelled them and followed the King's men who fled through a secret tunnel. We made sure no drows could follow.

Now the box is out of our reach and hopefully out of the drows too. We inquired about the wounded guard and decided to wait for Ozy to set up a trap for the people behind all this.

Today I joined a party and we ventured into the rift again to mine some diamonds. We did rather good. Only one casualty and everyone got a diamond. Now I need to find Jin and ask him to make me a bull's ring and maybe an endurance amulet.

Black Cat

A soldier's book - 30th of July 2006
« Reply #24 on: July 30, 2006, 10:28:06 am »
I met with those people I travelled with into the rift. This time we decided to go to Arborea. For that we needed to travel to Xantril. The trip went rather well. Until we reached the last chamber where the portal to the plane was. We almost had cleared it when I attacked a mage who casted some magic on me which I was unable to resist. Instant death and the soul mother was watching me. As we hadn't any cleric in the party I was called back to my bindstone and never reached Arborea.

((I went also to the underdark, from an entrance on Xantril. We needed to recover a book on some rituals for an Aragenite. It has to do with strange happenings in the troll mountains in Northern Dregar)) //this actually takes place before the fall of Pranzis (time bubbles)

Today, Jin told us about his strange and vivid dreams about wolves and worgs and a dark forest. After the last dream, he woke up with a wolf bite on his forearm and decided to seek help from his old master in the temple of Aeridin in North Point.

We went with him. After that, Tegan and Pendar remembered about a dream reader in Karthy and we travelled there. The old lady not only help a bit Jin, but also told us each some bit of advice or such. I was told that I will need patience and planning, as I looked a bit confused she added: "The one who stands with booted heel upon that which you would defend with your life... patience and planning are required". I think and so does Jin, that she was speaking about Pranzis and Broegar.
After this meeting, we were sent to the Wolfswood to talk to a man name Harikan, who explained a bit of the mistery surrounding Jin's dreams. It seems it has to do with a demon imprisoned by Folian's followers in a tree in the Dark Forest on Dregar. Either that demon has escape or is about to and Folian probably sent a message to its followers, though why to Jin or through Jin remains a mistery.

Well, I will need patience till I see the proud city of Pranzis return to its rightful ruler. That Broegar seems to be there for some time. He edicted a whole series of rules and laws, which, most of them, aren't that bad. But the sentences for not respecting those are outright unacceptable and only shows a disrespect for life and freewill. Even if the people seem to accept those now after the chaos doesn't really surprise me, but I fear that it will lead to much worse.

I must contact my fellow comrades of the PAOC and discuss the matter with them. I also wish that we could receive news of our commander and higher officers. We are only cadets and didn't have nor have now access to the right information.

Black Cat

RE: A soldier's book - 15th of September 2006
« Reply #25 on: September 15, 2006, 03:44:19 pm »
Jin saved the world again *the script seems all shaky as if the writer had a fit if laughter*. Well this is not really true, nor that funny. He managed to banish the demon, but he lost the link to his deity in the process.

We finally got through to arrange everything for the refurbishment of the Den. It's now a grand a spacious place fit to house our newly official association 'The Farstrider'.

Met with Ael a few times. We went twice to the Underdark, from an entrance almost at the northern tip of Xantril. The first time we didn't went very far, we only mined some Titanium (Ael said it is used for coating weapons to make them more effective against demons). The second time, we pass the Titanium veins and went further into the Underdark, to mine some rubies. And then Lin'da led us on a rather strenous and tiresome trip. We had already walked all the way from Arabel and now she led us through the twisting and dark passages of the Underdark, fighting hordes of drows, illithid, and druegars. But also some stranger things, like eye monster and something called Xenicals - some sort of living ice mountains. But Lin led us almost without error to some place I had been before. Near the drow city of Orlist Orbinn. Then from there, it was only a short trip to the surface and back to Arabel. I won't go back to Xantril for some time. I feels I need more training before I can tackle the horrors and monsters that are hidden on that continent.

So instead, we met with some adventurers in Lorindar and decided to go back to the Rift. But this time we went deeper than I've been before and reach what seemed to be another drow city. We killed a few patrols but lost one of ours, Garnet. The we went to mine Adamantium. I could finally get my hands on a handful of that metal. But during the fight with another patrol who ambushed us are we were preparing to leave, we lost two others. One, a goblin wizard called Bil, the other a Bard called Sniverous. The fight was very hard and I almost break and fled, but stood fast and held my grounds. I really thought for a moment that this would be the end of that adventure, but at least I would died with my sword in hand and fighting agains my foes. But we prevailed and managed to pull out and rest somewhat before begining the return trip.

I know will be able to work some adamantium. I don't know if I have enough to try to make anything yet, but at least I have some.

Pranzis, or rather Prantz as they call the city now. Broegar as rebuilt the walls and cleaned the streets, but the city is now patrol by grim looking dwarves and though peace is had and the people seems happy, I could feel some deep tension in the city, order is maintained but by force I think. Some days ago I heard about a planned execution. Some of the accused are people I know some I call friend, one is the daughter of King Waylend, the one I hold as my queen. I haven't receive news from either of my comrades of the corps. And I don't know what happend, as I've been badly delayed on my way to the city.

Black Cat

A soldier's book - 10th of November 2006
« Reply #26 on: November 10, 2006, 11:51:22 am »
Finally, I can get back to my journal. It seems I forgot in some Inn, but I found it again.

Jin has found a new deity to follow. It was to be expected, the Prince of Wolves has look on him.

The Den is refurbished and looks grand.

(Voltrex time bubble: As our group continue to look into the mistery of the Angel's tear, we found ourselves in need to go to Voltrex to 'rescue' a gril who we'll be able to open a box with hopefully some kind of key??!. Gosh this is really a bit too complicated for me, too much brain work. But we made it to Voltrex with passes that allows us only access to the capital city of Saida. It's not much but we hope it will be enough.)

I went with a group of adventurer through a secret trap door at the top of a wizard's tower on Rilara. We venture into some kind of dungeon, full of leeches and slims and later golems. We faced a huge golem made of iron and we had a real hard time beating it. I finally managed to hit it and damage it and in the end kill it, but it was a long and hard battle. The others in the group weren't able to damage the golem, so they kept me alive which I'm grateful. We decided to push our luck further down but me met some flying sword that made short work of us. I'm sure we weren't too far from the end of the dungeon, but I still wonder what we would have faced.

I finally went to Firesteep. Me, Malor, Goldwin, Quantum, Voon and Ferrit went there on a mining trip. It went really smoothly, no major injury let alone death. A good load of Adamantium and some cobalt was retrieved from the mountain. All in all, it was way easier than going into the Rift. Though I might go back to the Rift with Jin and Sh'anda to get more diamond. I doubt we will go further down though.

Oh, I almost forgot. The Un-Named approched us for some kind of merger. We are not yet fixed upon what we will do, as their leader, Karana, hasn't been seen for some time. But for now, we consider Quilus and Sh'anda new members of the pack. But it all has to be officialized yet.

Black Cat

A soldier's book - up to 25th of March 2007
« Reply #27 on: March 25, 2007, 10:37:15 am »
I must be getting old, forgot my journal again.

Well, let see what happens since last I wrote in there. Several exploration trip with Sallaron and his Guild, including one hell of an adventure into the Minotaur temple near North Point.

I went on a few adventures in Belinara. One went quite well and we explored a strange cave full of bugs and some squid deeper down... though we didn't get to explore the place more fully as we decided it was wiser to get out. The others didn't went as well as the first one... The Underdark wasn't a good idea  in the first place, but then going deeper as some in our party advised against it and others had to get back... Driders are deadly, and the strange dog like creatures that live down there are really hard to hit... *sighs*.
Another trip, another misdaventure.... bloody cartographer, the map I bought wasn't accurate (anymore?) and I led the party into a real hard fight... I and several others died at the hand of very powerful undeads, that casted hellballs and the like... Thankfully, our priest and Tegan survived and managed to get back and clean the place before raising those who fell.

Dragons... I went to the Leringard Arms the other day as the Katrien, bard of great renown was going to tell the tale of The North Wind Bow...
   The tale was about a very powerful White Dragon, ruling the north around what we call the barbarian islands... Unfortunately (our luckily?) one of these islands possess an exit from the Underdark which the drows (united at the time) wanted to control, so they attacked the dragon but fail... waves after waves of the best dark elf troops were slaughtered by the dragon and her minions... until The Fletcher, a very powerfull drow decided to take the matter into his own hands and battle the dragon and finally slay her, then using the scales of the dragon he add them to his bow and so created the North Wind bow... and The Fletcher is still alive? to this day (the tale sounded much better told by Katrien, perhaps I could ask her for a written transcript)

Later that evening, another bard sat and began telling a story, of another white dragon called Snow Tooth... unfortunately for us, this story is still happening. Apparently a new white dragon decided to abode in the North on the island of Bastil. He controls the islands and the clans that live there, to achieve this he razed a whole town, killing everyone but the elders who at the time resisted the ruling of the dragon...

A merchant then ask around for adventurers to go and confirm the existence of the dragon, as one of his ship has been attacked and the sailors said it was a white dragon. I'm going to see if I can lend my help to this... Bastil is frightfully near Leringard and I would hate to see it destroyed.

