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Author Topic: Where the Winds Takes me: Ellena Ste'fesser  (Read 395 times)


Where the Winds Takes me: Ellena Ste'fesser
« on: October 01, 2007, 11:35:21 pm »
A soft and majestic-looking elven woman stands before you. Her hair is slightly curly with a certain fullness to it, holding a heavenly blond color to it. Her eyes are hazed over with a forest green and her form seems built, though embedded into her figure with great grace.

Her skin is slightly sun-kissed, hinting at an ancestry of her elven-kin, though it has a subtle shine to it's surface. On her left forearm, when seen, is a wind-shaped scar that seems have have been masterfully burned into her flesh.

Portrait Link

- - - - -

A small dwelling made within the Silkwood, near Lake Ravine is slowly illuminated by the rising sun to the east. A small blue jay chirps as it lands on a slender, sun-kissed finger. The young elven woman smiles as she takes her other hand to gently stroke the bird's feathers.

"She likes you ..." comes a voice from the small dwelling. An old man gives a warm smile as he uses a gnaled staff to help him exit into the beautiful forest. His features are worn by age, but the obvious elven heritage has likely kept him alive far longer than of his human cousins. She looks to the old man and returns the familiar smile, letting the small bird take flight as she turns and bows respectfully and with grace of the elven people.

"Good morning sir Kerth." He chuckles and waves his hand, motioning her to stand straight once again and walking beside her. He pats her shoulder and sits down on the log and let's out a long-winded sigh in silence, as often the wise do. She sits beside him, displaying a patience as well as her eyes take in the morning light of the forest.

"I am not long for this world ..." he says softly. Ellena looks over with a saddened expression and looking down with a subtle nod. A tear rolls down her cheek.

- - - - -

A much younger Kerth paces back and forth as she seems to recite a code of sorts, the young Ellena having difficulty listening and training her blade against the dummy at the same time, though she seems to be doing well enough.

"Prowess," he begins his long winded speech, "To seek excellence in all endeavors expected of a knight, martial and otherwise, seeking strength to be used in the service of justice, rather than in personal aggrandizement.

Justice: Seek always the path of 'right', unencumbered by bias or personal interest. Recognize that the sword of justice can be a terrible thing, so it must be tempered by humanity and mercy. If the 'right' you see rings agrees with others, and you seek it out without bending to the temptation for expediency, then you will earn renown beyond measure.

Loyalty: Be known for unwavering commitment to the people and ideals you choose to live by. There are many places where compromise is expected; loyalty is not amongst them.

Defense: The ideal knight was sworn by oath to defend his liege lord and those who depended upon him. Seek always to defend your nation, your family, and those to whom you believe worthy of loyalty.

Courage: Being a knight often means choosing the more difficult path, the personally expensive one. Be prepared to make personal sacrifices in service of the precepts and people you value. At the same time, a knight should seek wisdom to see that stupidity and courage are cousins. Courage also means taking the side of truth in all matters, rather than seeking the expedient lie. Seek the truth whenever possible, but remember to temper justice with mercy, or the pure truth can bring grief.

Faith: A knight must have faith in his beliefs, for faith roots him and gives hope against the despair that mortal failings create.

Humility: Value first the contributions of others; do not boast of your own accomplishments, let others do this for you. Tell the deeds of others before your own, according them the renown rightfully earned through virtuous deeds. In this way the office of knighthood is well done and glorified, helping not only the gentle spoken of but also all who call themselves knights.

Largesse: Be generous in so far as your resources allow; largesse used in this way counters gluttony. It also makes the path of mercy easier to discern when a difficult decision of justice is required.

Nobility: Seek great stature of character by holding to the virtues and duties of a knight, realizing that though the ideals cannot be reached, the quality of striving towards them ennobles the spirit, growing the character from dust towards the heavens. Nobility also has the tendency to influence others, offering a compelling example of what can be done in the service of rightness.

Franchise: Seek to emulate everything I have spoken of as sincerely as possible, not for the reason of personal gain but because it is right. Do not restrict your exploration to a small world, but seek to infuse every aspect of your life with these qualities. Should you succeed in even a tiny measure then you will be well remembered for your quality and virtue."

He smiles and lays a gentle hand on the elf's arm, gesturing her to stop. She breathes heavily and smiles as she's hugged.

- - - - -

This was the life of the young Ellena. Sir Kerth is as much of a mystery as her own parents are. In the beginning, she was found on stormy night next to the man's dwelling, a small babe with a wind-shaped scar masterfully burned into her left forearm. Kerth scowled at such an act, but found it as curious as it was disheartening. Taking her in as his own child, though never did he lie to her about her birth, how she was left by her parents, and he knew nothing of it. The scar had kept to her forearm ever since.

Whether Kerth was once a knight or not, he had never said, though he often recited the code of the knights to the young Ellena. They were kept to themselves, rarely a soul came by, and when the random adventurer came by he would always say something to make them visit for only a short while and leave. Ellena never complained though, for Kerth was excellent company and a great father-figure.

Kerth had a trained eye though and an obvious knowledge for the elven abilities as he saw grace within the young woman. While she did chores a normal man would do, she was always pressed to train her reflexes, her balance, and grace. While he trained her in the ways of several weapon over the years, of longswords and odd mis-matched weapons such as hand axes, her natural and trained agility were better put to use in lighter weapons. Though, probably more than anything else, she focused on the rapier. Probably more a preference than anything, Kerth held to that and pushed that weapon upon her more than the other weapons.

And though she was trained in many uses of the armors over her life, her natural grace lead her to more lighter armors, such as hides and leathers so she could move freely.

Spending so many years under the care of the wise half-elven man afforded to teach the woman not only the ways of combat but of wisdom and intelligence as well, though some of it almost seemed natural to her. She was nearly as bright as she was preceptive to the things around her, though not seeing many people or experiencing the world left her with an average sense of confidence and personal strength, if stubborn.

Though Kerth went over her training and ethics daily, many a time did Kerth explain that the elves had a connection to the world that rarely another would ever experience. To the lands, the places, the people. Always to trust these feelings, but never to leave them unquestioned ... for through knowledge came understanding.

That nature had it's ways, it cycle that must be kept in life and in death. To hunt only what was needed and little more. To not only be a warrior, but a protecter and a guide to others in the ways of the heart.

This had been her life, her entire life, until the fateful day that Sir Kerth passed away. On that day, she left for Hlint ... one that day, she began to walk down a road that would change her life forever ...


Starbright, Starlight, Where Fate Begins
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2007, 11:52:10 pm »
The young elven woman sits by the fountain in Port Hampstead, a few days walk from Hlint, the honored statue of the Queen erected in front of her and sparkled with continuous magics with still waters. She rubs a small orb in her hand gently, the Orb of Remembrance. Closing her eyes softly, she presses her memories into the orb...

"I sit here now, pressing my memories upon this orb so that when my time comes to pass on from this world, others will know of my life ... not only so they will learn from my mistakes, but learn from my successes.

Most to note was my conversation with a Champion of Toran. Though short, it was sweet. I cannot say much as of now, but it seems it is a deity whom not only seeks fairness in punishment, but only mercy and humanity. I hope so is true, and then perhaps ... I will know more of myself and of Sir Kerth, my 'uncle'.

Second is ... disturbing. I have faced death now and in the midst of battle, I have been brought back. Not only by my own actions, but by the mercy of others. Bless them. Though I can still feel the 'ghost' of the Werewolf's curse pulsing through my veins, I feel most in pain from the actions of one Ellis. Though I can understand her thinking when she felt the need to slay me before the curse took me, and though I believe it was misguided, it saddens me most that .. she risked other's lives in the process, through inaction.

She choose to stay behind as we fought the Werewolf Alpha because of her own fear of me and what I might become. While understandable, this inaction risked the lives of many others in the group, because we lacked the aid of another warrior. This hurts, as my life is to be geared towards doing right and not doing deeds out of self-interest, when she did exactly this.

I hope she understands ... if she does not, I fear the friendship cannot go much further. Forgive me if this is wrong on my part."


The Lonely Path
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2007, 02:03:39 am »
"I stand behind a building now, the orb to my heart so other may feel it's beat. Ellis has willingly given us.. and I, no choice, but to end the friendship. She nearly walked away before we had started the discussion. My heart cries ... and my soul weeps. It has been two years now since my 'uncle' has passed away from this world, and my only family, my only friend.

To me, we shared something of interest - kindness, so I may have called her friend within time. Her departure only reminds me of the sadness I feel, the loneliness it seems I must endure to do the right thing. I enjoy doing the right thing, but .. at times, I wish others would seek to find more out about me. I do not think it is too much to ask, but I feel it would be rude to ask other's of this, and an act of selfish glory.

Perhaps the gods will aid me .. or fate. If not, I will have to find a way to endure the lonely path, in the name of sacrifice."


A Curse?
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2007, 11:09:37 pm »
"Was it all for nothing? That is what haunts me this night. The werewolf curse is not lifted, nor is the 'Alpha' slain. I feel a hunger deep inside me, though I'm able to ignore it.. for the most part, it makes me afraid. Afraid I will harm others. Afraid that it will all end here. Afraid ... that my childhood was for nothing.

Ever since Sir Kerth died, everyone has been protecting me, though I have protected no one. Everyone has fought for me, though I have fought for no one else. Why? Why me? Are the fates so cruel? Are the gods so cruel?

... will it all end here? I don't understand what I did to deserve this."


« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2007, 08:38:21 pm »
"I've been told humans often dream, of fantasies.. and sometimes of fears. That it is normal for the them and usually doesn't mean anything besides their mind showing their own heart to them.

I've been told that for an Elf to dream .. it is meaningful, important, that it shares a truth or a shadow of what truth may become. I dream it every night now, though the itching of my scar has stopped and the cravings of the wolf have subsided. I wonder now if there is something deeper about all this ... more sinister, or otherwise.

I go to step out of bed or up from her bed roll in my dream, but when my feet hit the ground I'm a wolf. I run deep into a forest chasing the call of my 'brothers' and 'sisters' of the pack. I stop to kill a deer and feel the blood spray as it's life ebbs away. Then I make my way to a clearing and there standing on a high rock in the middle of the clearing is a huge wolf. I cannot make out it's color due to the shadows dancing around. All around the huge wolf are hundreds of other wolves - they are all howling. I feel excited to be amongst my own kind. Then the howling stops and the huge wolf turns it's head and looks deep into into my eyes and speaks, "we will find you little sister". Then I wake up ... and the scar burn for several moments.

Am I cured? Is it that huge wolf that somehow lays claim over a bite that has subsided? Is it my blood that keeps it pulsing? It feels as though there are so many question left unanswered, my mind working around things like who my parents were, who Kerth was, and why I've been marked with this whirlwind-shaped scar.

I try praying to Toran now. I feel odd at best, having never been very knowledge about such subjects, yet Clarissa had given me a book of his. His views are like Kerth's Knight Code, though it focuses more on fighting evil and being honorable. I pray ... that I will get out of this alive, if he views my worthy of such a prayer.

Though ... I must admit my second true friend besides Kerth has a knack of cheering me up. Ellis had asked for forgiveness for what she did and ... I couldn't refuse. She is a wonderful friend, despite letting her passion get a hold of her sometimes. I care for her and she cares for me, though, perhaps differently than Kerth had - but I like it. It was a long night, but we've come to terms."


Hope in a Sister
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2007, 12:54:40 pm »
((OOC: My character is bisexual (liking men and women), so if you feel at all uncomfortable with this fact, avoid reading most of this post. Thank you.))

A sigh is heard in the background, mixed with relief and stress.

"The dreams are still there. People have asked me to turn my dream eye to see if I can make out the leaves or the trees. I try, but it's hard, if not impossible. It doesn't feel like it's my dream ... though, is any dream the fair folk dream, theirs?

No matter, I don't want to think about it anymore. I want to think about Ellis. My best friend right now, my sister, and more. Heh, I'm sure there will be others who do not agree with this entry, but when love blooms or even just something as small as a fancy, I think it matters on the spirit ... not the looks or the ability to have children. Though, heh, she was the one who kissed me. Odd to think I'd share my first with another woman, though I enjoyed it.

She makes me feel safe, makes me worry less and comforts me all at the same time. I suppose I could not ask for a better person to be with. She helped me not worry about my coin anymore, how she'll help me get a job to pay for my food and lodging. She is a kind, if somewhat passionate soul. I only hope I can show her to trust again, though ... I do not know why she mistrusts most people."

Another sigh, more of content in heard as an image appears of the elven maiden kneeling down in the grass and looking up to the sky.

"For what it's worth, Toran, you've my thanks. I cannot say for sure it's you aiding me, but I pray it is. Your champion Clarissa and Priestess Rose have offered help in compassion, asking for nothing in return. Perhaps this too, will happen with me to another ... heh, once I get used to talking to higher being whom are invisible to me." The elf chuckles and shakes her head. There's about a five minute pause where the orb simply shows the elf sitting in the grass, legs stretched out and crossed over with her leaning back on her palms. She seems happy and stares at the afternoon sky with a gentle breeze.


The Weave and Beginnings
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2007, 01:36:06 pm »
The orb flickers again, to another memory in which the view sees a book in front of him or her. It's covered is adorned with fancy runes and pictures though most of it doesn't really mean anything by itself, they are pieces and parts of arcane spells. The elven woman's hand reaches forward and opens the book slowly. She flips through some of the pages that she seems to read with ease, writing down notes here and there of what she thinks is more important than other things.

The view flickers again to a more readable view of the notes ...

- - - - -

Resting: Wizards need to rest prior to spell casting. This may be in the form of sleep or meditation. A wizard who refuses to sleep and then goes on a spell casting binge (which is not entirely impossible, but rare due to temporal allowances) will grow weary - possibly delusional - and may experience many negative health effects. Of course, most of this effect is done when they sleep or meditate at night for a day's rest. Additional small rests are required for re-memorizing spells that have been cast.

Preparing: In order to prepare spells from their spellbooks, wizards need comfortable quiet areas to study. The spell is read, spoken, or memorized up until the trigger. This is the easiest and most efficient way to cast arcane magic as a wizard because it means the wizard needs only to perform the trigger element of the spell when the need arises to cast it. There may be a temporal limit in spell casting and this could be the reason why wizards can only cast a certain number of spells of various degrees in one day.

A weakness of wizards is that they cannot cast an arcane spell that they have not prepared, so they are extremely vulnerable if caught in a situation they did not expect. To minimize this, wizards often develop their problem-solving ability to anticipate which spells may be most useful, and some may enhance this with abilities such as foresight.

Casting: When the need calls for a certain spell to be cast, wizards will allow their thoughts to retreat back into their consciousness in order to obtain it, and it often appears that wizards are in trances while they are casting. While there is some credence to that, they are not so much entranced that they cannot recognize situations outside their subconscious.

When they find the spell they want, wizards will then complete the trigger sequence. This is the common view of a wizard casting: voicing several strange words, utilising some arcane component, like tossing pixie dust, and perhaps making some sort of quirky hand movement. In actuality every part of the sequence must be exact or else the wizard may miscast, misfire, cast an entirely different spell, or cast nothing at all.

Cantrips: Minor and yet useful spells at times that are small, easily remembered spells that lack the need of spell components. Wide variety of them, including anything from flavoring food to making illusionary sounds. The first step in any wizard's path to learning the world of the arcane.

The Weave: The weave is what is normally seen as a unending supply to draw magic and manipulate it from, the motions, sayings, and components are used to manipulate it in very specific ways. Though it's also commonly know or theorized that the weave is also the body and soul of the goddess, Lucinda.

- - - - -

The view flickers again to Ellena, sitting at a desk in a inn room as she sets the orb down with a smile. She shifts the chair so she can face it and relax, folding her hands in her lap.

"I met a wizard by the name of Samir, I believe not too long ago. He showed me the more close-up view of magic and how it works. It was amazing the effects of his spells, though as powerful as they were ... they seemed rather short. I wonder if I get someone to teach me, if I can learn to somehow extend the spells to last long." She ponders on the thought for a few moments before shrugging gently. "I suppose I'll find out, if someone is willing to teach me ... not sure, but magic just seems like this big mystery that's waiting to be unsolved. Heh," she rolls her eyes, "this coming from a woman who was raised to be a knight.

Oh! I have an inn room now, at Leiringard, for the moment. Ellis and I are sharing it ... and ..." she shakes her head, "she is very sweet. She paid the whole eight hundred for the first month. Lance said he'd recommend me for a job here, organizing events I suppose. If I'm hired, our room is apparently free! I just hope I'm able to get paid some coin too ... I have to eat and such. Hm ... maybe enough to buy spell components when I finally learn the first circle of spells.

Heh, seems my mind is wandering all over the place," as she chuckles. "Ellis and I slept in the same bed last night and feeling her arms around me helped me realize that the nightmare I keep having was just an illusion. I still can't seem to move my dream's eye though, sadly."

There's a smile from the elven maiden as the view darkens once again.


The Weave, Ironguts
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2007, 10:25:22 pm »
Again, the orb flickers in view another set of notes ...

- - - - -

“The Weave is life, for it is my body and my soul.”

“Promote The Weave in all its forms and guises, for those who touch The Weave touch upon me.”

“Channel The Weave for it is my gift to you, use it for your purposes but do not attempt to control the whole, for I am the whole and endless change is my nature. Use me as guide and the path will remain clear.”

“Use all of my gifts to benefit The Weave, and through it others. The Weave is life and without that we are lost. Share your gifts with others freely, aiding where you can.”

“Tolerate no harm to come to me or mine, my gifts freely given to those who follow used in defense of my body in The Weave and my Soul in the Coran arta i' Tha vair maen. For as surely as that which takes from life takes from me, that which takes from me takes from life.”

Additional Notes

A wizard must have concentration to cast spells, in and outside of battle so that she can do the spell without failure and it doesn't 'sizzle' away. If practiced enough, one may even cast while be struck with weapons, though nothing is absolute and it's not unbreakable.

A wizard must have the muscle memory to cast spells properly. The trained memory of the body properly understanding what the mind wishes to convey. For this, and the words spoken for spells, memorization and practice is needed.

Innate Circle: First
School: Abjuration
Descriptor: Poison Resistance
Component: Verbal, Somatic, Material
Range: Touch
Area of Effect / Target: Creature touched
Duration: 10 minutes + 20 for every new circle learned.
Material Component: A Vial of Diluted Poison

[There are several sayings written down in a specific order as well as instruction on the movements.]

- - - - -

The orb flickers out slowly, apparently no verbal explanation with this entry.


Werewolves Abound
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2007, 02:35:32 pm »
The orb changes view now to the elven woman, Ellena, sitting on her bed with legs crossed, pillows behind her and slowly folding her arms. She looks irritated and upset at the moment as a sigh is heard coming from her lips.

"Apparently Clarissa and her group have started hunting the werewolf. It had started out with me telling my story and she decided to put a necklace of belladonna around my neck and I passed out. Apparently.. I'm still infected. They went and Ellis and Latherian took my to the Arms inn to rest. Though there isn't much to tell except we're planning on visiting the Whitehorn grove in hope they can cure me now." She sighs again, looking more disappointed as she speaks now, rather then irritated.

"Though, what disappoints me the most is what happened when Clarissa's group got back. It started with Ellis and Latherian. I cannot understand why they were so hostile to a group who just risked their lives to save my life ... though, I'm unsure now if the group was trying to save me, or simply trying to slay evil for the sakes of slaying it. Her group edged the two on, that I know for sure, throwing childish insults at one another," she waves her hand with irritated dismissal. "Though, Clarissa disappointed me nearly as much. Heh ... to claim to be a champion of what seems to be a merciful god, and just because those two didn't want her help - though I was greatful - she backs down? I am sorry, but that ... bothers me. Has she not thought of how I may still turn and hurt others? Even the champion's friends seemed to lack compassion if I happened to .. slay my own friends.

Is that it then?" she asks, her form slumping in the bed with a heavy sigh and a sad look in her eyes. "They only seek out evil to slay it for the sake of slaying it? Do they lack compassion? Or is their resolve so small they'd be pushed aside from a few silly insults? I'm beginning to question these so called 'heroes' lately. They seem less heroic and more slayers of evil than anything."

She shakes her head slowly and clenches her fists tightly for a moment. "No matter what though, I'm not going to follow in such footsteps. I think my uncle raised me to be a .. 'hero' or one who at least follows the ideals of a hero. I won't do it for me, I won't even do for him, but I will do it because it is the right thing to do." She nods stubbornly to herself and slips from the bed. Without turning the orb off, the viewer can see her going over to the nearby desk and opening a drawer to lay a scroll out on it. She moves the chair out of the way, flexing her fingers and begins to make specific moves. Any of the arcane could see this closely resemble the Ironguts spell.

The orb is left on for some time, perhaps even hours as the viewer can see her practicing again and again and again, from time to time, reading a strange magical incantation over and over to herself. When night seems to come, she slowly shuffles to the orb where the view begins to fade once more.


The Weave, Protection from Alginment
« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2007, 08:24:05 pm »
Another few moments later and the orb shows another scroll written down with a spell, magcial words, instructions on what the movement patterns are and such ...

- - - - -

Innate Circle: First
School: Abjuration
Descriptor: Protects from Evil or Good-hearted beings
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic, Material
Range: Touch
Area of Effect / Target: Single
Duration: 1 minute + 2 for every new circle learned.
Material Component: Powdered Silver

- - - - -

The view moves to the owner of the orb again and she seems happier this time. As most humans would see it, she seems overly emotional, though most of her elven-kin could easily relate to the higher emotions felt by her kin.

"So! Where to start ..." she says with a cheerful tone, thinking. She takes a breathe and nods, looking a little more serious. "Ellis and I are apart now. She ... isn't a whole person yet and I don't think it's really healthy for someone to be in a relationship when they're not ready yet. True, I may be wrong, but I really don't think she's ready." Ellena shrugs gently and stretches her legs out on the bed of the room, though her back is at the back of the bed so her hands stay folded in her lap. "I'm starting to understand why 'uncle' often explained that I wouldn't always see eye to eye with humans. They seem rather impatience as a whole and .. well, I suppose it makes sense, since they rarely even live a hundred years. They just seem so hurried about things, I guess.

Anyways, things are going better now. That new spell is actually quite similar to the 'Ironguts' spells in a lot of ways, since I've begun to memorize it and practice. That reminds me, I'll have to write down some notes about how one feels The Weave as much as they must understand the movements and words ... or rather, how one must feel the goddess."

She pauses to take a breathe, her thoughts not completely spoken at the moment as she thinks. "Well, I think we're still trying to get ready for the trip to the grove. I'm not sure what else Latherian needs to do before we go though ... so, I'm waiting here for Kali for now. While I wait though, I found another way to make true!"

She grins excitingly and wiggles a bit. "It's this card game called 'Creatures'. It's really amazing how they made all the illusions and such operate by pressing down little buttons and such. I actually earned four hundred trues just playing a game I enjoyed! It takes fast thinking and tactics. I love it. Well ... I think I'm going to practice this afternoon," speaking as if she was going to spend all six or more hours at it, "before seeing if Kali is downstairs. If not, I'll probably leave a note and play that game."

Ellena reaches forward to the orb and the view switches to the next scene.


To the Library
« Reply #10 on: October 10, 2007, 09:35:29 pm »
The orbs comes up with a view of the young elf casting a new spell over and over and practicing. Again, it's left for some time, but only counting a couple hours this time as it suddenly shifts.

The view first hears the scratching on the door, a few moments later a middle-aged blond woman comes in, looking shaken. It flickers and the view sees the bed in the inn room jumping up and down as screams are heard, the chair flying across the room. The view changes to the door where a giant chest sits in front of it and the door begins to bend, as if to snap in two. Just then ... all goes quiet for a couple moments, before fading.

It comes into view again as one can see Ellena packing up several scrolls and parchments into a bag and the other woman staring at the down. Truly, this entry seems rather chaotic compared to the previous ones as it blackens and gives pause for the next.


« Reply #11 on: October 12, 2007, 03:13:34 pm »
The orb shows the young elf scribing, read, and practicing her magic again, flickering (assumingly) from one day to another as the progression is clearly showed. Ellena only seems to get better, though sometimes getting minor shocks or backlashes of The Weave here or there.

Finally, it shows an entry with more verbal contact, as it starts out with the elf reading over something in the early morning, another woman in the bed (the one showed in the earlier entry. Ellena looks over and smiles warmly as she goes to the orb and nearly whispers.

"Heh, I didn't think I was worth so much to her. She's really been trying hard to become a better person. Apologizing, being kinder, trying to be polite.. it's amazing, really. Most importantly though is.. I'm glad she has tried. I didn't really want to leave her." She sighs in relief and puts the orb on a bench against the wall, sitting on it herself. "I've found out that I'm not infected, however when I killed the Alpha who bit me the disease didn't disappear completely. There weren't many books left in the Great Library, even when Harigan left for a bit ... but I did find out the Werewolf 'curse' is actually a supernatural disease. Wasn't very detailed, but assuming it's supernatural gives more insight to how... or why it's dispelled once the Alpha is slain."

She pauses with a subtle sigh, crossing over her legs and folding her arms over. She also happens to be in a new outfit this time, more one would expect from a rich pirate perhaps or some sort of martial spell-weaver, adorned in a dark red. Her eyes seem to rest on the other woman for the most part, apparently Ellis at this point. "Doesn't really explain why I'm a carrier or why I'm not infected but the disease is still within my own blood. Apparently I'm more subject to their bites as well as Belladonna. However, I don't know much else then I must seek out the 'source' or the one who infected the Alpha who bit me, and he or she must be slain for me to be cured.

However ... Harigan is in the same state, and they let him live in the 'half-life' as he so clearly puts it. I begin to wonder why they wish to turn me and not him. I see no rhyme or reason to this from where I stand, except that I have begun to truly wonder what this scar is for." She looks down at her left forearm, tracing a finger along the scar slowly, looking more like a whirlwind than anything. "Clearly, there is something going on that I don't know about ... whether it involves this scar or not." She folds her arms again and shakes her head slowly. "A spirit wolf, perhaps what seems to be described closely as a worg, from Ellis, is following me. I feel it's presence from time to time and.. it's even attack me in my own room. Funny," she smirks a tiny bit, "how the only evidence of it's arrival to the inn was a single thrown chair and what Ellis herself had moved. This, of course, only raises more questions."

She narrows her eyes for a moment. "I doubt they have the power to raise such spirits from the dead, and if they do, I can only question why and return with no answers.

Clearly ... there is something I don't know. Perhaps now is a good time as any to seek the 'crazed halfling' the librarian at the Great Library mentioned. Perhaps, he has some more answers and fewer questions.." Ellena reaches over to the orb and it fades.


The Weave, Spells
« Reply #12 on: October 12, 2007, 03:16:58 pm »
The orb shows the view the same Ellena as the last entry, apparently there was only a few moments between the two. "Oh, and I wanted to add ... I'm beginning to understand the spells better now. How they differ from other spells I've seen cast, but general and specific movements as well as incantations. I'll have to ask Storold about the components and how close I am to be able to cast spells ... and Transmutation. Perhaps then I can begin research on my own spells. We'll see." With that short note added, the orb fades once more at the elf's touch.


The Weave, First Step
« Reply #13 on: October 14, 2007, 04:26:30 pm »
The orb shows Ellena at the desk this time, writing in a book of hers. She seems to make some minor adjustments and looks over with a smile. "I think I'm nearly ready to use these spells outside of just practicing ... I've scribed them into a book and I got final explanations from Storold. It should only be a matter of practice now and it's barely that much at all!" she exclaims happly. "Just learning to key differences in the spells gestures and incantations, at least for the first circle. The others seems to have completely different strands of gestures and incantations ... no matter." She shrugs and walks over and takes the orb to see the viewer what spells are scribed into the book:

Burning Hands
Expeditious Retreat
True Strike
Endure Elements
Magic Weapon*
Protection from Alignment*
Randal's Quick Copy*

*Pasted in scrolls from other sources.