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Author Topic: The Story of Sean Black  (Read 89 times)


The Story of Sean Black
« on: February 14, 2007, 12:09:13 pm »
I am Sean Black

I was born in the chaotic years of the war between Sinthar Bloodstone and Layonara – my human father served in the regiments of Blood, and my elven mother served as a healer of Aeridin, easing the pain among the people who stood up against Blood. For 30 years I lived in a village in the regions of Pranzis, under the Order of the Eagle’s protection. The human who’s name I bear, Haman Black was a knight in this order. He died defending Stone. Maybe it was for the best he didn’t live to see the grave end of our order.

That order was the very foundation of life, I joined it as soon as I was old enough, I grew up with it’s principles of goodness above everything else, even the law. We never taxed the people under our protection anymore than they could spare, we wasn’t afraid to make sacrifices, but we where also reasonable. When Broegar conquered Pranzis we did not stand against his evil yet strong might, but bow under him and did what we could do continue protection and helping people. Maybe that was truly our weakness, people loved us, but never feared us.

Nearly ten years after the wars end, the people under our protection stormed the castle of our order, only I survived.

That is the beginning of my story, how my foundation of life was build and how it was ribbed away again. Maybe it was because I never build my own foundation, instead I build it with the ideas and morals of other people – good people, those knights are some of the bravest of good-hearted men I’ve ever met – but I had at that time not made my own choices, because it is through choices we make ourselves and make a foundation.

At that point I could not see a way out of my misery, I could not see the reason for my continued existence. I did not know the truth behind their actions, but only that the people who destroyed what I most hold dear, was those I had striven to protect. And so my first self acquired knowledge would be, that people in general are selfish and evil. Only a few, like the knights I lived with, was good in spirit. I didn’t trust anyone from that point. I fled from my home, even from the continent, to Mistone. Here I sold most of my equipment, the order’s equipment covered with the signs of the eagle. I drank it all away.

Ofcourse this would end at some point, when I was out of money and equipment. So when I was about to sell the last thing from my past, the seal with the eagle, I decided instead to keep it and acquire some new equipment. From the merchants in the town of Hlint I bought a short sword and an old leather armor, so I could earn some more money so I could buy some more to drink…

