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Author Topic: WLDQ Bits and Pieces  (Read 219 times)


WLDQ Bits and Pieces
« on: December 03, 2008, 06:59:16 pm »
Kobal hops onboard.

Arkolio de'Averlain: *rolls a coin over his knuckles*
Arkolio de'Averlain: Dexterity Check:  11 + 11 = 22
Kobal Bluntaxe: *looks around, then spots Ark*
Arkolio de'Averlain: *lifts a hand in greeting* Oi Der Kobal
Kobal Bluntaxe: *offers hand* 'ello Akkolio
Arkolio de'Averlain: *shakes it with a smile*
Andrach Anhout: *pauses leaning both hands on aged hips and seems to appraise the Dwraf*
Arkolio de'Averlain: I'd say you're looking well .. but you're still short and nowhere near handsome
Kobal Bluntaxe: Ye aint pretty eihder, lad, fer a dwarf.
Arkolio de'Averlain: Nor for a human I am told by the ladies
Andrach Anhout: *sharp eyes taking in the exchange of words*
Arkolio de'Averlain: Where are my manners? Andrach .. Kobal Bluntaxe .. Kobal .. Andrach Anhout
Kobal Bluntaxe: Deh soign 'ere says dis be yer new partner?
Andrach Anhout: daresay this is that Dwarf friend you mentioned Mr de'Averlan?
Andrach Anhout: ah Kobal eh well as he says I am Andrach Anhout, well met
Arkolio de'Averlain: *nods* Kobal and I have been acquainted for some years now
Kobal Bluntaxe: *he looks him up and down after nodding a greeting* Well met, mister Anhout.
Andrach Anhout: *offers a hand* I hear you are the Dwarf might do us some good business
Kobal Bluntaxe: Perhaps *he smiles as he shakes his hand, taking care not to squeeze too hard*
Arkolio de'Averlain: He's a straight shooter Andrach .. no need to mince words here .. Kobal will wanna hear whatever we have to say straight
Andrach Anhout: Yes indeed Arkolio here has put some new...younger ideas into the company
Andrach Anhout: not least he has overhauled my wagons here with this new model behind see
Kobal Bluntaxe: Aye? Oi be lookin' ferward ter 'earin' 'em. Cannae be easy, aftar all, doin' honourable business in Katherian.
Arkolio de'Averlain: Ain't that the truth *to Kobal* Gotta spend it before you make it *to Andrach*
Andrach Anhout: well that is simple economy...of course it wont work all the trails...too big you see
Kobal Bluntaxe: *he looks to the wagons briefly - this seemingly not much to his interest*
Arkolio de'Averlain: Kobal, you wanna come in and hear what we have to say?
Kobal Bluntaxe: Aye, Oi'd loike ter.
Arkolio de'Averlain: *motions to the door*
Andrach Anhout: put a dwarven meal on will you Victor got a guest
Andrach Anhout: Ark you go get the papers Ill talk
Kobal Bluntaxe: Oi be all yers, mister.
Andrach Anhout: Now Arkolio here adds some breath to the company, but it will be business as usual for Grain to GO, I have been hauling grain for ..too many years to change
Andrach Anhout: I don't do business with Bloody Gate or overseas...though thats all going to change *smiles* well of course that might be .....depending how we get on
Kobal Bluntaxe: Indeed. Hauw ye workin' thus far?
Andrach Anhout: Arkolio tells me you can come up some contacts at Bloody Gate, if it is all agreable to you of course
Kobal Bluntaxe: An' wha will change in dah future?
Andrach Anhout: Busy busy right now, taken on another 3 wagons and crew, and we...well this is my idea but I want to get some shipping haulage too
Arkolio de'Averlain: And where i'd hoped we might be able to score some extra business .. is with the kin up in the mountains
Andrach Anhout: so the change will be size and transport, nothing too fancy of course, we build slowly as the market dictates
Arkolio de'Averlain: Thus .. you here today
Arkolio de'Averlain: *nods towards Andrach*
Andrach Anhout: *looks from one to the other*
Kobal Bluntaxe: I see.
Arkolio de'Averlain: As I see it ... the dwarves need grain and they don't exactly live in prime grain growing territory
Kobal Bluntaxe: *grins* Ye're sharp lad
Arkolio de'Averlain: Down here in the lowlands we have plenty of it .. problem being, as you well know, Katherians and Bloody Gat .. ians? .. well, dwarves not exactly trusting of each other
Arkolio de'Averlain: And there is really no need to be underhanded or cheaty anyone to make a good profit here
Andrach Anhout: Kobal I know you may have concerns about supply in these parts of the country, and rightly so but can I tell you Grain to Go went right on shipping through the Dark times, not regular of course but fair..fair to all our customers
Kobal Bluntaxe: Oi'm keen on knowin' hauw ye be dealin' wit' deh administration 'ere in Katheiroian. OI wager broibes be daily matters an' per'aps payin' fer protection as well?
Andrach Anhout: *shrugs*
Arkolio de'Averlain: Kobal, I won't kiss your arse with flattery .. I know you see right through it ..
Andrach Anhout: My work force and profile, not so great as to need much involvement there, but you would be right in saying this about belonging
Arkolio de'Averlain: .. there will probably be a little bit of .. tomfoolery .. here in Katherian to make things here run smooth .. but all that is done and gone by the time I lay eyes on a kin
Andrach Anhout: *waits*
Kobal Bluntaxe: *he licks his lips, folding his arms*
Arkolio de'Averlain: I'd guess i'm right in thinking your concerns are all about the dwraves being looked after .. not being cheated, right?
Kobal Bluntaxe: Kin aint doin' shady business, lad.
Andrach Anhout: *arches proudly* nor is Grain to Go
Arkolio de'Averlain: What's shady about them needin' grain and us supplyin' it?
Andrach Anhout: I am not so long for this life I will be changing any ways there
Kobal Bluntaxe: Bu' dey'll show 'onour an' even offer aid in toimes of need, iffen honour be shown from deir associates.
Andrach Anhout: *snaps a finger like a youngster* Arkolio is plain enough there, and Kobal if you dont mind me saying, so are you
Arkolio de'Averlain: I know my reputation Kobal .. but when there is no need to be shady .. you'd be stupid to be shady for the sake of it .. I'm many things but I ain't stupid
Kobal Bluntaxe: An' wha' made ye git inter dis business Akolio?
Kobal Bluntaxe: Oi mean, dere be more profitable ones... *to Andrach* Nay offense ter yer branch 'ere, sir.
Arkolio de'Averlain: Honestly? Money initially .. but I like what they do here Kobal ..
Andrach Anhout: well...well....I will not take short cuts for profit Sir
Arkolio de'Averlain: People here got jobs .. families get fed cos' of what Andrach has been doing for decades
Arkolio de'Averlain: *looks thoughtful* What are people going to remember me for?
Arkolio de'Averlain: *slight shrug* Seemed like the right kinda thing to do
Kobal Bluntaxe: *slight smile* Alroigh' ten.
Kobal Bluntaxe: One more question though.
Kobal Bluntaxe: 'ave ye troied contactin' deh Gate already?
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Tell] Have you seen Pretty Woman? You know when Richard Gere becomes partners in the shipping company at the end instead of taking it over
Kobal Bluntaxe: [Tell] who with a GF hasnt seen it, hehe
Andrach Anhout: Its a new departure for Grain, and so I have not
Arkolio de'Averlain: *shakes his head* An introduction seemed a better way to ensure the door don't get slammed in my face
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Tell] that was the vibe I was going for .. that Pretty Woman-Richard Gere seeing the light vibe
Kobal Bluntaxe: *he nods*
Kobal Bluntaxe: *to Andrach* Can Oi be gettin' a look at deh papers, or is dat too much ter ask?
Andrach Anhout: hmm sure say that food might be ready....we can do both what do you want to se?
Andrach Anhout: // in here a couple of workers are making food and preparing scrolls
Kobal Bluntaxe: Income an' expenses.
Andrach Anhout: hmm sure, got those somewhere, only most of it is in my head
Andrach Anhout: but I have references and current orders....I dont usually this okay?
Arkolio de'Averlain: Hey Andrach, you're the brains of this operation .. i'm the beauty
Andrach Anhout: here we go... *puts out some papers*
Kobal Bluntaxe: *he nods and examines the numbers*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Tell] PS. You're a pansy for admitting to watching Pretty Woman
Kobal Bluntaxe: [Tell] Yeah, I already admitted to being a softy - so the harm's done
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Tell] 7' 4 pansy
Arkolio de'Averlain: *arranges the bouquet in the room to his satisfaction*
Andrach Anhout: I have one or two things in mind for us to try, Bloody Gate market being one of them..I am sure we can do good business there, *snaps fingers* what matters most here is continued trade...something you can set the sun by
Andrach Anhout: with that I will work towards keeping wagons rolling
Kobal Bluntaxe: Hauw is all deh slaver business 'ere? Aint it interferin' wit' good business loike yer own?
Andrach Anhout: *grimaces*
Arkolio de'Averlain: A bit quieter of later I hear *smiles grimly* .. go ask Sall if you have time Kobal
Andrach Anhout: This town has many things, not all of which is agreable, and most that make work hard....but to your questin I dont, wont and never take to using slaves
Andrach Anhout: Now with a contract or two with like minded individuals this company will thrive
Andrach Anhout: *folds arms looking confident*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Tell] Ark helped Sall destroy a large slaver cell as part of his WLDQ ... which Kobal can verify with Sall
Kobal Bluntaxe: *he nods and walks back out to Arkolio*
Andrach Anhout: *puts away records*
Kobal Bluntaxe: [Tell] OOC I know
Andrach Anhout: thanks Rudolf can you get those dishes away when you get the chance
Andrach Anhout: Ill be out with our guest make sure that wagon and escort get off sharp don't let them dawdle
Kobal Bluntaxe: It seems ter meh dat ye're one deh kinsmen from the Gate moigh' do business wit', Andrach.
Andrach Anhout: hmm now Mr Bluntaxe can I advertise for new staff?
Kobal Bluntaxe: Oi cannae speak fer dah Gate, of course.
Andrach Anhout: *nods* well I will get a wagon organised - test out the travel issues and see on a fair price
Kobal Bluntaxe: Bu' Oi'll wroite ye a short note iffen ye wish.
 Andrach Anhout: It always helps
Arkolio de'Averlain: *nods, relieved* Of course Kobal .. it is appreciated
Andrach Anhout: Ill get that wagon loaded, we got enough grain yesterday
Arkolio de'Averlain: I know you didn't fancy a trip to Katherian ..
Kobal Bluntaxe: One thing ye shoul' know though. Iffen ye cheat or fault kinsmen once, deh deal will be off. Ye got only one shot at dis.
Kobal Bluntaxe: Make it a good one.
Arkolio de'Averlain: *nods*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Tell] did you just join party so I could see you had 4 times the amount of HPs that I do?? show off
Kobal Bluntaxe: [Party] Iffen Oi can borrow quill an' paper nauw, OI will wroite ye a note immediately.
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *fetches a quill and paper*
Kobal Bluntaxe: [Tell] more like 5 times, hehe
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *hands them over* You want a drink? .. I didn't offer while you were deciding ...
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] I didn't want you to think I didn't want you to have a clear head *smiles*
Kobal Bluntaxe: Pfftt... turn aroun' lad
Kobal Bluntaxe: *he puts the scroll against your back*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *winces in preparation*
Kobal Bluntaxe uses Writing Quill
Kobal Bluntaxe: [Party] ~To whomever this may concern.
Kobal Bluntaxe: [Party] ~!I hereby verify that I have spoken to Andrach Anhout, the owner of Grain to Go.
Kobal Bluntaxe: [Party] ~!I find him a seemingly honest and honourable man.
Kobal Bluntaxe: [Party] ~!Furthermore I have gone through the finances through out the past years.
Kobal Bluntaxe: [Party] ~!These I found to be accurate. No amounts disappeared or were seemingly lost.
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Tell] Kobal should have been a bloody auditor!
Kobal Bluntaxe: [Party] ~!Arkolio is Andrach's partner. I know little about his morale values nor what gods he prays to.
Kobal Bluntaxe: [Party] ~!But I have found him agreeable company in the past.
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Tell] agreeable? That's about as warm as Kobal gets with humans I suppose!
Kobal Bluntaxe: [Party] ~!*signed* Kobal Bluntaxe
Kobal Bluntaxe: [Party] *he punctuates it with more strength than necessary*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *winces*
Kobal Bluntaxe: [Party] *he hands the paper to Arkolio*
Acquired Item: Blank Lengthy Parchment
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] You bloody enjoyed each and every full stop didn't you!
Kobal Bluntaxe: [Party] Hmm? Wha' ye mean? *he smiles innocently*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Hmmm *rolls the parchment and tucks it away* You want that drink ye unfunny sod?
Kobal Bluntaxe: [Party] OI'll take it along wit' deh gold ye owe meh. *he barks a chuckle*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Okay, walk this way .. but with smaller steps of course
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *hands over a bank note* They'll change this over there
Kobal Bluntaxe: [Party] Thank ye lad
Kobal Bluntaxe: [Party] *checks it carefully*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *nods* No worries .. and I promise that wasn't from an undesirable sale
Kobal Bluntaxe: [Party] Ye bettar be roight it was nay.
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *waves his hand dismissively* My memoery ain't taht bad
Kobal Bluntaxe: [Party] Well, Oi hate dis tauwn so Oi cannae wait ter git deh next boat. A boat! Bloody hell.
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *grins* Looks choppy out there too
Arkolio de'Averlain: *heads to the wagons*
Kobal Bluntaxe: [Party] Ye be careful aroun' 'ere lad
Arkolio de'Averlain: Always am .. you too
Kobal Bluntaxe: [Party] *he nods* Rofirein guide ye.
Arkolio de'Averlain: *nods in farewell*


Re: WLDQ Bits and Pieces
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2008, 07:49:45 am »
A demon is bound.

Leisa Margreve: *surveys the area and the people as she moves along*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *whispers to Leisa* Observe, note, analyse, prepare for all contingencies
Leisa Margreve: [Party] *trails ark keeping a careful eye out*
Alandric Vensk: [Party] Finally
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *spreads his hands* And so we are here old friend
Alandric Vensk: [Party] Don't stray too far
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Wouldn't dream of it
Alandric Vensk: [Party] This place is quite hostile for those unwary, perfect for me *grins*
Alandric Vensk: [Party] I've spent a lot of time here lately. I know it is safe from my enemies
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *slight smile* I received your letter and though it took me some time to decipher your over-complicated cipher ... I think I eventually got there
Alandric Vensk: [Party] *relaxes*
Leisa Margreve: [Party] *stays close but within the trees at the edge of the clearing wathcing and observing and listening*
Alandric Vensk: [Party] so then *motions to sit*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] I think this spellcasting may go down as the most expensive in recorded history
Alandric Vensk: [Party] Why is that?
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] For the coin you ask, I am fully expecting this summons to give me a back massage
Alandric Vensk: [Party] I have one that has six arms to please .. though they don't end with tender fingers
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *eyes light up* Excellent
Alandric Vensk: [Party] There is no price for magic
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] You wish to inspect the bindstone?
Alandric Vensk: [Party] A simple spell from me can snuff the life from a that person life is priceless
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Save your rhetoric for those who are impressed by such things ..*takes out a ruby and holds it in dextrous fingers*
Arkolio de'Averlain: Dexterity Check:  10 + 11 = 21
Alandric Vensk: [Party] *rubs his chin*
Alandric Vensk: [Party] So then...down to business
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] So you understand what is needed? A Ninth Circle summons .. bound into the gem
Alandric Vensk: [Party] Indeed that ruby is rank with energy
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Are you confident in your ability to bind the six-armed one to it?
Leisa Margreve: [Party] *ceases scanning the area for a moment to fix her eyes on the ruby then returns to her scanning and listening*
Alandric Vensk: [Party] I am very confident of my abilities. So you want me to bind a demon servant into that stone?
Alandric Vensk: [Party] Why?
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *smiles with genuine amusement*
Alandric Vensk: [Party] What do you get out of this?
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] How is that relevant? The pertinent question is what do you get out of this? Come old friend, we have known each other too long for such games
Alandric Vensk: [Party] yes...but you are a rich man these days .. wealth is not a sacrifice
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] I get something that will advance me in the *ponders* game of life, and as such, you are also advanced
Alandric Vensk: [Party] A man whom has much and whom wants something a little unique perks my interest
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Understandably
Alandric Vensk: [Party] Yes, but how do I know this thing you are doing does not come to haunt me?
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] A better question by far *smiles again* You were starting to disappoint
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] I thought you were supremely confident? What possibly could you fear?
Alandric Vensk: [Party] I am. What could I fear? *grins*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Certainly nothing from a bunch of Toranites ...
Alandric Vensk: [Party] Nothing you could dream to imagine. You know nothing of the horrors that exist within shadow and death
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] **stifles a yawn*
Alandric Vensk: [Party] *taps his chin in thought*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Okay, worst case scenario for you ... all going badly .. some Toranites are after you .. aren't they already?
Arkolio de'Averlain: Bluff Check:  10 + 39 = 49
Alandric Vensk: Will Check:  4 + 5 = 9
Alandric Vensk: [Party] Fair enough
Alandric Vensk: [Party] Lets get this over then, let me prepare. Hand me the stone
Leisa Margreve: [Party] *watches Alandrics movements carefully in between scanning the area*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *passes it over carefully* Careful, your mother will be upset if I lose it and won't do that kinky thing she promised
Alandric Vensk: [Party] My mother is a  ((she actually is in my original bio)). What you do with her is you business
Alandric Vensk: Intelligence Check:  17 + 10 = 27
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *pouts a little* It's not nearly so much fun if she really is
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *watches, eyes piercing*
Alandric Vensk: [Party] these things can go bad
Alandric Vensk: [Party] you better meld into the shadows ust in case
Alandric Vensk: [Party] I'll set some defences for myself
Alandric Vensk: [Party] that should be enough
Leisa Margreve: [Party] *retreats deeper into the trees in case Alandric casts true sight and tries to use natural cover to hide*
Arkolio de'Averlain uses True Seeing
Arkolio de'Averlain : Use Magic Device : *success* : (15 + 20 = 35 vs. DC: 30)
Leisa Margreve: [Party] *moves to ensure she can see him and the area at all times*
Alandric Vensk: [Party] *begins preparing the area*
Alandric Vensk: [Party] *inspects it when he is finished*
Alandric Vensk: [Party] *he eyes it carefully*
Alandric Vensk: [Party] there cannot be a single line out of place could be fatal
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] **nods from the shadows*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *hands rest lightly on sword hilts*
Alandric Vensk: [Party] *holds the gem in one hand outstreched*
Arkolio de'Averlain uses Ear for Thieves' Cant
Alandric Vensk: [Party] *raises his other towards the centre of the circle*
Alandric Vensk: [Party] *he begins chanting*
Arkolio de'Averlain says in Ear for Thieves' Cant: He runs, we kill
Arkolio de'Averlain: *looks thoughtful*
Alandric Vensk: [Party] My servant!
Summoned Marilith: *glances around at the additional bindings*
Alandric Vensk: [Party] Ignore the mortals..they're not thy enemy
Summoned Marilith: You ... command ... and I obey mortal ... for now
Alandric Vensk: [Party] I have a mission for you, one of great importance
Summoned Marilith: I hear and obey
Alandric Vensk: [Party] *holds the gem close, focuses on the gem*
Summoned Marilith: *thrashes wildly at the circle of binding*
Alandric Vensk: [Party] *grins*
Summoned Marilith: YOU................
Alandric Vensk: [Party] *beads of sweat build on his brow*
Leisa Margreve: [Party] *hand moves to her blade but does not draw*
Summoned Marilith: You would command me within this ... this PRISON!!
Alandric Vensk: [Party] I am your are my slave
Alandric Vensk: [Party] you will do as I I command
Summoned Marilith: I will.....................YOU......YOU *clearly enraged*
Alandric Vensk: [Party] *clearly the strain is evident on his face to hold the barrier*
Summoned Marilith: Understand this all who follow.....I will slay them ALL. None shall escape the blades my evil and corruption is too strong all shall fall
Alandric Vensk: [Party] *his teeth clench*
Alandric Vensk: [Party] *holds the ruby close*
Summoned Marilith: I have a long time to me your command!
Alandric Vensk: [Party] *his hand trembles*
Alandric Vensk: [Party] must enter within.  It is my will.  You must obey
The Stranger : *without another word it flows quickly around and into the gem**
Alandric Vensk: [Party] *his hand trembles and he almost drops the stone*
Leisa Margreve: [Party] *a brief flicker of relief plays across her normally serious features*
Alandric Vensk: [Party] *he slumps forward and breaths heavily*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *hand twitches subconsciously towards the almost-dropped gem*
Alandric Vensk: [Party] It been so long since I've used so much magic
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Umm, yeah .. the Toranites and the demon wants to eat you .. forgot to mention that bit *grins*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] You don't think that was the easiest hundred thousand coins you ever made?
Alandric Vensk: [Party] *hands the stone*
Leisa Margreve: [Party] *watches the exchange then casts her eye over the surrounding area yet again*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Tell me old friend ...
Leisa Margreve: [Party] *watches a hay wagon lumber slowly by on the road*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] If I were to ask a mage of .. how shall I phrase it? .. stronger moral fibre to do a similar task ... would they oppose such a deed?
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Was what you just did abhorrent?
Alandric Vensk: [Party] *grins* It depends...which mages were you thining of?
Alandric Vensk: [Party] You understand the nature of my summons...they are servants
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] How would you suppose I 'sell' such a deed to say .. a Rofi or a Lucindite?
Alandric Vensk: [Party] to others they are copmrads, friends, beacons of divine grace
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Hypothetically speaking *smiles*
Alandric Vensk: [Party] and you will aks them to imprison them *grins*
Alandric Vensk: [Party] you'll need more than a hundred thousand true
Alandric Vensk: [Party] You might require force
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *chews his lip thoughtfully*
Alandric Vensk: [Party] Mind control .. blackmail .. you know .. all those things you do well
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Mind control on a mage capable of casting a Ninth Circle summons?
Alandric Vensk: [Party] There is a powerful spell that can gain control for a short time...I have read bout it in Spellguard
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] There is?
Alandric Vensk: [Party] Perhaps that may offer you some aid..or you can bring me a mage of great power..perhaps one of my enemies
Alandric Vensk: [Party] We have ways of making people do what they don't really want to do
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *nods* And what is this spell you know of that saps them of their free will?
Alandric Vensk: [Party] anyway...just some thoughts  *keels over and has a coughing fit*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *takes a short step back*
Alandric Vensk: [Party] I believe it is a dominate spell of the highest level
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] It would last long enough for them to do what they had to do? *motions to the circle**
Alandric Vensk: [Party] If you prepare the circle to perfection prior to dominating them .. yes
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Or, if we prepared the circle in in advance ... you are prepared to do the preparations for someone else's summons?
Alandric Vensk: [Party] It needs to be flawless *grins*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Thus why I came to see Alandric 'Flawless' Vensk
Alandric Vensk: [Party] Naturally
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Well, I'll keep in touch
Alandric Vensk: [Party] Very well, on that note I need to rest
Alandric Vensk: [Party] Farewell
Arkolio de'Averlain says in Ear for Thieves' Cant: He can live
Arkolio de'Averlain: *looks thoughtful*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] And to you old friend
Alandric Vensk: [Party] *claps his hands above his head* //about to teleport off
Leisa Margreve: [Party] *stays hidden within the trees nearby until Alandric is well away*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *slight emphasis on the word friend*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *kicks some dirt over the circle*
Leisa Margreve: [Party] *moves out of the trees once more*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *to Leisa* Scout the area, ensure we are unseen to any prying eyes
Leisa Margreve: [Party] *nods and proceeds to do that*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *eyes the gem thoughtfully*
Leisa Margreve: Search Check:  20 + 8 = 28
The Stranger : [Tell] you can almost sense the rage within
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *tucks it away in an inside pocket on his padded vest*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Stage One ... Stage two awaits Liselle my dear
Leisa Margreve: [Party] *nods*
Leisa Margreve: [Party] *returns shortly after* The area is undisturbed
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Come and I shall arrange your payment

Arkolio de'Averlain: [Tell] LC, can you take 1000 coins offa me?
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Tell] and PM mix that I am in Western Gate and spent 1000 coins on investigating pirate attack rumours
Acquired -1000GP
Vincent : [Tell] no probs. Gold took
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Tell] thank ye Sir ..


Re: WLDQ Bits and Pieces
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2008, 03:54:25 am »
Scroll secured from Hardragh.

Arkolio de'Averlain: *adopts a limp and hunches over*
Hardragh: *looks over his shoulder* Aha.
Arkolio de'Averlain: I am not worthy to approach this beacon of comeliness
Arkolio de'Averlain: *straightens up with a smile*
Hardragh: Never stopped you before I'm sure.
Hardragh: *he smiles* Arkolio.
Arkolio de'Averlain: I have grown quite accustomed to my state of being less attractive than the man next to me
Arkolio de'Averlain: It's merely a matter of relativity now
Arkolio de'Averlain: *extends his hand to shake*
Hardragh: Ahh, but I hear you don't do too bad.
Hardragh: *shakes it*
Arkolio de'Averlain: *shakes* Too buddy buddy too soon?
Arkolio de'Averlain: I thought i'd go for the old warm friends bit
Hardragh: Hah, that'd work, but I know you alas.
Arkolio de'Averlain: *smiles*
Hardragh: I gather I have something -you- need, no?
Arkolio de'Averlain: Was that your bloody sister who posted on the noticeboard about scroll prices?
Arkolio de'Averlain: Surely you're related in some way?
Hardragh: Heh, one of the founders of that new mage school here in Hemp.
Hardragh: Kyrsthalien, that elven monk's wife.
Arkolio de'Averlain: I was bloody tempted to say you'd no doubt taken it from the cooling corpse of some mage and hardly had penned it yourself
Arkolio de'Averlain: I wonder how that'd go over with the head of a mage school? *muses to himself*
Hardragh: Got to keep magic rare to keep it special. *he grins* Just doing my part.
Arkolio de'Averlain: *slight smile*
Arkolio de'Averlain: Okay .. are we talking coin or items or favours?
Hardragh: Depends.
Arkolio de'Averlain: I know a dark alley where we won't be disturbed *exaggerated wink*
Hardragh: **rolls his eyes* What I am most interested in is a full plate of grey dwarven make. To clean out a debt of my own.
Arkolio de'Averlain: *ponders a moment*
Hardragh: Seems I got a little too exited during the monthly donations and donated a few.. well of course they were worthy tributes to Mist.
Arkolio de'Averlain: I can source you one of them ... but I think you might still owe me a teensy little favour as well
Hardragh: *considers*
Arkolio de'Averlain: *holds his thumb and forefinger an inch apart*
Hardragh: That much? **he nods* I admit the scroll has little value to me.
Arkolio de'Averlain: *laughs with genuine amusement*
Hardragh: Can't help but notice you went for favor, instead of coin.
Arkolio de'Averlain: See, I know -you- too well as I figured as much .. otherwise i'd never had heard from you
Arkolio de'Averlain: *eyes flick up to Tim sitting nearby*
Hardragh: Pretty sure you knew Muir too well back in the day.
Hardragh: Heh
Timulty Keel: *Waggles a hand*
Arkolio de'Averlain: Thanks for bringing that up .. I don't think I will be able to get aroused all day with that thought implanted
Hardragh: **laughs*  I thought you were a sucker for punishment, ohh well
Timulty Keel: *Takes a spit-take of the water he was sipping, but manages not to douse the book he's reading*
Arkolio de'Averlain: I bloody well think I am a sucker .. the older I get the more a fool I realise I am
Hardragh: Can mean many a thing, wasted years or bad decisions.
Arkolio de'Averlain: If I make it to sixty I think i'll apply for some sort of jester position at court
Arkolio de'Averlain: *leans in slightly*
Hardragh: You mentioned you could acquire such a plate though? It is within your reach then?
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Whisper] It is and a done deal .. though as I said, I will need your help with a little task soon enough
Hardragh: **he nods*
Hardragh: *reaches into his pack* Reckon I can give you the benefit of the doubt for now.
Arkolio de'Averlain: *glances over at Jaelle*
Arkolio de'Averlain: Didn't I whup you in a duel? Sure you want to risk it? *smiles*
Hardragh: Pretty sure I won 3 to 2.
Jaelle Thornwood: *smiles and nods*
Arkolio de'Averlain: *makes a dismissive hand gesture* Lets call it a tie
Arkolio de'Averlain: *nods to Jaelle*
Hardragh: *he smiles* Jaelle
Timulty Keel: *Mumbles*  'lo Jaelle.
Jaelle Thornwood: Hardragh
Jaelle Thornwood: *waves to Timulty*
Hardragh: *takes out a rolled up scroll from his pack* Here is the scroll, any idea when you can deliver?
Arkolio de'Averlain: *eyes skew back towards Hardragh* Within the week
Hardragh: Done.
Acquired Item: Summon Creature IX
Arkolio de'Averlain: *tucks it into his tunic pocket*
Jaelle Thornwood: Still buying friends, Arkolio?
Arkolio de'Averlain: I am, Hardragh was going cheap *grins*
Jaelle Thornwood: **laughs* On the contrary ... he starts cheap but then becomes very expensive.
Arkolio de'Averlain: I could get a dozen of his dubious ilk for a song
Timulty Keel: *Calls over*  Aye, but yet get what ye pay for.
Hardragh: *grins sheepishly*
Jaelle Thornwood: Am I interrupting you boys, or was Hardragh done selling you friends?
Hardragh: *looks between the two*
Arkolio de'Averlain: I think we're done
Arkolio de'Averlain: So, that alley, as agreed to seal the deal?
Hardragh: You wish to hold another duel after all?
Arkolio de'Averlain: *makes a sexy biting motion to Hardragh*
Arkolio de'Averlain: A duel .. I would but I have a sore elbow .. I announce a champion to act in my stead
Arkolio de'Averlain: *points at Jaelle*
Hardragh: Hah.
Jaelle Thornwood: I am not sure I even want to ask ...
Arkolio de'Averlain: Defend my honour lady
Jaelle Thornwood: He has none. Done.
Arkolio de'Averlain: *offers a shallow bow to all present*


Re: WLDQ Bits and Pieces
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2008, 03:46:41 am »
Chakar enlisted, short and sweet. (Poor, gullible fool)

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: so then, what is it that you would require?
Arkolio de'Averlain: A service is all .. no coin need exchange hands here
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: I am listening
Arkolio de'Averlain: I need you to cast a spell of summoning for me
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: *nods* of what circle?
Arkolio de'Averlain: Of the ninth circle .. of course *grins*
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: well.. that spell is as of now unknown to me
Arkolio de'Averlain: *takes out and holds up a sparkling ruby*
Arkolio de'Averlain: I actually need you to cast it and order it into here
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: how would the summon do that?
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: or do you wish me to target the spell into the gem?
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: **nods*
Arkolio de'Averlain: *the gem twinkles in the sunlight* You order it in, the gem will do the rest
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: right... alas I am unable to do it right now
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: I would need to concentrate some studies of mine into mastering the said summoning spell
Arkolio de'Averlain: *takes out a scroll* This help?
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: yes, that would do the trick alright *nods*
Arkolio de'Averlain: *rubs his chin*
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: I can pay you say... 45 thousand for the scroll though, as a gesture
Arkolio de'Averlain: This gem Chakar ... I wish I could explain it for you .. but I promise you it is doing no-one any harm ..
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: alas I am not sure how much you paid for it *nods*
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: I will take your word for it
Arkolio de'Averlain: However, from previous experience, I know the summonses don't like going in there
Arkolio de'Averlain: I tell you this so you don't think I am hiding anything from you
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: hmm
Arkolio de'Averlain: However, when the gem is finished .. it -hopefully- will be an item we might use to help against this dragon cult
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: is there some sort of a being of Al'Noth in the gem, that requires the summons as nutrition to fuel itself?
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: ahh, to that I can surely agree to
Arkolio de'Averlain: *shakes his head* Nothin' in it .. just your summons when you cast it
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: *nods* consider it done then
Arkolio de'Averlain: Though, as I said, from previous experience, you gotta be stern with your summons ... not having any doubts as to what you're doing
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: it shall be a mindless golem, so it shall not be a problem
Arkolio de'Averlain: Excellent .. you are doing something .. and I stress the hopefully .. something of great good this day
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: *nods*
Arkolio de'Averlain: *hands over the scroll and the gem*
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: *takes them*
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: *quickly as a master scribes the scroll into his spellbook*
Arkolio de'Averlain: I'll be in touch
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: I can do it now, if you wish
Arkolio de'Averlain: Soon enough .. I just have to get some other materials ready
Arkolio de'Averlain: I'll send a birdy your way in a few days
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: *nods* of course, let me but know when, and I will arrange time
Arkolio de'Averlain: *nods and claps him on the shoulder* Good man
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: thank you Ark. hope to hear from you soon


Re: WLDQ Bits and Pieces
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2008, 07:48:50 am »

Shelly The Ship Captain: well enjoy your stay in the city of hope
Arkolio de'Averlain: Thanks for the ride mate
Shelly The Ship Captain: we do what we can, be sailing on the tide
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *mutters* City of Hope, eh? *holds his coin purse tight*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *wanders over to Rade*
Rade The Pawnbroker: what can I getya
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *takes out a coward's blade*
Rade The Pawnbroker: I can take that of course, provided its bona fida goods - only the Swann is cracking down
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] I came into possession of one of these beauties *waves his hand* I can promise you this was purchased by myself most legitimately
Arkolio de'Averlain: Bluff Check:  19 + 39 = 58
Rade The Pawnbroker: Its how you came into possession I need to take account of.....*nods fair enough* I can give you 300 for it
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *hands it over then pats his purse* I'm actually pretty okay for true at the moment ...
Lost Item: Coward's Blade
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Keep your 300 coins love ... *pauses*
Rade The Pawnbroker: ooh, *tucks onto the wagon nonetheless....* go on
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] I am actually more interested in a little information .. probably common enough knowledge to a local
Rade The Pawnbroker: *looks sceptical, then eyes sword* I am listening
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] I have a cousin ... currently finds himself incarcerated ...
Rade The Pawnbroker: here in our fair free city?
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] ... he's a Rofireinite ... *voice drops* ... was maybe kept a little hush hush
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *pops a blueberry into his mouth, offers one over*
Rade The Pawnbroker: *laughs* well if you mean the Guardian of Justice - no it is the talk of the city
Lost Item: Blueberry
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Is that so?
Rade The Pawnbroker: hmm dont mind if I do *takes blueberry* well yes its not often they lock up one of their own is it?
Rade The Pawnbroker: went off his head or somthin' be a trial later Im sure
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *nods* Well .. know you where my cousin is at the moment?
Rade The Pawnbroker: well he will be in the jail to the east of the city
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *nods*
Rade The Pawnbroker: Into the inner courtyard and its to the north
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] I appreciate it
Rade The Pawnbroker: hope you can talk sense into your cousin, the Swann don't like thieves
Lost 200GP
Rade The Pawnbroker: and wrong doing
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *hands over some coin for her trouble*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Ummm, what's the scallywag actually gone and done, do you know?
Rade The Pawnbroker: *looks puzzled* say if there is anything else you need - just look me up
Rade The Pawnbroker: well seems he tried to hang a bunch of no good types before there time or something - between you and me I don't see what the fuss is about
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *nods* Once a thief, always a thief .. hang 'em all I say
Rade The Pawnbroker: Though their kin folk are less than pleased and the Guardian will go before the court for sure
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] So they did hang?
Rade The Pawnbroker: oh no - they stopped the Guardian
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Well, that's a relief
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *considers a moment*
Rade The Pawnbroker: *shrugs* yes I hope things go well for..your cousin
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Say... I'm not actually from 'round these parts .. can you tell me what might happen to my dear kin if these people decide not to press their claim?
Rade The Pawnbroker: *counts the true slipping it onto her pocket.....looking towards the Inn and the sun* No I daresay there will be a trial, on account of the crowds and all
Rade The Pawnbroker: Once the papers are before the Diet, and they are, then its up to them
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] So even if these folk's kin decided to drop the charges .. trial will still proceed? *nods* Well, thanks for your help
 Rade The Pawnbroker: 12 men and women true..and the twin mayors of course
Rade The Pawnbroker: no trouble *starts to pack up for the day*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *smiles and wanders away*

Lor Guard: good day to you citizen...state your business
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *nods towards the guard* Sallaron Tempest .. representative of Angela Swann .. here to see the Guardian of Justice
Arkolio de'Averlain: Bluff Check:  6 + 31 = 37
 Lor Guard: very good pass within
Jailor: halt there
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Halting!
Jailor: sign here, here....and here...leave your weapons
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *leaves weapons, signs everything 'Sallaron Tempest'*
Jailor: now thats permission, thats the rules....and this is a disclaimer....alright
Jailor: Though he will cause you no trouble Im sure
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] I trust not
Jailor: Right, follow me
Jailor: *produces a key and unlocks door, one or two other guards appear asnd check over the procedure*
Jailor: visitor for you Walter
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *displays empty hands, empty scabbard and innocent thoughts to all the guards*
Jailor: just holler
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Will do
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *courteous shallow bow*
Walter Wordsmith Guardian of Justice: Walter Wordsmith, former Guardian of Justice...and you Sir..are?
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Sallaron Tempest *extends hand to shake* A pleasure to meet your Sir
Walter Wordsmith Guardian of Justice: dont like the cut of your jib, always spoke plain , always Sallaron whats your business....some sneaky law student out to make a name *shakes hand nonetheless*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Nay Sir *motions to the chairs* May I bother you to sit a moment and hear me out?
Walter Wordsmith Guardian of Justice: of course, please be seated *somewhat formally*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] And I promise to speak plain enough
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Where to begin? Sir, the details of your incarcerations are the cause of much ... discussion amongst those who profess to follow the Great Gold
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] There are those, such as the lawmakers and law enforcers of this fair city who deem your actions too harsh and the penalty disproportionate to the crimes ... then .. there are those who believe .. you were entirely in the right ..
Walter Wordsmith Guardian of Justice: *studies Ark* there will always be divided opinion on such - but understand this - I do not know what you do and dont know of the facts
Walter Wordsmith Guardian of Justice: So I will revisit them
Walter Wordsmith Guardian of Justice: 4 men by their action made a public affray - they by witness description approached another by the dock, when they were disturbed by the watch
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] **continues to listen attentively*
Walter Wordsmith Guardian of Justice: Now I know these men and I ...believe I knew their intent....however I chose to sentence them for what was in my mind only a certainty
Walter Wordsmith Guardian of Justice: I thought to save the poor fellow an untimely end when the watch were not so handy *holds up a hand* I did wrong
Walter Wordsmith Guardian of Justice: I broke the law - I will not alter that position
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] **nods*
Walter Wordsmith Guardian of Justice: I found them guilty of an act they had not yet committed, and I will not again suffer the ignomany of defying any more laws.....I will face the justice of the law I have upheld all these years
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] I am glad I am before a man who continues to hold to the principles of the All Watching .. under the most trying of circumstances
Walter Wordsmith Guardian of Justice: now - you have the truth let us hope it makes your words clearer, and your...starting point more certain
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] **drums his fingers on the tabletop*
Walter Wordsmith Guardian of Justice: *settles himself in his seat*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Sir, I appreciate your honesty and your continued devotion to the God whose example inspires us all
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] I shall speak plain the reason I sit before you and then I shall leave you to your ongoing incarceration
Walter Wordsmith Guardian of Justice: you might as well - you have come all this way
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] I am in need of a spell cast by a servant of the Great Gold
Walter Wordsmith Guardian of Justice: *looks puzzled*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Not just any servant but one who is in high favour with his deity
Walter Wordsmith Guardian of Justice: well I am such as you seek I suppose
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] However, this spell must be obtained with an almost unseemly haste
Walter Wordsmith Guardian of Justice: *looks to the door* let me be clear I will not break out of this place, if I am free I will consider your offer
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *glances over* My experience of the Church of the Great Gold is one of processes .. Sir, I cannot offer you freedom
Walter Wordsmith Guardian of Justice: I will do so on its merit, and not my gratitude
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] You mistake my visit if you think I am here to end your righteous imprisonment
Walter Wordsmith Guardian of Justice: If I am to be free, it will by due process, and whatever that might bring
Walter Wordsmith Guardian of Justice: I bear you no ill were you to examine that due process
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Sir, by your own words you have broken the Divine Law, who is any individual to questions and seek to contravene? Certainly not I and by the sound of it, nor you
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] As I was saying, I am need of a spell .. a spell cast soon by someone who offers due worship to the All Seeing
Walter Wordsmith Guardian of Justice: Due process is just that, the Dragon alone knows I have through my fair share.....I hold the law above all else, many have gone free by it for just such a reason, as these 4 rogues should have
Walter Wordsmith Guardian of Justice: so *taps finger on table* due process, quick or not is what you must seek *sits back* or you must seek another for your concerns
Walter Wordsmith Guardian of Justice: *looks to the library* there is only light reading there - no points of law.....
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *slight smile* Cruel and unusual punishment
Walter Wordsmith Guardian of Justice: I need someone examine the options of my case ... out there ... If there is lawful procedural opportunities ... I will take them unashamedly ... for that is law
Walter Wordsmith Guardian of Justice: I make no moral stance, I seek to be about my business again..once again bound to my rules, is that plain enough, I seek no moral high ground, merely rule of law, nothing underhand
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] And yet that still will not aid me in what I need Sir ... a spell obtained hastily by someone who holds strong to the principles of Rofirein but has the clarity of vision to act with initiative and immediacy
Walter Wordsmith Guardian of Justice: I rather think we are done ... unless *arches an eyebrow*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] **pauses a moment in his movement of standing up*
Walter Wordsmith Guardian of Justice: You have said nothing that will change my mind on when or when not I will cast in the name of the gold
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Sir, I would not seek to persuade you of anything .. I merely sought to outlay the facts and have you decide your actions based upon their merit
Walter Wordsmith Guardian of Justice: I believe I have
Walter Wordsmith Guardian of Justice: Guard!


Re: WLDQ Bits and Pieces
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2008, 08:07:07 am »
Overcoming Roadblocks Part 1

Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Sasha .. I need to talk to you about somethin' if you feel so inclined for a bit
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] Sure
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] I know it doesn't make you happy to remember what ... *pauses* .. used to be
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] I was hoping you could explain something to me
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] The Church of Rofirein ... you know a bit about the hierarchy yes? From your days as a knight
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] yes..Its all part of the four years of training
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] I want to write a letter .. but honestly .. I'm not sure who to address it to
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] well....whats the letter about?
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *pauses a moment*
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] If I know what its about I can probably tell you who or where to send it
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] I'd prefer not to say ... exactly ... I know I can be a little flighty at times .. but you gotta trust me on this one love
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Who do all the Rofis listen to? Whose word is law? SO to speak .. *smiles slightly*
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] *looks at him oddly* You know I respect your privacy...and your..habits....I dont know half of what you do or where you go off to at are not beholden to me nor I alright....
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] Well of course the head of the faith is the Golden Voice....but you would never get a letter through to him
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] Well not for a long time. Unless its really urgent and then it would have to be presented by one of the Council of three
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *listens attentively*
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] The Golden Triune normally present things to the Golden Voiuce
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] Is it of a historical or record keeping nature? or an investigative thing? or a law thing?
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] So he goes up the ladder? Who talks down the ladder? I s'pose you might say it was a matter of law enforcement ... an investigative thing
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] Well...if its an investigative thing then you need to go to the Principium
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Is that the guardians?
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] The Guardians are the ones who tend to come from the Keepers Office
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Who is their boss?
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] The Guardians report to the nearest temples High Justiciar
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Who is the boss of them?
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] they are the clergy who have dedicated themselves to the law and its interpretation
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] Normally a High Justiciar within a Reus in Fort Vehl
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] So who is Reus' boss?
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] Well.....*thinks*
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] They report to the Golden Triune members....unless a Wyrm Commander has been appointed but there hasnt been one of those for hundreds of years
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Okay, so who sits on the Triune .. currently?
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] umm... let me think
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] The first one is Siann Urthon
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] Shes an older woman in her late sixties I think. She was the one responsible for the agreements with Lord Rael
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] I bet she's popular
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] She did what was necessary to ensure the survivial of the church in Rael. Law had to prevail
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *nods*
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] *sighs* Listen to me..the rhetoric coming through...good training. Sorry
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] No apology necessary
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] Then there is Martyn Delanth, he is probably one of the most respected Rofireinites I have heard spoken of since I have been around
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] You ever spoken to him?
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] No..never...just heard stories and learnt a bit about them
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Would he know of you? Never got a letter or a medal when you graduated or nothin'?
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] I very much doubt that....he would be lucky to even know the name of Jennara. Although...i think she has been in Prantz recently over some court case so it might well be that he does know of her now
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] The last member is...umm.....oh yes, Hortan Hiramun, hes the brother of the Golden Voice as I understand it
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Heh, so nowhere is immune to a bit of favouritism huh?
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] I remember some talk back some time ago that he got to his position through some family influence but it was never substantiated
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Purely coincidental i'm sure
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] Actually talking about this is bringing it all back...Reus actually reports to the High Warden of the Principium
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] He can make appeal to the Golden Triune but normally the High Justiciars report to the High Warden
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Who is that?
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] High Justiciar Ordolf Wolvinstar
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Impressive sounding name! *smiles*
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] *smirks* I guess...I've never met him either
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Not hands on these folks huh? With the workers
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] They have plenty of adjutants I can tell you
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *nods towards her*
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] There are officers or Wardens of the Principium in every temple
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] There are some in Fort Vehl
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Well I know Reus of course
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] No silly...Reus is not a Warden
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] The Wardens in Fort Vehl work for Reus but ultimately report to the Principium office
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] Reus is a High Justiciar who reports to the High Warden or can appeal to the Golden Triune
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] So you have Knights, Guardians, Wardens, Justiciars .. any more?
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] Well there is two types of Guardian... the law keeper type clerics have the title of Guardians...and the actual Tempple Guards are called Guardians of the Wyrm
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] and..*grins* there is also the Keepers Office. The Keeper reports directly to the Golden Voice but the guardians are overseen by the High Justiciar who in turn reports to the High Warden
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] he's like the second in command if you like
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] So where is Wolvenstar based?
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] You've never spoken to him  or had contact with him?
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] He used to be in Prantz...but I assume he's moved now to Western gate
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] I've never had any dealings with him before, i have had from the Keepers Office though..that was both exciting and unnerving and in the end...proved to be part of my downfall
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] *sighs*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] So who is the Keeper? This number two?
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] Thats High Justiciar Gareth Lemont...
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] He is very likely to be the next Golden Voice when Barvanth dies or passes on the title
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] And he was the one who wrote you -the- letter?
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] was probbaly an aide..but it was marked with his seal
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *nods sympathetically*
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] It was by his command in the end that I lost my position
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *voice soft* You still have the letter? Does it weigh on you still? *takes her hand*
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] *nods* Yes I have the letter at home.... *lets him hold her hand* I dont hold any grudges...there was nothing else he could do....
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Rigid is a word invented by the Rofis It would seem
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Or the Xeenites *grins*
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] *half smile* practial I think
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] I am half tempted to ask why you are so interested in this..youve never shown any interest before except in who to avoid!
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] But....I wont break that trust
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *laughs* Maybe I am doing the same now!
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *offers a somewhat wistful smile*
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] *raises an eyebrow* have you been naughty Ark?
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] No *shakes his head* I can be if you'd like me to be *smiles*
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] *laughs suddenly*
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] You are such a scamp
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] I've been called worse .. hey, I have an idea!
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] Whats that?
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Reckon these monks can see us from their cells? // They were at Lake of Dreams
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] *laughs* You ARE a scamp
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Let's show them what they are missing out on .. and then head home .. I have to grab some diamonds anyways
Sasha Tomyris: [Party] Sure *grins*
Sasha Tomyris: [Tell] I might log to make the kids lunches then go to bed
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] // Rather than walk all the way back, can I make a check now to sneak the letter away from the house?
Sasha Tomyris: [Tell] she will give it to you if you ask!
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Tell] where is the fun in that?
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] // hide?
Derekbr has left as a player..
Derekbr has joined as a player..
Sasha Tomyris: // sorry internet crashed
Sasha Tomyris: // last thing was she'd give you the letter if you asked but roll away
Sasha Tomyris: Spot Check:  5 + 6 = 11
Arkolio de'Averlain: Hide Check:  13 + 63 = 76
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] // She almost got him! :D
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] // okay, you log and i'll grab diamonds tomorrow
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *heads back to Leringard with her*


Re: WLDQ Bits and Pieces
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2008, 08:00:56 pm »
Ark's doctored letter

Quote from: Original Letter

Sasha Tomyris,

You bring us ill tidings, about the Dragonstealers, Fisterion and your own actions in this matter.

You leave me no choice:

For disobeying orders to proceed with care and caution with matters relating to the Dragon Stealers;
For consorting with the enemy;
And, for bringing great harm to the innocent by your actions;

you are hereby dishonorably discharged from the Knights of the Wyrm.

You will leave all your insignia and other items of rank at the nearest outpost of the Knights.

My heart is heavy with this decision, but as I stated, you leave me no choice.
I hope you will be able to redeem yourself. If you come across any other important information, leave it at one of the Knights outpost.

May the Great Gold guide you back to the path of Justice.
High Justicer Gareth Lemont

// 19 lines long

Quote from: New version

Walter Wordsmith,

I write to you in the name of The Great Gold. By his perfect example, we live our lives in lawful endeavour.

The bearer of this letter, Sallaron Tempest, is a duly appointed agent of the faith.

His mission is one of great importance and goes to the very heart of the fight against the ancient enemy.
Your cooperation is necessary in the task he brings before you. The eyes of the enemy are everywhere and
only in the isolation your confines do I trust in sufficient secrecy for this delicate task.

In the mission set before him, know he has the support of myself and the Golden Voice. Aid him as you are able.

I personally am reviewing the details of your incarceration. No stone shall remain unturned.

Though I shall give no definite undertakings, I believe there may be cause for review and appeal based upon Section 452B*
Aid Sallaron Tempest to the very best of your ability and I shall spare no lawful effort to see you free and returned to active duty.

May the Great Gold guide you back to the path of Justice.
High Justicer Gareth Lemont

// 19 lines long


// Mix, I sent a PM to Dezza, player of Tarradon Duvall (Umbra of the KoTW) about seeking that character's advice on the legalities of this case. Ark is really not too fussed if Walter ever gets out of jail but he just wanted a section of the law to refer such that Walter thinks that someone really is looking into his case. So, S452B deals with whatever Tarradon tells Ark may be remotely relevant to Walter's actions. I'd imagine it would have something to do with preventative measures where there exists reasonable likelihood of a crime to be committed and the different perspectives/interpretations on what is 'reasonable likelihood'.


Re: WLDQ Bits and Pieces
« Reply #7 on: December 24, 2008, 04:55:26 pm »
Chakar the accomodating!

Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: ah, Ark
Arkolio de'Averlain: Hey Chuck
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: *chuckles*
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: is now a proper time for the... spell?
Arkolio de'Averlain: You in hiding mate?
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: not really, no
Arkolio de'Averlain: The helmet? A woman after you?
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: ah, no. this is my headband of intellect, I tend to keep it on usually
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] I suppose you need all the help you can get *grins*
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: *snickers*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *taps his forehead* All natural .. for better or worse
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: [Party] *nods*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] Now would be a great time for that spell ... I trust you've heard about the fleet that supposedly is sailing?
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: [Party] aye, indeed I have *nods*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] I think we're gonna need ... all the help that we can soon enough
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: [Party] that is for certain
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *holds out a red ruby*
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: [Party] *looks around the campfire for commoners, but as it's the dead of the night there are none*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] This is it .. well hopefully my contribution to the good guys
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: [Party] *nods* shall I?
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] **rolls the ruby over his knuckles thoughtfully*
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: [Party] right, let us do this *sighs*
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir casts unknown spell
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *jumps* Sheesh, a little warning!
Summoned Mithril Golem: Where is the enemy, I will destroy them
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: [Party] no enemy present my good golem
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] I thought this thing was mindless?
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: [Party] not entirely, Ark
Summoned Mithril Golem: I stand ready *stands idle and still*
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: [Party] I need you to do a thing for me, Golem
Summoned Mithril Golem: I hear and obey *seems more poised*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *hands Chakar the gem* The things we do for the greater good mate
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: [Party] I need you to go into this gem *takes a ruby from Arkolio and holds it out*
Summoned Mithril Golem: *seems to examine the ruby*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *pulls his collar up against the breeze*
Summoned Mithril Golem: I can comply with this instruction
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: [Party] *nods*
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: [Party] very well, get into it *holds it out at the golem*
Summoned Mithril Golem: I will complete my instruction
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: [Party] *waits, holding the gem out*
Summoned Mithril Golem: *Whirls, groans and strains with a near mechanical sound*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *watches intently*
Summoned Mithril Golem: Seemimng to rebuild itself smaller....and then smaller*
Summoned Mithril Golem: *until it stands as if floating on top of the held gem*
Summoned Mithril Golem: *it continues to shrink*
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: [Party] *keeps in the same pose*
Summoned Mithril Golem: *gradually it reduces until it is even smaller than the gem*
Summoned Mithril Golem: *then it sinks into the very gem itself*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *lets out a breath* Now, there's something you don't see every day
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: [Party] *closes his fist and holds the gem in his hand*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] I hope we've done a great thing today Chuck *holds out his hand*
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: [Party] indeed... it is possible I need to build a new golem at some point now, or wait for this one to perhaps get out from this gem *lays the gem on Arkolio's hand*
Acquired Item:  Ancient enchanted Ruby
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] **nods* Then I shall try to end this threat as soon as possible
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: [Party] alas, as of now I am certain that I am unable to summon another
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] I shall act with all haste my friend
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: [Party] luckily, I can summon slaadi or a planar rift to my aide
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *nods and extends his hand to shake*
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: [Party] no need to rush unduly because of me, take your time if it is needed. I rarely need to summon a golem *shakes his hand*
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *nods* I will keep in touch .. and let you know how goes our part in the war
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: [Party] of course Ark
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *slight bow* Always a pleasure .. and thanks again
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: [Party] welcome, welcome.
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] I shall be off ... no time to waste
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: [Party] indeed, do good!
Arkolio de'Averlain: [Party] *heads towards the portal*


Re: WLDQ Bits and Pieces
« Reply #8 on: January 07, 2009, 04:31:59 pm »
Sample letter to quest invitees

Hey Mister and Missus Domestic Bliss

I hate to impose ... well actually it doesn't overly bother me to impose but it seemed politic to start my letter that way ...
but I need a hand from you two with a task. Meet me in Dalanthar on this date and i'll explain everything ... or, what I need to explain
in order to get you to help and i'll probably leave out the bits that reveal me getting rich and placing your lives in jeopardy!



Re: WLDQ Bits and Pieces
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2009, 07:43:00 am »
Shifting blame. Covering [strike]bums[/strike] bases.


Re: WLDQ Bits and Pieces
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2009, 11:19:57 pm »
Typical responses.

Sallaron and Tegan.

Dear Ark...

After careful consideration and much discussion between me and my wife... we have decided to be in Dalanthar when you've suggested.

Although... we should point out... that any attempt to lure both me and Tegan into any kind of dodgy dealings or illegal activities will result in the sharp removal of your arms.... and the incineration of the remainder of your body via a magical means.

That said... we'll see you there.

Sall and Tegan Tempest



If time allows it, I will be present.

Kobal Bluntaxe

// Aaah, the warmth.


Re: WLDQ Bits and Pieces
« Reply #11 on: January 12, 2009, 03:01:35 am »


Re: WLDQ Bits and Pieces
« Reply #12 on: January 12, 2009, 03:03:32 am »
It seemed like a good idea prior to events in the Thunder Peaks to invite all these folks.


Re: WLDQ Bits and Pieces
« Reply #13 on: January 20, 2009, 04:53:16 pm »
*Ark sits at the water's edge, idly trailing the tip of his shortsword across the surface of the sand. Almost subconsciously, the scratches and markings that disturb the otherwise smooth surface begin to take shape. Men, women and children. Scores of them, marching towards destination unknown. Perhaps a pilgrimage. Distant mountain tops in the background.

The sand etching is surprisingly good. It demonstrates a raw talent, though like everything this man puts his hand to, it is a raw talent that is taken for granted and never practiced to achieve a state of excellence. It is the talent of a man who possesses a natural and graceful proficiency at most artistic pursuits but lacks the applied and diligent practice to ever make any more of it.

Long does he sit there, making his marks in the sand.*


Re: WLDQ Bits and Pieces
« Reply #14 on: February 08, 2009, 04:21:35 pm »
*It did not require a man of exceptional wisdom to determine the gathering, as indicated by the hour and the location, was probably not to discuss 'legitimate' business. The men gathered to hear the rogue speak were obviously men of foul disposition, men to whom violence was a way of life. To a man they were lean bodied and hard eyed, well used to the working the raven feast. A titan would be hard pressed to squeeze an ounce of pity or mercy from all those present. Dark complexioned ex-slavers from Sedera. Big thewed thugs from Krashin and Bastil. Katherian bravos down on their luck. A one-armed pit fighter all the way from Belinara if Arkolio guessed his accent right. If the unremarkable speech-giver was nervous addressing such intolerable company, it was not apparent by his easy manner and relaxed posture. Maybe it was the casual arrogance of the man that kept blades sheathed and ears perked*

"So .. you don't know me and I don't know you .. and I reckon that just about suits everyone fine. All I need to know is you degenerates are willin' to wet your blades in return for some coin .. and all you need to know is I got that coin to give."

*a slight pause, followed by an amused smirk*

"Well I also reckon you need to know that I ain't the kinda fella that you should be thinkin' about tryin' to knife in the here and now and get yer coin before you earnt it."

*A couple of the gathered killers exchange glances*

"So, here's the job. Listen up. Take your bands o' scum .. head up into the mountains and give them dwarves from the Gate some trouble. All kinds o' trouble. I want ev'ry dwarven miner and trader to sleep with one eye open for the next couple o' months. Concentrate your hits north and west o' the Gate and avoid a toe-to-toe fight. Hit 'em and run. Sting 'em with an arrow and then disappear. That's all I want. Questions?"

*One killer, a scar from a bar room brawl years ago twisting his face into a permanent sneer, jerked his chin and spoke into the silence*

"Why? Them dwarves got little coin an' what they do got they bloody make ye bleed fer it. There be easier marks pretty much anywhere else"

*Arkolio (though none gathered know that to be his name) nods*

"Yup, true. This ain't about coin. This is about dwarves stickin' their noses into Mistite business. If they had a stuck to their mountains and left the business o' the sea alone .. we'd be leavin' them well enough alone."

