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Author Topic: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus  (Read 1688 times)


Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« on: April 15, 2007, 01:42:11 pm »
[SIZE=32]Thoughts written down [/SIZE]

[SIZE=24]by a Snow Angel[/SIZE]

This is my own little book. I got it from mom. She made it along with Uncle Dalan, Uncle Kyle and his wife Aunt Ferrit. This book looks great thanks to them. It has nice oak pages to write on and a great looking white cover with silver metal stuff on the corners.

I’m so happy with this book. I’ll write in it as much as I can.

Sarah Tamara Darsus.


Re: Thoughts written down by a Snow Angel
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2007, 02:10:37 pm »
Mar  21, 1415.

This is one of my first pages. I’m not good at writing a dairy yet. Mom helped with making the first page. I wanted to have a good page to open the book with, One that would let people know who it is from, which is me of course.
I like this book. It has a white cover from some sort of leather. It’s almost as white as my hair. Tristan better not make fun of it like he does with my hair, because if he does I will call him “Tris” in stead of Tristan. That would teach him. I’m glad he hasn’t made fun of my eyes yet.

My hand is feeling strange from all of this writing. I’ll go do something else.

Sarah Tamara Darsus.

*she puts her book away together with her mother who was writing hers at the same time.*


Re: Thoughts written down by a Snow Angel
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2007, 09:40:56 am »
Apreal 23, 1415

Oh boy do I have stuff to tell.
I have asked Dad if he would teach me stuff about magic. Thankfully he did. He said he would do it together with Abi. Which sounded great:D . Finally meeting this Abi girl, I hope we can be friends. I hoped I would make a a good impression.

Ok so first lesson arrived and no abi. :(  
So it was a boring lesson for me alone. Well except for the magic’s those were great to see. Dad is really good at them. Dad even gave me tons of books to study. Also boring books, besides the pictures that is. I don’t really get any of it yet. :\\
When the time came for the second lesson arrived. Finally I got to meat abi. :D She really is a nice girl. The lessons dad gave us were different from last time. But still a bit boring. I’m not sure what abi thought of it but I felt like sneaking out. So I asked her if she would like to come with me. I hope she didn’t felt forced or anything, but she did came with me. We had fun outside and she even showed me some things in Port Hempstead I didn’t know yet.  
We had fun until she mentioned that my dad might get angry with us for leaving like this. I got really scared when I heard that. And to make it even worse dad showed up at that exact time being a bit angry. It was all enough to make me run out on both of them. I guess I’m still scared of dads little problem.  :(
I ran so fast that I didn’t look where I was going and I bumped into someone. I thought it was dad and I screamed to him to let me go. But it wasn’t dad but mom. For some reason she understood what happened and we had a little talk again. She said I had to think of the good things of daddy instead of the bad things, and that I had to go back and apologize to both dad and abi.  

I went back and did just that. It turned out dad went on with the lessons with abi without me. Abi was finished when I got back and she was about to leave. I tolled her I was sorry and that I hoped she and I could still be friends.
After that I turned to dad and apologized to him to. He said he was a bit disappointed that I took Abi along in this. He said more but I didn’t hear it as I started to cry. I felt bad for doing this and I didn’t want dad to be mad at me. :( I hope abi is going to forgive me. I'll ask her next time I see her.

Some first impresion I made. Abi must think i'm some kind off nutty kid or something. :(

This is all I feel like writing down for now. The rest will come later.
Sarah Tamara Darsus.


Re: Thoughts written down by a Snow Angel
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2007, 04:31:24 pm »
Junar 5, 1415

Today mom took me for what she called some mother daughter quality time.  We went shopping in Port Hempstead, and I must say I like it a lot. Mom bought me a great dress there. :)  It’s almost the same as she has. It’s from a violet coloured cloth like my eyes and it has a big white sleeves and collar. The only difference between mom and me is that mom has gold lines on her dress. On mine they are white. I can only wear it on special occasions thought. :(   It’s a very pretty dress so I will try not to get it dirty.

I also showed mom where to by ice cream. She never tried it before so she bought a small one for herself and for me she bought a big one. :D You should have seen her face with the first took a bite she thought she could eat it like any other food. It was so much fun to watch. I almost couldn’t stop laughing. :D  

After a long day of shopping we both went home and took a bath. Mom said she wanted to was my hair and make it all shiny again. She did a great job and she even brushed it. She did a great job, better than i can do it. While she was doing that I asked her why she is not afraid of dad, knowing his problem. She tolled me that she can handle it because she always thinks of the good times she has with him. She tolled me that if I would make a list, it might help me over come my fear of dad’s problem with his anger. I said mom that I will try to apologize again to dad for reading his journal. I still feel bad about it. :(

Since mom said it would be a good idea to remember the good times with dad I will make a small list right here.

The things I love to remember about dad are:
How he taught me to use the bow.
How he makes me believe I can sneak up to him but turns around and tickles me at the last moment.
The best moment so far happened after dad was killed by mom’s mother, grandma. He woke up in his bed and I just remember us hugging for what looked like ages. That was the best moment.

Like I thought it’s a small list but it might grow bigger with time, if mom is right that is.
Next time I see dad I will ask him a few questions.
First question will be: How I can become as good with the bow as he is.
Second would be:  If he can tell me more about his family and parents since I never met them.

I will write some more later. My hands are getting tired again.

Sarah Tamara Darsus.


Re: Thoughts written down by a Snow Angel
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2007, 04:28:13 pm »
Augra 24, 1415

Alright so not to long ago my dad walked up to me while I was trying to write in my journal. I looked at him for any sign’s he might get angry on me or something. I didn’t see any thought.

He asked me if I wanted to walk with him for a bit. :o  I was a bit scared about it but I said yes anyway.  He took me to the lake of glass where we sat for hours watching Arwin run after a rabbit. I guess Arwin was hungry. The rabbit gave Arwin a really hard time, it was fun to watch. :D  Dad and I didn’t speak for a long time. It gave me time to think of my past.  

I thought of the times that mom and dad taught me and my brother Tristan how to read and write for the first time, up until learning us the language of the elves. At the age of about 7 or 8 Tristan and I could talk with mom and dad in elven pretty good, we sometimes talked for hours on end. Well I did with Dad. I guess that is one other moment for my list. I also remembered how dad taught me how to use a bow. And the first time I actually hit the centre of the target. A great moment and I guess one other for my list. I have many great moments in my past with my parents and siblings. :rolleyes:

I guess the place where it went wrong was when I saw dad’s eyes glow for the first time. Back when grandma held us hostage to get back on mom for something that happened in there past. :(
I got curios and started to sneak around the house to find information on what might be wrong with dad. I found mothers dairy pretty easily, but it didn’t help me that much. Then I went to look for dad’s dairy. It took me a while but I found it anyway. I won’t say where because I don’t want to give away those secrets. The things I read in there were to terrible to describe here. Even now when I think of them my hands start to shake along with my body, purely out of fear for what dad could become. The evil inside of him is so big it’s, it’s like a totally new person gets out when dad’s rage take over.:\\  

An other person. :o  When I thought of this at the lake of glass it became easier to lose my fear of my own father and to drop my guard a little. I noticed a leaf dropping between dad and me. As it fell I saw the two sides it had. Just like dad, it flipped as it went to the ground. Just like dad this leaf also has two sides to look at. One nice side and one side that’s not so nice. As the leaf hit the ground I reached for it I wanted to take a better look at it. But I guess dad thought the same thing. Because when I got the leaf he got my hand. I looked at him and I got lost in thoughts again.

I thought of all the good times we had together. And then he said the words I haven’t heard for so long. “I love you Sarah and I will always love you, my sweet sweet snow angel.”.
These words were enough for me to reach out and hug him.  Just like that time after the event with grandma this seemed to take forever, and I enjoyed every moment of it.:)

We went home a few hours later. I got to be on dad’s shoulders the whole time and I talked to him about school, about mom’s gem crafting and about Abi. I asked dad if I could have Abi sleep over at our house some time. If she want to that is. Dad tolled me it might be wiser to become friends with Abi first.  I guess he is right I only saw her once and I think I made bad impression then. After our next lessons from dad I will ask her if she wants to show me some things she likes. And I’ll do the same. I’ll show her my favourite game “hide and go seek”. Along with the gem mom gave me some time ago. I keep it stored really well. I have one other small secret but I will have to see if Abi can be trusted with that before I show her. :\


Re: Thoughts written down by a Snow Angel
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2007, 08:44:02 am »
Common: Mulnari, Oclar 23, 1415
Elven: Bright Eye, Autumn Twilight 23, 1415

*the following entry has been completely written in elven*

I went to the Friday magic lessons again with dad and I saw Abigail again. She was a bit sad compared to last time I saw her. I don’t know why and I didn’t ask. I thought it was because of my behavior last time.
Dad’s lessons went well and he was pleased to see Abi and I took our home work seriously. I have been spending much of my spare time studying lately, because I felt saver at my special place. I still go there but now it’s more to be able to be alone, and not to escape from my father.

After the lessons I asked dad if it was alright for me to take Abi out and by some ice cream. He agreed and he gave me enough true to get us both some ice cream. While Abi and I went to get ice cream I tolled her I was sorry for my behavior last time and that my father and I were now friends again. Well as much as a father and daughter can be any way. ;)

After the ice I tolled her bit of myself and what I like to do at home. Like playing hide and seek, reading mom’s books about all kinds of creatures. I was talking so much my ice cream started to melt and Abi tolled me it would a waist to let it melt. I was about to eat it while that boy from school appeared out of nowhere and pushed my ice cream in my face. :(
I hate him. :mad:  his name is “Xanril Wyvernjack” and he is always pestering me about my hair. And he is even worse when I’m alone. :mad:  He ran away faster then I could realize what happened and go after him. But he doesn’t need to worry I will get back at him after school. I shouted that before he was gone from my sight. When I looked to Abi I saw that her ice cream had been hit to. She however had been able to enjoy more of it then me. Since I was talking a lot more then she did. I still felt bad thought that she got involved in this. :(  I told her I knew exactly how to get back at him for ruining a good ice cream.

We got back to the guild hall of my dad’s guild and I saw he was busy with some costumers. So I went to that corner dad made for the meetings they have. There Abi and I sat down and I started searching my pockets. When I found I took it out and showed Abi the Gem my mother gave me a while back. It is a Greenstone and I know it isn’t worth much but since mom gave it to me it is worth more then anything and I will always keep it with me, or try to anyway. ;)
I also said I got one other little secret that I might tell her next time we meet.

Abi tolled me some things about her two but I don’t feel like writing it down.

After a while my dad and Abby’s father found us and it was time for us to go home.

This writing in elven is still a bit hard for me. I will write some more next time.



Re: Thoughts written down by a Snow Angel
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2007, 04:01:04 pm »
Common: Mulnari, Decilar 2, 1415
Elven: Bright Eye, Winter Snow 2, 1415

*the following entry has been completely written in elven*

I went to school today and mom made me ware warmer clothing this time. :(  I didn’t like it that much. It made me look like a ...... well I looked kind a fat in it. I didn’t like that but when I got outside and felt the wind blow hard I didn’t complain anymore. :p
On school some of the boys were making fun of me, even that brat Xanril. As usual he was the worse. Man I hate him and the moment I saw him I started planning stuff to get back at him for ruining the ice creams of Abi and me. I knew just the thing to do when I saw his clothing. ;)

During class I ask the teacher if I could go to the ladies room. Once I was done in there I sneaked thought school back to class so no one would see me. Once back to class I made sure everyone was looking to the teacher and that the teacher was not looking to the back of the class where I was suppose to enter. When they were all doing what I was waiting for I sneaked in the class like dad taught me. I was really quite since nobody heard me. Xanril was in the back of the class as always and I got down close to the ground and slowly got closer to his feet. Then I took his shoelaces to tie his shoes together. Then I got out of class the way I came quietly and I got out just in time. If I was any slower the teacher would have caught me. :o

I waited outside for a short while before going in normally. Class continued like normally until the teacher said we could go home again. As always Xanril was the first to get up and walk away, or should I say fall away.:)  He fell on the ground real good and every one laughed at him.:D  Boy was he mad, and I just couldn't help but ask: “How Icy is it there on the ground Xanny?” He got so angry, that he tried to attack me, but the teacher stopped him. As if he could have attacked me with his feet still tied together.:p  That’s when I out of the class waving good bye at him as I got out.

I can’t wait to tell Abi of this. I hope I will see her soon. I just can’t wait to tell her how much fun I had.:D


Re: Thoughts written down by a Snow Angel
« Reply #7 on: May 06, 2007, 05:27:01 am »
Common: Sunra, Mar 1, 1416
Elven: Gateway, Spring Dawning 1, 1416

There are 4 months left until I get my birthday again. Mom and dad tolled me I was born on Jular 7th 1403. They even tolled me everything surrounding by birth when I asked, booooriiinnngg stuff.:(  And it sounds painful too. :( I hope I never get children. Hell I'm not even interested in boys. They hate me, they all say things about my hair all the time or my eyes. :mad:  They say things like, undead lady, because of my hair being so white. Or that I should get the snow out of my hair. Now a day the boys even through snow at me when they have a change and some hit me and some don’t.O.o

I’m glad I have a friend like Abi.:) At least when I’m with her I can have some fun. Last time we had fun with both Dalan and his wolf. We made them all pretty looking.:)  I’m surprised that Dalan’s wolf didn’t like it. :\\ He looked great with all the bow in his hair and everything.

I just hope Dalan isn’t too angry about it all. I’d hate to see him angry at me like when we made his wolf look better. Well got to go. Tristan says he is going to see if he can play with Sonya the girl from across the street. Perhaps I can join them.:p :)

Sarah Tamara Darsus.


Re: Thoughts written down by a Snow Angel
« Reply #8 on: May 10, 2007, 04:09:16 pm »
Common: Wedlar, Mai 11, 1416
Elven:  Dead Eye, Spring Blossom 11, 1416

Abi is getting all excited about this dance she is going to have. Someone actually asked her to it. She was so excited we didn’t got to do our normal lessons from dad. In stead he managed to find Elohanna and got to teach us how to dance. :D
They even got some other people along as well. Dalan is more of a dancer then he lets go. If he ever gets himself a girl or a date with one, Abi and I will have to make him pretty all. ;)
Abi got to dance with Tristan. And I got to dance with Cole. I could see Abi was a bit jealous at me but she didn’t have to worry. I think that Tristan was a better dancer then Cole. He was all shake and shy and everything. He made lots of mistakes like stepping on my feet and stuff. :(  After the lessons I tolled him to talk to my brother some times and to try and relax next time he’s with a girl. We don’t bite.;)  He laughed a little at that one.:D  The first time he did that around me. I complimented him on that.  Since we weren’t talking much I decided to go out and get some fresh air. :rolleyes:
After a while I was ready to go back in but I remembered about something I had hidden somewhere and that I needed to check on it again. So I went to it without telling the others where I was going. I kind a forgot about that. :(

Anyway I got going and didn’t pay much attention to what happened behind me. I went trough portal to Prantz and went to home Half Lake District and from there I took a road to some woods nearby. There I started to hide as best I could so none of the creatures would see me. When I got past them I went inside a cave. But not before making sure there was nothing in there but what I knew would be in there.

As I went in I thought I heard something behind me and so I hide inside the cave. That’s when I saw it was Abi. She had been following me all this time.:o  I heard something else behind her so when she got past my hiding spot I grabbed her and got her where I was. And I made sure she wouldn’t make a noise. ;) We both saw that there were giants entering the cave. It took them a while before they left and when they did I let go of Abi and quickly got to the place wanted to go to. And there they were, but there were only 2 of them left. Only 2 more eggs, the rest of them were gone. It saddened me to see so many of the eggs were gone. I felled like taking both eggs but they were too heavy to take and successfully get out of the cave. So I asked if Abi wanted to carry one too. I didn’t wan to leave any of them there. Abi accepted as I knew she would since she likes nature and all. We got out without trouble and we got back to my home. I quickly got a place to hide the eggs from everyone. And we took the house portal back home. When we arrived we got back to my dad’s guild hall as quick as we could.  While we ran I made Abi promise not to tell anyone about the eggs, as I didn’t want them to be taken away from me. And now that she knew where I lived she could see them when ever she wanted. :D
We bumped into Abi’s father as we entered Hempstead. He was looking for us like some of the people form the dancing lessons. I said that Abi and I just took a walk to get some fresh air and talk about boys. I’m not sure if he bought it though.

Anyway it was quite a day. The eggs are save now and I will take care of them as best I can. Tomorrow I will look into mom’s books to see if I can find out what kind off eggs they are and how best to take care of them.  

Sarah Tamara Darsus.


Re: Thoughts written down by a Snow Angel
« Reply #9 on: May 13, 2007, 03:36:17 pm »
Common: Satari, Junar 28, 1416
Elven: World Tree, Summer Home, 28, 1416.

It’s more fun now since school is over.:)  I might have lots more time to spend with Abi. That is if her father allows her to sleep with us some time. It would be so much fun if she could sleep with us. :p

I’m also glad to be ride of that brat “Xanril Wyvernjack”.  I am starting to hate him. >:/  Glad to be ride of him for a while. In the last year every time I was alone somewhere he and his gang started to …>:/ .. I’m not going to write it down. There brats all of them. Well not all boys are. One of the boys here in half lake is actually being nice to me. :o  It’s really strange. The only boys that have been nice to me are my own brothers. I’m not sure what to think of it. I think he is doing the same things as Abi’s “boy friend” does. Could this be he is in love with me. :o  Or does he have a crush on me. He wouldn’t be the only one. I’m getting so much more strange looks from the boys here in half lake it’s starting to be a bit scary. :\\  It’s like I swallowed a boy magnet or something. I hope they won’t bother me when Abi sleeping with us. I wouldn’t want her to be jealous of me. :(

I have been letting my hair grow for a long time now. Every time mom or dad or someone else wanted to cut my hair I just screamed as loud as I could. I want it to be as long as it can be. :) I’m brushing my hair to. Mom has put my hair in braids so I won’t have to brush it so much. It actually looks good.:D  I love the way mom took 3 strands of hair and crossed them into each other. It looks so cool much better than the ponytails.  I’m not a horse you know. :rolleyes:

Oh almost forgot, I looked in books about those eggs. I think they might be some kind of dragon eggs.:D  Although I’m not sure if there wyrmling or something that can grow into a big dragon.:\\  Or more like those smaller pseudo dragons like mom and dad’s familiars Draco and Ehlen. I haven’t had time to look into it more. It’s hard keeping a secret in a house with 7 other people.

Well time to go. I’ll write again some other time again.

Sarah Tamara Darsus.


Re: Thoughts written down by a Snow Angel
« Reply #10 on: May 14, 2007, 04:13:40 pm »
Common: Sunra, Jular 8, 1416,
Elven: Gateway, Summer Run, 8, 1416,

I had a great day yesterday and Tristan too. :)  It was our 13th birthday.:D  The day started with mom, Anaya, Sil’via and Elgon waking us up with dinner on our beds and singing a song about having a fun and happy birthday, next was our presents. The triplets gave me a self made jewellery set. The girls made me a necklace and Elgon made me a bracelet to match. They both looked great and matched my hair and eyes. :o   It what purple as they called it along with a few white self made flowers on it. They even showed that it is  more than just something to wear. They placed it on the ground in the sun the necklace first in a perfect circle and then the bracelet on the inside. They way they placed it I could actually tell time with it. :o  They said they learned how to tell time at school this year, so that’s where they got the idea from. It was a great present and I was really happy about it. :D They were honest by saying mom helped a lot, but I could tell it was there own idea. Mom had a present to, but I had to wait until later that day, so I did patiently.  Tristan got some good present too.

Dad was on that trip of his with uncle Dalan, Cole and Abi. I was kind off hoping they would have been home in time to share my birthday with me. :(  I waited all day and then all of a sudden I saw some people walking to the house. :o  I opened the door for them and to my surprise it wasn’t Dad, Abi, Cole or Dalan, but some kids from the neighbourhood. They all had presents and some of them were with there parents. :D

Behind them some of mom’s friend from the guild arrived with plates of food. It turned out they organized a party for me and Tristan. :)  It was great one. Everyone got me and Tristan great presents. Even Sonya the girl from across the street came to give us a present. It was great but I still missed dad, Abi, Cole and Dalan. I was beginning to think they forgotten all about me. :(

Then all of a sudden they stood behind me. I didn’t even hear them with all the noise in the house. Almost gave me a hart attack. :o  But I was happy to see them and I kind of jumped Abi since I was so happy to see her again, :D  I didn’t even ask why they were so late. Cole congratulated me with my birthday too. He had changed big time. He wasn’t so shy anymore. It was great to see him like that. He looked cute to. ;)   I hugged Dalan too when he congratulated me, not sure if he liked it but I had to I love that big old dwarf. Abi and Cole held a pretty big present. They wanted me to unwrap it. I was so exited; it was the biggest present yet. When I opened it I saw a short bow in it. :o  It was very pretty and very well made. It turned out Abi and Cole made it for me, with help from Dalen and Dad. It took them the last days of there trip to make it. if I heard them correctly. O.o When I was done admiring the short bow, they showed me that they each had one too. So the three of us could now practice together from time to time. It was a great idea.

The rest of the evening was great. When everyone but Abi and Cole was gone, I sat down on the couch to rest a little and listened to the stories that Abi and Cole had to tell about there trip with Dad and Dalan. :p  I heard a lot and I could tell they had a great time.
Next thing I knew is I woke up this morning on the same couch with a blanket over me. :o  Only mom was up she just kissed me good morning and said she was going to make breakfast in the kitchen. I rested a little more but I was wide awake already so I started to write in my dairy, which is what I’m doing now.

Well that’s it for now. I’m going to see if mom needs some help setting up the table.

Sarah Tamara Darsus.


Re: Thoughts written down by a Snow Angel
« Reply #11 on: May 17, 2007, 04:38:24 pm »
Common: Threas, Seplar 5, 1416
Elven: Dream Dance, Autumn Harvest 5, 1416.

Tristan, Sonya and I surprised Abi with a picnic not to long ago. :)  We had a great time and much fun. Abi even got some of her animal friends to play with us in the water. :D
After our water fun, Abi, Sonya and I got some girl time for our selves without my brother. She tolled us some things she heard from Miss Jenna.:o  It was interesting to hear and fun at the same time. I wished we could have more of those days.:(

The worse part of vacation time is that it will end and we got to go to school again soon.:(
I’m starting to hate school. Not because of the things we learn there, but because of the brats at school. That Xanril is the worse of them. :mad:

Yesterday I tolled mom if it was alright if I went to buy something at a merchant. She agreed so I went out. I didn’t go to a merchant though. I went to Abi’s house, hoping to find her there. Thanks fully she was there and she opened the door to. I asked if I could talk to her about something that bothered me. She agreed and we went to a place not far from her house.

I was going to tell her about “Xanril Wyvernjack” and all of the things he keeps doing to me and how I now hate going to back to school because of it.
But instead I made up something else. I tolled her I liked a boy and I wasn’t sure what to do. Well I said I knew a girl who liked a boy and that it wasn’t her.
It didn’t work thought she saw thought the question and somehow knew something else was up. I could see it in her eyes. She asked me what was really bothering me and then I started thinking of what to say. I was about to say it when my dad showed up out of no where. He was angry at me for what I did, and he dragged me home. I didn’t even got to say goodbye to Abi.

Now I’m grounded until school begins for lying to mom and walking off that far without an adult. 11 days of being bored here. I haven’t talked to dad since I got home and got grounded, I haven’t talked to anyone for that matter. :(



Re: Thoughts written down by a Snow Angel
« Reply #12 on: May 18, 2007, 05:59:32 am »
I had a talk with dad today. He tolled me a story about responsibility. :\\
When he was done I kind of promised not to lie to mom anymore, or anyone else of this family for that matter. :(

I guess he is right. Well at least about the not telling mom the truth part. He said mom got really worried when I was away for so long. :(

So now my punishment is over.
I went to school the next day. I got really scared to go again. It wasn't so bad since Xanril wasn't there. The teachers say he had to work for his father now. :\\
I thought it was a joke at first. But when I saw the teachers were serious I just couldn't resist screaming... "Huraaayyyy", :) it was kind of embarrassing to have everyone looking at me at that point. I think I might have blushed a bit to.:\\

There is a new guy at school thought. he is a bit older then me, he looks very strong and a bit taller then me. Not much just about a clenched fist. He even got these great looking eyes. There an orange/red kind of colour.  He looked at me allot during class. The best part of today was when he talked to me after school. He was so kind that he walked me home. Well I talked allot. :D
He is so cute. ;) When he got me home I just couldn't resist looking in his eyes. it was right in front of my house and I regret it already.
Sil'via, Anaya, Elgon and even Tristan are now constantly teasing me and saying I'm in love and stuff like that. :\\

I could be I don't know yet. I think Dad will not like it when he hears it.



Re: Thoughts written down by a Snow Angel
« Reply #13 on: May 18, 2007, 03:42:46 pm »
I got a letter today from Abi, apparently Cole ruined her dress and she now wants to get even. I know all about getting even with someone. So I wrote her a letter back and tolled her about how I got even with Xanril every time he did something to me.
I also tolled her I wouldn’t mind helping her to prepare some things, but she would have to do it herself in the end. I don’t hate Cole like she does right now and I don’t want him to get angry with me. Well not yet anyway. Also if she would prepare it all by her self, it would be so much more satisfying in the end.

I thought I’d try my luck so I sneaked out of the house and went to her house again. I know I will get into trouble again but I don’t mind. I just want to help Abi. Just to be on the safe side I got the 2 eggs I found with me since they have been making noise lately and I don’t want the others to find them. I put the eggs into one of mom’s bags and I started to travel to the house of Abi.
First by using a portal we got in the house, then the rest by foot and sneaking. When I got there no one was there so I left the note where I knew Abi would find it. I even saw some animals near the house of Abi and I decided to give them some food I found along the way over. I tried to do it the way Abi does but it didn’t seem to work for some reason.

I went back home the way I came. When I got on a road to fort Llast I think it was I thought I heard someone following me. I tried to lose him in Fort Last by going the other way as I came. I think that road lead to a castle called Black Fort. I could be wrong thought.

I went of the road to see if I could find out who was following me. But before I could do that, several boys from school jumped out of no where and surrounded me.  They said all these main things that they were going to have fun with me and...... I won’t repeat what they said. I acted tough as always and I tried to bluff my way out of it. it didn’t work they were with to many and came closer and closer. I looked for a way out and I thought I found it. But instead of actually getting out of the group I ran into the arms of one of them. I hit him and screamed as hard I could to let me go. One of the other boys silenced me by putting a hand on my mouth. I could feel he was about to drag me onto the floor when all of a sudden he let me go and all of them backed off.

I just ran as fast I could back to fort Llast and back home the way I came. I could hear they followed me and they said those awful things again, calling me names and stuff. One of the voices I now recognised, it was Xanril. That son of a daemon arranged it. He screamed he only wanted to see what made me tic. I forgot to look where I was going and I didn’t even listen. I must have fallen over something. But I don’t remember what it was. As I hit my head on a rock, I think. When I woke up I was under the assumption that Xanril and his gang hat gotten me so I started hitting everything and everyone close to me before opening my eyes.

BIIIIIGGGG mistake that was, I knew I should have opened my eyes first. When I opened my eyes I saw Uncle Dalan holding his head where I hit him apparently. There was also a dire wolf close who was growling at me. I said I was sorry right way. Dalan had a little wound on his head and I tried to take care of it. But apparently his dwarves pride didn’t want me to. I couldn’t help it but cry at that point. A lot of people had been mad at me lately and now this thing with Xanril was a bit too much for me. Dalan was really nice from that moment on. He tolled me how he and his friend “Swift through the forest” scared most of those boys away. Except for one but that one was scared way by Swift who chased him away. Dalan then said something in wolf I think because his friend Swift came a bit close and looked much friendlier. I did what dad thought me about wolfs to let them know I’m a friend. Swift came even closer and I gave him time to check me out, or what ever wolves do. Swift said something I guess as Dalen tolled me Swift recognised a sent from me. I said it must have been Arwin. I just love hugging that wolf of dad.

Without thinking I hugged Swifty just like I hug Arwin. Swifty backed of from me; apparently he wasn’t used to being hugged by someone like me. It would have been alright and I laughed when I lost .... Well I fell down again. And it hurt a lot.

When I woke up I was home and Dalan was sitting near my bed along with mom, and Uncle Lex’or. Lex had taken care of my head wound and tolled me to take it easy for the next few days. Abi was there to. She and her dad had met up with Uncle Dalan when he was taking me home. Abi said she had a surprise for me, two actually. The eggs I saved had hatched and produced two healthy little dragons. Dalan said he saw one of them with his head out of my pack as I ran towards him. Apparently that one got me out of trouble with those boys by showing his head and scaring them. That one came to me rather quickly. Dalan said that he was sure this one thought I was his mother, so I have to take real good care of him. There not sure about the other one yet as he could have seen either Abi or me when I first got out of his egg. Time would tell who he would see as his mommy.
After that mom asked me If I could tell them what happened, and so I did. I tolled them about Xanril and his pranks and about how I got back at him all those times with minor things but always good enough to have fun with and show him I wasn’t to be messed with. I finished with that I left to see Abi again to tell her some things and that on the way back those boys just jumped up out of nowhere and how I ran into Dalan. That’s where Dalen took over and said how he had scared the boy’s ways and took me home. Uncle Lex could see I was getting tired and said it would be better if I had some rest to let my wounds heal. I rested my eyes at that point.

I must have fallen asleep as I woke up not to long ago. Mom gave me my dairy only if she could read it her self since I apparently wasn’t going to tell her what she wanted to know. I wasn’t wake much so I agreed. Now that I’m finishing I think I’d better answer what ever question she has. I just hope she can tell it to dad since she knows how to calm him down more then me.


Re: Thoughts written down by a Snow Angel
« Reply #14 on: May 20, 2007, 08:04:03 am »
Common: Tunar, Oclar 17, 1416
Elven: Night’s Eye, Autumn Twilight, 17, 1416.

Today at school was a great day. I saw that handsome boy again and he saw me. :)  I’m sure of it. He looked at me for more then moment. :p
The teachers also tolled us they were going to organize a group of games. :o
There will be several different games we can compete in: Running, lifting heavy stuff, archery and combat. The last one is only accessible for those with master who train them in certain types of combat. :o  This will also be closely watched as people can get hurt with this one. :o

I’m going to do archery and perhaps combat to. :D  I am going to train hard and make dad proud of me. :)  These games will be in a few months. So I can spend lots of time training. I got to ask Tristan to do a good word for me with his master and perhaps Kyle can train me in using some weapons. :\\  A short sword sounds fine with me. I also hope dad will teach me how to aim from large distances, larger than our house anyway. :\\  Perhaps I can get him to take me into the woods and have him teach me there. :D

Oh before I forget I gave the little dragons names: Safire and Ruby. :)
Safire is the one that sees me as his mommy:D . Ruby is near me to from time to time. But he seems to spend more time with mom and dad’s dragons.
Mom said that when I am at school Safire also spends time with Draconia and Ehlen. Safire and Ruby are learning a lot from them. There all so cute. Always when I get home the first thing Safire does is go to me and great me. :D  He’s so cute. I love him a lot. :)   Mom is also teaching me how to take care of them when needed.  Safire is a Female Pseudo dragon and Ruby is a Male. Mom showed me that I can see it by looking at there arrow shaped tail points they got.

Sarah Tamara Darsus.


Re: Thoughts written down by a Snow Angel
« Reply #15 on: May 27, 2007, 05:12:11 am »
Common: Sunra, Febra 8, 1417
Elven: Gateway, Winter Deep 8, 1417

Well the school’s event I talked about has happened. I did Running and archery there.
Running was really making me tired. I came in about 8th I think, 8th out of 10 people in my group. I was running in the only women’s running group there.  

Next up was archery they had several levels in there. First of they would select the rookies from the better students. I made it in to the next level so to speak.
while I was waiting for the half finals of archery I noticed mom, dad, Tristan and the rest arriving. Hell they even brought Aby and Cole along to see me. It was great and I thanked them all for coming. I hugged everyone…. Yes even Cole. It am ….felt a bit different hugging him. Not sure why. For some reason I even gave him a kiss on his cheek to thank him for coming. I’m doing strange things these days.

When I was done with meeting them I heard that they were about to start with the heavy lifting group. I knew that hansom boy was in there. I just had to look so I ran over there and found a good spot along with the rest. It took them a while before the hansom boy was there. But luckily there were only 5 people contending in this. My favourite was last and he had to lift a lot in order to become first. He started with two third of winning weight and he lifted it no problem. He then waited until the weights were made heavier. Now they were right on the spot if he lifted this he would be sharing his first place with the other one. And he succeeded to. it was barely thought and he said he couldn’t handle any more. But he got a shared first place with what seemed to be a friend of his. He actually spotted me when he got up and was about to leave. He came to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. He said that thinking of me made him lift that much. He is sooo cute; I think I’m in love with him. I know dad wasn’t too happy about it because when I turned around I could see mom having to calm him down. Not sure why he would be angry about it, the guy just thanked me.

I wanted to say to dad there was nothing to worry but then I heard I was up again. So I ran as fast as I could to where I was needed. There were 10 of us left and we had to go in groups of two. We all had two shots and the best shot counted. The 5 with the highest score would make it to the finals. I was up first along with 4 others. I was too nervous and could only hit a 1 pointer score the first time. Then we had to switch to allow the second group to shoot. Mom and dad came to me and mom said I needed to clear my mind before I would shoot. Dad reminded me of his lessons.
Then the last shot of the half finals arrived for me. I focused hard on the bull’s-eye. I waited for the right moment to let go of the arrow, compensating for wind, and distance to the target.
I let go of the arrow and it was like everything went slow from that moment on. I could clearly see how the arrow moved trough the air and hit…..just out side the bull’s-eye. My best shot yet, and the second most best shot of the day by anyone. I was in the finals.

In the finals we had only one shot and the best shot of all 5 contenders would be the winner. This time we had to go one by one. The first 3 where pretty equally matched, then the fourth came he was the one that had a better shot in the half finals then me. He hit the bull’s eye or so it seemed. For good measure the judges left his arrow in for my shot. It was my turn now. I took the bow I used all day which was the short bow Aby and Cole gave me. I took the arrow and placed it in the bow. Then I started aiming on the target, the bull’s eye. I compensated for the distance and the wind. I waited for the right moment to let go of the arrow.
I let go of the arrow and it went to it’s target….it hit…. It was so close to the other arrow that the judges had to take a closer look. I was so excited and scared at the same time. It seemed to take a lot longer then they should. But they came back and said they would announce the winner when the archery trophy would arrive. I went to mom, dad, Tristan Aby, Cole and the others. They already congratulated me on a job well done.
Finally the trophy arrived and they announced the winner. They said it was by the closed victory they had ever seen. And that the winner was very skilled and perhaps the trainer of the winner could be very proud of his or her student. Then they said the following: “ and the winner of the archery match is……. Sarah Tamara Darsus.!!”

I just couldn’t believe it, I actually won. I was stunned and dad and Aby and al of them hugged and congratulated me. I walked over to the judges and they congratulated on a job well done to. They also gave me the trophy: a statue of a archer made from gold it seemed. That hansom boy also congratulated me and tolled me his name: “Kevril Waveharp”.

I will remember this day forever. Not only did I do my family and friends proud by winning. I also honoured my dad’s teaching along with it. and then that boy actually showing interest in me… it’s almost like ….like….. I don’t know. This is just the best day of my life.

Sarah Tamara Darsus


Re: Thoughts written down by a Snow Angel
« Reply #16 on: May 29, 2007, 04:28:59 pm »
I saw Abi again today during magic class. I even brought Safira and Ruby along my two baby dragons. I changed the name of Safire into Safira since it seems that one is a female. That’s what mom said anyway.
Ruby was shy towards Abi but after Abi gave him a treat it went a lot better. :) Who knows perhaps one day Abi and ruby might like each other enough that Abi takes Ruby as her pet or animal companion. :D   I'd like to see that. ;)

Abi also said she is worried about her father and so she asked me to keep my ears open about some stuff :o . I guess I got some sneaking around to do and asking around to people. :)  I love doing that. But now I got a goal. ;) I will not fail her. I made a joke and saluted her to. ;) that was funny and we laughed at it. :D

Well got to go to work, I got info to gather for general Abi. ;) :D


Re: Thoughts written down by a Snow Angel
« Reply #17 on: May 30, 2007, 04:21:46 pm »
I have had my first training from “Master Kyle” in using Blades. :)   It was a surprise from mom; she wanted me to know how to handle myself if I ever got into trouble again. :\\  Even dad approved. :o
Cole was there too and got the lessons together with me. Kyle first showed us how to stand properly and how to keep a sword in your hand. We got to hold wooden blades so we couldn’t harm ourselves. :\\  I didn’t like that at first because I thought I was as good as Tristan is. :mad:  But I’m glad Master Kyle gave me a wooden sword. They actually hurt you pretty much. :(  I hurt myself while I tried out that whirlwind thing Master Kyle did. I thought I had it but Master Kyle said I did it wrong and if someone would do a real whirlwind that one wasn’t going to stay on the ground with both feet like I did. I just swigged my sword around myself and it was dangerous enough. :\\ :o
Stupid as I was I actually tried to jump and turn next. :(  Bad idea, really bad idea, I think I still got some blue spots on my body from the fall. :(  The rest of the training went pretty good if you ask me. I feel like I learned a lot already.

I have also done the thing that “General Abi” asked me to do. ;)  I found out that there is something between the Rofi….something church and that dwarf that rules Prantz, broegar I think his name is, or was it LookLair, I don’t know. Anyway, I think it’s some kind of arrangement they have or a deal but I’m not sure. :\\  I’ll let Abi know what I found out next time I see her and ask if she wants to know more. This getting information is hard but I will do my best to get what she needs to know. ;)

Sarah Tamara Darsus.


Re: Thoughts written down by a Snow Angel
« Reply #18 on: May 31, 2007, 04:21:41 am »
Abi was happy with the info I got her.:)
althought it's still not clear to me whats going on. :\\
So I thought I'd get up early this morning and ask dad if he knew anything about prantz and the rofi... church there. He said he had guild business and he might talk to me tonight. I haven't seen him or mom yet. I hope they can give me the info I need. :\\  
I'll get to work with making a great dinner. :D  I hope that will help with mom and or dad telling me something about prantz, that broegar guy, and the rofi church.

I better get to work on making dinner.

Sarah Tamara Darsus


Re: Thoughts written down by a Snow Angel
« Reply #19 on: June 04, 2007, 04:45:19 pm »
Common: Mulnari, Junar 23, 1417

That dinner idea worked. :)  I worked real hard to get something good on the table And after dinner I even cleaned everything myself. Mom and dad offered there help but I didn’t accept any help. ;)
After that I pulled dad outside to the lake and I asked him about Prantz, Broegar and the Rofi church. It was nice to listen to him telling a story again. :D He used to do that when I was younger. I loved listening to him then and I still do now. Dad was great and after he was done I went inside and got to write everything he said down on paper. One for Abi and the second one I will write down below. I hope this will help Abi as well. :\\  I’ll give it to her when I see her again.

Here’s the story almost word for word what daddy said:

The story of Prantz.

“There was a time, before you were born, Prantz was known as Pranzis. Many people considered that city as the jewel of Layonara. The people were happy, the economy was thriving, People were not suffering from lack of food. It was also before the sun got blocked by the clouds, it was magnificent. But even if the people were happy there was still some fear. You see there was this evil man, very powerful and dangerous. He wanted to conquer the world, to take revenge on the people he had once helped to be freed from the dragons.
Big, poweful Dragons. Strong like nothing you could ever imagine, their wings wide and so powerful that when the flapped them, it could make people lift from the ground and drop them way off of where they stood. Some of those Dragons were bad, others were good. Like the one that brought Daddy and Mommy to this place.

Daddy and Mommy both saw at least one Dragon. Your uncle Kyle, Dalan and aunty Ferrit saw it too. We were all brought by that dragon that we called the big gold. It's true name to long to remember. For big gold, we and many other people, good and bad, were the last hope to win the war that was brewing with this evil man called Sinthar Bloodstone.
It was a terrible thing. I was only brought in by big gold, close to the end of the war, but things were not looking great. The cities were falling, a lot of people got hurt, and even more were left without food or proper care. It's during that time that I decided to found the Angel, you know, the business Daddy runs.

Well one day, there was this call from the officers of Pranzis. Bloodstone and his troops were advancing against this beautiful city and there was almost no more hope. A lot of the villagers fled when there was still time, but a lot of them did not want to leave what they had worked their whole life to build, so they stood with us. It was a hard and very long fight, brave men were fighitn swigning their swords through the enemies one after the other, swing and swing parry duck and swing again. Others like Daddy were shooting arrows or bolts, voleys of them flying by the one fighting in front hitting the enemy as good as we could.

Or others, like Daddy and Mommy were using magic to protect and attack the bad people. But many people fell to the waves of attackers. They were out numbering us in strength and in numbers and they kept coming weave after weave when we were bravely defeating one. A few of us, with me were tired of being pinned down and believed we needed to take the fight to them but unfortunately the so called generals, were to coward to leave the safety of the walls and decided we would not go out. That decision was the bad one and it is because of it that we failed and that many more people and houses were destroyed in Pranzis.

Those of us who choose the life of the adventure and have special skills can use the big stones that I showed you the other day. In a sense that gives us the chance to stay on this plane for longer. Well to continue, we failed to protect this beautiful city and their villagers, but to our surprise the man that was leading the army against us was not bloodstone, but a dwarf that no one had heard of his name or deeds before. He was a total stranger to all of us. But our failure was only in part, while we were defending Pranzis, a few brave men and woman decided to go and attack Bloodstone himself in his mountain and succeeded in defeating him. But you have heard the saying, no good deed goes unpunished?
Well when the defeated Bloodstone there was a big explosion that completely annihilated the mountain that he was in. As it went up in a big rumble and a big "BOOM"

Thats when all the dust from the mountain went up in the air and blocked he sky for all those years and a very long time still to come. Now back to Pranzis. We were all assemble near the citadel, pushed back by the enemies when an emissary came to us, telling us that if we surrendered none of us would be hurt and we would be freed to go. We knew we could not do anything more for the city and if we continued to fight they would completely destroy it. So after some talk we all decided that we would lay down our weapons and we did. We were able to leave the city in peace and those that were hurt were even tended to. A few days later, Broegar made his first public appearance and stated that from now one he would be the ruler of this land and would rebuilt the city to be even better than it was. If you ask me, I preferred the one we tried to save. But he did, it took only a few months and the city was rebuilt and it was now named Prantz. For some people this is good because Broegar succeeded in fooling them, while he was promising new prosperity and protection, he was taking a lot of the freedom that the people had before. Some of those freedom were religious rights, commerce was a lot more restricted and no one could use magic anymore in any public places. Now all the temples that were in the city were closed and all religion was banned all but one... Rofirein.

Barion was one of those who defeated Bloodstone. Well Since Broegar said he was going to be fair and just, but apply the law firmly and the Rofireinites are all about applying the law, they sided with him. Not all of them, but the church it self did. He used them to act like judges in the small matters, but the biggest one he kept for himself. His law, unlike what he said, is not just. It is oppressive, many people disappeared because they were disagreeing with him. And many more were harshly punished for minor things that, if it was in the time of the Princess and her parents, they would not have been so badly treated.

People of the city didn’t act because they are afraid, afraid to be hurt, afraid to be killed or that their families would be hurt if they rose against him. But until recently even the Rofireinites did not have a temple, and now he has given them the permission to establish their new temple and court on the Island of Corsain. That I think is scaring even more the town people into submission because now what was their hope to protection if Broegar did something that was to cruel and went against the laws or even morals, the Rofireinites would not be in a position to help them right away if at all.”