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Author Topic: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus  (Read 1686 times)


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #100 on: October 17, 2009, 05:40:57 pm »
//Previous posts on this subject:
Kyle's Post on this training session was started his cdt:

*She takes out a lose oak page from her bag and starts to write on it in elven.*

I had an other training in the Vehl arena with master Kyle. And again I trained together with Amgine. We had to parry with him again and like last time we didn't hit him a single time. It's not a problem if it's only a few times but he manages to dodge all my attack's, and it's gets frustrating.

When we where done we went for a break. As we walked across the Arena floor we where supprised by an attacked from dummies that master kyle placed there. We dodged them and struck them hit those dummies without any thought. A clear sign that our practice is paying off.

Next we went to sit in the restin area and Master Kyle said it was time to teach us how to feel our inner energy that he calls Ki. We spend a while on meditation. I don't know how long we sat there because there because this meditation almost felt like I was dreaming. either that or I was tired from all the crafting and actualy fell a sleep.  I hope it wasn't the last one.


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #101 on: October 19, 2009, 07:10:53 pm »
*She takes out a lose oak page from her bag and starts to write on it in elven.*

I don't know how to write this down. I don't even know what to think.
He's a great guy and fun to be with, or fun to make jokes with. But I'm getting the feeling that he is falling in love with me.
I don't know if I'm ready for it. I mean.... I.... I'm to confused right now. I still feel love for someone else. but I haven't seen my old love for a while now.
And now..... he comes into my life. Some say that he is only doing it for the flirt and that he can never actually mean it.

I don't know. All I know is that he was so kind today. I even actually felt like he meant what he said and that he likes me.

*she waits for the ink to dry and then puts it with the others.*


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #102 on: October 21, 2009, 04:54:16 am »
//Previous posts on this subject:

*She takes out a lose oak page from her bag and starts to write on it in elven.*

I saw Master Kyle again the other day and he invited me for a sparing match against him. At first I wasn't to happy about it since he always seems to be able to avoid my attacks. But I accepted anyway.
So we went o the Vehl Arena to do some sparing.
When we got there, I prepared myself as best as I could and we had several sparing sessions. I thought I did a lousy job but Kyle said that I got him a few times and gave him some scratches with my blade. It sound's Like I'm improving which is good to hear. Now I need to go train some more.

A few days later Red invited me on a trip in the Krandor crypts with some others. When I got there they where already inside so I followed them in. It took me while of sneaking around to find them but when I did we where able to start to fight undead.
The fights in there where great and I got to practice the techniques that Master Kyle has been teaching me, on The undead. They are slower then Master Kyle but faster then the dummies I train on. So it's a good way to train my skill's with my blades.

Despite my skilles there where a two times where I got killed. Both times where because I forgot to pay attention to all the archers in the area. After the last time I got killed I woke up in Port Hempstead and I walked back to Krandor only to find a few of the group waiting outside the crypt's. Red was one of them and she felt to bad about getting me killed twice that she didn't want to go back in.

Thats when I wrote a note to some of my friends at the Angels Guild. Some time later Ben, Hedessa and two other came to Krandor to help me. We prepared ourselves and we went back in to get ride of the remaining Undead in the crypt. Thankfully we succeeded and no one got killed that time.

All in all a good training. I think I got some good blows down with my blade as Master Kyle has been teaching me.

*she puts the pages down to let the ink dry and starts to practice the blade techniques Kyle has been teaching her. After that she puts the page away with the other pages and starts to meditate on contacting her inner Ki.*


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #103 on: October 22, 2009, 06:06:02 pm »
*She takes out a lose oak page from her bag and starts to write on it in elven.*

Today I have given the 14 essences that I have been making, to amanda. She gave me a good amount of true in return. But for the next batch I will go to my aunt and check what she offers.

I also showed Red the places I go to to get the almonds, Pecan's and Chestnuts that I always try to collect. It was nice to travel around with her.
on our way back she offered to show me her house. She lives in Leringard and the funny thing is, she lives only a few houses away from the house where I stay.

She has a pretty house. and she even let me look in her stock of armors and clothing. I still can't believe the amount she has. She even let my try on two of them, one hide armor and one leather armor. She liked how they looked on me. expecialy the hide armor since it was completely white. she said it complimented my face. she also said a few other nice things. it started to overwhelm me but then she said that both of the armors where a gift from her and when she said it she even gave me a kiss on my cheek.
She also gave me some more compliments, and together with those it made me blush and I was a bit out of it.... I mean... I had no idea what to say.

We our goodbeys for now and I went to my house.
Once there I went to my crates and put away some things. One of them was a golden scimitar that I had planned on giving to Izzy when I wanted to ask her to marry me. But that was years ago, and I haven't seen her since. so now it's time for me to move on.

*she puts her book aside and goes to bed and falls a sleep*


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #104 on: October 28, 2009, 07:29:49 pm »
*She takes out a lose oak page from her bag and starts to write on it in elven.*

What by the gods is going on? I'm starting to get lost here. Why? well, let me tell you.

Today I went to get some nuts again to work on my alchemy. When i met Red in Mariners hold. She accompanied me and she was happy all the way. more happy then she normally is. on our way back Red went to make a bag for me that would help me with al the heavy stuff I got. when she was done I went to sit down to put some of the heavy stuff I had in there.
Before I knew it Red had walked up behind me and covered my eyes and said "boo". I wasn't paying much attention to her so I should have seen it coming.
But what she did after that still got me confused. She was still standing behind me and she kissed me on my lips. while she was upside down.... with her head I think. It caught me of guard in such a big way that by the time I wanted to respond she had already left.

It kept me busy so much that when I tried to work on 3 bear skins. I ruined them all.

I'm not sure what to think of this. Perhaps some good night rest will help.

*she puts her book aside and gets in her bed to get some sleep.*


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #105 on: November 09, 2009, 05:15:40 pm »
*She takes out a lose oak page from her bag and starts to write on it in elven.*

I saw Sil'via again. she was a great sight to see. I haven't seen her in a long time so It was nice to catch up with her again.
While we catch up we found out that we had something in common. Namely "Red",.... The one that has been showing interest in me lately seems to have been doing something similar with sil. According to Sil'via she and her...Well... got intimate together. I didn't know what to think but I did know I had to try and calm Sil down. Tell her it was going be al right, or something like that. But I could tell she was hurt.

To help Sil get her mind off things we went giant hunting. But as we got there Red joined us. It was a nice trip to be sure. but I couldn't help notice Red looking at Sil allot. it made me wonder what Red is doing....or what is going on in her head.

Several days later I met Red again. And then I asked her about it. at first She didn't want to answer my questions but I kept asking them. At as I was about to walk out on her she finally started to answer them. She tolled me the story but only after making me promise not to tell Sil'via.  As red tolled it it all happened after some heavy drinking. as Red got drunk....things happened that she had no control over.  

I'm not sure what to believe now but I do now it's between Sil'via and Red now. Next I made Red promise me She would talk to Sil about it. I just hope I did the right thing. I'd hate to end up on the wrong side of either of them. Especially On Sil'via's wrong side. If she gets angry with me....well...I might be better of hiding.

*she dries the paper and then puts it in an envelope along with the others*


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #106 on: November 14, 2009, 05:31:57 am »
*she grabs a note and starts writing on it in elven*

I cant believe the devastation here. Hempstead was hit by a tsunami and the whole city is now in ruins. Homes destroyed, the docks in ruines, even the guild halls where hit. I went with my mom to help out at the angels guild hall. but I soon noticed there is nothing much left to do there. so I went here to the tower academy to see if I can help there.
I've been helping here ever since, and I will stay until no longer needed.
as soon as there is news on what is needed to rebuild hempstead I will do my best to help out.

For now it's back to helping here.

*she dries the ink using her breath and then puts it way with the other note's she has written in the past months. and starts helping again*

