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Author Topic: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus  (Read 1698 times)


Re: Thoughts written down by a Snow Angel
« Reply #20 on: June 17, 2007, 05:00:27 pm »
Sunra, Jenra 22, 1418

Something’s up with Abi.
I am worried about here. I think she has done something stupid. There is something wrong between her and her father. No, no, something was wrong with her father and his work. And now Abi is leaving her home. She has packed lots of stuff and she has left after our lessons with my dad. She had food stashed somewhere but the rats got to it. So I went to get her some new food. I had to be careful since I got it from my dad’s guild. I’ll get into trouble for that one. I’m sure of it.
On the way back I met up with that cute boy from school, whose name I keep forgetting. He actually invited me to a small picnic somewhere. I was about to say yes to him but then I remembered I had to go to Abi. I said I would love it but it would have to be an other time. I gave him a kiss on his cheek and left him … speechless I think. Because when I waved goodbye he didn’t move.

When I got to Abi I gave her the food. She was happy with it, after saying our goodbyes and I having showed some tears for her leaving. I waited until she was out of the gate. That’s when went to an other corner of the city and took of my clothing. Underneath it I had a special outfit to help me hide in the dark. Well it’s basically a black outfit that covers everything but my eyes and hides all my weapons from sigh. When I was done I went to follow Abi. I couldn’t just let her go out alone. She might hate me for this but I want to make sure she stays save.

Oh I got to go, she is leaving again. Where is she going?


Re: Thoughts written down by a Snow Angel
« Reply #21 on: June 21, 2007, 04:45:06 am »
Abi is alright now. I lost sight of her while I tried to follow her several days ago.
I was about to find out where she went to when someone jumped me from behind. I grabbed my Dagger when i felt it but when I was about to strike I saw it was just Abi. Boy was she mad at it at first for following me :( but then she was happy I was with her now. :D  

We talked a bit that night over a nice meal and the next day we went back to some city I forgot. I'll tell you about why I forgot later.

Anyway in that city Abi had to go into some place and wanted me to wait outside. The hell I did. I didn't trust that place enough to let her go in alone so I decided to go in to but stay hidden.

Abi did some mean things to one of the men in there. she was mad and said many things to him. When she went to go outside she was caught by a woman I recognised. I forgot her name. Must me someone I saw with Abi's dad some times. even with my mom and dad if i am correct.

Abi got into trouble with her. she had to do some jail time. I was glad I could follow them but it was still day time when Abi was jailed and i knew I didn't stand a change during the day to get her out.
so that night I broke into jail to get Abi out. I use several spells I had taken from my dad's guild chests. to make a long story short we got out almost in the nick of time, and we where nearly stepped on by some guards since we where invisible.

When we got out Abi thanked me for saving her. We went to stay the night ion some corner of that city. The next day she and I went to a portal in a place called the freelancers ...something. I used the portal but for some reason I didn't end up in Prantz. :\\  I looked around and around but I didn't recognize the place.

Then I saw him. that cute boy from school. he saw me to and for some reason the first thing we both did was kiss each other. Boy was it a great kiss, Seemed to last forever. I finally know his name now. He is called..... "Hansom" oh now that’s my nick name for him. his real name is..... Something with snake....."Firesnake" I think. No that’s his last name. "Warry Firesnake" that’s it.
We were about to get on the boat to take me home when I got a letter form Abi. Don't knwo how it got here. She's alright now she still needs to do stuff by her self but she's alright. she also wanted me to say that she was alright to everyone back home. I'll do just that.

Now I am on this great ship with the most hansom guy I know. Life can't get any better then this.

Well of to enjoy the sunset with Mr Hansom. ;)


Re: Thoughts written down by a Snow Angel
« Reply #22 on: September 27, 2007, 03:05:27 pm »
Many things have happend to me in the past ..... year, or is it years already? I'm not sure.
Anyway,... I have had to deal with alot of things and basicly grow up much faster than I would have normaly.
first I was betrayed by someone I thought loved me. He solled me to some slavers. The slavers did things to me that have scared both my body and my mind. At some point I manage to escape them. It's been so long ago it seems.

I escaped while I and other slaves where forced to do labor to repair the ship after a heavy storm. Big mistake giving us tools. we used them to fight back Only I escaped however. I was followed by the slavers deep into the woods.

I thought I would be dead soon but then an elf helped me. she was verry good with the bow. She asked me in elven if I was alright and she was about to change the way she spoke from elven to commen thinking I did not understand her. But before she could I replied in elven saying I was alright for now.

From that day on she was my new teacher and she tough me everything she knew. She showed me a big group of other female elves well mostly female. only a select few men where there. one of them was a yerk but I soon tought him some manners. just like back home with the bullies at school.

Several month later the woods where once again entered by a group of people. some of the elves amoung us where send to investigate. Me and my teacher went on a different trip she wanted to test me.

once the test was done We went back to the camp. onces where where close I saw that the group of elves that where send out had some poeple serounded. The poeple where my friends, My father and my best friend Abi.

it was strange seeing them again. and the events that followed sorta forced me to go back home with dad again.

now that I have been home for several month I am afraid I don't feel at home anymore. It was good to see mom, Tristan, Anaya, elgon, silvia, our pets again. My two little dragons have grow to. they where both happy to see me again and haven't left my side since I came back home.

Even now when I'm writing there both close by. I have had alot of fights with mom and dad in the last couple of months and I have been grounded a lot too. Not that it's working thought. I just don't feel like I belong here anymore.

I think The sarah that grew up in this house. was killed by the slavers and will never return agian.

Enought writing for now. I'm getting some sleep for now. torrow I will go to the guild hall of mom and dad and see if I can get some things to work with. I got something planed but I need stuff to work with.  I haven;t tolled anyone yetBut I am thinking of going back to the elves that helped me out. I wanna go back there. I thinkn that has become my new home now.


Re: Thoughts written down by a Snow Angel
« Reply #23 on: September 30, 2007, 03:06:17 pm »
I got up early today to go to the Angels Guild hall and like always my two little dragons followed me. When I got there I met uncle Dalan who was there to do some things. I asked him if I could use the big hall to train a little by myself. He didn't seem to mind as long as I didn't bother anyone else.

I started by training with my bow but there wasn't enough room to train properly. So I got my two short swords and two daggers and started to train with them. The Daggers first to warm up and by the time I was done with doing my dagger kata's As tough by my elven teacher, I switched to the 2 short swords.

By that time I Heard Uncle Kyle come in. I didn't bother to greet him and I started with my kata's using my two short swords. I quickly noticed he was watching me and by the time I was about to begin the kata's a second time; I noticed Abi was there as well. As usual I picked up the speed at the second kata run and as always I made a few mistakes.

When I was done with my second kata run, I flipped my short swords around by hand and into there holsters. I did some breathing exercises to calm down before doing anything else.

I didn't get much time for that thought because Abi did her "hungy-squirle-found-a-nut" thing again. :D  with that I mean she ran to me and greeted my like she always does when we haven't seen each other in a long time. ;)

She had a lot of questions for me but I Kyle reminded Abi of her training. Apparently she is going to learn how to use a katana. It’s a powerful weapon, but a bit to long for me. I need the room for my bow and arrows.

While Abi was training I worked on cleaning my weapons. It was interesting seeing Abi being trained by Kyle. It reminded me so much of my mistress and close friend Sarah Helyanwë who taught and improved my skills.

When Abi was done with her training for today I was almost done with my preparations. I only needed to do a few more things before I could leave. one of them was to inform my friend Abi. so when we where alone I tolled her how I no longer feel at home here and how I feel that the old Sarah was tortured to death on that ship. I also tolled her I was going to leave for that elven village they found me at to see if I could resume my training again.
I gave Abi a note with directions, and tolled her to keep it save. I made her promise only to use it if there was a big emergency.

Just like I thought I had to promise her that I would go visit her from time to time, and not to become a stranger. Of course I promised I would do that.  ;)   When our talk was over I left and I quickly noticed one of my little dragons didn't want to leave. That one wanted to cheer Abi up and I let it.

I left quietly and only with my second little dragon. I left one last note in the hallway for Abi. In it I wrote that if she wanted too, she could keep that one little dragon and even name it anyway she wants to. After leaving that note I left as quietly as I could.

The next few things I did was leave notes at some other places letting people know I was going away for some training and that there is no need to go look for me.

Right now I'm on a ship. Where nearing the woods that have become my new home. By boat to shore will leave soon. It won’t be long until I am at my new home again.


Re: Thoughts written down by a Snow Angel
« Reply #24 on: October 04, 2007, 02:43:30 am »
My trip to the elven village went pretty smoothly.

Once I got there it was good seeing everyone again. Especialy my teacher, she thought I was gone forever. That night we all had a meal fit for a queen.
The next day I quickly resumed my training again and by that after noon I was given my final test. it was a test that would make me use all my skilles in order to be completed. It was hard and barely got it done. I actualy thought I failed untill I got back to the village. There everyone tolled me I succeeded. I was actualy given new weapons to show I was now finished with my training. there was nothing more they could teach me there so they said I could leave when ever I wished.

For now I will stay there and focus a bit more on my skills. I will write a small note to aby telling her of this event today. she'll love to hear it.


Re: Thoughts written down by a Snow Angel
« Reply #25 on: October 07, 2007, 03:11:55 am »
I'm done with training here with the elves. I think I'll be trying to go back to see how abi is doing.

I'll miss the elves on my way back home but I promissed I'd be back soon.


Re: Thoughts written down by a Snow Angel
« Reply #26 on: October 12, 2007, 06:33:15 am »
My travel is going a bit slow. Most ships I got on the men tried to court me or something.:\\ O.o  It always caused trouble, meaning I had to get off before the ship left. :mad:
I had to travel a lot by foot.:(  I just barely arrived at hempstead. I'll be taking a nap in a tavern, if I can find a good one.

I hope I will see abi again soon. :)


Writings of Huntemara Indarsus
« Reply #27 on: October 12, 2007, 05:19:58 pm »
Today I met someone that reminded me of Abi and my father. Her name was Pallena and she had a panther as a friend. Oh and lets not forget that big bear.;)

We talked a bit first and then she wanted to help me with getting a stick from a group of kobolds. But before that she wanted to see how I could handle myself in combat.

She showed me a lady named Martha who had a sewer problem. We took care of that. and when we got that problem fixed we got out. But during my last battle in there with that lizard thing I got bitten in my ankle by a rat. :(  Because of that I forgot to bring proof of my deed and we had to do it all over again. Martha didn't take my word that I killed it, can't blame her. The second time went a lot better. ;)  

After that sewer adventure Pallena was convinced I could handle myself with my swords. so we went to the kobolds and got the stick from them. one of the kobolds used a magic on me which got me running like a scared headless chicken. O.o  I hated it. :mad:  

After the visited with the kobolds Pallena went to find a stream to clean her self, which is what I will have to do to. well of to find a place to clean myself.


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #28 on: October 13, 2007, 05:06:39 am »
Today i went to train in the sewers on my own. Those darn rats almost got me a few times but I got lucky. I guess being on my onw in these parts isn't as easy as the place where I trained, with the elves.

I haven't seen Abi either. :(  I hope she is alright. I hope she hasn't goten herself into trouble.


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #29 on: October 14, 2007, 07:08:17 am »
I met some more popel today. one of them is a sneaker and he's pretty good. his name is brain. He's verry good at sneaking around.

I also met Wren who seemed to know me from when I was just a baby. and a dwarf, I forgot his name. :\\

I'm not sure if I can trust this brain, He seems to know more about me that i know about him and i don't like that.>:/  I'll have to watch out being around him.

I got news about Abi.:)  Seems she has been seen around Hempstead. This gives me joy knowing there is a change I can see her again. It's been far to long. :(

I need to go train some more. I also need to look for uncle Kyle. he might be able to help me get better with my two swords.


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #30 on: October 16, 2007, 02:29:07 pm »
I've been training with my dad a little. He was actually testing me out to see what the elves had taught me. It was annoying I couldn't land a good blow on him. :\\  Before the training we met this friend of him. Her name is Kinai. She showed me the this awesome trick by just disappearing right in front of me.
I might ask her to teach me that. it's called shadowdancing if I got it right.

Some time later I was in Hempstead and a woman came to me. she said she had a message for me IF my name was Huntemara. I got on my guard but i played along. The message was..... my name in a loud cheer of happiness from my best friend Abi. :)  My ears still go deaf when I think about it. ;)  

We had a great talk together. like old times almost. I say almost because Brain came along. Abi seems to know him. He talked about some things and one thing was haven beaten me at hide and seek. I tolled him I'd beat him on day with the skill I saw earlier. He busted my bubble not long after that thought saying to Abi that his teacher was kinai. :o I almost gave away that I was thinking of becoming her student myself. I bluffed myself out pretty good I think. ;)  I just hated doing it in front of Abi like that. :(

When Brain was gone I explained it to Abi. And thats when she started talking about this Brain. She tolled me some interesting things. Lets say she gave me more reasons not to trust him. But then again showed me some ways in which him and I are a like. I won't write it down here. I might trust Brain but for now I trust Abi's judgment. She seems to trust him more then I do.


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #31 on: October 17, 2007, 04:28:45 pm »
I finaly met mom again. at first it was a sold times but later on as I we talked I noticed she started to become more distant. I hope she's alright.

I have also been thinking about brain and what Abi tolled me about him. I hope he comes forward with the rest of the story himself. not saying his real name, hiding from a terrible past? Sounds like me. :(

I just cam back from following my mom. he reaction the other day got me worried. Her and dad are now at some pretty place. I think she will be alright. I didn't stay long because I know dad can spot me if he wants to. ;)

When I meet one of those two again I will ask them how it turned out.


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #32 on: October 19, 2007, 06:30:21 am »
I met Abi again and she was busy with jobs her dad gave her. I went with her just in case I could help her. while we walked to the place she had to get clay we talked about stuff. we also ended up talking about Brain. I was honest and tolled her I didn't trust him yet. She said something like it but it sounded to me more like she trusts him anyway. :o

While we went on the road to Hlint Brain caught up to us. he joined us for the rest of the trip and he seemed different then last time I met him. :\\ I don't know what it was. When we got to the digging place Abi and I started to talk while Brain went digging. By the time Abi and I where done talking Brain was ready with digging clay and sand.

For some reason Abi had to leave at that point and she left me with Brain. I'm not sure if she did it on purpose but I hated it. I watched Brain from the moment Abi was gone and I made sure he wasn't going to play tricks on me. he had to do some things and wanted me to help him. But both times he send me away when he would realy have needed my help. >:/

the last time was in a swamp near Fort Vehl. I got so angry I left the swamp and out side I started hitting a tree with my blades. by the time My arms where getting sore Brain got back. In the conversation that followed our tempers got high, well mine anyway. >:/

we walked to fort Vehl and once there the conversation had turned into a sort of moment where we trusted each other enough to tell our past. He was first and I must say it sounded worse then what I heard from Abi. When i was ready for my story we went to a place he knew. there I tolled him my story and we found out we had more in common then we thought. He has scares just like I have. He showed me his which where whip lasses on his back.
And showed him mine and for some reason I showed him every scare I have. but mine are covered by tattoos so there harder to see.

To make a long story short we ended up as what I would call a starting friendship. I'm not sure if it's friendship thought. My heart tells me different but I don't understand what it's telling me. :\\

Anyway I will be teaching Brain my favorite language which is elven and he will be showing me what he knows of dancing with the shadows. ;)  a thought deal but I know I will like it. and besides I get to spend more time with him.


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #33 on: October 19, 2007, 09:13:15 am »
I forgot something to write that Brian  said during our last meeting so to speak.
He said that the shadows are alive, not just a phenomena due to the light being stopped by an object.That it was rumored that a whole plane existed where the shadows live lives almost like we do.
I can't wait until I learn more. :)


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #34 on: October 20, 2007, 09:29:01 am »
I got an other lesson in shadow dancing from Brian. He tolled me that in order to become one with the shadows you have to have clear mind. If you succeed at that, you are not just covered with shadows but you will become like them. A strange thought but nothing I can worry about.  
Brian mentioned there was a catch. I would need to remember to come back from the shadows. Either by thinking of someone you love or something else worth coming back for. If you don't you could get lost in the shadows forever. :o

I knew there was a catch but I can't stop now. I have plenty things to come back for. Pinky is one. She is my best friend and I would never leave her alone in this world. She can always count on me to help her, with anything.
Second are my parents and siblings. They are a part of my life no matter what I would do, and I owe a lot to them.

So after I write this dairy section I will start by training myself to clear my mind and with it try to remember the people that love me and who I love back.

An other note, I have given Brain some more lessons in elven. I know he doesn't want to admit it yet but he is getting pretty good and I think his elven side is starting to come forth. ;)

I have also seen Abi again. She got to us during my teaching Brian Elven.
it wasn't long until she reminded me of a note I send her, and so she and I went away together to talk about it. I still haven't been able to make up my mind but it is good knowing she is there for me. :p

After a long talk we headed out to do some things. Along the way Abi stopped to get some things she needed. Near one of the sugar she needed I noticed some ogres walking, and it wasn't long until one of them noticed Abi and attacked her. :mad:  I rushed to her aid and attacked it as best I could to help Abi escape. But it wasn't good enough. Although we had hit it allot he still managed to take us both down. :mad:
When we came back to that spot we noticed a guy had taken care of our problem. :o  Abi knew this guy as Marcus. We talked a bit and decided to help him on some stuff in Vehl.

Along the way Abi left us to go do some small things. :o I didn't like that idea; the little Pink devil sure knows how to pick her time to leave. :rolleyes:  But I soon found out that this Marcus is actually a nice guy. We talked about several things and the talks ended up in me telling the basic of my time as a slave on a boat. He actually got angry hearing it. :o  I found out this Marcus is a cleric so I guess it's in his nature to care for people.

In Vehl Brain took of his mask he always wears. And I must admit he look cute. I think it’s one more thing pinky and I could add to our list of things we like about him.

Marcus showed us some medical student that could need our help. The job this guy gave us is surely going to test my stomach. I hope I can keep everything inside. O.o

*she puts her dairy down and gives the ink time to dry, Meanwhile she starts to train herself to clear her mind in preparation of her next lessons. After several hours she stops and buts her book back in her pack. she puts her stuff close to the bed of the room she rented and gets in bed to get some sleep.*


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #35 on: October 20, 2007, 07:22:49 pm »
Plenty has happened. But I will write only the most important event.

I had an other lesson from Brian. He tolled me to focus on the shadows and becoming one with them.  I did, but at first nothing happened. When I focused a bit more I actually saw a shadow move towards me. It was only a little bit but it got me excited enough to try again. It also gave me hope that i might be able to get this one day.  Practice makes perfect.

A while later Brian showed me he could get the shadows to almost touch him. and now he is looking for some people that might be able to help him with the last bits of his training. I said I would help him anyway I can. Because I know I will have to do it myself to one day.

*she puts her dairy away and focuses on the shadows moving with the fire that is burning in front of her. she clears her mind and focuses on becoming one with them. just like earlier that day they only move a small bit towards her. She practices a bit more. After awhile she gets some sleep.*


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #36 on: October 23, 2007, 01:48:19 pm »
*she sits down and makes a fire. She grabs her diary and starts to write.*

Lets see what to write about.

well first of I wne tot a place some called gnoll land. it's a hard place to be and the first time I went there I was there with Abi, Brian and Marcus. Marcus was the only one smart enought to survive our encounter. On our way back to our graves we met with two men and uncle Omer who helped us. I know I call him uncle even when omer is not blood related but I can't help it.

anyway with there help we got to opur graves and we where able to finaly kick some gnoll . whell the others did I did not since OMer had put an invisibility spell on me and I liked it. Before I got the spell of me I was able to kick Brians cute but. ;)  That was fun. I didn't kick him hard, thought.

I also got several small jobs done one of wich was delivering letters and such but that ended after a few deliveries. I have also baught some stuff to start try and start making stuff like mom and dad do. one of the things I got was this ox. The ox merchant first wanted to charge me 100 true. :o  I thought that was redicules. so i put up some of my seductive moves and asked him if he would be so kind as to lower the price for poor little me. :rolleyes: it worked and I got it down to 80 true. :D

I have also done some other traingin trips to an frozen island somewhere. My uncle Omer invited me to that trip along with Brian and some others. it was a good trip and I learned to sneak around better. I wanted to see more of the island but the cold got to me so I went to warmer places.

I hope I can get to that place again there is so much I still want to see there. and it is so pretty. everything is covered in white snow. Everything below it is hidden. I hope Omer will invite me again if he goes there, or on any of his other trips. Even if just to see more of the world.

*she puts her book down to dry. she then looks to the shadows moving around the fire and she start to focus on becomming one with them. Like all the nights of training before they come closer but not close enought. she practices untill the sun comes up. when she sees the sun she goes to the nearest in and rents a room to sleep in.*


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #37 on: October 24, 2007, 02:03:42 am »
A few days ago I went to those frozen islands again. Once there I had a few moments in which I could train controlling the shadows. Because of the cold I could not do what I could do in Hempstead. So now I have decided that in order to become better I need several days of training in the arts of shadow dancing in those cold climates. I have packed all the things I will need for my training in the frozen islands. I will go there as quickly as I can.

I hope it will benefit my training.


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #38 on: October 24, 2007, 02:08:07 am »


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #39 on: October 24, 2007, 11:40:03 am »
My training is hard here. The cold is still bothering me while I focus. I've been at this training for some days now and I mis my friend. but I got to get trought this. I have to controle the shadows in this cold climate.

First some sleep then some more training.

