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Author Topic: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus  (Read 1699 times)


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #40 on: October 24, 2007, 04:57:06 pm »
I came back from my two weeks of training in the cold climates. I have been able to focus successfully on the shadows there. But I nearly got myself killed of lack of food and water, not to mention the cold.

After some small gathering trips to get some things I found my father talking to some guy. I sneaked up behind him and was successfully able to surprise him.
Soon after My father introduced me to his new pupil. His name is eander and he is a half elf.

My father also gave me my first bow. It was well made and it had markings on it. it was written in elven.

*The following in written in elven.*
Father, grand father, fathers or my fathers before them. I call upon you to guide my arrows, keep them straight, keep them swift and may they not miss their marks. I am standing on the battle field, my enemies are numerous before me.

Father, grand father, fathers of my fathers before them. I call upon your strength now that I am in the mist of the battle. Make me strong, make me steady. Course through me the force of the bloodline. Father, grand father, fathers of my fathers before them. I call upon you.

It's a great prayer that I might use before battle from now on.


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #41 on: October 26, 2007, 02:05:57 am »
Abi seems to have gone after Quantum to look for him. Thats what I heared from Brian. He hates the fact that he couldn't come with here. I'm afraid that his love for her might make him do something stupit. like going after her and getting himself killed. I'll try to watch over him as much as posible. I'd hate to see abi sad.

I also baught some stuf from the angels guild. My father helped me. I need to gather a lot of true and glass ingots in order to repay them.

I'd better get to work quickly. The sooner I'm done the better.


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #42 on: October 26, 2007, 04:12:32 am »
I'm of to go training again. As before I will be in the cold place to train myself in order to hopefully one day become one with the shadows. I'm unsure how long I will stay this time.
I must know this trick I saw kinai do. At any cost. ....... Well almost anycost.


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #43 on: October 26, 2007, 05:14:21 pm »
*She gets in a rented room with bath. She gets ready to go in bath and before she goes in she gets her diary near the bath. Once she is in the bath she takes her dairy and writes in it*

Today I got a bit tired of the many heavy loads of materials I needed for my crafting. So I decided to make an early start on my shadow training today.
I went to a place I have been before and once I got there I found someone I had not seen in a long, long time.

My uncle Lex'or. He had finally returned after not sending any word out for about 5 years I think. I was happy :) to see him but I hated :mad: him at the same time for being away for so long. To make a long story short he also had a problem with someone he loved. :(  This problem of his eventually send him to a far away place to battle undead. Lots of stuff happened in between but I'm not writing it here.
He has changed and throughout our talks I did not see any emotion on his face. Even a rock shows more emotion then Uncle Lex's face did. >:/

During our talks I was able to do a bit of shadow training. It wasn't as much as I had hoped for but..... Well better luck tomorrow night.

Oh one more thing. I did that thing that the medical student wanted of me today. it involves getting 5 fresh corpses. It was a heavy job and I can feel my muscles ache already. 4 more to go and then it's all over then that guy will be happy for now. I always thought I'd feel emotion when doing something like this. But today I did not. I'm not sure if it is my heart who's closing up on me because of my behaviour or if it is my shadow training. :\\  

Perhaps Uncle Lex is right. I need to give my mind a change to heal it self. :(
According to him it can only be healed by the most powerful force in the universe. A power called true love. I'm not ready for that thought. :(

There seems to be an other power able to heal the wounds I still have from my time as a slave on that ship. It would require the help of several powerful clerics. Uncle Lex said that he knows a woman whose limb was torn off by a daemon once. Now years later and with the help of powerful clerics it has healed, her limb is as it was before. :o Impressive story I must say.

Perhaps if my body is healed my mind can forget it's time on the ship. Everyday these wounds remind me of what happened. If those would be gone I would be able to forget that terrible time.

*she puts her diary aside and remains in the bath for some time. While in it she does her shadow training several times. After a while she gets out the bath and gets herself ready for bed.*


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #44 on: October 29, 2007, 02:32:03 pm »
//first comes the elven tekst. Second part further down below is the commen version.

*she gets out of a bath in a rented room and cleans herself. She then gets dressed before picking up her diary and writing in it. The whole page is written in elven.*

[I]E irilw ill elanamalaanelv anesa cilanaca. Oemlaan eo E irilw il ceananca anmilelelv ameanir wilw el ameew nymiloanelv. Ira laireamaw sa amirama illw iream ane nyirety ameew. Sa wilw wewl’an laila fyan E's layma ira ameycw amillan sa ane cailela anira aeylv anmaala ilcela ane vmeam illw nyirety elca anira ecwalaan anmaala. Ireamaelam ama elca vean ane nyiretytyelv ameew. E'cc fa amileanelv oem sa la'an calalael.

E irilela ilclae faal el il anmety ameanir ylnyca Ca' illw Selala Lailccil. Lailccil ela silmmeaw ane Quilne amire ela ela eo anira vyecw sasfamla eo sa oilaniram’la vyecw. E nelw eo oemvean amirama eym anmety amalan ane fyan E we masasfam ean faelv il veew ela. Ean amilla elama ellatyemelv laaaelv anirelaa aname oeviran. E cailmlaw il cean quylaan fa amilannyirelv.

E irilela ilclae anilcnaw ane Fmeill ilvilel. Ira amilla il fean illvma ane naaty ean nelwca. Ean laaasla Ilfe irilw maanymlaw ane Irastylaanailw laesa anesa ilve amireca. Oem laesa maillael iream aelam laira wewl'an laalw amemw ane Fmeill illw ira wewl’an cena anirilan. E anmeaw ane nyilcs ires fyan laesaamirama el anira nyelelamlailaneel ira illanaw sa iream E ameycw mailnyan eo sa feaomealw ameycw we anira lailsa illa Ilfe. E vean illvma ilan anirilan. Illw leam E anireln filnyn eo ean E vean ane illvma oem laynyir il laestyca hyalaaneel.

E amecc irilela ane ammeana il caananam ane ylnyca Ca' ane oelw eyan eo ira irilla faal ilfca ane vaan illa eloemsilaneel ilfeyan tyeamamoyc irailcamla. Eo lean E amecc anma ane oelw laesa salaaco fa illanelv ilmeylw.

Lae anirilan ameycw veela sa aname anirelvla el sa celv anams ane we celaan.
Oemlaan ela anmilelelv el anira ilmanla eo lairilweam willnyelv.
Laanyelw ela oelwelv tyeamamoyc irailcamla ane iracty sa vaan mewa eo aniralaa ilamoyc lanyilmla.

*she puts her dairy down and starts her shadow training. After several hours of training she falls a sleep while trying one last time to get a shadow to come to here. Because of this she didn't see the result of her last attempt.*

//below is what was written above but then in common.

*she gets out of a bath in a rented room and cleans herself. She then gets dressed before picking up her diary and writing in it. The whole page is written in elven.*

I had an interesting time lately. First of I had a little training with dad in wood crafting. He showed me where and how to chop wood. My dad didn’t say but I'm sure he would want me to leave the young trees alone to grow and chop only the oldest trees. However we only got to chopping wood. I'll be waiting for my next lesson.

I have also been on a trip with uncle Lex and Miss Salla. Salla is married to Jako who is one of the guild members of my father’s guild. I kind of forgot where our trip went to but I do remember it being a good one. It was very inspiring seeing those two fight. I learned a lot just by watching.

I have also talked to Brian again. He was a bit angry to keep it kindly. It seems Abi had returned to Hempstead some time ago while. For some reason how ever she didn't send word to Brian and he didn’t like that. I tried to calm him but somewhere in the conversation he asked me how I would react if my boyfriend would do the same as Abi. I got angry at that. And now I think back of it I got to angry for such a simple question.

I will have to write a letter to uncle Lex to find out if he has been able to get any information about powerful healers. If not I will try to find some myself by asking around.

So that would give me two things on my long term to do list.
First is training in the arts of shadow dancing.
Second is finding powerful healers to help me get ride of these awful scars.

*she puts her dairy down and starts her shadow training. After several hours of training she falls a sleep while trying one last time to get a shadow to come to here. Because of this she didn't see the result of her last attempt.*


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #45 on: October 30, 2007, 04:15:15 pm »
*She sits down and quickly makes some notes written in elven*

E irilela faal ane anira nymatyanla eo Nmillwem ameanir sa ylnyca Ca' illw laesa eaniramla. Anirama amilla ilclae anirela amesill amire seviran fa ilfca ane fmelv filnyn sa ylnyca illa E nlaam ires vmeamelv yty. E cena iram ilcmailwa; E anireln iram lilsa amilla Ilseceil.

E ilclae vean laesa laanyoo ane sa wilw’la vyecw anewila illw E ylaaw anirelaa ane tyila sa watyan ane aniras.

*she puts her book away and starts her shadow training. Again she continues until she fall’s a sleep.*

//below is the commen version of the text

*She sits down and quickly makes some notes written in elven*

I have been to the crypts of Krandor with my uncle Lex and some others. There was also this woman who might be able to bring back my uncle as I knew him growing up. I like her already; I think her name was Amilia.

I also got some stuff to my dad’s guild today and I used those to pay my dept to them.

*she puts her book away and starts her shadow training. Again she continues until she fall’s a sleep.*


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #46 on: November 02, 2007, 04:35:00 am »
*she gets into her room and sits down looking worried at her wound on her arm. then she gets her dairy and starts writing in it*

Some quick notes of the events before today.
Uncle Lex has asked 2 powerful healers if they are willing to help me get rid of those awful scars I got. One of them was mister Quantum. It was good to see he was alright.
Lex, Quantum and I talked about it in the Orc Bashers guild hall. Lex explained why he needed Quantum and what he was going to do. Uncle Lex wants to find a ritual to help me heal my scars. He knows it has been used before to restore a limp on a woman’s body. Quantum agreed to help us anyway he could.
But that wasn’t until after I showed him my scars and tolled him how I got it. I could see the anger at his face but again my uncle was showing no emotion.

During our talks some terrible news came up. Quantum said that his daughter and my friend had died. She became a vampire and he had to put her to rest. I couldn’t keep myself together. Even now I feel tears coming out.

So right now I will have to help my uncle to find this ritual he mentioned.
Besides that I got my shadow training to worry about and the fact that I have my dept with the angels’ guild. Repaying those debts will be a bit harder now as I lost my ox Berta while attempting to help this medical student. Both my ox and everything I had on it is gone.

I'll have to get myself a new one soon.

I have seen my dad today teaching Eander some things about arcane archers.
After my dad had to leave me and Eander where alone at the fields outside of Hempstead. We talked a bit and I heard the oxen and horses scream coming from a barn near by. I went there to find out what it was. As we came close Eander heard it to.
As we entered the barn we saw this werewolf feasting on the oxen and horses. When it saw us it attacked us and Eander shot his arrows at him while I got up close and tried to kill it with my two short swords. This werewolf and I had a though battle and it even managed to bite me in my arm. But I managed to kill it after that. Once I killed it I expected it to change back into a human or something but it didn't.

I was wounded badly with claw marks and such from the werewolf’s attacks. Eander started to heal me but I felt this burning sensation in the bite mark from that werewolf. I must have fainted from the pain of the bite because I woke up being very dizzy and having a hard time to stay standing. Eander said later that the bite mark turned black and as I woke up the black in the bite wound disappeared.

We went to Hempstead and I sat there with Eander on the benches and we had some fun. He wanted me to stop but I could tell he was just joking.
But then he did something that was stupid but he didn't know. He started joking about being tortured by a small punch I gave him. I got angry and at him and before I got to angry and did something stupid I left.

Later when he and I met again I apologized several times. I have accepted it but I was still a bit angry so I thought it best not to have anyone around for now. Just to calm down a bit.

This bite wound of that werewolf has got me worried. I survived for now not being turned into a werewolf but how long will it last. How long until I find myself biting my friends, family or other innocent people.

*she puts her book down and gets some rest thinking about today’s events. Slowly she fall’s a sleep. The next morning she starts the day by doing her shadow training.*


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #47 on: November 04, 2007, 04:36:28 pm »
*she enters a room of an inn and puts her stuff down next to the bed. She gets out her diary and before she writes in it she scratches her werewolf bite mark*

I have been doing my training again in solitude. Trying to focus on the shadows and have them become one with me, to help me hide. However I have also been thinking. Brian said that the shadows have a world of there own, or something like that. If thats true then the shadows might have feelings like us. They might be able to communicate with us in some way. If I find out if any of this is true or not, it might help my training.

I fear however that only a true shadow dancer might be able to help me further. I only know of a few people: Kinai, the guild of Thiefs and this woman nathalia I believe her name is. I have to find either of them and I will try my best. Perhaps Brian has had some luck. I need to find him again.

Also note that I still need to repay the angels guild for equipment I bought from them.
And my uncle lex'or will probably likie some help with finding that ritual to help me get ride fo my scars forever.

I better write a few letters. one too brian to ask him to find me some time and one too abigail to ask if she has time to meet again. It has been to long since she and I talked. knowing abi a bit there is probably much that has happend in her life.


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #48 on: November 06, 2007, 04:19:34 am »
*she enters a room in the house 180 haven. as she sits on the bed she gets her book out.*

I have finaly seen abi again. We talked alot but mostly about what she went trough. In short she took care of quantum who was sort of a wreck after his daughter sonya died. There's more to this story but I don;t feel liek writing it right now. Abi also had a fight with brian wich resulted in them breaking up.
I kind off expected that last one. But I hoped I was wrong.

there's more to write about what abi and I talked about but I will do that after I got some rest. Abi showed me her home and also said I could rest in her fathers bed. I just hope I won't wake up seeing him lying next to me. Or in the same room for that matter.

Time for some sleep. I haven't been this tired before. I hope I won't sleep to long.

*she puts her book away and gets into the bed and gets some rest. she quickly falls into a deep sleep.*


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #49 on: November 07, 2007, 03:21:40 pm »
*Tears cover alot of areas on this page*

our friend ship has been put to the test.
Abi and I went to a crypt with sala and brian and along the way we met uncle Dalan too. He didn't recognize me at first thought, but thats not important right now.

When we went into the cript we got pretty far. well to the end actualy. there in the last big room we encountered alot of shadow creatures. by that time I was iritated but the fact i could not hit those guys enought to do any dammage that I got angry. and the fact that the one of those creatures attacked me with spells pushed me over the edge. I got angry and forgot about my own safety. I went after that creature and there was a flash.

next thing I remember was waking up and sala yelling me to run and get out.
i did but then in the hall way she wanted me to rest and get over what just had happened to me. when I was about to rest I heared someone get into that hallway. I later found out it was a vampire. it did the worse thing I can think of right now. That thing killed Abi. I saw abi fall and I froze. I just kept yelling for her. it feels as if the other draged me out of there away from...........

*the ink dwells of the page as if she was crying to much to continue writing*


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #50 on: November 10, 2007, 04:42:43 pm »
*she sits down in a rented room and starts to write*

I thought of continuing where I left off, But there's nothing much to say. I had a hard time accepting Abi's death. Even after Sala brought her back I was still hard for me. Seeing my best friend die like that is something I never wish to see again.
Not long after Abi was safe again I left without saying anything. Uncle Dalan and Brain followed me but nothing they said could calm me.
Even when Abi finally found me and she and I had a long talk. I still wasn't the same again. I went to the temple uncle Lex is at some times and along the way Brian wanted to talk to me. During that talk he tolled me that he was poisoned somehow. I forgot what because I was only thinking of what happened to Abi.

That night I slept under the stars like uncle Lex does a lot. It was peaceful and it helped me calm down. That night I had a dream. It was about my time as a slave on that ship. Everything was the same except for one thing. Abi found a way to rescue me even before all the horrible things happened that I went trough. I wonder why I dreamed that?

*She buts down her book and start to train with the shadows again for the rest of the night*


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #51 on: November 11, 2007, 02:30:07 am »
*she gets up in the morning after a long night of training her shadow dancing skills*

I almost forgot. Uncle lex is changing for the better. he is starting to show more emotion and he's also in training to learn how to wield a new weapon. he is already pretty goot at it. I've learned that first hand in the arena in vehl.
I was there with Abi and Eander the 3 of us couldn't handle him.

after our little friendly fight we had a rest and after that we went on our way back. before we went away thought I had to change my outfit. My uncle had cut it up a bit to much for my tast. so whilke the boys where gone I changed. abi was still there and she saw my scars. I guess I never showed her before since she was suprised by how many it where. and she also asked some things to. one of them was if the scars still hurt. like I said to Abi they don;t hurt me any more as in pain, but they still do remind me of what happend.

We went to catch up with the boys and during the rest of the time she was not realy her self. I guess the scars on my body had cought her full atention.

*she stops writing and puts her stuff in her bags. she gets out the inn and starts her day.*


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #52 on: November 11, 2007, 05:44:28 am »
*she goes inside an inn and rents a room. she goes inside the room and takes her diary out and starts to write in it.*

A few days a go I saw my uncle lex again. he and I started to talk and at some point I tried to get some information out of him by pretending to know it already. it backfired at me and Uncle lex started to tickle me. I was barly able to stop him. Then Lex said he wasn't going to say something he had on his mind and Now I was determend to get it out of him. so i started to tickle him. didn;t work on him thought. real bummer but I thought of something else.

I did a move on him I had learned. I quickly place one of my feet behind one of his feet and I pushed him away from me. Like I planned he fell into the pond in hemstead near that statue.':)  What i didnt plane on happening is that Lex bumbed his head on the bottem of the pond and got a nasty wound because of it. Worse thing was he went out cold and didn't move. :(  So i had to drag him out of the pound and get him on dry ground.

He was out cold for a while but thanks to me and amilia he has recovered. He did gave me quite a scare thought. But I guess it was the same for him.

Several days later I saw abi again and she was realy bussy with crafting but she did find time to talk to me. during her crafting I met eghaas. We talked a bit and when I was ready to leave for my training with the shadows when Eghaas wanted to tell me some things about being a shadow dancer. But he didn't say. He did mention a name of someone I could try to find. "La'laith Valash" or something like that. This lady seems to know a lot about shadow dancing and might be able to inform me more about the possible dangers eghaas didn't want to mention.

I think I will post something in the taverns. That might help my search.

*she starts to write a note and then copies it several times. She gets some sleep and the next morning she gets out early to post the notes in several taverns across minstone*


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #53 on: November 11, 2007, 05:54:17 am »
*she sits down at a tavern and copies a message from the inn's message board into her diary.*

Quote from: Dezza
The people of the city of Western Gate on Corsain have been rocked to their core in the last week as the Mayor, Antony Vipsanius upon orders of the Dominus has issued Marshall Law in the city. Citizens have been confined to their homes for three days as local Militia backed by the Rofireinite Knights and Guardians have swept across the city making widespread arrests.

Buildings, ships, cargoes, businesses and warehouses have all been confiscated or claimed by the City Council for investigation.

The widespread arrests have occurred from the docks district right up to and including at least three members of the City Council. The biggest organisation hit was the Ishnar Mercantile Consortium and sources claim that the arrests have been linked to an assault carried out by individuals led by a powerful illusionist called Saebhel by some and Rhynn by others, against the estates of the Merchantile Lord Ishnar in the mountains north of Western Gate.

Apparently the Dominus has ordered other city councils and Mayors across the nation to do the same.

What has affected the people in Western gate the most is the rumour that Ishnar was the head of a major slaving organisation linked to the Silver Crescent. His power and influence for many years has been felt right through the Dragonsong dominion and indeed across Corsain and beyond. But most importantly his donations to city building projects have been most generous over the years.

The economic impact of what has occurred has economists madly calculating but in terms of future stability and against the war on chaos and corruption this truly has been a great boon for the Dominus, the mayor of Western gate and indeed for the Rofireinites who will be earning their keep in the years that come sifting through the investigations that will arise from this.

Some people worry about reprisals but for the most part there is a new faith by the people in the workings of law and order.

*she writes something below it that’s not from the copied message.*

Could it be that this "Ishnar" is the one ultimately responsible for my 6 month enslavement? Perhaps I could learn something by attending some of the trails. I have to find out when and where trails will take place, I got to know.

*she closes her dairy after the ink has dried and then continues to post her own messages.*


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #54 on: November 14, 2007, 01:55:25 pm »
*she makes a fire from wood she gathered. as the fire is burning brightly she gets her dairy and starts to write in it.*

No news yet of this lady Lalaith Va'lesh. I did find out that more people know of her so she is a real person. I just hope I can find her.

I also got some troubling news from uncle dalan. It seems my best friend is beein hunted down and has a price on her head. All for being a whitness in court. there is more to it. But I don't feel like writing it down here. Me, barion, Dalan and Brian went to look for abi and found her. We went trough a lot of forest to get to her. and once we did I was so glad to see she was alright. I also gave her some things that I thought might help her incase she needed to hide again.

On an other note. I have talked to mom about what I heard from uncle Lex. Mom hid it but I could tell she was angry from the get go. when I was done talking to her she was gone faster than I'm used from her. Dad might have a hard time up ahead. I will have a hard talk with him too.

Nothing else to write down for now.

*she puts her dairy away and starts to train with the shadows.*


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #55 on: November 20, 2007, 01:53:06 pm »
well lets see what important things do I have to write about.

First of I took part in small tournament. It was more for me to see how I could handle against others. Wasn't much to do thought.

After The tournament I got to talk to Lex. He tolled me things about my father that I could have read in his dairy but shurly forgot for some reason. He tolled me alot and now I know that I do not only have a half brother walking around somewhere but that he might be more like me then I realize.

I also heared about a note that My sister Sil'via Wrote to My uncle. It got me angry. Dad was going to far this time, acting all helpless. So I went back home. it wasn't the way I intended to go home but He left me no choice.

When I got home I could tell My brothers and sister wanted to hug me BUt I let them no Imidiatly to leave me alone with our father. Father and I had a hard talk most of wich I forgoten now. Most of wich because Sil'via peaked past the door and saw me talking to dad. at first I thought she got scared of dad since she over heared dad talk about him being a murderer.

I got dad to go help me find sil'via and when I found her I tried to comvered her. But instead of accepting me she turned her anger on me. She was angry at me the whole time just because she didn't understand why I was gone for so long. in her anger she pained me. Not by hitting me with her fists. but with the words and the clear fact that she,... my sister hatted me so much. I think that for the first time in a long time I let go of my emotions. I cried like I haven't done in years.

to make a long story short. I ended up explaining to Sil'via what had happend and when she did she sort of understood why i was gone for so long.

IN the 2 weeks that followed I spend all the time with my brothers and sisters. it was the best time I had in years.

Now for something else. I met this elf that is realy nice. His name is ..... oh darn I forgot. Well anyway I'd like to know more of him. I hope I get to meet him again soon.


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #56 on: November 25, 2007, 07:45:21 am »
Several things happened to me lately but only a few I will write about.

first of all I'm happy to say that uncle Lex and Amilia seem to be very happy together. I know because Lex was making a new outfit especially for Amilia. And he wanted it to be something she would love to see him in. I actually saw some image there that I'd rather not saw.  O.o  

But I'm glad to see there happy together and that’s all that matters to me.

Now for something a bit more sad,
I was on one of my trips to gather spider silk when it happened. I was sneaking around staying unnoticed as always and I had almost succeeded again to get the silk without being spotted. I must have did something wrong thought because all of a sudden. They attacked me. I did the best I could to take them out but they where with to many, and they surprised me good. :o

What happened next made me more emotional then usual for a couple of days.
I met the soul mother for the first time. :(

When I met my uncle Lex, some time later he helped me for a while. He even dragged me to the dragon islands for some real training along with a group of others.
It's there that I found out I was more emotional then ever before. I think I fell in love with Marcus he was also in our group.

After that trip I went back to fort Vehl and there I talked to my uncle and explained my behaviour. He said: "he is a good man."

I wish he hadn't said that. It made me think about Marcus more. And when I went back to the boats I even met Marcus. He and I had a talk because even he got worried about my behaviour. I tolled him I had met the soul mother for the first time, and he converted me by hugging me. By that point I was already shaking really badly and I could not speak much.
By the time I had gathered enough courage to hug him back and kiss him. He stopped hugging me and challenged me to a race back to Hempstead. ;)

i think it became a close call but unless I'm mistaking I won that one. ;)

I'm think I’m, in love with Marcus but I know it is not mend to be. From what I heard later one and saw, he already has a woman. Her name is Jaelle and she is an elf. I can't compete with the beauty of an elf. :(

I had send Marcus a letter letting him know why I reacted the way I did and that I wished him the best with Jaelle.  

An other guy who called himself “Sall” cheered me up. He gave me a note which he said would help me every time I am sad or down.
it said. "I am Huntemara Darsus.”. When I got it I changed it into "I am Huntemara In'Darsus" but the idea was great. I put the note under my shirt close to my heart. I must say Sall acted a bit weird after that? :\\

I don’t know why all I did was put the note under ...... *she hits herself on the head and calls her self stupid as she remembers something*
Stupid girl that I am, I wasn't wearing anything under my shirt that day. That’s why he reacted so awkward when he left.

I got to find him and apologize for it. My dad would have a heart attack if he found out. And what would my uncle say.

OH now that I think of it, Sall did give me a good idea. Something I can do with Abi. One day I am going to surprise Abi with a trip around the world. We will go and see as much cities as we can.
Sounds great, I can't wait until the time comes. It’ll be perfect, just Abi and me. :D :) two best friends travelling the world.

I got to go train hard and prepare things for when the day comes.

One side note though.

I had a dream last night. I was walking in a dark hallway towards some light. When I got to that light I saw a woman, followed by an other woman.
As I got closer I saw this big church like room with a lot of women in it.
As I got into the centre of the room I saw mom and her mother, together with my mom's sisters. They al made on big circle around me and when that was done the attacked me. All of them even my mother. They attacked me with magic. All kinds of magic hit me at once.

I woke up sitting straight up in my bed sweating like someone had emptied a bucked of water on top of me. All the candles in my room were light up. Strangest thing about that is that before I got to bed..... I put them all out. :o

what does this mean?


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #57 on: November 26, 2007, 01:42:15 pm »
*she gets into a library and collects several books about magical spells. she puts them down on a table to read but before she does that she takes her dairy and writes in it.*

Dear dairy,

I have had to endure alot lately.
First off I was able to watch how a slaver got exacuted in hempstead. it was stacfying to see, but not in the way I excpected it to be.

Several others where ment to be exacuted as well but it got out of hand when a shady figure apeared. and before I knew it many where slain. then out of nowhere a liche apeared. Facinating being I must say. It floated above the ground. and it even fanished into thin ear. I think some of the people there said he used a spell called "Time Stop" just like the words say it's a spell that can stop time.

I'm in a labrary now and I going to look it up in some books I found. It's positive for me now. I'm going back to my wizard studies. it was my first love and It feel better already getting back to studying magic again.  and with everything that went on lately I feel it is time I go back to who I was.

*she puts her dairy away and she takes a book about magic and starts to studie it carfully. after several hours she finishes it. she drinks and eats something before taking the next magic book to studie. this goes on for 10 hours straight before she falls a sleep on the last book she studies.*


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #58 on: November 27, 2007, 01:33:22 pm »
*after several weeks of intens studie in the library she puts down the books she has read and gets her dairy so she can write in it again*

this studying is starting to get to me. and my suply of water and food is running out too. I got enough for a few more days but then I woul realy have to go back again, to gather suplies. for an other few weeks.
I might even try to go to the great library I heared about. I have seen the portal during my last travel with uncle lex and Luna. Luna and I would have gone trought if Uncle Lex didn't run off without us. I might try to go trouhg it some time. If that portal realy leads to the great library I might be able to studie magic there alot better then where I am now. But then again i could get into trouble if I go there.

well we will see. A few more books to read and studie and then I will go back to hempstead.


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #59 on: November 29, 2007, 03:56:03 pm »
Dear dairy,

I'm back in the library again to study as much of magic as I can.
IN the past few days I went outside and I met up with abi again. We talked alot and she finaly got to show me those outfits I made her some time ago.
they look great on her. Althought one might be a bit to sexy for her father I think she looks great in all of them.

I also tolled abi how I thought I was getting in love with someone. Though she kinda helped me get out of it. it seems that guy is a ladies man. Not the man for me that I'm sure. To bad he looked cute. oh well can't have them all.

I also payed my dept to the angels guild quite a bit. only 1675 true left to go.  It won't take me to long now.
I also got to ask dad for a little favor. Since I am planning on one day hunting down that guy that solled me I figured I could use soem help. It would be my first real hunt and I know dad has got alot more experiance then me. I aksed him if he would be willing to help me, and he said yes.

not that I excpected anything else from him but still. he could have said no. I'm glad he wants to help me when the time comes. I just hope I won't forget about it.

Well back to studying books again. I'm going to re-read most of the books I read last time. To try and see if i can get it into my head that way and to see how much I remembered.

*she puts her dairy away and starts so study books about magic like she has done for many weeks before.*