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Author Topic: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus  (Read 1689 times)


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #60 on: November 30, 2007, 04:28:02 am »
Studiying magic is going pretty good. I'm beginning to get cantrips into my head. I'm not going to use them here in the library but I hopfully will be able to use magic pretty soon.
I just need to study some more. I want to be able to use magic again to help me in combat and rogue skilles I have. I am a huntress and magic would help me greatly with it. not just protection but to make me stronger faster and more agile.

It is also a part of my bloodline to use magic. both sides of my family use magic in some way. With dad's family it is to use there bow's better. With mom it's magic all the way. To use it when ever it's usefull. It's because of my mom's bloodline that I am now so focused on learning magic. I already honoured my dad's bloodline by useing there full name: "In'Darsus".

Well back to studying.


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #61 on: November 30, 2007, 01:13:44 pm »
I am done studying for now. In stead I am going to make a list of all the spells of each cirlce and in wich order I'd want to learn them.

that will help me later one with my studies and this way I will have a goal. something to work to.

I'll be starting right away as I have already found alot of books about spells I can learn in this library.

*she dries the ink on the pages and then she goes to the last page of her journal. She takes out an ink made of a collour wich almost has the same colour as the page she writes on.*


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #62 on: November 30, 2007, 06:11:12 pm »
making that list was getting to me so I thought a change of place was in order. I went to hempstead and there I found my uncle lex. Him and I wrestled a bit. But none of us realy won. I was to quick for him and he was to strong for me.

After a while we stopped and started to look what else there was to do. and we found a group of people talking. well it soon became a group. It was more fun when Luna joined up. She and I got to sit on the shoulders of my uncle lex. Both of us at the same time. that was so much fun.

Later on I went to get some silk along with Luna and her student. I forgot the dwarf ladies name. it didn;t go to well. and now I am back to studying again. I want to get this magic and learn it well enought so I can use it in battle.


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #63 on: December 01, 2007, 11:02:55 am »
I finaly got my list of spells I want to learn done. Well i got the cantrips, first circle and second circle spells all written down in the order I want to learn them.

The other spells will have to wait. They are to difficult for me right now anyway.
I will take the first few spells that i think I can learn and master out right now. and then I will studie them more closely and see if I can cast them.

I will first start by trying to cast a light. it's an old favorite of mine. it has helped me many times before. A shame i have to re learn it again. oh well. here goes nothing.

*she puts down her dairy and takes a bunch of scrolles out and starts to work on them. to see if she can cast them.*


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #64 on: December 09, 2007, 08:21:51 am »
So much studying but I finaly got it. I can cast magic again. :)
I feel like a little girl visting a merchant who has all kind of tasty jummy jummy stuff to eat. :p

I got alot of spells to learns till but I know this is the life I want to life. Magic should have been a party of me alot sooner.

I also saw brian again. it wasn;t a pleasent convertation thought. it started good but it ended up in .... well he made me angry and sad at the same time. I knew about berak and Abi and when I said that abi tolled me he said I betrayed him for not telling it to him. :o he ed me off real good with that remark.:mad:
what does he expect of people? that they will tell him everything they know as soon as they know it? they woorld doesn;t work that way. and besides I haven't seen him in ages I was over joyed to see him again and then he starts to act all defensive like this. The basterd broke my heart with it. :(  not just because of what he said to me. but also because I had to see him so alone. He is and acts all alone and right now he doesn't seme to want to do anything else but be alone and willing to push everyone away from him to do that.
I know he had a tough life and all but still, no need to push people away just to avoided getting hurt.

If he keeps doing this he will end up becomming the same monster he thinks his father is. and that would break my heart even more. :(  *some tears stain the page here*

*the following has strong writing marks as if the quill was press on the page to hard.*
Darn you Brian. ......

Life has more to it then all the pain Brian see in it. May the gods curse him for being so blind to the good sides of life. for trying to avoid it like he does now. :mad:

I love brian like a brother and I hate seeing him like this. It tears my heart into pieces.


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #65 on: December 15, 2007, 02:32:30 pm »
*she gets into a rented room with a bath. She filles the bath with hot water and some herbs to make is smell nice.  She also uses some hot water a tubb to but her clothing in that smell like it's been in a sewer. She get her diary and then gets into the bath and relaxes for a while before beginning to write*

What a time it has been. First of I remember Going on a trip with Omer. it was a great trip and we got to talk a bit about love and such. I still don't realy know why but I almost flirted with him.
I talked to Uncle Lex'or about it and he says it's not wrong since Omer is not realy family, like Uncle lex and I am. I also tolled my best friend abigail. She seems to like it too. Besides the him being way older then me part. But I don't care. I have seen Omer one other time since then and I didn;t realy do any thing but stare at him. I know Omer is cute and all but..... I don't think it's ment to be him and I.

I have also traveled a few times with My sister Sil'via. I don;t know if I wrote about it or not but she has started to adventure herself. she has become quite strong i must say, and her songs I have missed so much. I'm glad she is here so I can see here more often. Mom and dad are not but they need to learn we are not children any more. We are adults and can handle our selves.
Mom and I got into a fight about that. It still gets me angry thinking about it.

I also have a sort of a dept with a guy named erik. He raised me in the red light caves and I ...  i am gratefull to him.  I hope I will  one day be able to return the favore, and save his life.

I have also got some new clothing from my dads guild. it has increased my dept with them but at least now I will be able to protect myself a bit more.
I have also gotten my jewelry renewed so to speak. on of the rings now helps me remember more spells of the first circle.

I have also seen brian again. He sort of flirted with me in a way I did not like but also enjoyed a bit. he still pushes people away from him thought. I just hope I have been clear enought to him that i will be there for him when he needs me.

*She puts her dairy aside and rest some time in the bath. enjoying the warmth of the water and the flowery sent of the herbs she put in.*


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #66 on: December 24, 2007, 05:33:26 am »
*she takes out her dairy from her bag pack and opens it to writer in it*

Many things happend and if it wasn;t for my small notes I keep making I would have forgotten most of them already.

some time ago Me and sil'via and some others helped out a bard how got his hapr stolen. we tracked down the group that did it towards the sewers of hempstead. We had to go make a swim in the sewer waters to get to the harp something that most of us couldn't handle. but in the end we got the hapr back and where rewarded 200 true. It's more then byuing e new harp but I guess you can't excpect people to give up something they hold most dear.
//a Little quest by Ouroboros.

I also had some terible time myself trying to handle stuff that happend to my sister Sil'via. She seemed to have gotten the memories of a shade somehow. If I remember corectly she got a shade inside her. and when ever someoen tuches her they see images. First they where terible images of flames, deaths and destruction. and to make matters worse some people tried to help her but made it even worse. I still can;t help thinking the worse when i see how my sisters clothing had been torn on her left shoulder.
Sil'via's memories and the ways she acted turned into that of an child after that, well big baby is more like it I think. it was terible to see for me and the longer it lasted the harder it got for me to handle. she is alright now but events in my families life don;t make it easier for me to do what I think a big sister should do. I always said to myself that i would do what ever it took to keep my own siblings from going trought a simular hell as I did, and I failed.
althought Sil'via seems to be back to her normal, happy, flirting with all guys self again, I can;t help but think she might be keeping it all inside her. To hide how she realy feels about this all.
//result of an inpromtu quest sil'via got involved in.

I also have some good news cencerning abigail my best friend. She seems to have found a person willing to help her train to become a spellsword. this sounds great and I'm happy for her. I hope she keeps me up to date.

I also met this interesting woman. She call's herself Izzy. She has a past liek i do and is now trying to forget it and move on. how ever her past seems to be well known by most people. Even Uncle Lex'or warned me of her. she seemed to have been resposible for some events that almost drove my parents apart. But izzy said that those days are far behind her, and that like me that person died long ago. Call me crazy or what ever but I'm willing to believe her. people like her should deserve a second change. and since I only know of her past by hersay it's easier for me to eccept it all. I know I have gained her trust now. it's because of soemthings she showed me the other day. One day I will do the same. When the time is right. Izzy and I can get along pretty well and I like it. She is more unieke then any one I know off.

I also made a tip to the dragon islands but that didn't turn out as good as I had hoped on. I got to remember next time I'm at a dock and hear knocking on the doors to the dock. that I shouldn't open them. something might get in that can kill ya. and with em it was a treant. I could dodge most of it's attackes but it got me in the end. It got even worse when i saw the soul mother takes a second piece of my soul. I hate it when she does that. it always makes it easier for people to get to me. I'm just gald I know people like Izzy and Sil'via. They cheared me up pretty good.

*she smiles and puts her dairy back after the ink has dried.*


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #67 on: January 03, 2008, 01:02:04 pm »
*she opens her book on a table in the room she rented for the night and begins to write*

I have done so many things again. if it wasnt foor my notes I would have forgoten about many of them.
First I'll start with some good news. I am now taking magic lessons with miss hanna. My first assignment was to learn about the different school that magic has. what they are about and what flaws they might have. I also had to deside wheater I would like to focus on one school or focus on all schools like hana does herself. I will have to find her again to talk about those things. I will also show er what I can do with magic already. and the items I posess that help me with my magic.

I also got some jobs done together with izzy and jaigen. they wherent that hard though.

Alright now for some bad new. get ready it's quite a lot.
first off my depts to the angels guild have gone up to over 8000 true. not that it's a bad thing I already got almost half of it already. I just wish i didn;t by so many things.

I also had a hard talk with my dad several month back. it was about izzy. My dad doesn't want me to be around her. I can tell he hates her for what she did in the past but I know that izzie's past is just that, the past. she is searching for a second change. Just like me. To be honest I know quite alot about her already. perhaps even more then most know about her.
most people who know Izzy's past are warning me about her. But I don't think Izzy would willingly hurt me. She and I are becomming close friends. just like Me and abi are.

Talking about abi I haven't seen her in a long long time. last i heared she found a elf to help train her to become a spell sword. I hope she is doing alright. I can't wait untill the day comes that she is back again.

alright now back to izzy again. She has been trough quite alot lately. first she got bitten by a vampire and nearly turned into one. and not long ago. I saw her on the docks of Vehl. A lich appearently did something to her and she was in big trouble. I joined up the big group she got with her and I staid with her during the whole trip. I tried my best to comfert her and keep her save.
in the end she got rid of the device that she had gotten from the lich. but she was in terible shock after words. so i took her hand and guided her out. I even made apromise to show her my favorite type of bath one day. it will be a nice hot bath with plenty of herbs in it to make is smell like she is she is bathing by flowers. I might even give her a neck massage while I'm at it. i think she liked the sound of it. the bath thing anyway. I don't think I mentioned the neck massage thing.

well thats all for now. all that I can thnk of anyway.

Oh one more thing. Izzy might have pulled some strings with some guy she knows. He seems to have a spare room for me. he is somewhere in leringard if I remember corectly. *she lookes a t some notes*
yes leringard 127 thats the one. I will try and find it soon. I can use a room to store my stuff in. I got way to much on me all the time. and I might even try and save to one day be able to buy the whole house myself. That is if I like the house.


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #68 on: January 10, 2008, 04:46:19 pm »
*she gets into an inn's room and takes a bath. while in the bath she takes time to write in her diary.*

I got a choice to make between two posible rooms for myself. :\\  I saw the one uncle lex'or had in mind for me and it's not bad. I still need to meet with this other guy Izzy said might have a room for me. I hope that guy know's how to behave.

Sil'via was attacked by some people. :mad: I don't know what happend but I found her died body in the craft hall's in hempstead. I know I shouldn't feel bad about not being able to be there for her. But I can't help it, she is my sister and I should have been there for her. :(

I also finaly saw abi again. We had a great long talk and she talked alot about how she trained with an elf to become a spellsword. from what I heared she had a nightmare of a trainer, but it did make her that much better. I think that she would be a match for her trainer in the end.  ;)

talking about abi. a few days later I saw her talking with some poeple in hempstead. not long I got involved in finding a cure for her. she was biten by a vampire. problme with this bite was it was infecting her faster and she was nearing the point of no return. we saved her in the end. well..... bear did. he made a deal with a vampire to cure abi. it worked. I just can't help think what he might have gotten himself into. I don't want to end up seeing abi's heart broken. :(

I have also been able to pay off alot of my dept to the angels guild. I just need to deliver on more thing to miss elohanna and I just might have payed it in full. finaly no more depts. I can't wait. when I have no more depts. I will start saving for stuff I want inside my room. :)

I can't help but hate the fact I got an other secret to keep again. :mad: I can't believe what was asked of me this time. I'm not sure if I can handle it. :(

An other note. I also can't believe that outfit she made. She looked great in it. now that I think back of it. Did I realy said that? is she...... no nevermind. I'm seeing things.

*She dries the ink and puts her book away. Then she takes a long relaxing bath*


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #69 on: January 12, 2008, 03:54:55 am »
I saw him agian. he was in the card emperium in leringard.we talked a bit and He showed me the card game he played and I played a few times to with the children there a boy and a girl.
After one of the games where I won for the first time I notced that Izzy was there to. I went to her and we talked. we got to know each other that much better again and I like it. She even liked the outfits I made. one of them even got her walking around me and it kinda made her...... how do you say. speechless I think. anyway at some point she left as she felt like she might be about to say things she might regret later. :\\ what ever that means. I wished her a good day and .... no wait a minut. I did not. She was gone to fast. :(

Anyway when izzy was gone that guy showed up out of nowhere and asked me if I could realy trust her. I said I know I can trust her but he didn;t agree with me. But then again he is always that untrusting towards people. :rolleyes:


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #70 on: January 17, 2008, 02:54:37 pm »
I finaly have a place of my own. :)  Well almost.:(

Some old stuff still needs to be cleaned out. and I need to dust and clean the place realy good. The owner of the house hasn't been here in a long long time.

I was lucky to meet him too.
I got word of someone having a room trought a good friend of mine. My uncle also has a room so I had to make a choices. This guy had a deal I could not revuse. I am no the caretaker of his house. I have the whole top floor to myself. on the lower floor there are 5 rooms of equal size. one day I will rent those 5 rooms to others. and I will share the profits with the guy who made me the deal.

on an other note. Dad has send me several notes asking me to return to halflake for protection. apreantly some vampire might be after the whole family and I am in danger. well sorry father. I stop running and hidding a long time ago. the only time I hide now Is when I try to sneak past my enemies.

If I read dad's last note correclty some of my siblings might be angry at me.


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #71 on: January 20, 2008, 04:07:08 pm »
*she steps inside her hosue in leringard and sits on the ground still panting heavely form all the running, she takes some water from her canteen and when she is rested a bit she takes out her book to write in it.*

I have so much to tell again. but I will have to make it short.
first thing I want to write down is that I had a lesson with hana again but it got interupted by a guy who clearly wanted some scrolles so she had to go make those and showed me part of the process. I couldn't see her making the scroll because for some reasons I coudn't follow her up to the scribing place.

While I waited father showed up. he went up first but when he got down again father showed me the ritual needed to enchant the bow as his father did before him and all other fathers before them.
It was great to see and I hope to be able to do it myself one day. when hanna got back again she had to go. so my second lesson never got off realy.

and now with Hanna's live in danger I might never get an other losson from her again. *some spots made by tears can be seen from this spon on down*
it happend while abi gave me such wonderfull news. she and bear are going to get married. only one problem she wants me to be a brides maid. I have no clue what it means taht i will have to do. but I will be honoured to do anything. abigail is my best friend and I would never ever want to miss anything so important in her life.

when i asked to abi what  brides maid needed to do a bat droped something next to bear.  it was a piece of clothing of miss hanna. and ever since we have been trying to find hanna. I have lost the others but I will keep searching. I will go to.... somewhere. anywhere. I'm not going to lose hanna. even if it will kill me I will find her. an make sure she is alright.

I will travel the way the elves tought me. Enought food and water to survive the trip.

I have to go. I have had enought rest.

*she packs her book and some supplies and the goes out the house and runs off to find hanna, not stopping untill she does.*


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #72 on: January 28, 2008, 02:59:14 pm »
*tears stain this page and only a few sentances can be read from it.*

The dreams are becomming terible. I keep weaking up covered in sweat all over. it's terible it's.......

*The writing becomes more and more shaking nearing the edn andthe rest of the page is covered in to much tearstains to be read at all.*


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #73 on: February 04, 2008, 03:06:34 pm »
most people are experiancing happy times right now. But i am not one of them.

I have gained back some memorie of when I was on that slave ship. A trerible memory. and if that memory is correct I have no longer got the abilty to get children. I say this because I fear those parts have been removed from my body in a terible way. I had a few months to get over it after I found out about. I found out after a fight in the vehl arena. My dear elohanna was there the whole time to help me. it is she that susbected it after I gave as many clues as I could.

several months latr I thought I was strong enought to tell it to everyone I cared about. So i decided to make a invitation to all I knew. Many came. among them where, my father rain, My brother Elgon, My best friends Abigail and Izzy, My ants and uncles, Ferrit, Lance en several more. after I tolled my story and my suspitions. Dad went walking around trying to controle his anger. Izzy went into her: I-wil-kill-them mood. and Abigail, she started to blame herself and I fear she will never stop blaming herself either, no matter what I say or do.

it is starting to become difficult to handle now. I could handle it when it was just me being hurt. but now, many of my friends are in some way hurt by all of this. and that is hard on me, probably as much as it is hard on them.

some days later I traveled around to gather some supplies from a list hanna had send me. when I ran into a group with Lance, Chaynce, Elgon, ayana and some more. I traveld with them to the black ice ilands and I must say it was nice to be with ayana and elgon again. We spent way to little time together these days.

I will go now to continue gathering the supplies hanna will need. better to have them done as soon as I can.


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #74 on: March 15, 2008, 03:26:18 am »
*Hunty comes into her house and goes up to her rooms on the floor above. She looks trough some chests to find her book. Once found she dust’s it off and cleans it a bit to make it pretty again. Then she opens her book and reads the last few pages before writing in it again. She takes out a pile of notes and starts to write.*

Well I have been unable to write in my journal for some time now.  I have been rather busy. All will be explained within time.

Threas, Junar 5, 1428,
This is the date where I got more supplies from a list Hanna had given me to collect for her. I also remember my sister Sil’via telling us about the fact that she was engaged to her first boy friend Christian. At that time she was worried about it since she loved a man who’s name I forgot.

Satari, Jular 21, 1428,
This day while still trying to collect things from Hanna’s list I met My uncle Lex’or. I tolled him for the first time about the fact I can’t have children and why that god isn’t the only reason for it. Lex actually responded quite relaxed about it. He said that where most people see a problem he sees a reason to find a solution. Those words lifted my spirit that day. I love my uncle that way. He always seems to be able to lift my spirit when ever I am down.

Wedlar, Augra 25, 1428,
An other day in which again I was collecting supplies for Hanna, and even this day I met someone to keep me of my duty. But this day it was Hanna herself. I don’t recall what we did but I do remember that she tolled me about the fact that her twins where killed before they where born. It was a sad day for the both of us. But at least we had each other at that time for support.

I will write down more next time. I got a lot of catching up to do.

*she dries the ink with her breath and then puts her book away.*


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #75 on: March 17, 2008, 03:33:44 pm »
*hunty gets her book again and starts to write in it*

I still have much catching up to do about things that happened. I will write about some more events today.

From Sunra, Novlar 15 untill about Mulnari, Decilar 2, 1428, I spent time with training my skills in tailoring and cooking and collecting the stuff I needed. Cooking and tailoring are my favourite crafts. Cooking because I like to eat and drink good stuff and tailoring because I’d prefer to wear something different each day.

Tunar, Mar 24, 1429,
When I look at the note of this day I wrote something about Sil’via getting angry. I just can’t recall about what. According to my note It was about some stuff that was not her self or something like that.

I also wrote about meeting the soul mother again. Must have been some event after it, my mood usually changed big time after such a thing happens, either in a good way or in a bad way.

I also talked to Izzy about stuff and again I can’t recall what.

Threas, Mai 12, 1429,
On this day I changed my clothing a bit and Izzy watched and gave her approval. She’s got great taste if you ask me. I can’t remember what I made thought.  Doesn’t matter must have been good.

*she puts down her book and lets it dry. When the ink has dried she puts it away.*


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #76 on: March 24, 2008, 03:26:26 pm »
*Huntemara comes in her house again and gets her journal, then she grabs her notes and starts to work though them looking to which are important and which are not. Those that are not she throws away. The rest she uses to write down in her journal. She grabs the first note and starts to write according to the notes she placed on them so long ago.*

Mulnari, Jular 16, 1429
This day I got to see abi again after not seeing her in a long time and we got to catch up again on events that happened. I remember that abi tolled me that she has been having trouble with the fact that she can’t have children of her own because of that god’s idea of us being impure and not belonging here.  It es me off to but I have been able to deal with it for a lot longer then abi has. Abi also had a change of teaching me how to make polishing oils. We also talked a bit about events that happened to me during that time.

Satari, Jular 28, 1429
On this day I had a change to rearrange some of the houses furniture. Did I write already that I got a house of my own now? Well, sort of, I am the caretaker of a house in Leringard and 4 rooms there are being rented out. I got the whole top floor for myself. It’s great.

Threas, Seplar 5, 1429,
I had a trip with my sister Sil’via, Come girl named Chiara, Mel and Izzy. It was great fun. But I got killed in the end. I was raised by a druid of Katia and I only saw Izzy when I woke up. I had expected to see Sil too but she wasn’t there. She said she did came at one point but I was a sleep at that time. That’s what I remember anyway.

Threas, Seplar 19, 1429
Apparently I was in a bad mood this day and got myself and my sister sil’via killed. And sil and I talked about it after. Or so I think. I really need to right down things sooner.

Sunra, Oclar 22, 1429
This day I got to decorate my house some more. I also had a visit from abi and izzy. Both loved my house even when it still wasn’t done yet. Abi and izzy both gave me gifts. Abi gave me a few plants and izzy some true to help me finish my decoration idea’s. Both of them helped me with finishing my decoration of the house the way I wanted it to. Those two are great. With them in my life I don’t have to complain about anything.  Oh and izzy and I seemed to have been teasing a lot that day too.

Oh well enough righting done for one day. Next entry will be a big one since there is something important I really need to write down.


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #77 on: March 27, 2008, 04:34:27 am »
Alright dear journal, today I will write in you something that I will write down about with much happiness.

Threas, Seplar 19, 1430,
I think it started way before this date but this day is like a turning point in people’s lives.
It stated the day before this day. I was walking around and went too haven I believe to do some things. Along the way I came to Hlint and I saw some people near the benches there. I even saw Izzy sitting there on a bench but I wanted to do some other things first so I went around and I think I passed her about 2 times before on the 3rd time I finally stopped for a talk with her. I apologised for being busy and went to sit next to her giving her the usual hug and greeting. That was actually one of those, sort of flirting hugs and greetings I usually do when near her.

After a long talk and some fun with people passing us, I started to feel the effects of a long day of working and travelling and I started to use Izzy’s shoulders as a place to put my head to rest for a moment. Next thing I know I wake up in a strange bed in room I don’t remember having seen before that day. When I looked next to me I saw Izzy lying in the same bed sleeping beautifully, looking as pretty as an angel. I took my time waking up a bit enjoying the few and when I was about to get up she opened her eyes her self and greeted me and I greeted her back.

I wanted to ask what had happened but before I could there was a knock on the door and Izzy asked me to stay quite and hidden. Not a problem for me of course. While Izzy was in the hallway opening the door and talking to someone, I took my time to take a bath. When I was done and dressed up again I noticed there were no voices in the hallway anymore. I went to check it by putting my ear to listen at the door to the hall way but no sounds to be heard. I carefully opened the door and saw no one. Then I put my ear to listen at the front door but even there I could not hear anyone outside. So I opened the front door and went out side hiding as best I could. I noticed I was in Krandor and I went to look around to see if I could find Izzy.
When I did I saw her near a bank and finishing talking to my uncle Lex’or. My uncle went to his home and I stayed hidden as best I could. When Lex’or was gone I came forth from my hiding place and went to Izzy to ask what was going one. It turned out Izzy got a new blade from my uncle. I think It was an adamantium one but I’m not sure anymore.

Anyway we went back to her home and talked a bit more. I listened carefully to everything she said. It turned out she brought me to her house after letting me sleep for a while.
Back at her house she gave me some food and something to drink. She even gave me some boots she found when one a trip on Dregar.  I don’t remember what we talked about after that but I do know that at some time it came to a point where Izzy said something I never thought to hear from her. First she said she didn’t want to say it because she didn’t want to risk losing our friendship and she was talking in riddles. I understood them and I had a good idea of what she was trying to say but I wanted to hear her say the words.
To ease her a bit I shared a similar riddle with her. I think I said something like having a battle going on inside of me and not sure what the result of that battle will be.
That’s when she said she felt like waiting until my battle inside of me was over. And we started to talk about past loves. Well I did about mine, the one that sold me to that slave ship and how that changed me into a cold killer.
We talked a bit more and at some point we came to a part where to me it sounded like Izzy was still unsure about telling something. But in fact she wasn’t she was sure just afraid of saying it. Izzy looked into my eyes and must have seen something in it but the words she said after that I remember even now. She had a stern look over her face and said this:

“no... I need to say it. I...gave my have it since the moment we first met.”

and she closed her eyes right after as if waiting for my answer. Something in side of me faded away with those words and happiness unlike anything took me over. That’s when I noticed Izzy got a tear in her eyes and got afraid. I got closer to Izzy and whipped the tear from her face and hugged her lovingly. Then I tolled her that I have grown found of her as well and while she still looked afraid I tolled Izzy I would never hurt her in anyway. I aksed her how it felt to have gotten it all out, that’s when she said:

“well..not all...let say it all then and get it over with...Hunty...i-i love”

She closed her eyes again and waiting for my reply. This time however I didn’t reply in words but in deeds. I kissed her once. And waited to see what she would do. Izzy was surprised and asked me if I really wanted this too. I said the only thing I feared was what other would say about us. But with her I would be able to handle it. So from that day forward Izzy and I have been what the word... a relation ship of love. You know the kind in which you could end up marrying each other.

Who knows on day Izzy and I will do just that. But for now there are still some people that do not know about this. One of them I’m most afraid of because of what he would say about this.  He needs to know and one of these days I will tell him, somehow.


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #78 on: April 06, 2008, 09:35:31 am »
*Hunty enters her room again and takes her journal and notes. She looks thought them and starts to throw away some notes. When she is dopne she starts to write in her journal using the remaining notes.*

Wedlar, Mai 11, 1431
On this day I got to decorate my house the way it is now. I must say it has turned out very pretty.

Wedlar, Jular 4, 1431
Now this was an exciting day I went along with Abi to some lecture of a mage about some new spell. When we got to a tower we met my dad, Elohanna and some others.
Inside the tower I couldn’t help think about my love Izzy. My dad noticed and asked what was making me so happy that’s when I said I was in love and he asked who the guy was that was making his daughter such a happy woman. I didn’t answer well Elohanna said it wasn’t wise as she knew my dad and the rest of the guild would make it hard on my love. She talked about some kind of test they already put my sister’s love through, Sil’via that is. She still had one at that time I believe.  

Anyway when we where able to go up and listen to the lecture of this dwarf Brac’ar He talked about how he had obtained a book which in the end helped him  make a spell that all of us wizard’s and sorcerer’s  can use. He named it Brac’ar’s fascinating missile storm or something like that. It was a fascinating spell to see indeed. He had combined multiple elemental magic into one missile based spell, an incredible sight to behold.

Tunar, Augra 3, 1431
On this day I went on a quest to get the head of a bugbear warlord. I went with Izzy, Elgon, Brian, Muhk and a monk. It went pretty good since we got out alright. But Izzy said she didn’t like the way Brian did things. I also remember Brian treating Elgon because of something. Brian better not go too far with his treats. Or he might find himself on the wrong side of my personality. Although I know Elgon is capable of handling himself he is still my little brother.

Mulnari, Seplar 23, 1431
On this day I got to babysit my nephew Scotty. He is the son of my uncle Lex’or. Lex and Amilia have gotten such a cute baby. I went to do some cooking after that and I was glad that izzy was there to look after the baby while I got to cook some stuff. At first Izzy expressed a dislike of the child but when I got to sneak up on her I noticed she liked the child and was actually playing with it. It was so sweet to see her play with Scotty like that. It made me realize again how much I love Izzy. I even felt a bit bad that I had to walk in and let Izzy know I was on to her.  She still kept giving excuses for why she didn’t like a baby but to me she ran out quickly.

Wedlar, Novlar 25, 1431
On this day I was finally able to pay of my dept with the Angel’s guild and I even got some new gear. I now have a credit open of 1800 trues which I will use to one day get a fire enchantment for one of my blades.

Mulnari, Decilar 2, 1431
Right this day was one with some troubles in it.
I went on a trip to the dragon islands with Izzy, Abi and some others. Along the way we went into a cave and in that cave Izzy left for some reason. I got scared and I was forces to make a choice. Join Izzy and get out or stay with my friend Abi and continue in the cave. I choice for the last one but it didn’t feel right. I wanted to stay with Izzy and talk to her. She seemed troubled. When we where finaly able to get out of the cave I saw one of the men of the group and when I asked if he had seen Izzy and if she was alright he said she wasn’t. He said that if he had come but a moment later she’d be dead. That did it for me. Without any other thought I ran out of the cave to find Izzy. I found her fighting one of those living trees. She was badly wounded and I helped her as best I could.

When the tree was taken care off, Izzy said she didn’t need my help and went to the boat. Stubborn as I was I followed her and we talked about things when we got to the boat. It turned out she left because Abi was too reckless and could have gotten us all killed. She said some more things but it has been to long since that day so I don’t remember it all. I just know I was glad Izzy and I shared that talk together.  I remember there was a moment that day on the dragon islands where I thought Izzy didn’t love me anymore because of my choice in friends. I was so glad to know I was totally wrong about that.

I also remember going after Abi and talking to her at the inn in Hempstead.
It turns out Abi is feeling as if she is starting to change some how. So many things are happening to her at once, it’s a miracle she hasn’t gone nuts already.
We shared a lot of things that night, things about our lives.  It was great, just like old times …. Well…. Almost.  

*Hunty puts her diary aside and takes a bath after done with her bath she puts the book away in a safe place.*


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #79 on: May 17, 2008, 08:32:05 am »

*Huntemara wakes up after a good nights rest seeing her love sleeping besides her. She smiles looking at her love then gets up and takes her journal out to write some in it. along she gets out a box wich is filled with a lot of notes.she gathers the notes and looks them trough before writing in her journal*

Dear journal,

I fear I have been too busy again to write in you. Because of that I now have so many things to write about.

First of I’d like to write about my father. He and I had several talks together concerning my love. I think he still doesn’t like the idea of me being with someone he has hated for so long. But he said he would give it his best try to accept her.

I also want to write down that there are now 3 people renting rooms in my house: A friend of mine Brian, My brother Elgon, and my sister Ayana. This leaves one more room left to rent out to someone.

Thinking of which perhaps I can convince my twin brother Tristan to rent a room. Yes journal you read it right. My twin brother Tristan has finally finished his training and I have seen him several times now. His strength and skills are an interesting match for my own. Although I can still beat him in a friendly fight, I wouldn’t be surprised if this would change with time.

I have also been working my skills in tailoring. I am trying to make panther leather armour. But I have failed in doing so for at least 5 times, very frustrating. So instead I am going to make panther capes for now. In the hope I can make an exceptional one. I have heard rumours of those capes and they sound great. Perhaps I get lucky some day.

I have also started a new craft. Besides tailoring and an occasional cooking I am now also doing poison crafting. These 3 crafts sound keep me busy for now.

That’s it for now. I will read back in my journal to find information on my earlier trainings with Brian when he trained me to become a shadow dancer. I feel that the ability to disappear even when watched can prove useful one day.

*she dries the ink and the reads back in the journal. At some point she remembers how to focus on the shadows and starts to practise on getting the shadows to move for several hours with no success. She stops for the day and gets to work on her crafts.*