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Author Topic: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus  (Read 1687 times)


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #80 on: September 18, 2009, 07:11:45 pm »
I'm sorry journal. I'm sorry I have left you to collect dust for so long.
I'll try not to let that happen again. But as always.... I can't... and won't make any promises.


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #81 on: September 20, 2009, 05:54:25 am »
I've been working on my alchemy again.

I've seen Brian again. He's fine as always. in his way of course.
haven't talked to many other people. Not that I feel like it, anyway. There is nothing to tell anyway. Nothing to bother them with.


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #82 on: September 20, 2009, 03:06:24 pm »
My alchemy is progressing but not as fast as I was hoping. then again finding those fire beetle's bellies is pretty hard.
It's also pretty quite during my trips. I haven't seen anyone yet. but then again I'm not surprised. I tend to be lucky enough to miss people. or unlucky. I don't care which one fits best.

On one of my trips back to Port Hempstead I met a halfling woman selling pie's.
I bought an apple pie from her and I must say It didn't only smell good, It tasted good too.
There was also a dwarf that wanted a pie. at first it seemed that he wasn't interested as he left but he returned soon. He traded a pie for a boot of sorts, and he sang us a song too. I was polite enough to give him an applause but I wasn't in the mood to hear anyone sing.

I wonder if my mood will ever be any better then it is now.


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #83 on: September 21, 2009, 06:32:45 pm »
Since I have started with alchemy my collection of acid flask's and alchemist's fire's have grown, as have my skills in making them.
I still haven't seen a soul during my trips. That is besides the usual town folk. Do people really hate me that much, that they will do whatever it takes to avoid me? Or is it just me being "Lucky" enough?
It's frustrating, but I can't do anything about it. I've grown used to it actually. The peace and quite are nice, no one to bother you with there troubles.
I'm not completely alone, Safira keeps me company. She and I have become close friends since the first time she came out of her egg. She seems to be the only one that keeps finding me, and the only friend I seem to have left in this world.


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #84 on: September 24, 2009, 02:49:21 am »
During one of my trips to get fire beetle bellies I met Brian and a woman. I'm afraid I forgot her name. She looked elven to me and she was kind to me as well. I wonder if she was flirting with me or just being kind? I wonder this because when I just met the two she noticed I had my belly showing on my armor. They both talked in elven at that time and I even think they thought that I could not understand it. that I think of it, I should have said something about it. I can understand elven you know. Oh well perhaps next time, If I think about it.  ...Then again it is kinda funny being able to understand something that the think I can't understand.

Anyway... She had more times when she was kind in a way that I wondered if she was flirting with me or just being friendly. perhaps she is a xeenite, that would explain it. I'll have to find out.
We went hunting for some giants together. It was great to be able to hunt something bigger then those beetle's for a chance. It was a small trip but I liked it none the less.

I have also taken time to try to remember how to work leather. I intent to make a new armor for myself. I came on this idea because I found my ox and noticed it had a lot of leather on in it's bags. some of those skins are alreay made into 2 bag's. Now I wonder what kind of armor I should make. from lion skin, or Wolf skin? Or both? I'll have to think about it.


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #85 on: September 24, 2009, 07:27:12 pm »
Today I did some more interesting.
Fist I went to Fort Vhell and once there I noticed a sign saying something about a Night of duels. It was great and I had both fun and some great combats. I lost every time  but the last duel was against a dwarf and it was much closer then the others.  I also saw that woman again there.... the one I met the other day with Brian. It seems that her name is duchess. Her act hasn't chanced. Not sure if it's an act or for real.

after a while I got tired and went on a ship to port hempstead. on the ship I had a bit of sleep so once I was in hempstead I felt like trying to see how my old friends from teh angels guild where doing.
I saw Uncle ben there. He said they went on a trip. He and essa, but later on others joined too. An elf who seems to flirt with everything thats female. Hedessa which I've met before, Jako. and some others. One woman looked verry familiar and when I asked her name I found out she was the daughter of Uncle Kyle and aunt ferrit.  Her name is Aylana and she's a sweet girl. She reminds me a bit of my sister Sil'via when she was young.

The trip was great and I loved it a lot. I finally got to kill something else then beetles. For once I had an exciting day again.


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #86 on: September 27, 2009, 04:05:41 am »
Again I've done some alchemy to kill time and to become better at it. I am improving although it's not going as fast as before. I've also made two armors, a wolf leather skin and a lion leather skin. the next stop would have been a studded lion armor but I don't have all the items to make that. And since I can't mine I can't make the studs myself. so I asked someone else. I just hope he gets my note.

I've also been on two angels trips together with uncle Ben and Aunt Elly Others where there too but I don;t feel like putting everyone's name in since it was a large group. The first trip was for some ... titanium I believe. and the second one was for diamonds.

Between the two trips I was alone with Uncle Ben in a house in halflake.
He gave me something to think about. It seems that My mom is close to retire from adventuring. and they think that it's a good idea to let me take her place at the angels guild.
I didn't know what to think of it. I mean it sounds so much like mom is already gone. and I'm not ready to see an other one of my best friends die or disappear. I already lost one to the soul mother and an other one just disappeared. One way or an other they where both a part of my heart and so is mom. I'm not ready to lose an other one. What's the point in loving..... if it only dies in the end.... and leaves behind such a large hole in my heart.


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #87 on: September 29, 2009, 11:39:05 am »
I'm meeting old friends and making new ones.

I met some new people when Essa, a member of the angels guidl and a sweet girl, invited me to join her and some others on a trip. We went to a frozen island and fought the undead that where roaming there. I actually used my blades the whole time and I must say I liked it a lot.
Among the people was a man named Razzie, or something like that. He has a huge ego and flirted with every woman in the group, thinking he's the best. Poor guy even flirted with me.

I'm also searching for Kyle Pandorn. I feel that he is the prefect man to help me with something. I hope he is willing to do it. We'll see.


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #88 on: September 30, 2009, 05:41:06 pm »
I've been training with my blades. Trying to remember everything that I learned when I was young. Besides that I also went to get some more Stuff to do train with alchemy.

During that I met the lady in red again. and she joined me in a beetle hunt.
After the hunt we went to that tower near hlint to do some alchemy. it's there that she showed me her .... how to put it...... Her true colours, so to speak.
I don't know what to think of it. Only time will tell I guess.

Still no word from Kyle. Hope he got my note and when he does I hope he contacts me.


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #89 on: October 03, 2009, 06:28:21 pm »
The letter that I had send to kyle seems to have finally arrived.  he is willing to train me. I'm glad to hear that. It's been a while since I've heard good news. Perhaps this training can not only improve my skills with my blades but also keep my mind away from the memories it's being troubled with.
and yet.... by training, I believe I will also honour the two people that are gone from this world and both where great with their sword. I loved them both, One is dead and the other one seems to have disappeared, leaving me heart broken.

I only have one goal left now. and that's to focus on my training with my sword.


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #90 on: October 04, 2009, 05:22:51 pm »
*as always the entry is written in elven*

So much has happened. I've been running around getting some new ingredients for some other alchemy potion to make. Essence of wisdom and others like it is what I'm going to try for next.

During one of the trips to find the ingredients I saw some people talk to each other on the Stormcrest Crossroad. One of those people seemd to be Dalan's wife. Almost forgot the old dwarf had a wife. She and a lady went out to fight some undead and I joined them. I can't remember ever fighting along side a dwarven woman.

After the fights against the undead. Dalan's wife..(I'm so ashamed having forgoten her name).. asked me if I remember abi. Do I remember abi? Do I REMEMBER ABI? jeeszz... abi was like a sister to me. so i said: "Yes I remember abi. She died long ago. Don't you remember?" I tried my best to hide my frustration which was easy since I was still a bit exited from the battle against the undead.  

"Ah you haven't heard it yet" is what Dalan's wife said next with a dwarven accent of course. and thats when she said that abi wasn't dead. it was some kind of magic trick as Dalan's wife called it.
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I mean it. I was there. I heard it and I still don't believe it. Abi... My pink haired friend. alive? Can it be? or is someone playing some kind of sick joke. if it is someone playing a joke on me and I find out who he is. I'll hunt him down and I'll make him eat the 50 Alchemist fires I got with me. No one makes a joke like that to me.

Dalan's wife said that Abi wasn't the same girl she used to be. she said Abi was Daft in the head. What ever that means. Dalan's wife also said I should go talk with one of the pandorn's for more information as they might now more. I still couldn't believe what I was hearing. but if more people knew about it then it might not be a joke. Could it realy be that abi is alive?

I ran back to hempstead to the angels guild hall and knocked on the door as hard as I could. No one opened so I went to the craft hall's to look for them.
I found Benjamin and elohanna. Being out fo breath from the running. and mind you I was running faster then I ever did before in my life, and it was without any magic mind you.
anyway I asked them what they knew and they confirmed what Dalan's wife said. However they said that abi couldn't remember a thing. still in disbelieve I took a short rest. but after that I went to look for abi at the orc basher shop, knocked on the orc bashers hall's door and looked at other places on Minstone. But so far no sign of her anywhere.

so I send her a bird note. but since she apparently can't remember a thing. I send the note unsigned, without a name. at the time It sounded like a good idea. but right now I'm not so sure anymore.
I also wonder what I'll do when I see her. My heart tells me to jump her and hug her and kiss her and hug her and and.... all of that.
But my mind tells me to calm down and that it might be better to wait and let her remember by herself. I have to think about it.

On a side note I went to a demo of Brac'ar's facinating missile storm. and the story along with the demonstration where ... wel ... facinating. I even got to be a target for Brac'ar's first demonstration of the spell. This was an honour I will remember for the rest of my life.

I also saw Uncle Kyle again. I had some fun sneaking up to him from behind him and blind his eyes with my hands. I then chanced my voice and asked him who I was. it took him a few guesses but he found out. we talked a bit and he explained my up coming training a bit. he said that by the end of the training I won't see my blades as objects any more. Sounds like I would have to call them Huntemara's left- and Huntemara's right hand. or perhaps I will call them after the two people that inspired me to start training to become a weapon master, and Abigail is one of them.


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #91 on: October 05, 2009, 06:32:07 pm »
*just like before. This entry has also been written in elven.*

I have been looking around a lot. for Abi. but no luck finding her. It's tiresome, mostly in my mind. I wonder when I will finally find her. I'm still not sure what I would do when I do find her.

To kill time I do a lot of Gathering and alchemy. after I was done with my latest alchemy attempts I met Storold. We talked a bit and eventual went on a trip together. it was fun and I actually got to kill some giants and trolls all by myself. But of course Storold had me protected with powerful magic, but still, it felt good. He even called me a giant killer and a troll killer. What will he call me next.
 During the trip I found out that mithrill is a metal that is better then the adamantium of which my blades are now made off. I went to the Angels guild to find out if they had any. But no such luck. Talking to Ferrit has give me an idea. I'll just have to gather some more info and see if I can pull some strings and who knows.


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #92 on: October 06, 2009, 03:04:32 pm »
*The whole page is written in elven*

I still don't believe how this day has gone by. first of I went to do some gathering of beetle bellies like I always do. and it seemed like the lady in red wanted to do the same thing. so we went and got our beetle bellies together. and after that we went to morakens tower to work them into potions.
When this was done we went to Vehl to do some the same with the venom sacks I got. however as I went to enter vehl I bumped into Razy. Crazy guy. but sweet in his own way. the three of us talked a bit. The red lady and I had some fun and it seems that raz know's aof a clothing shop in Leringard. and wanted to be the third party who would judge the outfits.  Crazy guy, but he's fun to be around.

Although the thing with razy wasn't the funniest thing that happened.
As I went to mariners hold I saw Mister trouble. I talked to him a bit and I think he was about to say something when he got suprised by something behind me. and as I turned around I saw 3 guys. not just three guys, but Triplets. Verry creepy in a way, they had the same armor and such. one of them however was a real gentlemen and a flirt. he saw me and introduced himself by kissing my hand. Can you believe it? he actualy treated me as a lady. ME, a lady? this I wanted to see. So I let him have his fun. and since this guy... portie I think his name was... and his brothers I believe they where had to go hunt some creatures with trouble and to do trouble a favour not to be alone with those triplets, I joined in. I just wanted to be kind towards trouble. It was a fun trip and this portie guy kept being a gentlemen flirt all the time. the other two where a bit more quite. one blushed all the time and the other one ... well. He was just ...not speaking at all.
all in all. it was an interesting day. I'm now off to Dregar to get some chestnuts which I need for alchemy.


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #93 on: October 07, 2009, 07:04:00 pm »
*the below is written in elven*

I don't have much news to tell. I'm still looking for abi.
But I can't find her.
I wonder where she is and what she's doing right now.
Where ever she is,
I hope she is well protected.

Because I miss her.

... And I don't want to lose her again.


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #94 on: October 08, 2009, 06:32:03 am »
//this was started in Kyle Pandorn's CDT -

*the whole page is written in elven*

I had my first lesson from Kyle. I'm calling him Master Kyle now.
I wasn't alone though. A guy called Amgine or something like that was there too. We had our training in the Vehl arena.
First Kyle took us both for a sparing match in the area itself. he blocked or avoided all of my attack's. It was really frustrating I must say.
Luckily Amgine had just as much trouble as I did. Despite the failure to hit Master Kyle. He said we weren't bad. He could have fooled me.
According to Master Kyle I was still relying to much on my strength and that that it wasn't in how hard I hit. But in where I place my strikes and how I focus my strikes. It seems that this focus is how I can become one with my blade.
The next hour I had to spend fighting a combat dummy to learn how to place my strikes. I should get one of those back home to practice on.


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #95 on: October 08, 2009, 07:47:19 pm »
*the pages below are stained with blood and tears. The writing is not only in elven but more sadly written then Normal*

I can't believe it. I saw her,.... she's really alive. Abi is still alive.
I saw her when I walked trough the woods outside Leringard. Whitehorn I think it's called. I was in the forest for a while when I  saw her. She was playing with a squirrel. I didn't want to disturb them so I waited until they where done.
She Squirrel saw me and went up to the tree.
It's at this point that I noticed some strands of pink hair floating in the air. and my heart started to beat faster and I was so hoping it was her. We started to talk a bit and during which she looked up the tree a few more times to look at the squirrel I'm sure.
Then her hood fell off and I could see her face. It was her..... It was truly her. I was so shocked to finally see her again. that I was to stunned to say anything. Then she sniffed in the air and i was hoping she would recognize me. I think she did. but the reaction I got was not what I expected.

She grabbed her sword and it light up and her expression changed into fear.
She snarled at me and yelled at me that i wouldn't get her. That she has seen me and that I am... The Hunter.... and that she knew I came to take her back and that I wouldn't take her... and before I could respond she lashed out at me and gave me and wounded me badly. She ran way after that. I tried to follow. But I was to wounded to keep up.

What happened? why does she fear me? what's happening.....*the rest of the writing trails off the page. the rest of the page is also covered in tears.*


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #96 on: October 09, 2009, 09:35:26 pm »
*She takes out a lose oak page from her bag. She puts it on the table and starts to write on it in elven.*

For now I will have to be writing on lose pages. It's because I went to see Elohanna to talk to her about what happened when I finally saw Abi again.
I tolled her everything. The place where we met, the things abi said, even the wound she gave me. I think the wound will remain a scar. but only time will tell.
Elohanna said that she will try to talk to Abi.
To see if there is anything she can do to help her know that I'm not a threat.
That there is no need to fear me.
In order to help Abi, I have given Hanna my diary. If she thinks it helps Abi remember, She can give it to her. I trust Hanna with this. I know she has the wisdom to do what's right.  All I need to do now. Is wait..... and hope.

Don't worry Abi, I will never lose hope in you, my friend.

*She wait till the ink dries after that she gently put the page in an envelope and in a bag.*


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #97 on: October 10, 2009, 09:24:26 pm »
*She takes out a lose oak page from her bag and starts to write on it in elven.*

Today I went to Dregar to gather some chestnuts again when I saw a big group out on a hunt. A giant hunt as I found out quickly enough.
I joined them and we all went to the forest west of Corax Lake, to take on the giants.
It all went very well. and we even got to go all the way down to the cave. as wen went back up we found ourself trapped. some giants had barricaded the way out. We went to gather together to talk about what to do and as I heard it we where going to try and talk our way out.
However when we all go to the barricade some mage in the group trough a fireball at the barricade and with it hit some of the giants too. I think that mage was that old man in red and a white beard. I hate him. Because of him we had to fight our way out. which went well we got past several other barricades. and as I made the last turn on our way out of the cave... I saw a flash of light.

Next thing I knew I woke up with a healer above me. I felt weak and confused. It took me while to get my strength to sit upright. When I did I saw I was in Vale and the rest of the group was there too. I saw three others who where on the ground and look in a really bad shape. perhaps even dead.When I ask what happened a woman the others called Hanta came to me and explained what happened.

She said that she was right behind me when we where on the last turn to get out of the cave when she saw a flash of light hitting me and I dropped down not breathing any more. In other words I was dead.
The others tried to kill that giant but could not get a single scratch on him and he killed 3 others of the group. The rest could only escape with the help of the invisibility spell. The 4 of us that where dead where later thrown out of the cave by a giant. The others brought us to Vale to be healed.

I'm here now as I'm writing this. Just to get some more rest. It can't hurt sleeping outside in the open sky for once.

*She waits for the ink to dry and when it does puts it in an envelope with the pages from last time.*

//OOC this was a Impromptu done by the DM Sea Dog.


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #98 on: October 12, 2009, 07:21:01 pm »
*She takes out a lose oak page from her bag and starts to write on it in elven.*

I've been keeping myself busy lately, I've done a lot of alchemy and running around to get the stuff for it. Some nuts here, some there, some on an other continent. Keeps me busy and if I get lucky I will get some true from it. Because some of the stuff I am making for someone I met. I'll make a batch for her and after that I'll see what I'll do. If I still like doing it I might go on, if not...

I keep myself busy to try and forget what happened between Abi and me. But for some reason the cut she made isn't healing properly. It has been a while and I don't know why it isn't healing up. If it's something she did with the blade, or perhaps it's my mind that's preventing it from healing properly. Perhaps I'm just to impatient. I don't know.  I should see a healer about it, but ...*The ink looks as if more was about to be written but there was a change of mind*

Some better news is that I've seen my sister Sil'via again. She looks good. We weren't able to talk for long but we promised to catch up soon. I can't wait to hear her stories. I wonder what she has been doing all this time. perhaps she has a new love in her life or something. We'll see.

*As before she waits for the ink to dry and when it does puts it in an envelope with the pages from last times.*


Re: Writings of Huntemara In'darsus
« Reply #99 on: October 13, 2009, 08:27:39 am »
*She takes out a lose oak page from her bag and starts to write on it in elven.*

Well guess I did something smart today. I had been invited on a trip by people and I tried to get to them by taking several boat rides to different places. However I got stuck on a port town called "Strot". Since there was no bank to be found I could not get any new tickets for a boat ride home.
I fought I'd be stuck for a long time until I found an entrance to a swamp. Despite the warning sign I went trough and found myself in a swamp.

I walked trough the swamp using my invisibility spell. I saw several creatures that thankfully could not spot me when under the invisibility spell. I even saw this big skull in the swamp. I went inside hoping I could get some gold or find a way out to an other town. However I saw some creatures inside which I had never seen before. So I decided to get out before I got into trouble I could not handle.

I went further into the swamp. When all of sudden a malar panther came out from his hiding place and attacked me. Before I could respond it got his first attack and hit me. Next thing I knew I woke up in Port Hempstead. Some way to get back home.

*She waits until the ink dries. Then she places the note in a envelope with the other Notes she wrote on before.*