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Author Topic: Eleandilethessa Quil'lyn - nature or nurture?  (Read 875 times)


Eleandilethessa Quil'lyn - nature or nurture?
« Reply #60 on: September 10, 2010, 08:12:28 am »
*This journal entry is written in dark elven. Duchess has known for some time her common is not good, and hopes the nuances she needs will be easier to write in her own tongue.*

Well, it seems we may have started our house...or at least make the first steps.

Ni'haer and I have been lovers for nearly a year now, and he has taken me into his confidence on some things. I still do not completely trust him, but he is ascending and so I should rise with him as well.

He had to go to the Deep to meet with the priests of Baraeon Ca'Duz and we enlisted the help of Steel as the muscle, and To'ryll as the priestess. I still dislike that woman most strongly and would see her lowered into a deep pit...but Ni'haer needs her so I will allow her for the moment.

After a long struggle we eventually got to the city of Olath Lieanirmecwylaan and To'ryll went to her temple and I followed Ni'haer to the one of Baraeon Ca'Duz.

He raped To'ryll (I can not think of there union under any other terms) to produce a daughter and then we made love for many hours to conceive a son.

We spent two years in that city and made many attempts to make inroads into their societies. By the time our children were born, To'ryll's was taken by her priestesses and our son was handed to the Dark Silk Weavers to be trained, in what I hope is for a future of power.

I tire now, so I will write more when I have the energy, but for now, this marks a new change in direction for me, and.... for my own house now.

