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Author Topic: Journal of Talmorn Kurem.  (Read 139 times)


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Journal of Talmorn Kurem.
« on: April 16, 2007, 06:06:16 am »
The lost tome.

I met a women in Hempstead, good looking too. We talked for a while and i explained about my plans to launch an expedition to Krashin. She then, informed of her own plans. She was to set out to Dalanthar far from Mistone, a smaller city which i doubt holds importance. A woman there named Jennara had asked for aid. A tome of importance to the clergy of Roferein had been lost. Stolen by thieves or worse. They say it was Drow. Nine of them in total. The tome's story is a bit of a mystery it seems. Some journals of wars long gone and perhaps magic i dont really know.
In Dalanthar a handful of people had gathered to aid miss Jennara, i explained her why i've come. Not the truth ofcourse, but that i've come to aid her in her mission. Saying that my curiosity and greed had let me there would hardly have been a wise action. Anyway, we set out from Dalanthar heading for a distant place in the mountains where a battle had taken place, a battle of the Drow that had stolen the book and a Rofereinite. Whether or not said person was human or celestial i cannot say. I'll look into that later on. The battle had ended with a dead Drow and the Rofereinite dead aswell. No traces left in the windy, snowy mountains. The group had visited the gravesite earlier. But fealt they needed more evidence from it. That did not turn out as they planned. All we found was a rogue giant, wind and snow.

After that the group set out to North Point. Where group memebers had contacts in the church or Aeridin. The high priest there was semi informative, he seemed truthful enough although somewhat secretive. Silly priest kept some perssonal files of his clergy to himself.

After arriving at North Point we learned little else of the tome or the battle that had been going on in the mountains. The tome..apparently had been gone a long while, maybe even thousands of years. And in that time probably shifted hands many times. From  good to evil, evil to good. And so on...
Pyyran, a member of the group had at a point recieved a mission from an old man in North Point. This was 2 years ago, the mission was to retrieve a book, he recieved payment up front (which already makes things spooky) A diamond  he said. He and a few others was lead by a guide (Old man sent the guide with them) to the place of the book. This book had a claw on its cover (same as the tome the Refereinites lost). As they got close to the book a "heavenly servant" appeared and asked for the book. The guide lied his tail off and before the servant could do much the guide had its head. Pyyran and the guide left with the book (guide had the book) He mentions that reading it, or staring at it im not sure. Made him "dizzy". So whatever was in that book it cannot be too good. (note to self. do NOT read it!)

The Dwarves in the group had a story aswell that resembled that of Pyyran's and the Rofereinites. A man, they call him Kenson tricked them into believeing he was a distant relative to them. They showed Kenson how to pass protectors of a book somewhere in Saudiria. And Kenson fled from the scene with the book. The Dwarves are very secretive about it. Stubborn, dishonoured by him so not very talkative about the matter. Anyway that story was supposedly the same book or atleast similar.

The group now has little to do. Not much is known, and what is known is mostly guesses and notions. The group splits up to search and investigate the little we know of the tome, in hopes of finding where to search for it. Or who to search for. I myself will search in the libraries. All i need now is where the hell the libraries are...


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Re: Journal of Talmorn Kurem.
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2007, 02:35:11 pm »

During my travels with a foreign priest and druid. I've come to learn a bit about the god known as Mist. Usually one heard about from sailors and local fishermen in Vehl, but here these two devout people from a far away city have come. And great things have been performed i have to give them that. The priest, known as Hjalmar raised a fellow companion back from the dead, it was utterly disturbing to see him pull his soul back from where ever it was. And other things aswell, as the way they are able to call down the wrath of their god onto others. Fire and lightning amongst other things. Hjalmars friend Favner shares Hjalmers powers in some ways it seems. He too calls down lightning, yet besides  somewhat simple means of healing i've seen little things from Favner. If anything it would be his mood, as it changes as the wind and weather. One part of the day he is calm as the morning breeze. And as the day progresses so does his temper. Hjalmar has on a matter of occasions tried to influence me, so that i might see the "greatness" of Mist. And to some extend he is right. I see it in him, and Favner. They have a certain way about them that other people do not. Maybe that is mist. And i cannot say that i myself fit too well in the local society. Maybe i should too pray to Mist. I shall see in the time to come if im ibe if Mist or if im just Talmorn, the godless. Maybe my soul belongs to somewhere entirely different then Mist.


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Re: Journal of Talmorn Kurem.
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2007, 09:59:41 am »
The lost tome contiued.

After searching the great library i found little knowledge i could use to get the investigation going on where the  tome is. All i found out was that in Krandor a scholar lived, a specialist on the author of the tome. His name was Ruben. In his house i found a note where it stated that Ruben was on his way to Hurm meeting a guy called Kuhlat, and that he carried alot of trues for this Kuhlat. In Hurm the group and I found him on the docks sitting in the inn. City was pretty upset and alive since the meeting between the city leader and a pirate was to be held soon after. Anyway more or less the emtire group went in the inn and people started throwing accusations towards Kuhlat. Trying to get him to speak. In my honest opinion trues would have worked but hey...they didnt seem to give a . Kuhlat for some odd reasons didnt liked to get pushed around and gave me the impression that things were to get heated soon, so i bailed and fled outside the city walls. Later i heard most of the others were thrown in prison because of their little bar brawl. I waited outside the walls for some time. Im not sure, i stayed hidden and wary so time flies. Kuhlat and two others appeared. Kuhlat had his hands tied and a hood over his head. It was Storold and Rhynnala from Jennara's group that brought him. I made my way to them and joined them.

Kuhlat had apparently led a certain Kenson out in the wild to some odd location, where the book was...or Kuhlat had stashed it. I dont know.
Kuhlat gave his word that he would not make any trouble, all he wanted was to be untied. He even wanted to help fight our way there. Fair enough deal i thought and so we did. We travelled for days and headed further intot he mountains. At some point it was clear to me that Kuhlat was scared. The beasts in those mountains we're savage - and he was  right. A large wolf jumped Storold as we were passing some cliffs and we quickly put the beast down. But it wasnt an ordinary beast, it had years of combat marks on its chest. Scarred and toughneded from it no doubt. And another peculiar thing, it had jewelry on its body. was somekind of druid, or some sick druid putting jewelry on his pet..nevermind that. We met several beasts which we killed, some we simply disabled momentarilly and moved on.
At some point Kuhlat and us did not want to go any furtheer...the beasts were too savage and the weather tough. So Rhynnala and Storold made him show where exactly he had led Kenson, and what direction he had seen him move to. After that they told him that he was free to leave, a fair deal they made i thought. Even thieves have honor, and he kept his piece of the bargain now it was time to keep theirs, and let him go. Thats where it gets creepy. After Kuhlat walks away...Rhynn and Storold starts to whisper and the next thing that happens is that they hold him with some foul magical spell. And assured Kuhlat that they could NOT let him go. I was appauled...terrified. They were actually going to murder him after they: 1. Made him show where Kenson was brought. Even though it was against his own simple but still - Code of honor. 2. They made him fight at our sides for a few days. Not once showing any signs of retreat. And still they choose to end his life...i fealt like puking at the time, and i feared for my own life, if they would kill Kuhlat like that what made them stop there? SO once again i fled, ran as fast as i could into the deep snow and as long as i could. At some point i think i fainted from the cold and physical stress. But never the less i woke up again. And made my way back towards Hurm. Appauled by humanity, sickened to the bone. The group im travelling with is clearly not right in their minds. They all wish to find this book, but all have different agendas. I will consider if my own part in this is worth, knowledge, adventure.
What i do want is some kind of scheme to avenge that hateful deed these two monsters performed that day in the snow.

//Talmorns trust in people have been crippled. Distrust is now his first impression of people.

