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Author Topic: Dreams of a Sun Elf - Elohanna Min A'Litae  (Read 697 times)


Re: Dreams of a Sun Elf - Elohanna Min A'Litae
« Reply #40 on: February 17, 2007, 10:54:02 pm »
While I sit here beside the fire at Lake Rilon, many things swim through my mind. Melanna, among them. I have sent a letter to Lord Rodor in hopes that he will grant my request to hold her memorial service outside the keeps walls. I have also requested that consideration be made for her to be admitted into the Hall of Heroes and that Glurgle, his son and the Healer be allowed to attend the memorial as I know they would wish to be there.

Lately I have also been remodeling the rooms in the house Rain has given me in preparation of having a home for the freed slaves to live. The home with the help of Tahletril is becoming very warm and comfortable and I hope that along with it the love of myself and others will help to restore faith and self worth to those we can help.

Tahletril is a great friend and a huge help and inspiration. His heart is large and I pray that he finds peace to know that truly his cause of helping the one he loves is a noble cause. I hope that his beloved understands that it was out of love he left in search of helping her. He is an amazing person, who I hope finds peace with his brother as I know that family is so very important.

I suppose what truly made me realize this was that with the loss of my sister and best friend having those around me who I love and cherish has helped to ease the pain I have felt within.

And as I am about to start fishing again something most strange happens. Out of nowhere really and out of their normal home, a lizardfolk has made its way into the sanctuary of Lake Rilon. I pray this is not the start of something bigger but hopeful just a chance occurance.

And Aeridin please keep Rain and the children safe. Please protect Lex’or, Sonya, Kyle, Ferrit and the others as they journey to find out who is behind the threats and possible deaths of their family. I could not bare to lose any more of the family I hold so dear. Yet it seems beyond my control to be able to be there beside them and find myself forced to stay behind. Should the worst happen as Lex’or has said it, and Rain has written in his will. I am needed here.

Aeridin bless my friends and family.

Elohanna Min A’Litae
Daughter of the Light
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Dreams of a Sun Elf - Elohanna Min A'Litae
« Reply #41 on: February 18, 2007, 03:27:50 pm »
Jako Stonehill
Chapter Fourteen

With the letter sent the only thing left to do is wait, and so I chose to do so at my favorite fishing spot. Fate knows not what lies in store but this day I should meet with Jako on my way. As I met him I noticed he was hurt pretty badly and set to heal him as best I could with what supplies I had upon me. A brother and friend in the Angel’s I was glad to see him.

It seems from his mutterings that the bugbears had gotten a hold of him and hopefully he gained the upper hand. I am sure he did from his appearance as one more hit and he probably would have not been there uttering under his breath.

After tending to his wounds as best I could even without him asking, I could feel he was grateful anyway for the assistance. Inquiring of him further though, as the curious elf I am I asked him where he was off too.

He simply said, “Almonds.” I immediately knew where he was heading in my direction as well and so we set to prepare for our journey there. I was thrilled as Jako and I hardly ever got to talk and this was an opportunity for us to become better acquainted. So off we headed toward the Lake, to the catfish, apples and almonds.

When we arrived there, I thought we might wind up going our separate ways and then it occurred to me that in going for almonds he would be passing through Giant territory. But there was truly no need to fight them at all and so casting invisibility on us both he was able to gather the almonds he sought with relative ease without a scratch to show for it.

I couldn’t help but the surprise that seemed to come from him, “That was really smooth! Usually I have to fight them.”

Then I explained that the way I acquired most of my supplies was through invisibility, and asked him if he had seen the temple the Lake. He confessed he had not

“Have you been to the temple near here?” I asked. As he further confessed that his own ability to hide near the giants usually failed as he got close to the entrance. And so I asked him if he would like to visit. I know I had been there often enough it would be easy to pass by with a bit of magic to obscure us from view.

After a bit of discussion we set off to the temple, invisible and our strength boosted to help us to get through easier.

Once within the safety of the Minaret of Symphony as its called, with the Giants far behind us unable to follow through the thick underbrush.

I smiled as I looked back at him putting his armor back on and that he had to take off to fit through the tight space, furthering that this place was safe from the Giants intrusions.

Further down the path we walked through the flowers, he was fascinated. And then my thoughts expressed themselves since he had never been here before I wondered if his wife had. “You should bring your wife here some time. She would love it.”

“Yes, I will.” He said sincerely and then my own question bubbled forth before I could stop it. “Are you planning a family with her?” I smiled being nosey. His own question taking priority of my own though.

“Who uses this?” He asked, explaining further. “Its an Illsare temple.”

“It is beautiful.” His reaction mimicked my own the first time I was there with Erk and again when Lex’or had shown the temple to me. “Feel free to take your time exploring. There is a lot to see. There is even a steam bath here.”

There were many things we talked about along the way, and I think he wanted to save the moment to come back with his wife, which was fine by me. As we didn’t stay long. It felt as though something was troubling him, perhaps the way our conversation had gone. I wish I would not pick such things to talk about that seem to trouble my friends but it seems to be the fate of things lately. Perhaps it is to make us face those things that we would rather not face but should.

After we made made off our own separate ways. Him picking as many almonds as he could and me fishing and collecting apples. I came back and could see the familiar white stag that has brought comfort to me so many times. Nuzzling his soft nose against my face as I ventured close to it. I wish all creatures were as friendly and seemingly understanding.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Dreams of a Sun Elf - Elohanna Min A'Litae
« Reply #42 on: February 18, 2007, 08:51:49 pm »
Lex’or Gravedigger
Chapter Fifteen – Part I

As I made my way back to hopefully catch some fish, I looked up to see, Lex’or there. His familiar presence bringing a smile to my face.

“Lex'or!” I said happily.

“Hello Hanna” He seemed pleasant. To which I asked, “What brings you here? The fish I hope?” I had hoped that he would answer my question to confirm so that we might spend sometime together enjoying each other’s company.

“Didn’t expect to find you here.” He said.

I smiled, “No one ever expects to find me...But its a pleasant surprise I hope.” He nodded. “Would you like to join me?”

“Of course.” He said.

I couldn’t help but smile more. “Ah thank you dear! Do you have worms for fishing?”

As we settled him to be fishing while I started a fire for the fish, I couldn’t help but let out a sigh as I knew there was something troubling him. He usually was happier but something was bothering him as he was unusually quiet. And I could not let it go.

As we began fishing and he settled in he began, “There is a lot of things on my mind lately Hanna.” He continued to fish, adding a worm now and again as the fish seemed to want to play with his line but not bite.

“Such as.” I figured as much as was on my mind and I needed to talk about. He could use a ear to listen. “Or perhaps starting at the beginning would be best?”

“First, the letters me and Sonya have been receiving.” It was about this time Jako approached us. “Hello to you.” He said. And I smiled, “Welcome back Jako!”

“May I use your fire?” he asked, and an “Of course.” Escaped my lips. “I wish I knew why this was happening Lex'or, with the letters.”

“Well someone has something against me and my sister for some reason.” He said.

“I can't imagine why unless there is something your parents never told you?”

“I mean, to threaten M'lord Darsus and her kids.” Lex’or went on. About this time Jako left in search of more almonds.

“Then there is Dalila.” The disappointment could be heard in his voice. “I told her of how I felt for her.”

“And she does not feel the same?” I asked watching him carefully.

“And like you it’s not shared back, friends and big brotherly like is what she feels. There  is a lot of reasons behind it, some are good, one is wrong.”

“How is it wrong? Please explain Lex'or.”

“Like you she took a decision for me, without leaving me the choice. The second fold is that I know she feels she would be a burden for me in my work.. Which is so false. I explained to her the duty of a undead Slayer the way I was taught of them by M'Lord Quantum.

That the mission is more important than anything, and that in the party the undead slayer is the most important person of all, that I should always keep a double of my spells for me and me only. I am sure that it is at that point that she felt she would become a burden to me, but you see there is a point I did not tell her that day.”

“Why?” I asked curious as to why he wouldn’t be completely open to her.

“A point that changes every thing.” He said further confusing me and causing me to question him.

“Because at that point I had not even realized that point.” He said.

“Perhaps you should tell her?” I said questioning almost curious if he realized this now why he hadn’t told her already.

“M'Lord Quantum is a Toranite, I am an Aeridinite. Even if I become an Undead Slayer, my first duty is to life.”  

I was comforted by this, and in my own thoughts I hoped it would also comfort her as well when next they spoke. “Her love would only strengthen you, That could never be a burden.”

“I know, I told her that point. When I had realized it.” He said

“Still she is convinced?” My heart went out for the frustration Lex’or must be going through. “Yes.”

“There is so much I wish I could tell you to explain to you who she is.”

I knew that I would not wish for my secrets to be shared with someone I barely knew, and so I tried to stop him.  “Out of respect for her I ask you not reveal those. She trusted her secrets with you I am sure.”

“She is scared because of her past, that she can not forgive her self for some things, and that I think she thinks that I would move on and completely forget about her.” He continued but with no great detail yet it was enough to understand her a bit more.

“You forget about anyone? Unlikely.” I saw him half smile at that. “I know you Lex'or you would pour your heart into the love you feel certain you hold for her.”

“but.. I saw her how she held Elyam.” The smile on my own face brightened as I had seen the love on her face too for the little one. “She would be a beautiful mother… and you... You would be a great father. I saw the way you held him too.”

“She has this way about children.. Part of her past... and.” He smiled a little, “Can you imagine the little bugger had such an effect on her that she even forgot to give it back to Sonya for a few days. He was well fed and all and I helped her for the time she had him

She grinned, “I am surprised that Sonya let him out of her sight.”

“and yes... he made me rethink a lot of things. Sonya trust her as much as she trust you with the kids.” And that was when I made the admission.

“I am so afraid of having my own. I can't even imagine it.” I told him.

“Why are you that afraid Hanna. You would make a great mother.”

“Sonya and Rain’s are the closest I think I can get. I don't know Lex'or that I would be a good mother. There is so much I want to do in my life.  And risks that I am taking and I don't want to put my children in harms way.”

He nodded slightly as he understood, “And this is mixing me up a lot. Since I have held Elyam...” He stopped, and I understood his path conflicted with his want for a family.

“Being a Undead Slayer you are afraid of having a family.”

“Aye, It wouldn’t be fair for them.” He said to complete his thought.

“That is how I have felt too. Knowing that I could have only a short amount of time left. I don't wish to cause that pain.”

“Hanna. whether you have children or not, when you will leave, people will get affected, wheher you want it or not.” I knew he was right but the bond within families are always the hardest to loose. I didn’t wish to put anyone through the same pain I had  been through losing my own parents.

“You can't stop yourself from living because of that, As Aeridinite, we have to help people live their life to the fullest, that also means us.”
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Dreams of a Sun Elf - Elohanna Min A'Litae
« Reply #43 on: February 18, 2007, 08:52:11 pm »
Lex’or Gravedigger
Chapter Fifteen - Part II

I smiled trying to change the subject, “I have been trying to help as many as I can.” I wanted to tell him so many things that came to mind and the first of which was my encounter with Leoric. “I met a curious fellow that has even made me think... about things.”

“But you are keeping your self shut on certain things,” But I had piqued his curiosity and successfully managed to change the subject. “oh?”

“His name is Leoric. A lost Aeridinite who came home.” I smiled gently up at him a pride within me that I have never felt before and wanted to share with Lex’or. More of why I felt as  did.

“I never thought I could be so effected but he stopped to really listen to my thoughts and how I felt, and the journey ended with him at the temple. His enthusiasm was so encouraging and refreshing. It made me wonder about my own path. That if one person is willing to listen, could their be others?”

“A lot of people are willing to listen Hanna.” He injected.

“But are they willing to truly hear?” I sighed deeply trudging on to the entire reason I brought up Leoric. “So its made me think.”

His question simple and to the point, “about?”

My own answer not willing to totally give just a simple answer, nothing about this decision was simple or easy to understand, it was heart felt and as if a calling placed within me that the path I was walking was furthering me towards the final decision.

“About truly dedicating my life to the Lifebringer in the purest sense.” He looked at me, and misunderstood at first. “And closing yourself to life again?”

“No” I answered simply, at least that much was simple. “That wouldn’t be dedicating my lfie to the lifebringer, but completely opposite.

“So tell me, What do you see as being truly dedicating your self to the lifebringer.”

“You, Alleina, and Eghaas you have made that commitment.” I was a bit dizzy as I tried to explain but tried not to let it effect the path my thoughts were going. “Oh?” There again he went with a simple answer to a complex situation. Why does he do that? But I tredged on.

I smiled trying to make light of the conversations obvious importance,  “Lex'or you pry words from my mouth and thoughts so easily stop that!”

Now he smiled, “I just want to make sure you understand it Hanna.”

“I was curious as to how difficult it would be to become a servant of our God. Such as you have. There is much I need to understand. Much that I don't, but I am willing to learn.”

“Such as I am?” Alright so I confused him yet again and had to clear my head and just come right out and say it, rather than circling around things and confusing him further.

“Yes to become a Cleric of Aeridin. Perhaps I am foolish in my thinking.”

“I am no way near being the perfect cleric or Servant, but it is the heart and will that counts, now even if my heart is to someone, my will is to Aeridin and what ever he would ask I would do.”

“My heart feels so strongly lead by him and his will Lex'or.”

“It is an every day, minute, second commitment Hanna. You have to be ready at any moment to do his work. You have to have faith in him completely and undeniably, even when the worse falls onto you, you need to keep you eyes on him.”

“That’s just it Lex'or I see it in every action. As the sun rises even though I can't see it. I can feel its effects struggling within each of us. I just have this overwhelming feeling inside me.”

Standing up slowly I couldn’t just sit, I wasn’t sure that anyone could feel or understand how I felt. “I can't begin to explain what it is like.”

“Let it out Hanna.” He said gently as I know he wanted to try to understand.

“It's as if this desire to help others is more important to me than anything. The desire to help free the slaves only a small part of it. That lately when I see others in need I can't help but stop and want to listen or heal them.”

“Hanna… Would you give your life for a complete stranger.”

I couldn’t help but turn and look at him, puzzled he would even have to ask such a question. “Of course I would!”

He continued his questioning of me, “Without any regrets or second thoughts? Without hesitation.”

“Lex'or how long have you known me to ask such a question? Of course I would.” How could he even doubt me? Did he doubt me.

“Long enough,” He said. “But I also know your dream, and your desire not to hurt anyone.”

“My dream could cause my death Lex'or. I would gladly give my life to see some freed though.”

He nodded, “I am probably a dying breed in our order Hanna.” I understood as I had yet to see another cleric, or know of another undead slayer.

“To see free will restored and see the smile of someone who comes to realize they are not just a possession.” I felt weak having to defend my heart and the way I felt my path was being led and forced myself to eat a bit of fish.

“What you do as a cleric you do without wish of reward. None what so ever.” Now I was growing frustrated that he questioned my motivation that he thought I sought fame or fortune perhaps for why I was walking down the path I was.

“Lex'or, do you think I seek reward? Do you think that is my motivation?” I was beginning to grow increasing frustrated and had to know exactly what he thought of me.

“I think that in your heart, your heart needs to see the good of what you do.”

A more simple answer I could not convey and more heartfelt. “My heart is pure for this Lex'or.” As if that is all that needed to be said and he smiled at me. The gall of him to turn my heart upside down and question me in such a way and then he simply smiled.

“I think you have what it needs to be a cleric.” All the nervous angst and worry and I felt like I was going to faint, hardly the water that passed my lips could convey the relief and worry that was settling over me as I heard those words come from him.

“Although I am a bit surprised to the kind of commitment you spoke of Alleina and Eghaas.. and putting me in the same basket. They are not clerics.”

“There faith seems so sure when I do speak with them. And so clear.”

“I just thought.” I shook my head at the confusion that seemed overwhelming at the present moment, and again that infernal smile crossed his lips as he spoke. If I didn’t know better I would say he was enjoying seeing me so confused. “The faith of someone is not measured by the power he has, Well…for a cleric and paladin yes, As it is by our faith that we are granted the favor of Aeridin.”
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Dreams of a Sun Elf - Elohanna Min A'Litae
« Reply #44 on: February 18, 2007, 08:52:38 pm »
Lex’or Gravedigger
Chapter Fifteen – Part III

“I almost feel like a traitor to him in some ways recently.” Again my mouth opened before I could stop it.

“To who?” he asked me. And truth spilled from my lips in more abundance than I would have liked but I trusted him to understand and hear what I was trying to say and the thoughts I needed to convey to him. “To Aeridin, not by intention but by heart.” I could see his frown as he almost demanded an explanation.

“I would hope he would understand though.” I started, “I had recently been speaking with someone who is a follower of Pyretechon  and Rofirien.. It is different though than that that we as Mainlanders know and come to see as the normal way we…associate them.”

I saw him wince at the name. “You do know that I have good friends and you to know the order of Rofirien.”

His own reaction was my own, “That was my own, until I listened closer to him.” I knew his reaction was at the mention of Pyretechon, but he spoke of his friends of faith to Rofirien.

“They are neutral to us.” He continued.

“I know, Daniel is my dear friend.” Before I could say anything else, he stated the obvious and the most conflicting part of this entire situation.

“But our faith are enemies of Pyretechon.They strive for the destruction of all life.”

“I know that too Lex'or, but you have to understand... To listen these people and their beliefs.. They are not the same, as we know them to be.”

“As we strive to the protection of all life, until it is deemed ready by Aeridin for that life to end.”

Sitting heavily upon the ground, I felt defeated before I could even have a chance to explain. And he continued, “Hanna.. people can mold their beliefs into what ever they want, but the basis of that belief will never change.”

“Their god is a god of destruction and he would not hesitate to try and destroy Aeridin.”

“These are a remote people with a finer and more clear belief than those of those we consider our enemies.” I tried to make my point but his resolve remained strong as my own began to whither in defeat.

“It does not matter when it comes to who they serve… I will always respect the person.. But the faith… I can not.”

“It is the people I see.. Not their god.”

“Not when it comes to the destruction of the circle of life. Hanna your desire to serve Aeridin has mold you into what you are, by his will and by yours. Now if they call themselves follower of pyretechon, that will happen to them to.”

“In away these people are fulfilling the ways of Aeridin without even truly serving his name. Just simply by how they do believe.”

He shook his head in disagreement, was I even speaking? Where my thoughts only clearn in my mind in heart but I could not seem to convey to him the complexity and gravity of why I would choose to see a similarity between these island dwellers beliefs and those of Aeridins. “It is so hard to explain clearly.” I tried to say.

“Do you understand, seek the destruction of all and every thing?” that is when I lost it and began to fumble with my words, twisted within and desperately praying for him to understand.

“That is not their intent! At lall.. all.  Have you ever met Tath?”

“It is the intent of who they follow, and the more they will grow in it, the more it will take hold of them.” He was so sure of himself that there was no possible way that any follower of Pyrethecon could possible be seek anything more than destruction.

“As much as the more you grow into Aeridin, the more you want to do his work.”

“I do Lex'or!” I wanted to cry but tears would not even form or come from the confusion within.

“Then you have to understand what I am saying.” He sat down near me. “”I wish you could feel what my heart does inside... I wish you could see them as I do to understand.”

“I am not allowed to Hanna.” His words pierced into my very being. My whole life, the core of who I have been, has centered around understanding where others are not willing to listen.

“I can do no justice to them by the words I speak.” I looked down at the ground torn inside by my admission that I wished to be more to Aeridin to do his will and now because of my own admission of compassion and understanding and willingness to see things different. I was defeating myself and my heart, and possible that I had become a traitor to the one I loved more than any other in my life.

“We have a duty to life... all life.”

“And isn't that also understanding? Listening?” I asked not hopeful of the answer I would receive.

“Understanding the person yes.. but we can not be fooled by their beliefs.” Am I a fool? am I gullable?” Then his words stabbed at my heart with their truth and doubt. What if he was right. “They will use their best apparel, their best words, to make their enemies doubt. any one, not just Pyretechon followers, but all who are enemies of Aeridin will. because they know Aeridin is the god of life, and all life passes by him.” As I shook my head denying the truth I still felt in my heart I was right. “You have to keep true to yourself, but far most true Aeridin. If it is in your heart to become one favored by his divine power, Yes if  you see one that is sick or hurt, you must try to help as he is life, but you have to condemn their choices in destruction and lust for it.” Looking down he continued on. “No mater how, benevolent they seem to be, their faith is the same as the clerics of their order, and in the end… They will seek the destruction of life.”

I wanted to say something but stopped myself this time.

“I know you wish to see the good in all people Hanna, and I respect that and in a way I do try to see it to, but I can not let my will to see that go against the will of Aeridin.”

“Consign Layonara and all of its attendant races to oblivion. Do not preserve; preservation is not the way of Pyrtechon. Only in the purity of absolute destruction can the world be cleansed.” He stated the dogma of Pyretechon.

“For one moment in time, as long as I have known the enemies of our God their intent has always been destruction, but what of a people sheltered from that evil... are not the same?”

“The fires of The Destroyer will purge this place, life plays no part beyond its brief dance in the flames. Glory in destruction, and do not cease until all life is extinguished.”

“You can not follow a god and be sheltered by his will and order.” He was adamant but I was too in having my question answered.  

“Why?” I asked.

“Because it is a seed, a seed that grows. It can either corrupt or it can bring good.”

“And would not a seed grow differently depending on where it is planted, could it not adapt and grow still?” I asked.

“In our case the seed is the seed of life and goodness. In their case it is the seed of destruction.” I resigned that I could not convey how I felt so I felt it necessary to ask him to hear not what I had to say but to listen to the only one who had made me see things from a different light. “Could I ask you one question Lex'or?” I wasn’t sure he heard me as he continued.

“To be able for that seed to flourish in that way Hanna, that person should be removed from his faith, and his faith removed from him.”

Once he finished he allowed me to ask my question. “Would you take the time to speak with Tath?  Please? And Daniel?” Almost pleading with him.”

“I can speak to him.. But I warn you, to change the way faith orders me to see his is to risk myself to fall out of the favor of Aeridin. I speak often with Daniel and I consider him a friend.”

“Then speak with him and Tath.”

“He serves justice, and in justice there is preservation.”

“I was speaking with them both.” I let out a sigh looking into the leaves wondering if Lex’or could ever understand. I know I understood his devotion and dedication to his beliefs.

“I am sure Daniel did not see him as a good person.” Lex’or said, “as, Rofirien and Aeridin are enemies of Pyrtechon. You have a good and golden heart Hanna. You do have to be careful that this heart will not interfere with the will of Aeridin if you want to become a cleric.”

To see the good in people is commendable, but seeking the good over what their actions are and will be with time will cloud you.”

“The drow are supposed to be enemies of my people Lex'or... but yet I am friends with Zergon. Is this not betraying my own people?”

At that time a lady approached I was not familiar with, approached as she asked if she was intruding. I was in some way grateful for her presence and in others not so sure.

Lex’or then continued to answer my question. “Zergon, Hanna could not be considered as a drow.”

“How?” I asked, and about that time Omer approached us too. Lex’or explained. “He looks like it, but his heart is not one of a drow.”

I nodded and greet Omer, but listened also to what Lex’or said. “He rebuked their ways. Ask your self if Tath would rebuke his god.”

I think Omer could sense something was wrong as he squeezed my arm but headed away.

“Talk with him and then ask yourself that same question.” I told him. “I need some time to think.”

“The only way for him not to become one of his brethren in time will be to rebuke his god.” From my point of view Lex’or was wrong. And maybe by talking with Tath he would understand my own point of view.

He followed as I left and I just needed time away to think to understand as no one seemed to understand me. “Hanna I am sorry that our views are not the same on this.”

“I will go then.” I said wishing to have some time to think on my own. I wish I could have stayed there and listened to him continue but I couldn’t. In the moment I felt no one could understand, and I grasp the tome and vanished wishing to sort out my own thoughts.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Dreams of a Sun Elf - Elohanna Min A'Litae
« Reply #45 on: February 18, 2007, 08:52:59 pm »
A Soulmate or Friend?
Chapter Sixteen – Part I

As the lake faded from around me I felt the familiar home of my best friend. As I came from the room he had been letting me stay in. He walked up to me. “Are you ok?” His voice of concern.

“No.” I said.

“Lex?” He asked.

I wanted to cry but kept from crying. “I wish he could understand as I do.”

His words were comforting, “You don’t have to tell me, unless you want to. I am here for you if you want me.”

Situating myself on the floor in the middle of the hallway, I wanted to cry. I wanted the tears to fall but they refused.  

“It is the apprentice thing?” He sat with me trying to be there for me. “No, Not at all.”

“Oh.” He said as his brow raised.

“I tried to tell him that I felt as if I was being led to more than just a follower of Aeridin.”

His brow furrowed not understanding. I would not expect anyone to understand. I did not completely understand myself.

“That things had been happening recently that have made me felt led to be more than just a follow but to dedicate my life to Aeridin completely.”

“Your faith has grown that much with Aeridin?” He asked.

“I am starting to believe that it is.” Again his questions. “You feel you have been chosen to be a priest?”

I faltered, stumbled, “I don’t… I don’t know..for certain. It is so confusing and made more confusing by speaking with Lex’or.”

“Why is Lex all spun up?” He was curious.

“Have you met Tath?” I asked.

“At the lake...” came his reply.

“His people, his upbringing are followers of Pyretechon AND Rofirien. But to understand his people’s views you would have to talk with him.” I tried to explain.

“I’ve visited both temples…” He said. I was slightly shocked but continued. “That in some ways their beliefs mimic those of Aeridin and the great cycle. From my point of view though.”

“You are very smart.” He said I think he was trying to be encouraging and I appreciated it deeply.

“Within my heart I felt I should be running from him, as his god is an enemy of Aeridin. but I felt as if I needed to stop and listen to him. He didn't strike me as someone I should run from.”

He stood and listened. “Even Daniel listened to him and understood.”

“So you are becoming close to Tath?” He seemed concerned. “We are only friends, I would like to think but we met only the once.”

“Lex is upset because you like to talk to someone from another faith?” He sat down his brow seemingly furrowed more.”

“Lex is upset because he feels that I am blinded by my heart and he thinks as most that followers of a faith must see things only as their doctrine dictates. Within any faith though there are different interpretations.

“You met him once and he claims you are blinded by your heart?” He asked.

“My willingness to see the good in all people.”

“From the little I know...I agree with you.” His words were like a comfort to my heart that I needed to hear at the moment.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Dreams of a Sun Elf - Elohanna Min A'Litae
« Reply #46 on: February 18, 2007, 08:53:19 pm »
Friend or Soulmate
Chapter Sixteen – Part II

“Elohanna can I ask you a question?” Intrigue and wonder of what could possibly have him feeling this uncertain he could talk to me. When I hoped I always conveyed to him he could trust me with anything.

“Of course He.” There was not even a second thought or a moments question.

“A personal one?” I was growing concerned that he was being so careful. I wanted him to know for absolute certainty he could ask me. “You are my best friend of course you can.”

Finally his headed nodding his brows furrowed again. “Do you seek a family, kids, husband, grandkids? Or does your heart seek a companion to share your life?

I looked down having to be honest with my best friend but in the same instance it meant being completely honest. “I am admittedly scared by the notion of having a family of my own He. I am scared so much of leaving them behind and not being able to take care of them as I should.”

“See myself, I can't imagine a family I am so dedicated to my books. I like kids...if they are someone elses…” I couldn’t help but laugh a bit, “I know what you mean.” He continued. But sometimes I feel lonely for share my life. Not that our friendship isn't great... But I don't know that marriage is what I seek...perhaps just intimacy…”

“How do you feel…I've always wanted to know...considering we are both buried in books most of the time.” He stood pacing as nervously. I had never seen him like this and I had to know exactly what he meant. Completely take by surprise at this admission, or why he would be asking me except that we are such good friends. There should be nothing we can not talk about.

“I....I... please tell me within your heart what you mean by intimacy He? I need to understand what you are asking.”

“Telling I feel.” He sat back down. “I’m asking you how you feel. What do you want in life and relationships?” His furrowed brow growing more tense.

I answered truthfully the only way I could, “All my life I have known only one true love and that was that of my parents. And then... I met you.... and there has been something special with you I wished to share with. But you confuse me. And then Lex'or and his lady friend. I don't know her name and I don't want too.”

But It made me realize that I could not ever give my body to anyone outside of marriage. and yet I am so afraid of it, but there is a closeness a bond I want to share so purely that I feel strangled by it sometimes.”

“Elohanna if we were to become more than we would need to be married...I understand.” His face was so sad I wished I could take away the pain I had just caused him. The tears began then. Seeing the hurt and disappointment to my very best friend. I never wished to cause him.

His confessions were staggering me but I knew, I had always known. “You know that I love must be enough.” He looked into my eyes with those eyes of a childlike innocents pure and sweet.

“I could always feel it in my heart and that is what confuses me.” Why did he have to be so sweet, so tender when I was falling more for Eghaas. Why now of all times would he chose to confess to me of his love.

“I will be supportive when your hear seeks another. I promise.” How could his sweet words hurt me so deeply.

“I don't know that I should be seeking any other, even as close as I feel to Eghaas.” He was so sad so upset within. I could feel as if I was ripping my own heart out.

“Just..just know that I love you and you can depend on me as your friend, always.”

I couldn’t speak I could only hug him tighter as I felt myself shaking with the confessions. He hugged me and then the most unexpected thing happened I could not take in the moment. He kissed my cheek.

The feeling of goosebumps rippled across my skin and I had to pull away. The promise I made to Melanna fresh in my mind. “I have to go...I have to....” I was dazed in that moment confused and dumbfounded as if someone had just cast a enchantment over me.

Running as I never had before, I ran from his house, the tears burning my eyes, and ran until I found myself kneeling in front of the statue of Rofirien. Praying that Melanna’s watchful heart knew I had not meant to break the promise. I had not expected…I didn’t know. I must have cried myself to sleep there, as I felt a hand shaking me gently, and I moved out of the temple. Where I was going to head I had no idea. Somewhere though, someone to understand. To help me make since of what my heart felt.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Dreams of a Sun Elf - Elohanna Min A'Litae
« Reply #47 on: March 01, 2007, 06:44:25 am »
Elohanna Min A’Litae

To say where I have been, started well before then. It started when Melanna died. It started when I stepped inside of Hlint. It started when I left Saida, it started when He died. It started with my parents passing. And then…And then it began the day I was born, not so many years ago, in the life of an elf, but it was over a hundred and sixty five years ago. A time that seems like an eternity to some, but only a blink of an eye to others.

Not so long at all to those of my kind. It started then and it hasn’t ended and it may not end ever. What has began though, you might ask. Is a change within that began. I see things different. I understand differently. Why? To be a guiding light perhaps? To be shrouded in shadows being the light that shines?

My entire life I have lived given the name chosen by my parents. Why though? Why did they choose the name? Elohanna Min A’Litae, Daughter of the Light. Of course upon reflection, being a sun elf seems the first and simplest answer. The sun is in my blood, it sustains me, I draw strength from it. Even when the clouds shroud the world in the cold and darkness, the sun remains to help us distinguish night from day.

For awhile my own soul sunk into the darkness along with the rest of world we have fondly called Layonara, forgetting that the sun is not the only source of strength, but that it is all of you. It is those that dare to share their lives with others. Even if for only a brief moment in time they are part of it. They have a most profound impact to effect who I am, and who I become, and what I might be able to share with others.

Melanna, she taught me dedication. She taught me patience. She taught me determination and understanding. She taught me devotion. She taught me friendship. How? She was herself and it was because she was that I learned to allow myself the patience to understand her. The  dedication and determination to fight for what I believe in. The friendship to forgive and forget transgression done against myself and others. She taught me to stand devoted to my friends and help them along them as much as I can.

The day she died I let myself hold onto her memory and bury myself within those memories trying to hold onto her soul. In doing so betraying everything she stood for. Her memory will always live within me, and I needed to realize that by letting her go, I am not betraying her or her memory. But by letting her go I am letting her soul rest. It is time to put the past behind me, not to forget but to remember it is because of those moments shared with her, and her life shared with others, that I am who I am as much as my parents are still apart of who I am. As much as Eli is apart of me in the magic that I weave and as much as he is part of the weave itself that I draw upon to help others in the name of Aeridin.

Being away has taught me also that as much as I think I love Omer, and as much as I care for Eghaas and wished to grow our friendship. I am not ready to commit to either of them. Nor to anyone else. I was a fool to think I understood what my heart wanted then. I know my heart is seeking something and I have been trying to reach out to them both to find what it is. I have
let the words of others shout so loudly in my ears that I forget to listen to my own heart and mind as to what I truly need. Perhaps Omer described it the best. Companionship. Although it is not just one to whom I seek to be a companion too it is many. It is sharing my life with all those I hold close to my heart. To devote my life to the cause of helping others, my life and my purpose is clear. I do what the clerics can not, I go where they can’t. I bring to the darkness the light of the life giver. I protect those I can, and I even end the lives of those whose time has come. Not because it is my call to end the life but it is Aeridin’s will to have me where I am at any given moment to serve him.

Rest in peace Melanna and know you are never forgotten.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Dreams of a Sun Elf - Elohanna Min A'Litae
« Reply #48 on: April 22, 2007, 03:29:33 pm »
I would have never thought or dreamed how some things fall in place while others fall apart, A sweet glance, against a cold look of loathing, a tender kiss of the wind's warmth against the bitter cold bite of snow nipping at my soul.

What began as a simple expedition has become a grand adventure, which I never wish to end. I thought I knew before. I thought I understood. I thought....then, but now I know with all my heart that now...I absolutely know.

I know he feels it too, the way he looks my way. The way he smiles. The way he listens. The way his breath feels against my lips. The way he understands my thoughts perhaps more clearly than I do. He feels my passion and my heart more deeply than I could have imagine possible.

I feel it in my heart like a tidal wave and it pulls me further into his grasp so gently. When we are apart it is as if the tide has recessed from the shore but as soon as I glance upon him again, it washes back over me and draws in even more into its gently grasp. I do not fight the current, but embrace it for all its worth and let it surround in its serenity and peacefulness.

You do not always know what the next moment will hold, or understand how it will progress. Sure you might convince yourself that you know. You might even be right. You do not know, truly know something, until you feel it take over you in such a way you want it to continue to hold you forever.

That is how it is with Krysthalien, my beloved, my soul. The sound of his voice like a sweet melody that is worth singing joyfully over and over again. The breath of his that blows softly across my lips just before he kisses me that makes my heart soar with passion that I unable to get enough of.

The shadows that once lingered in my heart causing doubt are no longer there. They have ceased the moment he took my hand in his, the moment he took the chance and spoke the words, m'love, barely above a whisper that touched my heart in infinite ways to wrap me in an eternity of happiness.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Dreams of a Sun Elf - Elohanna Min A'Litae
« Reply #49 on: April 24, 2007, 11:08:29 pm »
*within the folds of her journal is the first of letters recieved from her beloved, folded with the utmost care and love to preserve it as long as she can. If you look close enough it appears that once a falcon held the letter but other than the small markings the letter remains perfectly intact. The note reads in a artistic Elven flowing cursive.*

Hanna, my love -

After our night together at Corax Lake I have returned to Quantums house for meditations and prayer. Early the next morn I set forth, bound northward to where ever the fourwinds would take me.

There I found Hawklen, resting aside the path leading to the Forest of Fog, towards the giants domain. I erred in pausing to speak with him, forgetting that darkness is usually near at hand with that one. Soon the Dark Elf Del'Mar was there. The mere sight of him angered me, and we exchanged harsh words, his remarks further fueling the flames of my anger.

Thankfully I refrained from taking it further. It was all I could do to hold back. I walked into the woods doing all that I could to restore proper balance within my mind. I took to the shadows and made for Vale, where I knelt in meditation just east of the village at the safe camp site there.

Tobias - that silly elf we met while you, Tyrian and I were speaking together - he met me and invited me to journey with him. Shortly, thereafter a dwarf, Gravas, joined us and my spirits improved as we journeyed northwards, fighting giants and enjoying each others company.

Later our group reached Dalanthar. A small mob was there, variosu groups talk of arriving from various parts, very chaotic. As Ill spirits had returned to me, I kept my best to keep quiet about a number of things going on there that did not sit well with me. Regrettably, I voiced my opinion of Kinai in the Fair Tongue, intending only for Tobi to hear this, but another named Wil, a druid from whom you perhaps know, heard my utterance and immediately judged me, scolding me on the spot as if I had somehow committed some great wrong, saying something to the effect that how could someone who claimed to be so good could say such a thing.

Wil's judgement and words did not sit well with me, other than pointing out to him that he was the one making judgement, I held my tongue.

My remark to Tobias and not Wil, had been that Kinai cannot open her mouth without detracting from the sum total of the realms wisdom. I do not like her, she is confused to the point of insanity, and her recklessness does nothing but hurts those around her. I consider her a lost soul. After repeatedly try to gently lead her from the course she has chosen, I have given up on her. Let her keep the harvest of her own error - perhaps she will learn that way.

Part of the mob followed Tobi, Gravas and I into the ore hills and the mines there. Constant Chatter whereas I needed solitude to ponder and right myself. After Tobias fell to a Treant in the Sinister Forest nearby simply because the mob was not working together as unit, I knew it was best to seek solitude once again.

Many seemed to be troubled about my low spirits as I bid them goodbye.

I write you to assure you I am better now, having meditated for an entire eve. The stillness and focus has returned to my mind and after sending this to you, my love, I shall embark on a journey through Dregar, alone - to places where I know I can practice my arts without the help of others.

I am well and look forward to being with you soon. Holding you close; savoring your kisses; when we are together there is such harmony, such warmth, peace, joy and love. Truly I was meant to love you, to give you all that I can and more. Until soon my love, until soon.

Devotedly Yours Forever,
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Dreams of a Sun Elf - Elohanna Min A'Litae
« Reply #50 on: April 24, 2007, 11:51:13 pm »
*Delivered to its intended recipient in a similarly flowing Elven cursive, from the practiced hand of a scribe, another letter is delivered.*

Please take to heart within, That Del'Mar would stoop to such levels that would force you to sink to his. Please my love, take comfort that we are one and I am there with you always. I will never leave your side even when we are apart. Let those thoughts guide and comfort you as they do me, even when anger takes hold, when the world's chaos begins to weigh heavy on your heart. Remember Us and remember our love.

I love you dearly Krys with all my heart. I would do anything to ease your pain, to quiet the anger you feel and I do understand your misgivings about Kinai. I barely know her myself as we have only met briefly but that she warns you of Daralith, lends more to her credibility. Although I am glad you are being cautious.

The thoughts of your arms around me again, the understanding that resides within your heart. Your compassion and trust of me. You Krys...are the one I have longed for in my eternity. When I think of our love. When I close my eyes and feel your arms around me. My thoughts, my hopes and my dreams become reality. I find the ways to speak to others, the truth of the love between us.

I have spoken to Omer, knowing that I have hurt him deeply, which was not my intention. The truth is though...the truth had to be spoken. I know right now he feels lost and alone, and all I can do is provide comfort I will always be his friend, what was between us had to change though.

In a moment of our hearts becoming as one. It was meant to happen that I would grow up and let go of the past and even some things I was holding onto. It doesn't happen all at once, it takes moments of perfect timing, but they do happen. I hope he too realizes this. So clear the path seems, but it just seems that way.

There is an absolute truth though that binds our souls together, and that is I truly love you!

Omer told me had I not been so besodden by you. He would have asked me to marry him. It took but only a moment for me to reply to him. As I admitted to him that for once in my life, I know for absolute certainty. I am where I am meant to be. I have never felt more sure.

He could have tried to dissuade me, but I think he too realizes just how much I love you with all my heart and soul. You have me completely Krys and I would walk to the edge of this world and back again to face Corath, himself, if I had to, to prove that to you. I know you would never ask such a thing.

For An Eternity We Stand Together As One
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Dreams of a Sun Elf - Elohanna Min A'Litae
« Reply #51 on: April 29, 2007, 06:06:18 pm »
**Hanna receives a falcon note containing the journal entry, above, and an additional note*

Hanna, my love-

Sharing with you my recent contemplation
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Dreams of a Sun Elf - Elohanna Min A'Litae
« Reply #52 on: April 29, 2007, 08:34:50 pm »
**Recently her time has been spent within the confines of the city of Port Hamspstead, a beautiful city but nothing like her Elven homeland. She is sitting near the fountain at the Tribute to Allurial when a letter is recieved from her beloved and along with it his most recent contemplation's. She smiles as she opens the letter and begins to read.**

Hanna, My Love-

Sharing with you my recent contemplations I wrote while sitting on the benches looking out to Lor Harbor. I love you so much, as our lives continue to blend together into the most beautiful of harmonies, I wish to share everything with you - including my thoughts, sentiments, and perceptions of these lives we are living together.

Until Soon, my angel.

I am utterly yours, forever-



Anger. Hatred. DelMar defeated me the moment I let these take hold within my consciousness. Pride was involved as well as afterwards, likely even before I erred, as I thought I had these forces of the mind well under control; yet in my arrogance I stumbled in my walk along the Path.

Every battle is won or lost long before the clash of arms.

Truly, I find much solace in that Hanna is with me in mind, heart, and spirit even though we may be oceans apart in forms at times. I love her more than words could ever say.

Yet I shall never forget Eliharas lesson that the warrior treading the Path of Return stands alone. A lesson learned deeply during the past months before I came together with Hanna. I found within my own heart a deeply abiding love for myself, an ability to accept all that found imperfect or undesireable about myself or my lifes experience - some how I learned how to truly love myself.

With respect to Hanna, I love her deeply. I trust her and our love. She inspires me and I feel she is always with me.

I believe that to some extent, each and every sentient being perceives that which we call the future with varied degrees of uncertainty. Yet the future exists only in the imagination, all that we have is a series of momentary perceptions as the mind rapidly skips from one thing it perceives to another. Even the past is nonexistent - as any event in the past is open to as many interpretations as their are perspectives of it.

I have digressed thus, merely to record my impressions for future reflection. The more I learn of myself and the nature of being, the more I am truly humbled.

Vulnerability. I have been deeply hurt in the past by what I conceived at the time to be love. Wounds have healed into scars - I dont resist or deny any of these, but rather do my best to open myself entirely to each moments experience, that I may learn and grow. I have found that with Hanna, this sense of vulnerability, of fragility I have is nothing that I should resist or condemn myself about experiencing. It is simply there, and I have perceived some of its causes. When I keep my self utterly focused on each passing moment it vanishes altogether. And even though I am far from mastering the virtue of moment-to-moment focus of consciousness, I grow in trust and love for Hanna simply by allowing this sense of vulnerability exist on its own terms. And as that trust and love grows, the vulnerability fades and old scars begin to vanish.

Life experience is soothing, gentle, kind, and nourishing if only we allow it to be.


Revisiting his letter and the contemplations accompaning them, she smiles as she folds it tenderly and clutches it close to her heart. The fondness of memories they have of recent time spent together is shown within her heart and appearance of a soft radiance about her. There souls have truly connected in a way unlike any other and their journey's of the body, although apart are shared together as one spirit, as they come closer to being one heart, mind and soul. From their perception there is truly no greater love than that which they share, in an amazing blending of shared perceptions. Their understanding of each others souls and the way they can see into each others lives is as if clearly looking through time and knowing that even beyond it they will always be together.

He constantly amazes me with the way he thinks, the way he feels, his very presence that I feel every moment of every day. Truly there is not anything that we can not share that the other would not understand completely. However I feel compelled to share with my beloved my own contemplations and reasoning behind what has gone through my mind; even though it has already been felt, sometimes truths need to be spoken if for no other reason than so it is written and preserved and perhaps understood by those who may wish to one day know that their own decisions may be understood by others and they not feel bad about doing what they feel at the time may be questioned by others, although we may not always agree. We must open our minds to understand that our view is not singularly our own and to hide from our own feelings only serves to shuts away the beauty that our perspectives may bring to others around us.

My Beloved, Krys

I wish to explain to you, to truly express to you, the way I felt before we embraced each other. I know you will appreciate the weight in which this weighs on my heart.

I was resigned to live my life alone, I had convinced myself that I was truly meant to be my friends companions. I wanted to be to them their best friend. I wanted to be trusted as someone they could turn to when they needed someone and no one else would bother to listen. I was settled and content to be this one true friend. I was ready to bury within me all my own feelings and become to them what they needed most.

No one has been able to get past the barrier I had placed, to see so clearly into my own heart, to understand my feelings, to feel my soul and touch it so intimately as you have by your own perceptions, devotions, intentions and generosity.

I do not question your motivations, I do not fear you. I love you so much, I accept you completely and unconditionally as you are. Our differences are our strengths we bring to each other and bind us for eternity as one. I can feel you as no other, as I walk my path with you, wherever I go. When my feet touch the snow instead of flinching, I am blanketed so warmly the snow is fleeting.

I can not express in words, what your compassion and devotion mean to me, and when I said I wish to have your children. I do! A happy home full of little ones to share our love with, to nurture, and to guide with the love that we share. I can already see them reflected in the joyous tears in your eyes as you hold them so tenderly and with complete adoration.

You are so right my beloved, the future does exist within our imagination. The steps we take are only our perceptions of what will be. If this is true though, our steps together are just one way in an infinite number of ways we could have chosen to live, but that we chose to live them with each other is truly amazing and a gift from on high. You are my blessing my beloved. You are my perceptions.

All My Devotions, All My Perceptions

--also enclosed within the pages are those of her own perceptions and thoughts copied also within her own journal for his recollection and reminenscence. --

The mysteries held within the earthen cellar, the discoveries made, the feelings felt within my own heart. He understands as he walked along the path with me. Each step was made in collaboration within our hearts, never alone even when we felt the situation most dire. Never did he leave me alone for an instant. Never did he cease to touch my heart. Never did he stop loving me, but he commanded within my that I trust myself and know that my choices were just and true to who I am.

Truly the lives we live are no longer seperate as they once were before we knew each other but are one in each step we take. Aeridin blessed us so immensely with love in abundance that I can never truly repay him for giving me the gift of life and in doing so guided me so carefully into my beloved's arms.

I once thought I understood what I wanted and how I felt. My mistake was thinking. I feel it within me now, I understand truly. I thought I could walk my path alone, but that is not the way my path is meant to be. I was a child trying to play a grown ups game because I was too foolish to realize that love does not come from the mind, it comes from the heart. That to truly love and understand its complexities you have to give into it freely with all of your being. You can not be pushed into it, you can not be told what it is. You have to know within you. Without question, without reservation.

Unfortunately this lesson took me far to long to learn as in the process of learning it, I have hurt to many lives. I only hope they may understand why I could not be with them, and to them I owe an enormous apology. I only hope that they will one day understand the choices that I made. I treasure them always for being so devoted and hope that they understand one day how confused I was. I can only now pray that the love I know truly they will one day feel as abundantly.

Melanna you would love him. I know you would. May you rest in peace my dear friend and know that I will always hold you dear to my heart Sis.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Dreams of a Sun Elf - Elohanna Min A'Litae
« Reply #53 on: May 08, 2007, 05:52:54 pm »
Love and Grace
"Like a million Little doorways
All the choices we made
All the stages we passed through
All the roles that we played
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Dreams of a Sun Elf - Elohanna Min A'Litae
« Reply #54 on: May 08, 2007, 10:03:54 pm »
Sitting upon the shores at the Lake of Glass near Fort Homestead, a letter gently settles into her hands from the grasp of a falcon. She happily admires him as he flies away into the unknown and then settles to read her beloved's most recent letter.


Dead Eye, 11 Spring Dawning 1416

Hanna, My Angel of Light -

Throughout my contemplations of your most recent letter, my love, I have felt truly, deeply humbled. You are an absolute blessing to me, a priceless gift who has entered my life at the behest of the Lifegiver himself. So many mysteries there are in life - I sit in wonderment and awe as I think about you, my angel, and as I contemplate our new life together as one. With each passing moment, each and every beat of my heart, each breath of mine, truly I know and sense that I am becoming closer to you, my beloved Hanna.

In reading what you shared with me of your past, and how you perceived your life experience prior to our First Embrace, aspects of my own very similarto yours came to mind. And I wish you to know them as well.

Several months prior to that blessed Journey through Dregar and part of the Molten Isle with you and a few others, in which a sparkle in your eye fanned flames of love for you that had long burned within my heart. I found myself sitting in a barren tunnel deep within the mountains of Firesteep. Myself and a few others had followed one of my dearest friends, a gnome named Abi, to that place to explore and test our mettle. Abi is kind and gentle, yet slightly eccentric in the most humerous of ways, and very much gifted in the Weave.

We had stopped to rest for a moment, and having finished my meditation, I knelt quietly off to the side, holding my holy amulet and praying to my Lord for continued guidance and blessing throughout the rest of this...welcomely...challenging expedition. True to form, as Abi is always surprising me in some manner, subtle or otherwise, he looked over to me after I had risen from prayer with a hauntingly serious demeanor. "Krys," he asked, "What do you intend to do with your life?" Of course, Abi speaks common with a marked drawl, so these were not his exact words. Yet despite the depth of the question the answer was clear in my mind the instant he had spoken his query: "To serve my Lord Vorax and to die well." I replied.

This was all I wanted in life at that moment, and for a long time before that. Yet even then I longed for you deeply within my being. But in my mind you and our being together, let alone how our lives have come to blend into One Life, was but a dream. I had seen you many times, I had looked into your eyes doing my utmost to hide my longing for you despite the racing of my heart each time I was near you. I had believed you were with another, and that either the two of you had bound yourselves to each other, or that such would inevitably happen.

To serve my Lord Vorax and die well. This was the sole motto of my life at that time, my reason to live, both a means and an end.

Before I indulge my desire to share with you how deeply I felt for you for so long before that first evening we spent together after I had brought you those boxes of pecans you had asked of me. I wish to relate what I have just shared to that which you told me in your last letter about your life before our union, before the beginning in earnest of our journey together.

Serving my lord, the Eternally Vigilant, always brought and still does bring a great deal of meaning and purpose to my life. But there was a void, an emptiness, that persisted until that brisk afternoon at Xora's tower, when after we had disembarked from the ship from the Molten Island, you looked to me with your eyes aglow with joy and your smile brighter than the sun itself as I took your hand in mine. And you said, "Shall we get lost together?" Truly I was lost in your eyes in that moment and a great hope began blooming in my heart, that the dream of loving you I held secretly there for so long would indeed blossom into fruition.

Soon, my love, I wish to share with you, either through written word or spoken softly to you as I hold you closely in my arms - something else of my past that what you shared in your last note brougth to mind. Ask me of this next time we meet or else I can write it for you in the next note I send you.

I have kept this note I write you presently for several days, always with the intention of adding more to it, which however has delayed my sending it to you. So much I have to share. Soon let us resist the urge to work or adventure and just sit together with some wine, then spend the rest of the evening together in each other's arms sharing whatever comes to mind.

I wish to tell you of the moment I first laid eyes upon you. I wish to share with you plans I am making with close friends about a very vital movement we shall shortly begin, one which I call simply, Hope, or The Council of Hope. This project will fit nicely with our efforts against slavery, and the freeing of slaves and their rehabilitation.

After you departed the guild meeting the other day, Rain showed me around the guild hall. I stayed in one of the sleeping rooms for several hours of prayer and a brief meditation before taking the portal for Dregar. I obtained several fire opals and a box full of peppermint, all of which I put in our chests there in Llast. After dropping them off there I pawned a number of magical items we weren't going to use then sailed for Mariner's hold to use the kitchen there at the Freelancer's Tavern to make some almond and chestnut oils. My Journeys brought me back here, to our secret place in the souther jungles, where I complete this note while pausing from gathering for our guild.

Soon, my love, we will be together in each other's arms, soon, and I long for that moment, when once again we will be utterly together that we may fully celebrate our Love.

Until soon, my Angel of Light, Until Soon -
I am Yours Forever
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Dreams of a Sun Elf - Elohanna Min A'Litae
« Reply #55 on: May 16, 2007, 03:47:18 pm »
Only Infinite Beginnings

The Letter he sent me not to long ago is held closely to my heart. The truths written for all time for all the world to see. And within the grasp of a falcon embrace my own letter has been returned to him sharing with him my most recent recollections and heartfelt love.

Still what is written shall never be forgotten. Each day drawing me more completely to my beloved. Again the letters merely an affirmation of how our hearts feel but their interpretation, their words try to convey while apart, what our hearts feel together without words spoken.

I can feel him within, when he is near. I can feel him ocean's apart. His soul is eternally part of me. As I know and have no doubt that I am part of him.

I recall parts of my letter to him. "Forever there is no end, only infinite beginnings." Each moment never ceasing to celebrate our love for each other, in each action and step we take. Our dreams are each others, our steps guiding us in the direction to make our dreams come true.

I write these recollections and share these letters, in the hopes that our children and friends will one day, be able to look upon them and understand truly the love their father and I shared together. That it was our dream to share that love and knowledge with the realm. Our dream to give hope, to bring love, to have all those we cherish celebrate and remember the love and blessings we have been granted, and in return to continue to carry on the Legacy that will one day see the sun shine again and restore hope to those bound in the Eternal Night.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae