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Author Topic: The writings Ista'sinta Ohtartel'selu  (Read 381 times)


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RE: The writings Ista'sinta Ohtartel'selu
« Reply #20 on: April 02, 2006, 12:58:21 am »
[Spring Blossom 10, 1398]

I have aquired a tome from the Demi-Lich Mechidill. I was unable to speak to him alone though becouse of the mob that joined us in his hunt. He was defeted, yet not killed, where he was though.. there is no death. Soon he will reform and i will seek him out. I will make the deals and free him, and then i will kill him. The tome i have contains something of a ritual, i will soon preform this and see what i find... i hope i am prepared for what ill face.
On a further note, i was also permitted to keep a huge mace that belogned to a jugernut. Elladen permitted me to guard the mace, im not sure what id have done if he insisted it from me, but he did not and we will not have to worry about it now it seams. I will have to look into the mace further and see what i can learn...


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RE: The writings Ista'sinta Ohtartel'selu
« Reply #21 on: April 02, 2006, 12:58:43 am »
[Spring Blossom 11, 1398]

The Battle of Stone, what a battle that was. We were able to retake the town for a few moments, enough time to dig out the temple and free a few gnomes. Ireth again fell here and again i reacted in ways that were not best and not wise. My love for her clouds my mind.. but is it a could i wish to part with....


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RE: The writings Ista'sinta Ohtartel'selu
« Reply #22 on: April 02, 2006, 01:07:21 am »
[Spring Blossom 12, 1398]

I have met a wizard some time ago by the name of Rufus. He seamed to show interest in my ablitys and i could feel his own power. I spoke of, i belive it was along the lines of being his apprentice. Usually id laugh at the notion... but i could feel his power.. and i know there i much to learn by biting my tongue here.


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RE: The writings Ista'sinta Ohtartel'selu
« Reply #23 on: April 02, 2006, 01:08:25 am »
[Spring Blossom 13, 1398]

Recently i have joined a wizards guild. The Arcane Allience. There is a position open on the councel that i seek to fill in myself, but it seams the vote is already being considered.. we can oly wait to see how things turn out. If i am unable tog et this position im not sure ill stay in the group, well see what i can manage to learn, if there is gain for me to have then i will stay, if not then i see little use to be there.


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RE: The writings Ista'sinta Ohtartel'selu
« Reply #24 on: April 02, 2006, 01:12:28 am »
*Here are coppied 5 pages of a Tol book. First 3 pages are not that good but got better as i went.. the 4th is fairly good... the 5th is pritty accurate.*


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RE: The writings Ista'sinta Ohtartel'selu
« Reply #25 on: May 15, 2006, 06:25:03 pm »
[Spring Rain 19, 1400]

This Arcane Alleince as come to be quight the disapoinment and ive quickly lost interest. ill give them nothing more, nor will i take anything from this. Of my hopes to learn from Rufus, ive sence given up on thouse with his lack of interest.


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RE: The writings Ista'sinta Ohtartel'selu
« Reply #26 on: May 15, 2006, 06:35:09 pm »
[Spring Rain 20, 1400]

As of late i have been working with a group to close a rift to Limbo. The poratl is located above the Drift Lands of Dregar, there are many Slaadi flooding into this plane. Intell this point i have faced what i thought to be the strongest of the Slaadi, the White. I was so very wrong, the Whites are nothing more then sporting to me now, but i have found a new challange, the Black. This is by far the most powerful Slaadi i have incountered, nothing i had prepared could hurt him, nor could Gotaks might axe. It took apart my Mithril golem withen a few moments. I am very impressed with this Slaad, his tongue will be a great addition to my collection.

We are close to closing the Rift, or so i belive. but the last point we need find is belived to be on Voltrex... i dont think we will find our way there, there must be another way...


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RE: The writings Ista'sinta Ohtartel'selu
« Reply #27 on: May 15, 2006, 06:45:14 pm »
[Spring Rain 21, 1400]

The time has come and the Hunt for Eon is on. We have found aid in an odd place in our hunt. The Black Wizards. Many did not wish to work with them, be eventaulyl we agreed becouse, even if we did take the Phylactery we could not destroy it. They have though, agreeded to banish it. Its odd i think that we keep Banishing things and they simply come back years later but that was the choice of the group in the end. We were wisked off to Voltrex to retreave the Phylactery, and after figthing hords of undead, Bone Yards, Bone Dragons, Mithril and True Mithril golems.. on the True Mithril Golems.. they were by far the most powerful Golems i have ever seen, next to that of the Dragon alone, if not stronger. Eventualyl we made out way to the end, found the Phylactery and made for our exit.. just as Eon appeared. Many fell, but a few excaped with the Phylactery and handed it over to the Black Wizards. Now we simply need to kill Eon, and he will be gone from our lives.


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RE: The writings Ista'sinta Ohtartel'selu
« Reply #28 on: May 15, 2006, 06:49:44 pm »
Ive discovered the location of 4 Phylactery from the Witch. These are her words.

 > "Deep in the underdark in an ancent Dwarven fortress. I have seen one there."
 > "In the forgotten isles, through the caves and beyond, I have seen another"
 > "In the Mosscrypt in the blackened swamps of dregar, deep beneath i have seen teh third"
 > "And the fourth, in the Peaks of Voltrex, beneath a place named the Crypt of the Dammed"

The Phylactery she spoke of in the Forgotten Isles turned out to be Drezneb's and the one on voltrex was Eons, i belive one of the last 2 will be Milara's... but only time will tell.


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Re: The writings Ista'sinta Ohtartel'selu
« Reply #29 on: May 25, 2006, 09:54:06 pm »
[Autumn Twilight 3, 1400]

There has been such distraction in my life as of late. i have had little time to relax and write in these pages, though i do not have the time now, i fear if not now, then never. IT is hard to belive so much has happened so fast, i have found love, in the oddest place. A girl named AnnaLee McGregger, it is scary to belive how far we have come. We are now married, she has taken my name as her own and i am greatly honoered to give it to her. Even stranger yet... we are expecting a child. I think back now, wondering when this all began. So now i go back and try to recall the last 6 months of my life.

I first noticed Lee in Hlint, usualy she was with Remiel. My hate for him sparted my interest in her. I took it upon myself to inform her of his crimes to Ireth. She listened though i think she injoyed the information more then took it to heart. We dident meet for sometime after that, that i recall. I belive she eventaully spoke to Ireth as i had advised her. Now we run off to a different part of this story, Ireth's part.

Recently Ireth had been attacked by some thing. This thing apeared to her as a halfling who we later learned to be named Elezandor. He bound a demonic horse to Ireth, this horse was named Fear and after her mind became bound to it she suffered from near uncontroable fear. Becouse of this Lee became involved becouse she thought of Ireth as a friend though i know not of there friendship at the time. There are 6 horses in all, Fear, Denial, Anger, Indulgence, Defience... and Insanity, though insanity was different then the others.
I had been talking to Lee in hlint on the lookout, of what i do not recall. This was when Denial came for her.. I tried to stop it, but i dident have the time. It bound to her and she was cast into this conflict. Over time the others were chosen as well, Anger to Rhynn, who i have taken as my apprentice. Indulgence went to Addison. Defience went to Dorina. I cared little for any of them, my goal had been to free Ireth from this, but i found that i needed to get them to trust me if i was to try and help, it started with lies of caring.. the lies slowly evloved into truth. The harder i tried to aid them and effectivly remove this curse from them, the more i saw how helpless i was to do anything, i also learned that my words to them might have been putting them further from what it was they needed to do. This caused such distress, i hadent been able to fully rest my mind in over a month and i could find no confert.. intell i found her arms. Sitting on the bench on the east side of the lake in hlint, with Lee, i was effectively breaking down, she sother my mind with her voice, and got me to rest.. however breif, it was a great relief, that confter she gave me.. that was i think that firest time i felt love for her. She brought me peace, however brief.. none the less in this time of chaos in my mind, she saved me. //to be continued

