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Author Topic: Letters home from Lokri Hrendhamar  (Read 346 times)


Letters home from Lokri Hrendhamar
« on: July 18, 2005, 10:59:00 pm »
Greetings all,

Me and Gravas finally made it to Hlint and where lucky enough to be greeted by Knarn.  She is fine.  She showed us around the town and helped-us re-equipe ourselves has after the strangest dream we found ourselves in Hlint with all our gear and gold gone.
We already have done many jobs fer the town folks and have made enough to be equiped properly, now.  Me and Gravas would do our father and mother proud, may Beryl keep them safe.
I have allready started on me training to become a weapon master as was me father.  Working on me dodging as well as me intimidation skills just like dad tought me as well as focusing me skill on his blade of choice, a Katana.  Was thinking of improving me fighting skills by working on them tricks he showed me but I think I will focus on me crossbow first as I found that softening-up me ennemies with a few bolts in there hides before they get to me, works quite well.

Hlint be a loons' town though.  All sort of races walking about frem humans, gnomes and elves to half giants and drows, aye drows.  Knarn told us they were all on our side in this war against this Blood fellow and not to kill them on sight but t'is not an easy thing to, not do.  Me and Gravas be just fighting dwarves unlike Knarn who always was the wisest of our trio so we listen to her, but t'is not easy.

We went fighting with her and oh how grand it was again, the three of us back to back once more, I realised today how much I've missed that and am so happy to have found her again.

I hope this letter finds ye well and ye have our warmest and fondest thoughts.

Your nephew,

PS I would have had Gravas write you a quick note but he's allready passed out frem drinking, but am sure he does the same and anyways ye all know how fond of writting he be.


RE: Letters home from Lokri Hrendhamar
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2005, 02:59:00 pm »

Requesting approval fer weaponmaster, I messed-up.  Just leved-up and thought I had 1 more level to go before being able to take, but can take it now.  Will post a grand fallow-up in this thread to show how Lokry trained and so forth to get to weapon master, after finished playing tonight.
Hope this will pass ;)


RE: Letters home from Lokri Hrendhamar
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2005, 03:32:00 pm »
We have been following you fairly closely (does that make you nervous? *slight gm smile*).  You are approved for Weapon Master.


RE: Letters home from Lokri Hrendhamar
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2005, 03:39:00 pm »
Oh great the sadist club are fallowing me avery move *becomes rightly paronoid* :p ...Apart from that...YEAH!!!  Thanks ;)


« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2005, 08:48:00 am »
Greetings all,

I hope this letter finds you well.  I am fine as are Knarn and Gravas.
I have finaly learned expertise.  T'was with mixed feelings that I first started fighting with this skill as I wasn't hitting my adversaries very often.  But I have grown to respect this skill that keeps me alive even if my foes sometimes just get tired of fighting with me and just vanish out of sheer fustration, I believe.
We're earning gold threw jobs for various locals.  2, in my opinion, just be too lazy to go work themselves.  Often I see them together in the building they call the crafthouse in Hlint, just talking together.
The fighting be good and the ale not watered down although I haven't met any lassies with a decent beard on her.

Your nephew,


Journal entry
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2005, 08:56:00 am »
Today I died fer the first time.  I felt ashamed, not fer dying but fer not having a soul stone on me.  Although I didn't know about them rocks, ignorance as my father always said is never an excuse.  If that cleric hadn't a good heart I would probably be still lying dead in that hole that crazy gnome showed us.  On a more cheerfull note, at least I hope, we got that wee bug queen the gnome wanted.  I just hope it will serve a good perpose and not just teachings, that both evil and good can use.


RE: Letters home from Lokri Hrendhamar
« Reply #6 on: October 03, 2005, 09:08:00 am »
Dear Familly:

I hope this letter find ye all well.
As always all three of us are fine.  Today I perfected how to avoid attacks frem opponents while moving in a fight.  It helps a lot as am rushing here and there helping whoever needs it the most when I'm not holding fast a hord of foes.
To celebrate we did our first job fer royalty here on Milstone.  A lord in a place called Haven had an Ogre problem so we went and did a bit of house cleaning in is mine.  Ye'd think humans would be taking better care of their holdings.
Apart frem that I keep on training endlessly and my circle of action around Hlint, on my own, grows wider and wider everyday.
Knarn seems a bit off as of late, kind of like when she was refused the title of head smith back at our Clan to our cousin.  But we manage to cheer her up as always with Gravas.

Your nephew,


Journal Entry
« Reply #7 on: October 03, 2005, 09:21:00 am »
I am practicing that whirlwind attack dad showed me, Gravas is a wee bit mad at me.  T'is is bleeming fault anyways, I told him not to be standing so close to me when am practicing like that and what would happen in times like that, happened...I cut off a wee bit of his beard.  Better then his head, Ha!.
Of course the run I had fer a few hours, as he was chassing me, was good training as well.  Good thing he be fat and runs out of breath as soon as he sees an Inn *chukels as he closes his journal*


RE: Letters home from Lokri Hrendhamar
« Reply #8 on: October 03, 2005, 10:09:00 am »
Dear familly,

I have troubled news, Knarns' moody state as just gotten worst and worst over time, neither I nor Gravas could cheer her up fer very long and as last time at the Clan, she dissapeared.  I was all packed and ready to set off after her when Gravas very gravelly reminded me we promised that Golden Dragon we'd help in killing Blood.  So we stayed although it sadened us so to not have her at our sides once more.
I continue me training and have perfected me whirlwind atttack.  I am becoming a fair figher and can even take on them deadders in a troubled place called Broken Forest, on me own.  As a matter of fact, unless they be attacking me with magic as them ogres mages I kin be taken on most surface dwellers on this continent and we have started to travel to Rilara, another continent.
Today I saw a fellow kin on a hill and went to talk to him and he and another along with their mates just attacked me...Although I feel sadness fer these clanless kins I have promised myself to stop their looting of travelers and fight them evry chance I get, if killen em be the only way te stop them then might as well be by a fellow kin.
We have met 3 other kins, they be of the Clan Stonebrow.  Good mates te have at ones side in a fight or in a pub.  Together we are quite the team.  They seem to want to prove their Clan still exists and is strong.  Although they seem starving fer fame they be trustworthy and fine warriors.  
I hope you are well and if ye have news of Knarn please let us know as soon as possible.

Your nephew,


Journal Entry
« Reply #9 on: October 03, 2005, 10:51:00 am »
We have gone in Berghagen Moutains today and fought the giants to their lair.  Was a tough fight, the toughest I'v been in.  But we were victorious although we didn't go into their caves, them Maur Giants be death on legs.  Shoufal be a fine dwarven town and it's Fortress, Lhgrids a place te be reconned with, although we had no time te pay our respect to their Lord, I will do that as soon as time allows.  My training to become a true WeaponMaster as my father is coming to terms soon.  T'is not an easy life but a promise be a promise, whether in person or on a grave *tear splotch here*

*further down*
We went in a hole today with some mates, damn that Veit Stonebrow to have found it...well nay we all chossed to go down there but would have been better not to have found that hole in the first place.  We barelly passed the front door when drooling bacons rips us to bits.  After we got most of our graves we decided to send a message to the fellows we buy most our gears frem, them Freelancers, hope they fared better then us.

*further down*
Today was thee DAY!  Am finally a Weapon Master.  My blade has become an extension of sure me father would have been proud te see it *sighs* But Gravas was there to congradulate me as well as them Stonebrow brothers and Yoss the cleric and together we rampaged a bit threw the continent *grins*
Yoss as been warring with us much as of late so having some protection against magic we set out fer Grey Peaks to retrieve that dolt of a lass' lost oil.  Twice we went in and twice we din't find anything.  Am starting to wonder if that lass just ain't some perverse being that sends people to their deaths as the second time, a whole group litterally jumped us frem nowhere.  I dinna know ogres where so good at sneaking *sighs*  Gravas wasn't among us and Dain one of the Stonebrow brothers was taking out the mages while I was holding off the hord frem the others.  Alas a mage nearly killed him, got passed him and went right fer me...I stand little chances against their stinking frost breath and that bugger got me *grumbles before continuing* I'll try one more time te get that oil fer that lass but that will be me last.  Am starting te think it dosn't exist.  Poor Veit, thee Mother took a piece of his soul that day.  I'll have te buy him the biggest ale keg I can find to help cheer him up.


An experience
« Reply #10 on: October 19, 2005, 12:00:00 am »
Today was a strange day fer me.
Was feeling a wee bit moody as no news frem our cousin, Gravas is Beryl knows where and even that Stonebrow brother: Veit, with whom I enjoy training, just as much as me brother, is nowhere te be found.
So I went into Berg moutains on me own, tired of beeing alone, thinking that certain death would be all that would happen te me, but better that then beeing alone.
As I rushed-in screaming the Clans' name, ready to give them rock golems a fight they'de remember fer a while before falling, my blade and training took over.  Before I even realised what was going on 4 of them laid dead at me feet and was allready healing myself.  My father had told me of this state where yer mind and body blend so well that you really do become one with yer weapon.  But it had never happened so strongly to me, before.
I shrugged-off the feeling and just kept running deeper, HRENDHAMAR echoing off the mountains walls, giants falling to me blade and I was in that town up there, before I could realise it.

But even after resting in that town, I was still feelen gloomy so went fer them other giants in them hills beyond the town and it happened again.  Was killing, healing and even looting corpses as I was fighting 3-4 giants at a time, rocks falling everywhere around me and on me.  Soon enough, even them orange kitties had fallen to me blade and still had potions and kits on me, so decided I'd just better head back te Hamp and git drunk as me purse was full.

Right before entering the place where them rock golems live, on my way back to Fort Velensk, a peacefull feeling came over me and I caught myself telling Beryl: Let's see which of thee 2 ye prefer thee most, yer pet golems or Lokri Hrendhamar and I rushed them...I should be dead, rushing in like a fool of a zerker, surrounded by 6 of them golems but nay.  With my mind still as clear as a crystal, seeing only 2 fell and that the rest where all just barely injured, I automatically ran threw a pass in the mountains and just had enough time to heal myself.  I ran back threw the pass falling upon one of the green ones, behind him a purple, no signs of the 2 others.  One fell quickly to my blade and as I was going fer the second herd the other 2 coming upon me, frem behind...them golems aren't as dumb as I thought, they we're thinking to sandwhich me beetween them.  I called apon my Ki to finish the one in front and ran straight back fer the last one coming at me at me from behind, with my Whirlwind attacks I was hurting them both and as soon as the first fell I called upon my Ki to finish off the last.  And as his massive purple body crashed to thee ground I clearly saw my father sitting cross-legged on a rock behind it, as he always did when he was meditating or analysing my training.
He was smiling at me with a proud look in his eyes and t'is at that moment that I realised that although I'd perfected the first part of his training...t'was this instant, after having killed 6 opponents that should have pounded me into Beryls' womb, that I had truly become a Weapon-Master.  And that's when his blade, in my hand, sang to me...a sweet, metalic humming.  Making me realise that it had accepted me as it's friend.
As I looked up to my father, my mouth starting to open, ready to fire at him the many questions, racing threw my mind.  He simply smiled that smile of his that meant all in due time as he slowly vanished from my sight.


Diary entry
« Reply #11 on: October 28, 2005, 07:15:00 am »
Today was a grand day, it started as things usually start in Hlint, although thee first part 'f it wasn' all dat grand...met a giant lass..aye all blue and giant like, she was, I swear Hlint be thee strangest place ae know.  Her name be Dez and she's a priestess of the first giant god according to her, probably thee only one fer all ae know 'bout gods *shrugs before continuing* but Beryl and her god be friends as her bless works 'n me.
So ae told her we ken go warring wit' sum of dem giants she says gives e bad name te her kind 'n off we went.  Met-up wit Yoss 'n Velensk and off we went.  T'was goen fine until they both split-up to fight as ae be playen rabbit 'n cases like so...'n Yoss fell *curses before continuing* We headed back te Velensk fer his glowy self te reach us 'n back te his grave we went, den he said we be'er git Topaz rocks so he ken cast stoneskin on us, so back to thee Velensk cave we went.
Dat's whe'e Dez fell *grumbles* had told her nay te charge in like so, even 'f ae did it ae knew ae could survive 'n it be thee 'nly ting te do when them blooming mage see any 'f us.  Hope she learns quick like.
We got thee topaz 'n her grave, went out te rest den thee gods played their tricks 'n us 'n, 'n was only me 'n Yoss when we could see 'gain.  So off te Berg 'n dats when the grand 'eally sta'ted *grins before continuing.

Me 'n Yoss cleared thee giant investation 'n Berg all thee way te der cave.   Dwarves showen dem giants der, who be boss topside. 'm sure thee king deir would be happy when he be hearen 'bout it.  Maurs 'n all 'ven thee kitties as we w'ere hungry *laughs to himself*
Ae'm surprised 'vry day te see me skills growen so 'n allthough Yoss wasn't really 'n top 'f tings in thee begenen 'f our rampagen...te much craften ae told 'em *grumbles te himself*...he was de fighten priest ae know him te be, en wee 'nough time.

//Ah hells and I was supposed to clean my apartment today *sighs as he knows he's logging on Layo when he's done on the forum*


RE: Letters home from Lokri Hrendhamar
« Reply #12 on: November 24, 2005, 09:52:00 am »
Dear family:

I be hopen this letter finds ye all well.  I am sorry to say that Knarn is still gone but now, so be Gravas.  I be thinking he went after her, even if he told me our duty lied here in Hlint to help the fight agaisnt Blood as I will be always worried about her as ye all be knowen.
My life goes well.  I have befriended a few folks and even bought a house with 3 other people with whom I get along quite well.
My training goes even better.  I have become as my father was and even got a vision of him the day I truly realised I had accomplished my first true test in becoming a Weapon Master as he was.  Ye might think me daft, Uncle, as you are so down to earth but this vision seemed real enough to me.
Tell the clan that a small part in avenging our deads, killed by them CaDuzites' attacks has been in part repaid in blood.  I was amongst a worthy group, that managed to destroy one of their temples on Dregar and we must of killed around 300 of them stinking drows.  Irony of it all is that the instigator of this raid be a drow himself and someone am starting to see as a friend here.  I even heard our likeness be plastered on every Drow settlement on Layonara *grins to himself before continuing*
Although I care nothing for laurels I am proud that the name Hrendhamar can bring fear to those that have continuously raided our Clan, in the moutains.
I have also helped fight back one of Bloods attempt at gaining a threshold on Milstone even if I fell along with Goldwin...a fine fighting lad he be, if he wasn't so bloomen tall I'd think him a dwarf I swear...and we fell to one of Bloods' generals himself, we did.  But I realise something that day, no matter how powerfull a weaver be keep hitting him and he won't get his spells off to kill you.
Training wise, I am close to learning all there is to learn as a Weapon Master for now and might learn a few things in pure fighting from Goldwin, either before me 7th Advancement in the way of the blade or after.
The best news is as my fathers blade sang to me it's acceptance, that day I had the vision of my father.  A friends freely gaved me another blade, he thought he was just returning a favor.  But the blade he gaved me sanged to me as well it's acceptance.

I be wishen you the best,


Diary entry
« Reply #13 on: November 24, 2005, 10:12:00 am »
Kai as done something the odder day, I still think he be nay seeen de importance it be te me.
He thought he was joost returning favors that day but when he handed me the gift, the same sensation came upon me as it had in Berg that day and the blade I was hefting in my hand started singing to me as my fathers blade does.  She did tell me that I would meet e blade of me own but ae never thought it would be like so, nor dis soon.  E blade freely given...  
I still have not been able to hang my fathers sword in my home, it be on me at all time and I still pull it out in e fight. Both Blades do not seem to mind my lack of choice on the matter, nor do they resent each other.  I hear them sometimes singing their glee at each other as well as to me, even *smiles*.
I have started experimenten e different fighting style me father told me about in his teachings, telling me it was the culmination of e Weapon Master, to fight with two swords.  But I be poor at it and t'isn't something my Father could really do so only have vague techniques he talked to me here and there in all those years he be teaching me.  I will have to learn more from the people I fight with and see if one day I can give-up my worthy shield as it saves my life quite often, now a days *chuckles to himself*

