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Author Topic: Zinaria Da'Theen - The Great Adventure  (Read 116 times)


Zinaria Da'Theen - The Great Adventure
« on: January 22, 2007, 11:40:35 am »
*opens a leather covered book and flips past the songs she has been working on*

Well, I have arrived.  The journey from Hurm by boat was lovely.  We docked in a town called Leilon where I stopped by a local Inn called the Arms for an ale and directions to Hlint.  Hlint seems, well, a bit run down, but not nearly as much as Hurm.  Tis good to finally have a few new alleys to explore and new taverns to frequent.

I am hoping to find a place to wash some dishes to earn some coins but the local Inn, seems to be well staffed.  Perhaps someone will be fired soon and I can get a job.  Until then I shall wander the city seeing the sites.  I found a nice place in the alley behind the bank next to the lake to lay my head and rest.  Hopefully no one will steal my things.  If they do, oh well, not like it hasn't happened before.

I have been bathing in the lake, I must at least look nice for the men of the town.  I am hoping today to find a strong lad to help me collect some goblin ears for the guard in Hlint.  I was avoiding him until I found he had work, so I turned on my charm and convinced him to give me some work with a reward I hope.

*she pens a few verses of song about her first days in Hlint, closes her book, bathes quickly in the lake and hides her pack behind the bank*


RE: Zinaria Da'Theen - The Great Adventure
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2007, 09:00:39 pm »
*opens her book sitting on the benches in Hlint*

Well, I shan't be washing dishes anymore!  A kind man named Praylor helped me around the town and helped me to accomplish some tasks that paid lots of Trues!  I even bought a piece of jewelry from a woman named Mylindra, sheesh it cost alot! Twenty five hundred Trues, but it hangs on my neck beautifully!

It has been harder to make friends here than I thought it would be.  Everyone seems to have their own groups that they travel with.  And for some odd reason I even find myself being a bit shy.  Sheesh that's not like me.  Maybe I just need to get a bit more settled in.

I have begun writing a song about a man who has armies in his head!  I shall have to find the man named Storold who gave me the idea and sing it for him when I get it done.  There was a man talking to some kind of small dragon thing in Hlint and it was answering him about an army they were building.  Storold told me he thought the army was in his head, hence the idea for the song.

*closes the book whistling her "Armies In My Head" tune*