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Author Topic: Zug  (Read 394 times)


Long times, no writings...
« Reply #20 on: August 07, 2006, 06:38:46 am »
Zug no make writings for muchs times.  Zug veree bizzee with wurks.  Zug not sees mothur, but hears she is okays.  Broegar bad dwarf, but makes Pranzis area safe and stabul.

Zug think this be odd, but Zug see manys strange thing.  Zug wuld still likes put Zug ax betweens Broegar eyes, but angur fade ovur time with knowing mothur okays.

Zug focus on wurkings.  Muchs mine, forge, wurk with woods.  Many thing Zug need gard by bad creeturs, Zug gets lots practuce with fightings.  Zug get muchs bettur with tacticks, lurns fight smart insted of just chargings enemees.


Wurk, wurk, wurk
« Reply #21 on: October 18, 2006, 05:43:25 am »
Zug pick up jurnul, see muchs dusts.  Is time for updatings, Zug think.

Hmmmm... not muchs news to say, tho.  Zug keep wurkings, make manee thing, but not find manees peoples for buyings.  Mebbe Zug need gets out of craft hall more.  Ha!

Zug does meets intrustings persun, tho... Tera, who bes preest of Grannoch god.  Shes really seem like gients, and bes muchs frendlee to Zug.  Zug not kno if she like Zug becuz of gient blood, or justs like Zug for Zug.

Tera say she teech Zug abouts Grannoch god some times.  Zug not kno what think.  Zug alreddy folluw good god -- Vorax god.  Grannoch god sound like good god toos, Zug think, but Zug kno Vorax god and Grannoch god be enemee.  Zug not know whys.


Re: Zug
« Reply #22 on: February 22, 2007, 07:54:14 am »
Long times, no writings.  Agin.

Zug be veree busee.  Zug spend muchs times makings patrol arounds Port Hampsire, keepings road cleer of vermun, mersenarees, and othur nastees.  Also been doings much huntings to be bettur tailur.

Zug ask for to be let in to mastur crafts hall, but masturs tell Zug "no".  Zug not happee.  Zug spend muchs trues on badj for craftings, but craft masturs say Zug no yet reddy for joinings them.  Zug wurk hardur, ask agins.  Still "no".  And agin, and agin, and agin.  Always sayings "no".  But last time Zug ask, masturs look at Zug wurk and say, "almost reddy".  Zug less not happee.

Zug travul back to Hlint for collckts supply.  Zug do this frum time to time.  Zug sees big groop of famuss heeros, includes Ozy.  Zug listun and ask questuns about the returns of draguns.  Zug been worryings about Broegar, not thinks much about draguns.  But draguns be big problum, problum for "next genurashun" of heeros to deals with.  Zug need get much strongur before tackul draguns; onlee dragun Zug see, othur than big wurm frum dreem so manee years agos, was small one; but small dragun still send Zug back to bindings stone.


Re: Zug
« Reply #23 on: February 23, 2007, 10:28:17 am »
Zug happee nows.  Caftings masturs let Zug in mastur's hall finalee, saying veree pleezud with Zug progruss.  Zug impressud by big statoo of Dorand god; Zug say quick prayur to Dorand god to bless Zug wurk, and Zug make sevurul belt frum dire bore skins rite aways!


Re: Zug
« Reply #24 on: March 26, 2007, 09:52:59 am »
Havun mine change muchs in last few yeers.  Ogurs gone, but nastee gnolls takes ovur.  Gnolls no have manee majicks, but they be good at hittings peepuls.

We go with good groop, but mebbe could have use more backups.  Wes get to bottoms of mine and start minings, but Gnolls keep comes; when dusts cleer, wes find good frend Sallaron deads.  Zug almost dies in same battuls, but was heeled in times.

Groop decides time to gos, evun though wes no finish with minings.  Wes try avoids Gnolls, but Zug run strait intos ambush.  Zug fite good, but too manee Gnoll.  Zug fall.

But Zug not go to bindings stone.  Zug wake up in same place Zug fall.  Zug see rest of groop, includings Sallaron.  Also, strange dark elf ladee.  Dark elf say she save Zug life and Zug owe her.  Dark elf say same thing to Sallaron -- Sallaron seem to have makes deel with dark elf.

Zug runs into dark elfs befores.  Some goods.  This one... Zug no think is good.  She seem happee havings Zug and Sallaron owes her.  She trys offur groop safe passings, but no ones in groop trustings.  Zug alreddy owings one favur thinkings that owings secund without knowings what favur wills be is not smarts.  Groop turn down offur and make to back to surface safe anys ways.

Zug happee for makings it out, but now worree much abouts dark elf ladee and favur Zug now owings...

