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Layo Prc Idea

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I was thinking the other night while in the temple of Roferien that why should those red dragons have the only disciples and why not, as a special branch of the church of Roferien, a Gold dragon disciple?
What are your thoughts on this?

i thank it would be just as imposable to get as red dragon deciple... then add some sence there are likly fewer golds then reds.. and there is only 1 red.

D Blaze:
To start down the path of a Gold Dragon Disciple, all the same rules as the Red would apply for starters.
You would have to have a character that has made it to epic first.
There is the only one red dragon active in Layonara, but I believe metallic dragons have been reintroduced, but for their own safety, they aren't stupid enough to reveal themselves.
After the thoroughness of Blood many many years ago hunting dragons, there wouldn't likely be any decended from dragons today.
That leaves only a ritual or other procedure to start infusing a person with the blood of a gold dragon over a period of time.
But that goes back to the point of why would they show themselves and part with some blood again and again when it is still dangerous just existing in layonara.

This would be neat, but here's the problem...
  Anyone see a Gold Dragon lately? (no, the Dragon Dream doesn't count)

Do not confuse half-dragons with disciples.  Dragon blood lingers for a millenia, and direct dragon/humanoid babies are a completely different species.  The dedication to sorcerous magic in the distant relative is what activates his recessive dragon genes, otherwise he'd be indistinguishable to other's of his base race.


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