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Author Topic: Location Thread: Bitterridge  (Read 6443 times)


Location Thread: Bitterridge
« on: October 05, 2016, 01:13:39 am »
//This thread tracks the goings on in Bitterridge. At the start of this thread Daniel Benjamin and Lana are within the town. Please only post in this thread if your character has traveled to, or very near by, Bitterridge. When your character departs or enters, please make the join/departure clear with IC post.//This is an IC thread, please try to keep all posts IC.Bitterridge, the trade town at the crossroads of Liwich and Boyer, is engulfed by the Wasting Death, much like the other towns and cities of Liwich. With it's borders locked down, the life blood of the city has all but come to a chilling halt. Rofrienites have set up neighborhood clinics to attempt to contain the spread but their resources are already spread quite thin. The mood of the place is defeated already, having gone from disbelief of what was to come, to something low and consigned to what will probably consume them all.
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The only response that Daniel
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2016, 01:03:00 am »

The only response that Daniel is able to receive directly from his letter quest is from Moraken. The rest of the letters are left at doorsteps with no verification of delivery beyond that.

In the case of Moraken, a letter was returned hastily, delivered by an assistant.

"To Whom It May Concern:

First off, thank you so much for sending potential plague bearers to my door step. I'll remember it always.

Secondly, I am afraid Dragon Plagues are quite far outside my field of study. My best advise is to not bother with them at all. As well, don't bother with the dragons either. It is my experience that it really doesn't go well to march into someone's home and start punching them with wit or steel.

Your historical context seems somewhat narrow, however. Plenarious did not defeat the last plague outbreak on his own. While I am certain the Great BirdLord was involved, it was a concerted effort by a large number of people. Perhaps you could go find one of the others or just bother talking to the Aeridites themselves. If they will have anything to do with you, that is. It is my understanding that the lot of you are really in deep with a number of people.

Good luck Grand Adventurer!"



Daniel reads the letter with
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2016, 11:02:56 am »

Daniel reads the letter with a slight frown, upon finishing he falls into a short contemplative silence that is broken by a deep rumbling laugh which draws some odd looks from any around him.  He goes to find Lana to share the letter from Moraken.

"At least the old crochety wizard of Hlint answered.  From what I can remember from a distant conversation he had with Storold, the grammer fits." Daniel offers with a slight smile before his expression grow serious again.  "He did answer, so despite the letters tone, clearly he still cares for this world, that is good.   Further, he offers an avenue to explore.  I believe I will seek out the Aerindites of rank here in Bitterridge and see what I can learn."  He pauses to see if she has anything to add.


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Lana reads the letter and
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2016, 11:31:09 am »

Lana reads the letter and sighs.  "Surely the Aeridinites will welcome help from any source, although I doubt they have any more notion what to do than we have.  Perhaps they still have a way to communicate with North Point by falcon or pigeon.  Do birds get this plague?  You do have some connections there through Rebecca's long residence.  Seems like if anyone knows where to look for a cure, the healers of North Point would.  If nothing else, they'd have records of the last time this happened and how the disease was stopped."

"I'll go with you," she smiles wryly.  "Spread the blame, if nothing else."



"I already owe them for the
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2016, 08:12:12 am »

"I already owe them for the treatment of my daughter, Rebecca, my dear." Daniel says slowly, thinking it through, "But yes, It is my hope they will accept my help without blame.  I must ask for their knowledge first and trust that my skills are worthy to the challenge.   As to your question, I do not know if the birds carry this contagion or not, but it seems to me something started the disease that moved fast, birds are certainly suspect.  In any event, I do not think we will be allowed to leave Bitterridge, nor do I think we must.  There must be a Aeridinite healer with some knowledge here, so we start looking."  He offers her a reassuring smile, but cannot hide the pain from all the suffering around them.


//So actions: Locate Aeridinites in Bitterridge if there and start a discussion about the partial cure they are using that seems to work on very early stages of the plague.


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


When Lana and Daniel first
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2016, 01:15:34 am »

When Lana and Daniel first start asking around, they find that there are no Aeridites present in Bitterridge, though they know that either some passed through or a package from the Aeridites was delivered a week or a little more ago. The package of course contained the successful but only minimally effective treatment for the least ill.

However, a few days later word comes around that Aeridites are indeed on their way to Bitterridge and will be there within the next few days. The rumor is that they are bringing a few of their healers and more of the lesser curing solution to help aid and possibly slow the spread of the plague within Bitterridge.

As suggested, a small group of Aeridites arive. The resplendent group stand out tremendously against the background of depressed and dank Bitterridge now in a constant state of burning and scented by the acridness of burning flesh and the sick. Their handful of members move through the ranks of the neighborhood they are assigned too, healing the healers as much as the sick, with their fresh bodies willing to work a few extra hours so those exposed to the sickness already can take more rest and be more resistant to it’s infection.

The Aeridites too, take audiences, both in preaching the words of comfort and healing to those most in need but also from those seeking their council.


//The conversation that will follow with Daniel and/or Lana can be managed in this thread, or in IRC and reposted upon completion. Please let me know which method you prefer.



Daniel, Lana in tow //If she
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2016, 08:35:47 am »

Daniel, Lana in tow //If she wishes//, looks for familiar faces among the arriving Aeridites from his frequent dealings at North Point.  Whether he finds a familiar face or not, he will introduce himself to the priest of the most rank.


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


p { margin-bottom: 0.1in;
« Reply #7 on: October 22, 2016, 11:40:27 pm »

Daniel (and Lana) do not come across anyone that he knows, though some of the healers are hard to track down given the myriad of duties they are now in the thick of. Additionally not all of them seem to be available at the site Daniel travels to. The senior most healer at their site agrees to see him/them when his shift is complete, though not a moment before. When they arrive in the quiet corner of this small mobile clinic he greets them politely enough for someone who seems rather thin from the day's work.

"How can I help you?"



Daniel pauses to lower his
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2016, 09:49:31 am »

Daniel pauses to lower his hood then glances at Lana as if in invitation for her to do the same.  "Perhaps the more appropriate question, sir, would be how can we help you? Also, thank you for taking the time to speak to us.   If our faces and bearing do not tell you who we are, I will introduce us, but I think our names are better left unsaid."  He smiles, showing his empty hands." I am certain there are those who would like nothing more than than to see us both swing from a tree or be headless or any manner of gruesome deaths inflicted for our part, but I ask only that you hear us out first.  After that I leave our fate to your judgement."  He pulls his hood back up carefully as he waits for a response.


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Lana removes her hood and
« Reply #9 on: October 24, 2016, 10:52:17 am »

Lana removes her hood and looks to the cleric for a sign of recognition before donning it again and standing quietly at Daniel's side.



The priest remains largely
« Reply #10 on: October 24, 2016, 02:16:20 pm »

The priest remains largely impassive. If there's any recognition of who they are he says nothing of it. "As the humans have a fondness of saying, 'I am listening....'" he says with the same tone as his other words.



Daniel shares a quick glance
« Reply #11 on: October 24, 2016, 03:26:36 pm »

Daniel shares a quick glance with Lana accompanied by a raised eyebrow before he turns back to the Aeridite, "To my first statement, we are here to help.  To this end, I..that is we are offering our expertise in alchemy, enchanting, infusing, and healing towards enhancing your current treatment.  I find myself at a loss as to the methods employed by your order, but I am intriqued. "  Daniel pauses to see how this taken before continuing.  "I also wish to meet any material needs that I may through my affiliation with a trading guild.  I cannot promise, but will do my utmost to meet those needs through persuasion and appeal to my fellows."

"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Lana nods and says, "I feel
« Reply #12 on: October 25, 2016, 02:43:41 pm »

Lana nods and says, "I feel sure they will be generous and willing to obtain whatever you need."   She grins just a little.  "Mother can usually light a fire under them, if necessary."



"I see," the Aeridinite
« Reply #13 on: October 26, 2016, 11:36:00 pm »

"I see," the Aeridinite answers evenly. "The work on treatments are being done elsewhere at this time, we have not found facilities here that are available to us to make them locally. The processes and proceedures require that we have well funded facilities besides." He pauses and looks the two over for a moment. "Ingredients however, that is our great concern for the moment anyway." The Aeridinite narrows his eyes briefly, clearly an evaluating expression, then steeples his fingers as his hands fold near his waist.

"I do not have the list of ingredients needed to make the Early Cure," he says, seeming to weigh them as he speaks, "But I know that we do not have enough of what is necessary. What's more I know there is a cure that could be made to help any level of illness, appart from those just a short distance from the final crossing. However, we do not have enough of the needed ingredients." He squares his shoulders somewhat, "What exactly did you have in mind to produce these resources if I could get you a list?"



Daniel's demeanor shifts from
« Reply #14 on: October 27, 2016, 08:14:47 am »

Daniel's demeanor shifts from one of observation to keen interest and he answers in a low determined tone, "Whatever it takes, sir.  Although.." He pauses considering, "We would need freedom to move about to procure said ingredients.  I do not suppose you could help us with that, could you?  We noticed more than a few guards determined to keep folk put in place getting here, as it were."

"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Lana says, "We are both
« Reply #15 on: October 27, 2016, 08:56:43 am »

Lana says, "We are both willing to help in any way we can, and I know the Angels have helped in other emergencies by offering credit for those bringing in needed materials, as well as by undertaking expeditions to obtain more rare items.  I feel sure they will help, if asked.  In fact, they've already got a sign up in their store alerting people to watch for a list of resources they'll barter to fight the plague."



The priest narrows his eyes
« Reply #16 on: October 29, 2016, 01:54:00 pm »

The priest narrows his eyes shrewdly. They shift between the two speakers silently for a moment.

"This is not some elaborate ruse to be allowed to depart while potentially carrying the plague is it?" he asks, calmly despite the accusitory words, "What sort of assurances might you provide? Given the concern you have about your reputation especially, would I not be wise to ask for proof beyond promises? I haven't even told you what might be acquired for our needs..."



"A fair point, I suppose,
« Reply #17 on: October 29, 2016, 05:37:17 pm »

"A fair point, I suppose, under the circumstances." Daniel ponders for a time. "What if we agreed to be observed in isolation for say a week before departing? Would that be enough assurance?  I have as a matter of caution been protecting us both for some time with prayers, but as I said earlier, I can only hope such things are adequate."

"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Lana smiles at Daniel and
« Reply #18 on: October 29, 2016, 09:41:18 pm »

Lana smiles at Daniel and says, "I'd enjoy having you all to myself for a week."

Then she looks at the priest and says, "You need not even wait to send us.  If you have someone else you can contact to deliver the list, I feel certain the Angels will be eager to help.  They have a long history of providing generous credit for supplies to assist during famines, plagues, and wars.  We can stay to help here, if you think that would be more useful."



"I will agree to the
« Reply #19 on: October 30, 2016, 11:30:51 am »

"I will agree to the observation," he says after some thought, "But also I would like to have some reassurance that it is all for something. Let me check among those who have been treated successfully and see if I can find a runner. Please write a message that is short enough for them to remember if something should happen to it as it will not likely be a currier who is trained for such things. If the reply is something favorible toward the cause and you show no signs, we will release you to make the arrangments with your Angel's guild persons to see what can be done. As well I will contact whom I need to for a list of what would be helpful to the cause."


