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Author Topic: Location Thread: Hurm  (Read 6896 times)


Location Thread: Hurm
« on: October 05, 2016, 01:14:04 am »
//This thread tracks the goings on in Hurm. At the start of this thread Jennara and Acacea are within the walls and Vrebel is near by. Please only post in this thread if your character has traveled to, or very near by, Hurm. When your character departs or enters, please make the join/departure clear with IC post.//This is an IC thread, please try to keep all posts IC.Hurm has been engulfed in a plague, believed to be the product of the Black Plague, known as the Wasting Death. Rofirienites have set up neighborhood clincs throughout the city in an effort to contain the outbreak. Most recently some Aeridintes have come to assist with apparent cures that aid only the least afflicted. People are transitioning from disbelief and incredulity to angry. Prior to the plague outbreak, names of those allegedly responsible were called out and many city folk are blaming openly those names. Reportedly the Regent himself has sworn an oath to destroy those responsible.
The following users thanked this post: Acacea, cbnicholson


TELL SASCHI - but it's too
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2016, 11:58:40 am »

TELL SASCHI - but it's too late. The golden shimmer of the portal has washed away her surroundings and replaced them with a city caught in the grip of ilvilel'ceela. The colorfully inked halfling grins and winks at the first person she notices, in case stepping out of nowhere shouting over her shoulder had alarmed anyone, but the smile fades from her face as she walks, the sounds and smells of the street contrasting loudly with those she's just left. Her steps slow, and then stop, and for a moment she is not inside a city but before one, a shining one with gates barred and archers on the wall. The turn of her head to look behind is hesitant; the field of diseased dead and fallen soldiers bodies of the lesser races stacked like wood for the winter is not going anywhere.

Rymmu, she tries uncertainly to the moving people she sees in place of what she briefly expected, and heads in a general direction for the district Jennara was supposed to take. She becomes distracted, however, at the sight of one of their clinics in operation, all the faces that have become not-faces, just spinning tops going wobbly. Her hand rattles absently to chime the bells shackled around her wrist, and the smoke and the shouting is chased away for a space by the bright and silvery noise. By the time her dream-sister tracks her down, she is easy to follow by sound. She's in the middle of Coin From The Well, and flips a single piece of the Queen's Gold lit brightly with a scroll to someone nearby.



Niccy. I heard you were here.
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2016, 12:31:22 pm »

Niccy. I heard you were here.

Jennara had approached from the right, and now stands a human's-step away, hands clasped behind her back. She looks sad, despite the reunion with one so close. It is clear, too, that she is tired. One too many strands of her hair hang loose. Her posture, her shoulders, her eyelids almost droop, sagging rather than supporting, as if trying to lay themselves down but held up by a will.

My post is this way.

She turns to begin walking, but stops and looks back to Acacea.

I am glad, and sorry, you are here.



At the end of a chorus Acacea
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2016, 06:19:15 pm »

At the end of a chorus Acacea looks right and tilts her head; her eyes refocus after a beat and she smiles at the other halfling. She tsks playfully at Jennara's less-than-orderly appearance, teasing at the model she sets for all the scale-shiners, and moves beside her when she pauses. 

Mmmmhm! Me, too! Oh, wait. She rummages around in one of her sleeves and fishes out something wrapped in a large leaf and tied with twine. It has a savory aroma that combines unpleasantly with that from the distant pyres. Acacea shrugs apologetically. I picked some up for you in Spellgard; it seemed a lot more delicious at the time. I'm still hoarding a sack lunch from Anna! 

She tugs at the twine as they walk and reveals several palm-sized (for a halfling) balls of spiced dough, some unidentifiable filling trying to escape when she takes a bite of one. fill pree guh. A cough and another swallow. Anyway, do you want the good news or the bad news, besides the two-in-one of the ikkmwhyldillo?




Jennara eyes the dough balls
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2016, 06:44:15 pm »

Jennara eyes the dough balls not-quite-suspiciously, then takes three. She starts walking back to her assigned area.

Start with the bad news, please. Let the news become increasingly better.

She eats one of the dough balls without comment or expression.



The very image of disheveled
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2016, 06:56:39 pm »

The very image of disheveled herself, she steps alongside while licking juice from her fingers. Mm, well, I did not manage to rustle up any volunteers for the Strickens to bind them by tongue or by toe, for one. Just me, I'm afraid!



If this is the worst news, it
« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2016, 06:59:19 pm »

If this is the worst news, it is not very bad.



In that case, let me start
« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2016, 07:12:06 pm »

In that case, let me start again. Behold! I have come with fantastic news! Her gaze steals to one side to grin playfully. If it comes to Silence we might still pass word through Spellgard. Alas, they think they are most clever, and have given me a meep with but one destination, a trained pigeon that only flies home. She heaves a heavy sigh and then grins sideways again. But! A wall of stone, most high and heavy, might be moved by the hands of any halfling once given hinges and tumblers.

She taps the side of her nose and points to Jennara. The making of this pretty may be well beyond my gift or ken, but the turning of such a thing to my ends once made? Ha! Give me but time.

Her gait changes, becoming a swagger to match the carry of her boastful voice, as though playing the part of a man all large and loud. I have riddled the pages from Nesar of Crag, deciphered the secrets of the shadow walkers, and I have a key for near every door! She rubs her sleeve across her face as she looks around, the pattern of steps falling back into the light bounce. Anyway, so I haven't figured it out yet. But I can tell them stuff if we have to.



Jennara nods slowly.Good.She
« Reply #8 on: October 09, 2016, 07:32:17 pm »

Jennara nods slowly.


She starts eating the second dough ball before sharing the current situation.

There is little good news here. Some healers have found a way to help some of those who are newly affected. It is a start.

Otherwise, we are mostly comforting the dying... rather ineffectively. It is not an easy disease to comfort. We have to carefully use our supplies. Some days, I want to help the alchemists and healers and wizards, but they know more than I do. I would probably be in the way. I keep supplies organized and properly distributed instead, and talk with the local leaders to share news. Fear is understandable, but if the people's fear becomes violence, everyone will suffer more. Keeping everyone informed helps.

She stares at the half-eaten dough ball.

Maybe sleeping potions...



Yes, well. I can sing
« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2016, 07:45:47 pm »

Yes, well. I can sing blankets for the weary, and if they are far enough gone it may be a sleep they are not waking from. But I hope there are other things we can be doing. She glances to the other side and shifts at some noise or another as they walk.

In any case, supplies. Some news! I have a list-ish of what few resources Lucindites had in the area -- probably any material goods nearby have already been taken, but there may be also records for the components, maybe even their combining. Hopefully you are not having to negotiate with any Pit-Boss for them in bulk, because I am not sure how you would be getting there from here, hey?

She shows Jennara a scrap of parchment with scribbles on it, and patiently translates the handwriting like it's perfectly obvious. I can maybe help look for these. I do not disagree with the sharing of information, of course, but given that scrap and little else, shrines the kingdom over may be raided and pillaged, so I'd rather not. 



She nods.Find what you can,
« Reply #10 on: October 09, 2016, 07:53:28 pm »

She nods.

Find what you can, please. We will mix the ingredients and try them on the afflicted ourselves before determining how to share any successful remedy's ingredients with others.



She tilts her head dubiously.
« Reply #11 on: October 09, 2016, 08:04:03 pm »

She tilts her head dubiously. I don't recall much of what you guys did Before, but I don't think they were especially common ingredients... but here is hoping, yoa! Her skeptical expression brightens somewhat. I suppose it can't be rarer than the Cult's. Perhaps you might send some of your nicer tincans? Are your areas quarantined off from one another, or only the city? In any case, I will start in this area. She points to a scribble. I would like to know if any Lucindites remain in Pirateville, anyhow.



Some areas are barred, and
« Reply #12 on: October 09, 2016, 08:14:18 pm »

Some areas are barred, and some more closely monitored than others, but the districts are not entirely quarantined, no. Are you requesting I send Knights for ingredients? And what makes you think that area will have rare ingredients?

She raises her eyebrows.



She waves a hand
« Reply #13 on: October 09, 2016, 08:22:33 pm »

She waves a hand distractedly, as if her thoughts have already left the earlier path. Hyf, I meant to ask after for records of Before. I only wondered if people knowing the who-is-allowed-where bits could move faster and if we might look in more than one place at a time by spreading, but it doesn't sound like it! I only mentioned them being rare because I was admiring your optimism in saying we will test them ourselves first, ha!



Jennara nods a little.Be
« Reply #14 on: October 09, 2016, 08:27:26 pm »

Jennara nods a little.

Be safe... I have a place for you to sleep, if you need.



Well, I will see where you're
« Reply #15 on: October 09, 2016, 10:18:17 pm »

Well, I will see where you're at, at least! So I can come back and tell you things, or in case you change your mind. She looks around. I mean, you sound rather stretched for not a lot right now anyway, right? So you could probably hit these faster than me. Just a thought!



That may be true. Shall we
« Reply #16 on: October 09, 2016, 10:22:22 pm »

That may be true. Shall we share? We can discuss who will visit where in the tent.



Acacea seems amenable to
« Reply #17 on: October 09, 2016, 10:28:46 pm »

Acacea seems amenable to whatever is easiest for Jennara, particularly if it nets the other halfling a nap in the process. After arriving she re-translates the scribbles of all but the one she claimed ahead of time (as she's going there first, anyhow) so Jennara can take her own notes if desired, and shares what little she has been told of the Lucindite resources that didn't seem terribly secret in the city proper and surrounding region. Should Jennara investigate any before she manages herself, she would like to know who remains and how they are holding up, naturally with whatever her sister should discover.

When the Fabled Sack Lunch is opened, she shares this, as well. 



... and you could look here
« Reply #18 on: October 09, 2016, 10:42:40 pm »

... and you could look here on the way back, just in case I take too long at the others.

Jennara's list contains almost all the sites. After sharing the Fabled Sack Lunch, she requests one of the Rofireinite guards wake her in ten minutes, then returns to her tent and allows herself to sleep.



When Jennara departs for her
« Reply #19 on: October 09, 2016, 10:50:59 pm »

When Jennara departs for her briefest of naps, Acacea rattles her bells absently a moment and sighs before departing for the area she'd claimed, staving off at least some portion of priority-guilt by having passed what she could to someone she thought would do it better. Rather than heading immediately for the drop, however, she tries to make herself useful nearby with her stories, music, and healing abilities, and listens to the stories (not a lot of good ones) of others. She shares what little odds and ends she managed to purchase despite the sort of looming futility of doing so. She stays a time this way to listen for rumors of anything that may have happened there outside the sickness, of Lucindites (or any of a great number of synonyms from mage to witch), or of familiar names or faces, and writes a cheerfully long and rambling letter waiting to be dropped off - once nothing seems amiss - in hopes of contacting a familiar name.