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Author Topic: Lost Item - Adamantium Kite Shield  (Read 547 times)


Lost Item - Adamantium Kite Shield
« on: August 20, 2011, 03:10:39 am »
Bioware Name: Zahid Al Safi

Character Name: Agmundr Nokkadrumbaer

Name of GM Witness: None

Reproducible: Under the right circumstances, probably?

Description of Occurrence:

Alright, I'm going to guess this one is either Bioware related, or related to the script the server runs to keep its zones trash free. Nonetheless, I've never experienced this particular issue before, so I'll report it.

I was very full, mining copper and greenstones, in the coastal caves. The pictures I've uploaded will show that I was having some over-capacity issues, dropping items, etc. Most cases when that happens, I'm able to pick the item back up after making some space, and everything is alright. This time was different, though. Note that in the first picture I have underlined the "Lost Item: Adamantium Kite Shield" line and that there is no "Acquired Item" line showing I had picked it up. This is because when I looked under my feet, nothing was there. I looked in my inventory, and the shield was there, as though it had never been lost. I figured everything was alright at that point, had some more capacity issues, made space, and moved on.

The problem occurred when I zoned, though. Shortly after zoning into the next area (just long enough for me to get to the first set of crabs) my Adamantium Kite Shield disappeared for real. It did not appear at the bottom of my feet; it just disappeared. I didn't loot anything new that would have made it drop, and I had space for it. I suspect that the shield somehow got glitched from the first "Lost Item" picture. Though it never truly dropped, I think the server counted it as such causing me to lose the same item twice.

Normally when I lose something to over-capacity, I know it's my fault. This time, however, the shield was on me, and it still got deleted, so I thought it was worth reporting.


First Image log

Second Image log


Re: Lost Item - Adamantium Kite Shield
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2011, 10:34:20 am »
I should mention that the way I was switching back to my normal weapons after using the pickax/gem mining pick was to hit a quickbar equip button that had both my Adamantium Battle Axe and my Adamantium Kite Shield. Even though I was already holding the shield, I'm going to guess that what happened was that the macro tries to unequip, then automatically re-equip, the shield. I'm guessing the issue came up when it un-equipped, found there was no room, dropped, but then somehow auto-equipped to my shield/off-hand slot.


Re: Lost Item - Adamantium Kite Shield
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2011, 12:02:43 pm »
This is a known bug and what is happening is exactly how you mention in your last post. What you are to do is make sure the shield is in your inventory, save your character and relog back onto the server. You must do this before you transition to a new area. If you transition before saving and relogging you will lose your shield.

What happened before is that you dropped your shield, were able to physically pick it up and the game was able to recognise it. This time something different happened and the game did not recognise it in your inventory. Like not showing in your log that you acquired the shield. By you saving and relogging you are forcing the game to recognise you having the shield.

I have had this issue with my character Buddy many times. I have had to re purchase 3 Addy shields till I found the solution. Now that he has a Mithril shield I'm much more careful.

I feel your pain and know how upsetting it can be. It is even more so when it is an item of more value and scarcity.


Re: Lost Item - Adamantium Kite Shield
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2011, 01:22:44 pm »
You might want to try filing a Graceful Plea to get the shield back.  :)


Re: Lost Item - Adamantium Kite Shield
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2011, 06:46:04 pm »
7k is hardly worth a graceful plea. I don't expect to get the shield back. :P I just wanted to report it to see if I could be of use to anyone.

