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Author Topic: Silkwood Cave Stirges - TO BE ACTIONED  (Read 227 times)


Silkwood Cave Stirges - TO BE ACTIONED
« on: April 10, 2007, 08:08:35 am »
Bug Report
 Description: The stirges in Silkwood Cave now leave remains along with their skinnable corpses. Usually these are a few gold pieces but they have also included low-level items such as healing potions.
 Location: They are in their usual location at the end of the corridor near the lake in Silkwood Cave.
 Reproducable: Yes, this has happened on every visit to Silkwood since Version 3.04 came out. It happened right after the very first V. 3 as well, but went away with one of the updates.
 PS -- Hope I did this right! It's my very first report.


Re: Silkwood Cave Stirges
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2007, 08:10:44 am »
Bug Report

The stirges in Silkwood Cave now leave remains along with their skinnable corpses. Usually these are a few gold pieces but they have also included low-level items such as healing potions.

Location: They are in their usual location at the end of the corridor near the lake in Silkwood Cave.

Verified: Yes, I had actually seen this aswell in this update

Reproducable: Yes, this has happened on every visit to Silkwood since Version 3.04 came out. It happened right after the very first V. 3 as well, but went away with one of the updates.  
 And you did fine Kir O.o


Re: Silkwood Cave Stirges - TO BE ACTIONED
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2007, 11:53:30 am »
I thought they were supposed to leave remains (I think they have, for as long as I remember). This goes for those Red Goblin Scouts as well, they drop harvestable corpse (for the ear) and remains. Usually you have to harvest the corpse before you can see the remains, but still.

