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Author Topic: lesser ladies gift  (Read 78 times)


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    lesser ladies gift
    « on: July 16, 2006, 04:03:26 am »
    I made some modifications to my lesser ladies gift robe and ever since then whenever I log in or shape change or sometime sjust randomly when I transition...the arms disappear and I have to unequip and requip. How can I fix this irritating graphic bug?


    RE: lesser ladies gift
    « Reply #1 on: July 16, 2006, 05:00:15 am »
    Just go in and modify it again, and take it one step back on the arms, or one step forward, i think thats the identical arms. That way you get a graphic that works.


    RE: lesser ladies gift
    « Reply #2 on: July 16, 2006, 09:49:10 am »
    The parts you picked are not compatible with your character model. When you switch clothes, the old one probably stays, but if you go through a transition or something, they can go away.
      You need to re-customize it with different options for the affected part.

    Talan Va'lash

    RE: lesser ladies gift
    « Reply #3 on: July 16, 2006, 07:16:02 pm »
    Dorganath - 7/16/2006  10:49 AM    The parts you picked are not compatible with your character model.  When you switch clothes, the old one probably stays, but if you go through a transition or something, they can go away.
      You need to re-customize it with different options for the affected part.
      Acctually the default biceps on the ladys gift are null (or only visible on humans.) In fact, when I look at the item in the toolset it says the biceps are set to 000.. which is odd considering they aren't appearing.
      Additionally, the DCs to customize the lady's gift items are about 3x what they should be.


    RE: lesser ladies gift
    « Reply #4 on: July 17, 2006, 02:20:24 pm »
    I've noticed the same thing - on two separate characters who wear these robes, the biceps disappear and they have to change to something else and re-equip the Ladies' Gift robes so you can see their upper arms.


    RE: lesser ladies gift
    « Reply #5 on: July 17, 2006, 03:13:42 pm »
    Talan Va'lash - 7/16/2006  9:16 PM  
    Dorganath - 7/16/2006  10:49 AM    The parts you picked are not compatible with your character model.  When you switch clothes, the old one probably stays, but if you go through a transition or something, they can go away.
      You need to re-customize it with different options for the affected part.
      Acctually the default biceps on the ladys gift are null (or only visible on humans.)  
     Hence...not compatible with the character model ;) ...which in this case is an elf. Perhaps "compatible" is the wrong word...available is probably more accurate, but the effect is the same. There's several clothing/armor parts that don't work on some racial types. It's unclear whether the biceps were modified by the player or not. This does remind me though that someone told me (at a time I couldn't make a proper note) that the default arms are not so compatible with elven character models.
      I'm not sure which version of things you have Talan, but the one I have in the live module shows the stock biceps as 017, which is one of the selections that are not compatible with the elven models. The same is true for all 3 of the "Lady's Gift" robes (Lesser Lady's Gift, Lady's Gift, and Greater Lady's Gift).  
      When customizing armor, there's often (regardless of character model) some selections that appear to repeat consecutively when cycling through the options.  This is indicative of options that will not properly display on your model.  The correct choice is an option that will show at the "edge" of one of these sequences.  If you click Next or Previous when customizing and the visual does not appear to change, chances are very good that particular option will not show up on your character model.
      As for the DCs....I'm not sure what they are, at the moment, or what they "should" be, but the issue of DC's for customization is, as you know, part of a bigger issue that's not necessarily a quick fix.

    Talan Va'lash

    RE: lesser ladies gift
    « Reply #6 on: July 18, 2006, 04:36:02 pm »
      I'm not sure which version of things you have Talan, but the one I have in the live module shows the stock biceps as 017, which is one of the selections that are not compatible with the elven models. The same is true for all 3 of the "Lady's Gift" robes (Lesser Lady's Gift, Lady's Gift, and Greater Lady's Gift).
     I just realized why I saw it as 000... I had it open in a mod w/o layo haks heh.


    Re: lesser ladies gift
    « Reply #7 on: September 02, 2006, 05:15:18 pm »
    Biceps adjusted for the next update.  This will only directly affect newly-dropped Lady's Gifts...existing ones will stay as-is, so just customize them to appear correctly.

