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Author Topic: Gem mining?  (Read 84 times)


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    Gem mining?
    « on: August 24, 2005, 11:29:00 am »
    I can mine with both the light pick for gem mining (1d4 dmg, 4 lbs), and the gem crafters chisel (1d4 dmg, 1 lb).  Whenever I touch a stone it goes through one round of 'mine/too hard/chisel breaks/etc' on the results table, and then stops. I never find a gem during this initial attempt at mining, and happens once per deposit.

    After that the next time I touch the deposit, 9 out of 10 times it goes for one round of results and the deposit disappears.  The tenth time it acts as if I am mining it twice at the same time (two result messages at once), and then the deposit acts normally, lasting a random amount of time and giving out gems, etc.

    Works for greenstone and malachite, gem crafters chisel and light pick for gem mining.


    RE: Gem mining?
    « Reply #1 on: August 24, 2005, 11:41:00 am »
    Leafgreen - 8/24/2005  2:29 PM

    I can mine with both the light pick for gem mining (1d4 dmg, 4 lbs), and the gem crafters chisel (1d4 dmg, 1 lb).  Whenever I touch a stone it goes through one round of 'mine/too hard/chisel breaks/etc' on the results table, and then stops. I never find a gem during this initial attempt at mining, and happens once per deposit.

    After that the next time I touch the deposit, 9 out of 10 times it goes for one round of results and the deposit disappears.  The tenth time it acts as if I am mining it twice at the same time (two result messages at once), and then the deposit acts normally, lasting a random amount of time and giving out gems, etc.

    Works for greenstone and malachite, gem crafters chisel and light pick for gem mining.

    Thisis a totally lag related issue. Just take a step back after the first time, and don't spam the minerals with clicks. That is about all I can tell you. I just can't stand those minerals.


    RE: Gem mining?
    « Reply #2 on: August 24, 2005, 11:44:00 am »
    Yes, both the pick and the chisel work. The pick is a hold over from old and unless you like carrying around 3 extra pounds just use chisels.

    On the mining. I have also noticed it doesn't do anything first time you touch it. It's slightly annoying but nothing big. The sand and clay piles do the same. I think it is related to if you click on it and move to it, or if you are actually standing next to it and click it.
    Now as far as what it does after you start mining. It is all random and working as intended. You often get nothing from piles or at times you get a seemingly unending stream. All the luck of the rolls.


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      RE: Gem mining?
      « Reply #3 on: August 24, 2005, 11:45:00 am »

      In that case, crafting vendor in Hlint still has gem mining pick in inventory. (Hlint interiors)


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      RE: Gem mining?
      « Reply #4 on: August 24, 2005, 09:39:00 pm »
      Actually.. the pick isn't a hold over. The other tool is.

      The pick was added when we added the CEP. Which was at the begining of V2.

      We kept the other tool as an option because for some people it became too difficult to have 1 tool for mining the gems and 1 for crafting them. So we added both to the list of items that can mine.

      People should be using picks to mine the gems, unless they don't know better, or can't equip the picks (And there are a couple classes that can equip one and not the other which was another reason...).

      Anyway... there you go.

