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Author Topic: Battlehelm moors bug  (Read 143 times)


Battlehelm moors bug
« on: March 04, 2007, 12:48:56 am »
This a bit complex, so let me explain.

A party was in the Battlehlm moors, 3rd area in.  We were stationed at the transition, waiting for reinforcements.  We waited there for about 20 minutes before our party was fully assembled and we were about to continue our exploration.  Then a shaman spotted us.  We faught a group of baddies.  Every thing was cool, and we were about to make a camp to get ourselves collected.  My character had not rested in over 30 RL min.  Then a spawn popped up of the one we just faught and attacked us again.  Then every thing got real confusing.  It seemed like 2 groups of baddies were instantaneously spawning on us.  Every one fled, and that transition there heading back out of the third area is a hard one to get through.  When we got to the other side.  Same story.  Every critter with in the entire area it seems made a b line for our group and attacked us.  End result was my character rolled a 1 against the soul mother.  

I don't think there was a DM witness, so I am not going to file for a re reimbursement, but it is very frustrating as my character has only died 10 times and he already has 2 DTs.



Re: Battlehelm moors bug
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2007, 01:18:38 am »
Area spawns reviewed, none are near transitions neither triggers nor spawn points. Anything after the next update is either lag or leftovers from another group traveling within them.


